Per Uni's request my Quickie review of Soul Link (japan

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
If you need help on what choices you need I got it all mapped out. There's actually quite a few paths you can take to get through that part of the game safely.

Thanks a lot for your kind offer. But actually, I found yesterday a kouryaku for the entire game, so if I should really give up on solving the map on my own, I should find a valid solution there too.
Particularly your hint that more than one possible solution exists encourages me to try it a few times more.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
So how do you like the game so far?

I like it quite a lot. Even though I only know for now about the terrorist-problem in the station for sure, I also got from your review and the other talk at this thread that the story has not just action-elements, but also a fair share of mystery and the dream at the beginning of the prologue is already a nice hint at that as well. So, I look forward to the things to come... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Computermania
LE on the Soul Link their will came with clock and you have the each of the characters alaram. Thing is that to noisy.

I can agree to that wholeheartedly. When I first had put the batteries into that thing I (of course) tried the alarm-voices right away... and the first "Oki nasai!" already proved to mee that I shouldn't use it for my own dayly wake-up-call because my neighbours wouldn't be too thrilled by that noise.
Too bad, they forgot to add a loudness-switch to that clock for people who don't live separated in their own house...

By the way: besides the clock I also think the artbook is quite nice. So, I am really happy that I still got the LE even months after the game was released.

Originally posted by Computermania:
[quote] Originally posted by Unicorn:
[b]Hi there!

I am back from my vacation and have also started playing the game. But I am still stuck in the 20 move map section... ^^;;;

20 move map selection...that was hard. I have the correct map root on the help section. Anyway, I play over again and I still like it. LE on the Soul Link their will came with clock and you have the each of the characters alaram. Thing is that to noisy.

[/b] [/quote]

Hehe yeah it is, but that's why it's an alarm clock [img][/img]

Yeah the artbook was a nice addition to the LE.

Oh and 1 more hint to the map part, depending on your choices you can pass this part with as little as 15 turns (where the last 5 don’t matter). Hmm…ok guess that’s not really a hint

Ok here’s one visiting the first aid station from time to time might be a good idea

[This message has been edited by wanfu2k1 (edited 03-17-2005).]

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Oh and 1 more hint to the map part, depending on your choices you can pass this part with as little as 15 turns (where the last 5 don't matter). Hmm..ok guess that's not really a hint [img][/img]

Perhaps not a hint, but at least some encouragement.
I formerly thought that there is only one possible solution to this section and if there is a tolerance of 5 moves that may be wasted, it shouldn't be all too hard to get through this section.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Ok here's one visiting the first aid station from time to time might be a good idea [img][/img]

Of course, I did that too during my previous playthroughs of this section. But perhaps not frequently enough...
On my last visit there, Nao-chan checked Shuhei's wound and was amazed (or rather worried) about its miraculous recovery.

By the way: One of my favourite scenes during this 20move-map-section is when Shuhei mischievously coerces Yuu into finally giving away her name. That were quite mean names he would have given her instead... [img][/img]
(man [img][/img]-chan.... [img][/img] )

Ah well, I suppose I'll give it another shot today in the evening.

Your on the right track. Remember you have to see certain events in order for the next important events/scenes to occur.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Yeah the artbook was a nice addition to the LE.

Oh and 1 more hint to the map part, depending on your choices you can pass this part with as little as 15 turns (where the last 5 don't matter). Hmm..ok guess that's not really a hint [img][/img]

Ok here's one visiting the first aid station from time to time might be a good idea [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by wanfu2k1 (edited 03-17-2005).]

^^ I like artbook also. The LE box is huge. Anyway, here is the questions^^; When you install the game on the desktop or labtop you will select noromal or maximum installetion. I always choose max. Anyway, after you finish the installation and when you start the game it pop up with normal windows. When you set to the full-screen you can't change the selection... Anybody had this problem?

Hmm…I don’t remember having that problem and I always go with max installation. Maybe you got a bad install.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Hmm..I don't remember having that problem and I always go with max installation. Maybe you got a bad install.

I try twice and still happen same. When you bring cursor on the top you can change the files or quit game or change the option. In the normal Window yes I can select those, but after I did the full screen I can't select anymore. Also, I try short cut to make the windows and still won't do it lol

Hmm…that’s strange. I’ll go mess with it when I get back home(guess that’s a good excuse for me to start up the game again ). So the menu buttons don’t work once you switch to full screen?

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Hmm...that's strange. I'll go mess with it when I get back home(guess that's a good excuse for me to start up the game again [img][/img] ). So the menu buttons don't work once you switch to full screen?

Correct^^; menu option will not show up when I change to full I have to find solution some how....

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
So the menu buttons don't work once you switch to full screen?

Originally posted by Computermania:

Correct^^; menu option will not show up when I change to full I have to find solution some how....

That's strange, because I tried this yesterday too and it worked perfectly on my system and under different circumstances:

  • game's main menu
  • in-game

Everytime when I was in fullscreen-mode, I brought the mouse-pointer to the top and the menu showed up, I select the preferences-menu and from there the window-mode-menu and there finally windowed mode and the game switched back from full-screen to windowed.

