
To make a point:

We cannot live in an era of Peapriphobia, or Erogamescaphobia. The EGS stands as the resource that any enthusiast in the industry must consider, whatever the preferences by the market, and the difficulties of PP has to be understood (it was difficult enough to produce YMK, even ins pite of the typos, and my heart goes out to Shingo for his efforts)

I don’t know if I can carry this message off elsewhere, but I feel I need to start it off at least here. Translators, fansubbers and the official effort alike, have to collaborate and unerstand each other if there is to be any progress in the appreciation of these games by a larger effort. I don’t know how else to say it better. Elitism will only lead to seclusion, and with it, a death and forgottence, while understanding will bring about the free flow that we need.

And, if I am allowed, I would like to ask for a free twincest picture from Narg to symbolise my point.

EroGameScape is only to be considered in the Japanese market, really. It’s a Japanese website, and reviews are from Japanese people. And as I said before, it’s a popularity contest.

sigh As usual, people forget that licensing popular good games costs a leg and an arm. And looking at the sales of Kana: Little Sister and Crescendo, it wouldn’t be that good of a business decision. Be realistic, people!

like phineas stated, egs is really just a resource or reference, so whether you choose to accept/buy the info is up to you, however, even though it’s not an abolsute bible of some sort per se, it’s still pretty accurate, in my opinion, in determining how good a game does in japan

but that said, people here have different tastes than those in japan, so you need to balance the two…

But how good a game does in Japan isn’t necessarily telling of its quality.

Activate interlocks! Dyna-therms connected!
Infra-cells up! Mega-thrusters are go!

Hijacking thread with twincest due to negative vibes! Restoring the balance of love. :stuck_out_tongue:

that’s why i said that it’s up to you, the individual, to decide if you choose to buy/accept the info written on that site (or ANY site for that matter). nobody told you to necessarily join the bandwagon per se, but that being said, egs is at least relatively less biased since it does take negative input/voting as well (it’s just really a score, you can give a game a zero if you really hated it)…and all things considered, i still say egs is quite accurate in portraying a game’s quality (there’s no way you can get 100% unbiased stats, but egs is pretty much as good as it can get to date)

Ummm… Benoit, just to note; the sales for Kana & Crescendo were, technically, bigger than the other games. Or maybe I’m wrong (perhaps I should play the part of Mockingbird and do my research in this department)

But judging from the general public, which seems to mention Kana first amongst everything else, I’d say Kana is pretty popular around here, and Kana was a big hit on the EGS. In fact, it was the only localized game that had 500+ more votes and a 80+% rating on EGS. As for Crescendo, while it did have 80%, it was only for the DVD version, with 70% for the CD version, and both having only a hundred votes. So, while it may cost a leg and arm, it could work.

After all, they’re doign the same with YMK; it, without a doubt, think it was a bit risky, but, if the target of 3k copies are met, at least it’s something.


And to Narg… sank yu !

I am under the distinct impression Crescendo is NOT one of the better-selling titles. This is, unfortunately, probably why we haven’t seen many titles like it. (Assuming that’s an accurate picture; it may be completely off …)

I think I better ask the question sooner or later, but, that being said, perhaps you are right. While most places have compared Crescendo to Kana (review sites that is), Crescendo doesn’t seem to be well-known as Kana, so that says something slightly for itself. And a sad pity, really.

It has been said several times before, directly and indirectly, that Kana: Little Sister and Crescendo haven’t sold nearly as well as the sex-fests and dark titles.

Yes, people who aren’t ashamed of admitting that they play this genre of games will praise Kana: Little Sister and Crescendo, but as has also been pointed out several times in the past, we, the avid fans, account for only about 10% of the customers.

But… but… Nargy likes the dark stuff. :frowning:
Oh yea… didn’t I hijack this thread for a greater cause? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sure Nargrakhan prefers dark stuff with actual content (and twincest). :wink:

Unlike Benoit, who only seems to think “Popular=too expensive”, I think Kazoku Keikaku actually has some chance of being licensed, here is the reasoning:

  1. PP, (and formerly GC) seems to have a good relationship with D.O. Games, who released KK, what with 2 D.O. games on the horizon right now (AD 2048 and Snow Sakura).

  2. In terms of Popularity, KK is not much more popular than Kana, which was localized, This isn’t Fate/stay night or Kanon, this game is popular, but not to the point of unapproachability.

I mean Kana also got a “Best Game” award from Getchu. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible to license.

  1. On the Visual News boards, Shingo mentioned that they had another Tanaka Romeo related title (besides YMK) in the works. And since KK was written by Yamada Hajime, who was believed to change his pen name to Tanaka Romeo after the D.O. breakup, I think this is a candidate for the title.

(He also said that the title “May or May not” be on his EGS page, which further draws suspicion to it being a Yamada Hajime title.)

EDIT: Spelling Corrected.

[ 05-08-2007, 08:32 PM: Message edited by: Shade453 ]

There’s only one proble Benoit; you can’t back it up.

And I can’t either.

The only we can back up any one of our claims in this department is to have the sales figures of the games released by G-collections, and, to be frank Benoit, I disagree with you in this respect one way or the other, as I’d rather believe in an emphasis on storyline then just sexfests and dark stuff.

Yes, I agve you full permission to hijack this thread FOR GREAT JUSTICE !

And, irregardless, I still don’t believe that ‘dark’ games are more popular than story-focused games. Its a bais, perhaps, but it’s my stand.

Yeah, when the dark stuff is good, nothing else counts :o … MUHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAH :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: !!!

Holy shit! Kansen 2!? There is a God! :smiley:

Sex zombies that really aren’t sex zombies. Whee! :stuck_out_tongue:

This deserves a reward of twincest, don’cha think?

Well for me, I must find at least one dark-side otome game.

But, I found a new interest, and the one type of game I now want to purchase. Barring Private Nurse the PS version & the Crescendo DVD.


But you have to keep in mind that G-Collections was essentially CD-Bros. USA, and CD-Bros. Japan is the umbrella for many bishoujo game companies, of which D.O. is one. In which case the hefty license fee need not apply.

Argh, I had hoped you would just take my word on it so I would not have to search after the evidence (which does NOT need to be sales figures). But you’ve been overly critical on everything I post for some time now.

This seems rather… foolish and naive, considering the facts.

No, it’s definitely a bias. One you wouldn’t have if you had been a regular here like me for 3 years. Don’t just discredit what I say just because it doesn’t conform to your beliefs. :mad:

Um, you DO know that KK is also a D.O. game, don’t you? :wink:

Yes, I know Kazoku Keikaku is a D.O. game, and I did read your entire post.

Try again. :slight_smile: