
Last Thursday at school, I was bored so again I typed “Pretty Soldier Wars” in Google, hoping to read more about the game.

I saw something new. talked about it. I read it.

First of all, it’s by G-Collections. Learn to read.

Secondly, as you may notice, it insists on stating “this is a Peach Princess game so it will have many sex scenes”. I thought this closed-minded attitude of “Peach Princess releases porn games lol” was limited only to Haeleth’s message board. I wish they would remove their heads from their behinds.

Brave Soul must have been quite a shock to them. “Where’s the porn?!” (Something Awful’s review reflects this)

well, not necessarily defending those people, but if you really think about it, will and crowd do not release as many “pure love” games as the labels that are under gc, and i guess “pure love” games are likely more of those people’s cup of tea

Often they lump G-Collections with Peach Princess, though. It doesn’t matter to them if G-Collections has released some story-centric games.

but then, peter now owns both gc and peapri so…

Does that mean the end of story-centric games? J/K

Anyways, I think they stem from the Haeleth message boards.

well i know there will at least be one “pure love” type game (at least in my opinion) among the 11-game list

I won’t say it’s Peapriphobia as it’s stereotyping… discrimninatory at worst, but, as Lamuness pointed out, it’s the ‘pure love’ games there are.

To note mockingbird’s comment, one guy over at nnl noted almost every game by GC, except for Kana and Crescendo, as being ‘sexploitation’.

Except that this lumping together already took place before Peter Payne took over G-Collections.

More proof of the phobia. Tottemo Pheromone, Private Nurse, Heart De Roommate, Figures of Happiness,…

Benoit, relax a litte.

While I can understand Private Nurse (esp. because it was made into a non-H PS2 adaptation, just as Kana nearly was for the X-box, and Kanon before it), the others aren’t exactly ‘pure’. The goal of ‘Tottemo’ wasn’t that discreet, Deart De Roommate, despite its low content, seemed to have been heavily advertised as a sex game (when the scnes constituted a low percentage of the game) and Figures of Happiness, for all its goodness, did have a sex scene at the very start of the show.

Oh… and to note; the games that you all singled out were Angelsmile games, except for Tottemo.

I know they aren’t ‘pure’. But should they be? What, do we have to be ashamed of playing games that have pornographic content? Do we have to be ashamed of playing games that have pornographic content that isn’t always a climax of love between two characters?

If you’re only interested in ‘pure love’ games, fine. But I have a beef with people who are only interested in those, and choose to call the rest mindless porn.

I’m quite sure they aren’t just after ‘pure love’ games. Hirameki games are quite popular among the peapriphobia crowd, and we know a lot of them aren’t exactly story-heavy, with some of them having similar premises as some G-Collections games, minus porn. No, Hirameki is favored because it doesn’t have evil porn in its games, simple as that.

While I have to admit that the stereotype and bias is a perplexing issue, it is not as if the medium and genre is fully acceptable in other circles.

Even though anime managed to go places, it still suffers from various stigmas, ranging from being associated as being purely ‘cartoon-ish’, to slightly more adult and hentai anime being seing as a perversion of sort. And by some standards, it’s lucky that it actually got far.

In contrast, what do visual novels have ? They’re really no more then either ADV games, interactive novels, or, if you want to be really condescending, ‘pretty powerpoint presentations’. Sure, some may have beautiful and/or riveting storylines, but the West have long been orientated towards better gampleay. EVen in Japan, the heartland, the preference is also towards game-oriented VNs (Utawaremono is a key example) All this put into perspective, it’s not surprising that some people would wrongly consider these games to exist purely to appease the minds of otakun, hikikomori and the like.

But what about the ‘porn’ element ? Surely it couldn’t be ‘wrong’ to play these games ? But, the sad problem is, the stigma also exists that veiws these games as a moral and ethical ‘wrong’. People in Japan wrongly like to place the blame of the existence of socially inept people on these games. While it is wrong to call them ‘mindless porn’, it would also be wrong to say that knowledge of the porn element should be excluded in respect to other people’s perspectives.

Just a note, Hirameki games are noted because, aside from the simple premise games, they also did license Ever17 and Animundi, which are far from ‘simple premises’. I doubt they would discriminate purely on the porn element.

However, I can say that they could also be discriminative in terms of brand loyalty using ‘mindless porn’ as an excuse. And this, sadly, can’t be helped either… it’s not as if CD-Bros can make games thata re as big as Kanon and/or Fate/Stay Night.

Hah, you’d be surprised. This Hirameki ‘fetish’ started long before Ever17. They were already talking about them when they were in limbo a couple years back.

Then, the only publisher of B-games for PC, besides “GC, PP, JAST USA”, is Hirameki, right?

Unfortunately, many companies went bankrupt (go out of business).

I sincerely hope the “JAST USA & Co” will release new “old DOS H-games” from these defunct companies.

well there’s also kitty media too…

A little birdie told me it would be this version,, by the by. Unfortunately the birdie has yet to build credibility.

Edit: Some reason link doesn’t work; but it’s relatively easy to figure out.

[ 04-17-2007, 03:36 PM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

Bringing this old topic just to note out one smalle thing, but also to highlight a relatively unknown website:

As for Peapriphobia… noting that the featured website does not have a single review of a PP/GC game, and that their focus is on the bigger market game shows a bias of a different sort.


Elitista s these guysa re, at least they still covered Yume Miru Kusuri.

Look at my post again:

No reviews, but they still talk about the English market.

Yeah, because from the moment it was announced they thought it was a good game.

Btw, Benoit, they DID do reviews, though most of their reviews have been for untranslated games AND Hirameki games. Then again, I’m pretty sure you’re adamant on that subject, esp. for the English market.

YMK did do well at the Erogamescape, it was a little bit well-known amongst them before the announcement was made, and, while it doesn’t say much, at least it shows that they do make concessions.

Besides, the people ‘supposedly’ suffering form Peapriphobia are the elitists whow ant to make their appreciation of the game credible for all, and are more ren’ai driven, a reason why they prefer Hirameki games and non-H options. They can and should comment on the ENglish market because they, in a sense, represent that market, as do we all.

And, again Benoit, just to highlight; personal preference. It’s ultimately a war of large prefences; preferences in the smallaer market, or preferences in the bigger market.

Anyway, I’m more interested in the former link. Visualnews is pretty old, but not many people may have heard of

[ 05-06-2007, 01:46 PM: Message edited by: Phineas Lucis ]

In other words, you’re confirming what I said, because that’s what I meant. They still talk about PP/GC games, but never review them.

In my opinion, it just confirms how they feel about PP/GC games. If the game wasn’t popular at EroGameScape, and they hadn’t heard much about it, and it was still as good, they wouldn’t have covered it.

So far, they only had one article about PP/GC games, and secondly, most fo the games licensed by PP/GC aren’t really famous amongst the Japs. The EGS, biased as it may be, does reflect the current preference. So, yes, while it may confirm that fact, it does reflect the popularity of the PP/GC games at the mainland.

And, just to note Benoit; you were highlighting a relatively unknown website. Also, the so-called Peapriphobia isn’t exactly new, but, when you do have a strong grounding in the Japanese language, your vision of most games will change. I warrant that you haven’t a game in pure Japanese, and at that, understand the game at the moment.

I think a certain comment on this page from NNL, those most arrogant and proud of the elitists explain their standpoint. But, noting that they speak from the perspective of a person in knowledge of the language and the amrket itself, and not the ‘official’ translation effort, I think it explains a little bit.

[ 05-06-2007, 09:37 PM: Message edited by: Phineas Lucis ]