By the way: At least the menu doesn't tell about a shortcut for this switch. Damn, I forgot to test if Alt-CR would work anyway...

As for my progress:
* Spoilers ahead!
I finally left the 20-step-maze behind me and proceeded until that lengthy talk with the scientist, right after I brought Aki-chan and Morimoto-san to Sheraton.
I was quite glad about having those two fun people back. But I really started wondering how long this chapter is going to last. I first thought it was already over at the end of the fight with Gale...
Actually, I even expected the typical "... hope an alternative future is opened..." when I saw the dark-and-blood-screen. Wow, was I mistaken...
* End of spoilers

Well, I have apparently still plenty of things ahead playing as Shuhei. And I already enjoyed the game so far a lot: thrilling and funny situations and you never can tell beforehand which kind of situation the current one is.
* Spoilers again!
So, I of course was quite too cautious in Mesaltium and confronted Aki-chan and Morimoto-san with my drawn weapon...
(But who would blame me: The SOS came from there, but apparently nobody was there. So somebody had to be hiding. But who might that be and for what purpose... Well, Shuhei already died too frequently during the first fights, so I chose to take no chances this time.)
* End of second spoiler-area
I enjoy this game definitely more than I did with Critical Point. Maybe it even becomes a rival for EVE Burst Error...

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 03-29-2005).]

Yeah testing the game last night, and all the menu functions works in both full screen and windowed. I even switched back and forth several times trying to get it not work. So either you got a bad disk or there’s something in your XP that doesn’t like soul link.

Unicorn: Looks like your not even to chapter 2 yet. So have you gotten to the 2nd map sequence yet?

^^; It seems that my labtop don’t like Soul Link. lol Map selections are very important. So vwhat chapter are you now? Wanfu-san

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Unicorn: Looks like your not even to chapter 2 yet. So have you gotten to the 2nd map sequence yet?

That's right. I am still in the first chapter and if there is a second map-sequence, then I also still await it with horror...
I am just about to go back to the position where I returned with Aki-chan and Morimoto-san to Sheraton in order to understand entirely what that scientist wants to tell me. It's quite a lengthy speech of plenty of unknown Kanjis... ^^;;;

As for the fullscreen-matter:
I also checked the one thing I forgot the day before: switches between the screen-modes as well, even though the menu doesn't tell about this usual shortcut.

But if the problem arose on a laptop, I can think of a possible source of the problem: The LCD-display of a laptop has only a very limited amount of resolutions and I suppose, it automatically switched to another (lower) resolution when the fullscreen-mode was activated and not switched back when you disactivated this mode. Try to manually switch the resolution back to the original setting.

I’m still trudging along in chapter 2. I’m sure I’m getting closer to the end though

Oh and like Uni said, your laptop’s lcd screen could be the culprit.

I install other games and they can change full screen or Windows Menu from options. I think it is not LCD screen if the LCD screen is not good other games won’t work. Anyway, you alomost finish chapter 2 good luck^^ I really like each of the characters happy endings. Quick note: If you won’t gather 100%of CGs you have to follow the option that I give you on the help section. Later on I put the full complete of Soul Link guide.

A short heads up for my fellow SoulLink-players:

I finally finished the first chapter this weekend.

… but the third map-section wasn’t as tough as the one before. And it was quite fun to witness how Shuhei managed to win that hide-and-seek-game…

And the end of this chapter made it really tough to me to stop playing: after the scene with the birthday-present, I really wonder if THAT was the end.
At least, I still can pray for him like I did in FF VII for Aerith. Abd taking into account that those “Skula-cells” may work better than expected, there is still more hope than was back then…

Finished yesterday finally the second and the last chapter.

Whoa, that was quite a surprise!

… and I have to agree: She really is evil incarnate. Never before did I encounter such a character in a bishoujo game. Even Captain Wong in “Critical Point” was a saint, compared to her.
So, I admit, I was quite anxious about what was I was going to witness happening to N.

I really enjoyed playing this game. Now that I have finished it, I am positive that it is really close to being on par with “EVE Burst Error”.

Actually, its story is even stronger in the romance-department than C’s calssic.

So, thanks a lot again to wanfu-san who made this review that encouraged me to buy the game too.

If you did correct option, in the chapter 3 you will have good endings, but if you made wrong selection you will end up eith bad endings. But, you have to gather the CGs to complete the CGs section.

Originally posted by Computermania:
If you did correct option, in the chapter 3 you will have good endings, but if you made wrong selection you will end up eith bad endings.

* nods *
Apparently I made the correct decisions.
I have yet to confirm if Yuu and Aki will also give me good endings, but since I now know chapter 3 after I finshed the chapter 2 with the Sayaka-ending, I suppose that it actually doesn't matter whom Ryota ends with.

Well, actually, the toughest part of the game was the 20-move-maze. The rest was a quite enjoyable SciFi/crime/mystery navel - err - novel. [img][/img]

I was a bit depressed when I saw the ending of chapter 2, but I am now quite happy that I decided to read through the last chapter right after that instead of saving it for next weekend.

This game's story gave me really a few things to reflect upon. And the way they still managed to bring the story to THAT conclusion was more than just a surprise to me.

Spoiler removed

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 05-06-2005).]