
Try WHAT again?

I think, even without GC officially, it is still possible to get this title.

I may also note that this game is currently out of print and D.O. is hosting it as a cheap download at DLsite, So it might not be too hard to license when you think about it’s age.

Why should I take your word for it ? Just who are you anyway ?

Takes one to know one. And frankly, you’ve been over-critical with a lot of people before, so, I’m doing the same with you.

What are you; Randite ? Foolish and naive it may be, it’s still a standpoint I’m willing to take. (and I’m no far of Randites)

And you’re throwing seniority into the issue here.

And bias, as it is, doesn’t mean that I have to be forced to believe some ‘facts’, esp. a certain belief that the market can’t change. And please note seniority is also a bias, since just because you’ver spent a logner tiem in anrea doesn’t mean you’d know the ins and outs. Experience has its limitations.

I second shade. Just what are you trying to say Benoit ?

[ 05-09-2007, 02:39 PM: Message edited by: Phineas Lucis ]

To discredit my point with counter-points.

Because I’ve been a regular here for 3 years, and have been in the scene for at least as long, and thus have read way more about it.

That’s who I am, and it doesn’t seem like you.

Choosing not to believe facts is stupid. I’m sure everyone can agree on that. Oh, no, I choose to believe 2+2 is not 4, but 5!

And I never said that the market can’t change. It just still hasn’t.

Of course, but just like you’re less biased because you actually played Crescendo, unlike me, I’m less biased because I have a pretty good idea what I’m talking about.

A regular here, maybe, but the scene is bigger than you think. And pretty much everyone can read about the situation in two years or even a year and thus ‘read way mroe about it’. If a genius spent a year on a subject where normal perosn took two years, does that make the genius any less inadequate ? In terms of consitency, maybe, but in terms of knowledge, I think not.

There’s a lot of me you wouldn’t know, and that I won’t spout off so quickly. Like I once said, I liked Iago’s character in Othello.

And I rather believe it can. Not that it will, but that it can.

Firstly, I never said I was less biased (since the laws of bias dictate that we are all equally biased, just more bias in some ways then others, but the same, equal levels of bias), and as for that latter statement… no comment.

But back to bias, we are all equally bias, just more bias in some ways than others.

[ 05-09-2007, 03:20 PM: Message edited by: Phineas Lucis ]

I see what you guys are going. You just want me to post more twincest. Nothing soothes the nerves like twincest. :slight_smile:

Originally posted by Nargrakhan:
[b] I see what you guys are going. You just want me to post more twincest. Nothing soothes the nerves like twincest. :slight_smile:


But then again, the first one is cute while the second one is worth my 29 Euros

Originally posted by Phineas Lucis:
[b]And I swear that I need to play more otome games to combat your twincest :wink:

I did a search of this forum and didn’t find any statements from Peter Payne, Vaga42Bond or Lamuness about G-Collections’ sales. I did find a post to back up my “10% of customers” statement, though.

Still, I’d argue that it is quite clear that the sex-fests and dark titles sold more. Just look at G-Collections’ line-up. They started with variety, then released more dark titles. Hell, I just found evidence!

Also, look at Vaga42Bond’s Q&A rounds. Games that people who appreciate story would have liked, like Fortuna and Kazoku Keikaku, got “–”, meaning extremely unlikely to get a release.

That doesn’t mean anything right now, though. PP is more willing to release story-based games, whereas G-Collections just released what was selling.

It IS true that mindless sexfests sell more, same case in Japan, really, but some companies are more willing to cater to the 10% sometimes than others who just focus on the majority.

I’m pretty sure PP is more willing to have more variety than GC was, which was mostly mindless sexfests.

So I stand by my point that PP Might consider KK more than GC did because they are less focused on “Whatever sells the most” and are willing to make concessions.

I mean, I doubt GC proper would have picked up Snow Sakura, which does’nt feature more than 3 H-scenes per character, and spends more time building up.

Here is an excerpt from my interview back in AX 06 ( ):

AMN: A bit about the sales of your games. Which games have sold best and in comparison, how did they sell in Japan?

Peter Payne: I donft know anything about the numbers in Japan, just certain games have struck a nerve with our customers and theyfve sort of shot up above and beyond some of the other games.Sagara Family has always been really popular, Tsuki, Virgin Roster cause the art-style has great appeal to people I think. Tokimeki Check-In! and the X-Change series have always been really popular. Cat-girls are popular so Letfs Meow Meow! has always been the top five or ten games. I donft really have any information on the Japan side but Ifll bet therefs probably differences in how American fans want this but Japanese fans, maybe they werenft that interested in it so itfd be interesting to compare those.

AMN: You guys also have a few story driven titles such as Crescendo and Kana. How have those fared in comparison to your other releases?

