Per Uni's request my Quickie review of Soul Link (japan

Ok Unicorn you twisted my arm I’ll do a quickie review of soul link LE

The LE items is pretty cool, but for $100+ not for everyone. They have a hadcover artbook with character sketchs and stuff of the game. Not very think but nice nontheless. The talking clock is nice and is sting on my bookself right now. It design is like those old round alarm clocks with 2 bells on the top except the bells don’t really work since it’s a talking clock. The face of the clock consists of the 3 main girls of Soul link (Forgot how to spell the girls names, might edit this post and put the girls name in later). It’s not really a fancy clock but cute and totally work safe There’s a button on the back to test the alarm or to just listen to the girls voice. Ok that’s it for the extras.

Now for the game. Suprisingly enough part of the menus and stuff is in english. The buttons for save, load,, q.load, log ect were all in english(one less thing I had to figure out when I started playing YaY!!) Another good thing is that in the manual the names of all the main characters also is translated in english.

Here’s where I’m going to BS about the premise and story since I have 0 or close to that japanese language comprehension. Basically a group of space cadets are sent to the space station for training or something. But during training/school the station is invaded by rebels/terroristos. And that’s where you begin to make story choices. Oh yeah and what sci-fi story would be complete without some alien or lab monster so obviously there’s a lab here that’s doing work on something…

The game is broken down into chapters. And while I believe there’s 4 chapters(didn’t finish the game yet FFX-2 kinda sidetracked me ) The first chapter or prologue is all dialog so no choices involved. Chapter 2 you take control of the Sempai (I’ll maybe add his name later ) as he tries to gain control back from the terroristos. After you finish chapter 2 you gain control of the Sempai’s little brother (You just know Sempai’s gotta have his little bro and childhood friend with him on the space station). Don’t know who you are going to control in chapter 4 since I’m not there yet.

It’s kinda neat how the game is broken down into chapters and you can start a new game from any of the chapters that you have previously started. So if you wanted to just play Sempai you don’t have to go through the prologue at all or if you wanna play lil bro you don’t need FF through the prologue and Sempai chapters. But this leads me to believe that the game is pretty linear or the previous chapters choices don’t affect the next chapter as how can you transfer you choices from previous chapters if you start a new game and skipped those chapters.

The CG is top notch, I love the character designs. But YMMV as art is totally subjective, I like zyx’s chara designs but know a buncha people that hate it. The music is adequate and fills the mood of the game quite well.

Well that’s it for my quickie review. If I can drag myself off of FFX-2 long enough I’ll edit this a bit with character names and stuff, just don’t count on it though

Is soul Link a ZyX’s game? amazing… i think this is the 1¬∞ time i dont believe they used the KISS program… (maybe i’m mistaken, its been a while since i last saw the pics and cant really remember…)

Hope u get away long enough from FFX-2 to be able to write something a little more… complete…

Is soul Link a ZyX's game? amazing... i think this is the 1° time i dont believe they used the KISS program...

I think that response deserves a...


You can thank me later. [img][/img] [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 02-08-2005).]

Originally posted by The Unholy Avenger:
Is soul Link a ZyX's game?

If that were the case, I would foresee two possibilities. One: G-Collections would get it, easily implement it with V-Mate, and disappoint many who would not be able to play a "different" ero-game for once. Or two: Translating a ZyX title that doesn't look like or play like a typical ZyX game could create a paradox, the results of which could cause a chain reaction that would unravel the very fabric of the space-time continuum and destroy the entire universe. Granted, that's the worse case scenario. The destruction might, in fact, be very localised, limited to merely our own galaxy. Provided the implementation with V-Mate doesn't act up as much as it seems to have done with Minna de Nyan Nyan...


Sorry, just watched Back to the Future 2 on DVD...

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 02-08-2005).]

First of all:
Thanks to Wanfu2K1 for replying to my request. Sounds intriguing and thus the chances that I finally grab the PE that is still available is increased.

Originally posted by The Unholy Avenger:
Is soul Link a ZyX’s game?

No, it isn’t. The Brand’s name is Navel.

Wanfu2k1 just wanted to emphasize, that even though he likes the chara-designs of this game, this might not be the case for everyone. And in order to express the likelyness of such differences, he pointed out that he himself likes the ZyX chara-designs, while others (like me) are already bored from those recurring images.

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki

I hope, you agree that my reply to that question was by far more constructive than yours.

Spelling and grammatical mistakes… Argh.


I think most of the confusion comes from this strange abbreviation. What does it mean?

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I hope, you agree that my reply to that question was by far more constructive than yours.

