People posting with real names

I noticed today that the usernames of two posters here (jacksprat and MSG) changed from a pseudonym to what appears to be real names. This change suspiciously coincided with the release of Starless. I wanted to verify that these changes were voluntary and not the result of some sort of technical issue.

I think this is a glitch too. I’m seeing way too many real looking names.

JAST please look into the issue!

We're looking into it. We didn't change anything in our settings.

I see MSG's name reappeared as MSG. So it looks like there was an issue after all, even if it wasn't technically on JAST's end. You should investigate what caused the problem and fix it.

What’s the issue? I am using my real name…

It appears the instant someone purchases a game on the main site, it switches their name here with their real name. I experienced this today as I bought a game from the main site.

Uh... that's not good. Please fix this. Take the BBS down if you have to. This is a serious privacy concern.

Just one more reason why the new forum blows.

I don't pretend to have a clue what could be causing this, but would a temporary fix be to ensure the account a consumer uses for the forum is completely different to the account used for the main JAST site? I.E not even sharing the same email? Or alternatively, would ordering through JList work as a temporary fix?

JAST is getting fake personal information from me til this issue gets addressed. I hope you can process payments with a fake ID, or you're going to lose a sale of Raidy 3.

If I confirm that another user's real name is leaked without their consent, I WILL be forced to publicize that it is not safe to store personal information with JAST, and JAST WILL lose customers over this. To prevent this scenario, I HIGHLY recommend you take down the forums until you've taken care of the issue. You're a porn company; you can NOT play fast and loose with customers' personal information like this.

Is it just name leaking?Ok again I am probably totally missing the point of why this matters but why is it such a bad thing if people know your real name since you are indeed on a porn forums about porn games?!!!I mean I can see it slightly effecting you job wise but doesn’t it still matter of “what you do in private is your own business”???

It's a matter of trust. When people post with a pseudonym, they expect a degree of privacy. Swapping that pseudonym with a customer's real name without the customer's consent is a breach of trust. Porn consumption is a sensitive matter. You may be comfortable associating your real name with porn, but others aren't. I feel reasonably certain that JAST could be held legally liable for such a breach of trust. This is NOT a laughing matter.

As for consequences, many people work in sensitive areas where association with porn could get them fired. Imagine that you were a politician, police officer, or pediatrician caught openly discussing your sexual interest in violent rape, scat, bestiality, and lolis. The resulting public humiliation could possibly end such careers. This is VERY serious business.

After looking into this, the issue is part of the SSO system used between our store and the forums.

When your name on is updated, this triggers the system to update your name in the forum. Your store name is the master record in this relationship. If you change your store name, it will reflect in the forums. If you change your name in the forums, it will not reflect on the store.

Your billing name and account name are separate, so feel free to change your display name in the store account. This will not affect billing or your orders.


Yes. I agree. It's an issue we take seriously. I'll publicizing it, don't worry about that.

We've been working on a forum updates in the dark, but it's not quite ready for showtime. Due to this newly found bug, I'll try to get it pushed out the door sooner than later .

Thank you for recognizing the seriousness of the issue. Could you clarify on exactly what fields are affected, preferably with a screenshot showing the exact field that overwrites the forum name? I see entries for name in the following areas of the JAST account.

@Dark_Shiki It's your account name, not billing. I've updated the information here.

What a mess, I was affected by this and I am very unhappy about it. :(

I already suggested having a separate field-value for accounts for the forum name, in the relaunch feedback thread. Or, if it's use is intended as an account name, then call the field account name, the way it is setup now is rather confusing.

@Dark_Shiki: Thanks very, very much for bringing this to JAST’s attention. And yes, I was affected. I logged in a few days ago, saw my real name everywhere, and was one majorly unhappy camper. Thankfully, updating the name immediately changed every post back to my pseudonym, but it definitely rattled me. I’m not exactly angry at JAST because I do think it was an honest (and automated) mistake. It happened exactly when I was moving a bunch of J-List download purchases over from the old G-Collections to JAST USA’s new download site, and I’m sure that wasn’t coincidental.

Without malice, I have to say that I won’t be making any more game orders or redeeming any new downloads from either J-List or JAST until I’m 100% sure this issue is addressed, or at least till I’m 100% sure I understand the work-around. On that note, Nicholas, I think I understand what you’re saying about the account name, but see if my “for-dummies” step-by-step sounds correct:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in to my store account from that page.
  3. On the “My Account” sidebar to the left, go to “Account Information” and update the name to whatever I want to see appear when I post on the forums.
  4. I want to confirm – I should leave the billing name (under “Address Book”) alone because this is only used to bill me and will not be displayed, correct?
  5. I also want to confirm – if I make download purchases from J-List and redeem them on JAST USA per the new policy, that won’t override what I enter here and replace it with my real name. Right? Because that’s what actually got me this go-around.

Please confirm that these instructions are correct. And if possible in your update, please consider divorcing forum accounts from store accounts entirely. I think the reason you have it that way is because you initially hoped JAST Connect would be 80% helpdesk site and only 20% forum, but as you’ve no doubt discovered, we like to talk, and that isn’t likely to change soon. :slight_smile: Just let people enter their store order number and otherwise let these two never meet… Too much potential for technical/privacy goof-ups of this sort.

Well I just fixed it. Meh, whatever. People know my name. Doesnt bother me too much but I do understand the feelings around here. So I fixed it as soon as I noticed it. Whatever.

@jacksprat1 Correct. Your names in the "Address Book" for billing are not the same as your account name. You only have to change your account name. When you add a new game to your account it counts as an update, which would trigger the the forums to re-check your account name.

"When you add a new game to your account it counts as an update, which would trigger the the forums to re-check your account name."

That's actually not true. I added Littlewitch Romanesque to my account yesterday and it didn't reveal my JAST store account pseudonym on these forums. There must be some other condition.