Peter Payne: Kana is so popular. So many people have heard about it and so many people have cried over it. That has always been a popular title. Crescendo has also done really well though a little less because people didnft really know the name already when it came out.

They aren’t sales numbers; but Peter did say the games have done “really well.” One thing I’d like to note is that I don’t know if Peter is including sales of the titles prior to G-Collections becoming a part of JAST-USA until 7/06–or just from the moment he acquired it until 7/06.

Twincest is overrated. :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 05-09-2007, 05:10 PM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

Blaspheme! :eek:

Nargrakhan, Phineas may have given you his permission to hijack this thread, but what he forgot is that it’s MINE! :slight_smile:

The license price tag will still be an important factor, though. And in contrast to what you think, an older popular game is not cheaper. Just look at Kanon, Air and some other well-known titles that are not recent but are still expensive to license.

Eh, G-Collections released more dark titles, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t have picked up a title of that kind. Just look at Crescendo and Figures of Happiness.

Nothing has been said about Snow Sakura’s popularity in Japan yet, though.

Of course, I said it’s a POSSIBILITY. I was talking about an individual release, NOT the entire lineup.


The license price tag will still be an important factor, though. And in contrast to what you think, an older popular game is not cheaper. Just look at Kanon, Air and some other well-known titles that are not recent but are still expensive to license. [/b]

Those aren’t the best examples to use. Kanon has been re-released and has TWO anime seiries based on it, Air has one. Not to mention the fact that they were not “supposed” to be adult titles and were only made such because the market demanded it.


Eh, G-Collections released more dark titles, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t have picked up a title of that kind. Just look at Crescendo and Figures of Happiness.

Nothing has been said about Snow Sakura’s popularity in Japan yet, though. [/b][/QUOTE]

I wasn’t talking about popularity here, I was talking about content. I guess I just didn’t really think that one through. However, GC kinda Ignored D.O. in it’s later years, so I guess they were focusing on lesser-known brands for the Story-based titles. However, I do note that YMK actually WAS on the best seller list on Getchu for 12/1005, and PP managed to get ahold of it, so I’ll just say “never say never”

BTW, in terms of popularity, SS has an EGS rating of 75, and D.O. HAS released a mini-game based on one of the characters in it for a free download with another game. So while I won’t say it was “popular”, it defiantly has its fans.

[ 05-09-2007, 06:38 PM: Message edited by: Shade453 ]

Yes, that’s true. I was thinking about this, but I didn’t have better examples.

Indeed, never say never. Though YMK was from a Will brand (Ruf), and Will is one of Peach Princess’ investors, so… Just a thought. :slight_smile:

…if you guys continue to use my line without authorization i think i am going to sue :stuck_out_tongue:

You have got to stop reading my mind like that. You’ll go blind.

Look at the titles we ultimately received. Specifically, compare Peach Princess to GC.

GC put out games with extremely simple, easy-to-debug decision trees, almost exclusively. I mean, they put out stuff with “Character selction” bits where you just picked who you were going after! Not just one, either, but later on that was most of their lineup!

Compare that to PeaPri, who put out Little My Maid, a game that GC almost certainly would have passed on (or cancelled after working on it for some time) – just read up on the history and you’ll see how ludicrously complicated the game is. (I got stuff to do or I’d do that myself … suffice to say, thousands of script files and complicated linkage = debugging nightmare), Brave Soul, which is an RPG. Doushin, which (though I have yet to play it) features extremely complex gameplay mechanics involving swapping at will between various characters.

It does not necessarily have to do with GC having a bias against story games (although that undoubtedly plays a role as well). As I see it, it’s more that GC picked games it was easy for them to crank out – that’s part of why their production schedule was so much faster. The more complicated titles (like Crescendo) were spaced fairly far apart.

My evidence for the ‘strong story games sell poorly’ is old conversations with PeaPri staff, but I couldn’t say exactly when or where (or even if it was in chat versus on the board here). But I do know for a very long time, XChange 1 was the strongest seller.

The GC game selection queries probably DO reflect a bias against story-heavy games. But they ALSO demonstrated a clear preference for simpler games. Note that one of the games referenced – Fortuna – as having 0 chance of being translated … is an RPG! I can’t possibly imagine GC doing an RPG. They’d’ve choked on it, the same way Peach Princess choked on Little My Maid.

I guess I should change my reference regarding the “title that wouldn’t have been released by GC proper” to AD2048, which is a strategy game.

[ 05-09-2007, 11:39 PM: Message edited by: Shade453 ]

True. But I think people will remember it more for my counterarguments, than the rest of yall. :stuck_out_tongue:

And to continue my “discussion” on the topic:

Just curious, Nargrkhan, but is this piture from an anime or game, and could you tell me the tile in either case as it looks interesting?

Also, I too support twincest. I hope a game featuring it is in one of the games G-Collections has in store in the future (keeps fingers crossed (hey a guy can dream right?)