Yes, but there's something to be said for the elegance of brevity. [img][/img] But yes, in an alternate mood I would've posted what you did. However, I decided that The Unholy Avenger was probably sharp enough to realize his own mistake, and didn't require it to be entirely spelled out for him lecture-style. [img][/img]

I'll have to agree with Benoit here. Wanfu2k1 obviously wrote the post up in a hurry, and it shows (though he should be thanked for writing it all, of course). I also have no idea what that abbreviation means.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 02-09-2005).]

"Your Mileage May Vary"

In other words, it might not be exactly the same for you. I suspect the ZyX example was just put there because there seems to be a lot of people who dislike ZyX art (I know I do) but he doesn’t, and it could be the same for the art of this game.

I like Navel’s art in this game (what I’ve seen of it, at least).

Originally posted by AG3:
I like Navel's art in this game (what I've seen of it, at least).

* nods *
Same here.

And as for more examples of Navel's art:
look here!

Navel’s art is great.

… Some pretty good Engrish in some of those pictures too. “She is whether to become a polite sweetheart”?

Very nice CG.

Yeah, Duel Savior (one of the games bishounen_blue lent me) has some memorable Engrish too. I particularly like:

You were Chosen Fatally…

Sucks to be you, eh?

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 02-09-2005).]

Heh isn’t it the point for my quickie reviews to be not very good but quick. Otherwise I would say real review Computermania should respond to this threads with his thoughts since he has finished the game already, and probably give everyone another prospective to the game.

Guess I shouldn’t have put the Zyx blurb there since it seemed to have cause a little misunderstanding, but yeah my idea of cute designs might not match your ideas

Hi^^; you had a good review Wanfu2k1-san. I wont say any review but, Soul Link is very huge story. Some of the parts have translated in english. For example, when you see the bad endings, message will translate in english.
Also, since all of the characters have voice on it, you’re watching like stop anime, Closer to the Novel.
Anyway, I had fun with that game.
Odd… in the game you will have two main characters. One of the main characters is Aizawa Shuhei and another main character is Ryouta Aizawa. This two peoples are brothers.

But this review being in the forum Japanese Bishoujo Game Reviews, requires it to have good grammar and spelling, mon ami.

Originally posted by Computermania:
Hi^^; you had a good review Wanfu2k1-san. I wont say any review but, Soul Link is very huge story. Some of the parts have translated in english. For example, when you see the bad endings, message will translate in english.
Also, since all of the characters have voice on it, you're watching like stop anime, Closer to the Novel.
Anyway, I had fun with that game.
Odd... in the game you will have two main characters. One of the main characters is Aizawa Shuhei and another main character is Ryouta Aizawa. This two peoples are brothers.

Yeah that's why I could kinda follow what's going on, guess all my years of listening to anime in japanese was good for something [img][/img]
But I still haven't quite figured out what happened in the end of chapter 1 with Shuhei.

Well the bad endings translations were more of a hinderance than help since it was translated in engrish [img][/img] Maybe I should post some screen caps of them [img][/img]

Hey i has good gramar and speling

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Well the bad endings translations were more of a hinderance than help since it was translated in engrish [img][/img] Maybe I should post some screen caps of them [img][/img]

I would be amused if you did. [img][/img]

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Yeah that's why I could kinda follow what's going on, guess all my years of listening to anime in japanese was good for something [img][/img]
But I still haven't quite figured out what happened in the end of chapter 1 with Shuhei.

Well the bad endings translations were more of a hinderance than help since it was translated in engrish [img][/img] Maybe I should post some screen caps of them [img][/img][/B]

End of chapter 1 shuhei transfrom to sukyura. That end with chapter 1.odd...what parts you wont to know?

[This message has been edited by Computermania (edited 02-10-2005).]

Ok spoilers are gonna be comming for chapter 1 so people be warned

Ok so Shuhei transformed at the end when he grasps the other hand. But why? Was he infected with something that made him transform or was it always in him.? And what was that blob that was after Nao in the first aid station?

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Ok [b]spoilers are gonna be comming for chapter 1 so people be warned [img][/img]

Ok so Shuhei transformed at the end when he grasps the other hand. But why? Was he infected with something that made him transform or was it always in him.? And what was that blob that was after Nao in the first aid station?[/b]

That section...well let me see....he was infected from beggining of the chapter 0.
Remember that, when he had dream in the chapter 0 really in the begenning. Anyway, he was infected already by the teacher. How he get infected..well that is when the teacher was dress somebody else and she shack his hand that is when he was infected.

About the Nao she was in first aid room because she had accident at the cargo room. Her hand was damaged. Later her hands will be healed. How she get will fond out in chapter 3 which is unknown. Is that OK or you wont to know more about it.. that the section you want to know?