Persona 3 Fes

Persona 3 Fes has a US release date of 4/22 now. I’m so happy I can hardly contain myself! It’s the full version of P3 with the Fes expansion so that if you missed it the first time, like most of my friends, you aren’t hosed. I loved this game, great plot, fun battles, some Bishoujo elements to it. Anyone else looking forward to this as much as I am? Or am I just weird that way…?

Makes me glad I enqueued the game at the back of my giant list rather than the front.

Of course, I’m still trying to get someone to mod my XBox so I can play my (legally purchased!!!) import of Metal Wolf Chaos.

I love all things Shin Megami Tensei, so needless to say it’s on my purchase list as well. Though I wonder if they’ll censor out Mara.

I will get it as I own PS1’s Persona 1-2, and PS2’s Persona 3 Limited edition.

No, Mara is in. It’s even in one of the videos they posted on the Atlus site.They covered that and some other important things on the FAQ. You can even import some stuff from your Persona 3 new game plus data.

So, rankings, persona, fusion spells, etc. No levels though, so I’m going to have to grind to 90+ AGAIN to get my Messiah back. It has “Die for Me” and Absorb Pierce. Clearly someone at Atlus thought this sort of sacreligious humor was appropriate.

Man…this is the game…

I’ve been trying to get a hold of persona 1 & 2, but no one has them…and it’s not about price as I’m willing to cough up a decent amount, especially for Atlus games.

You can get them from resellers. Amazon has listings for both games… but they want like $70 - $100. Not reasonable in my book. It might behoove Atlus to release a Persona greatest hits or something like other companies did with Devil May Cry and Metal Gear Solid. Or an SMT mega collection :stuck_out_tongue: Hey, I can dream, can’t I?

indeed, i said reasonable. $50 is the max reasonable except for Ogre Battle SNES and Tactics Ogre PS1 because of their extreme limited numbers even by Atlus standards. Stuff that’s listed on Greatest Hits resell should not be that much, especially if it has the greatest hits label on it. I saw someone trying to sell a greatest hits copy of Xenogears for $60.

Yep, I just saw that video this morning. So glad they aren’t censoring anything.

I suppose it’s kind of a good thing that they didn’t allow the level carry over… I got a little trigger happy with the Lucifer & Satan combo…

i hope they have more balance in this one than i’ve heard from their past releases of this series.

You may try to find them at any used video game store or small store. I bought Persona 1 for $50 new from EB (now Gamestop) store. Then I bought Persona 2 for $20 new from video game bunch in comic book store. My best bargain game that I purchased- [color=#0000FF]Saturn’s Shining Force III [/color]for $12 new from electronic store at Canal Street.


You may find them at eStarland link:

Hmm…well should i play the other persona’s before this one? I am getting enough money soon to get this or some earlier ones, and I collect video games, especially more valuable ones.

I do believe that will not be necessary. They’re not really connected, P1 has a god awful localization, and neither one impressed me overmuch. 2 is much better, but it started dragging on towards the middle. I never beat either. But P2’s story had only tangential connections to P1’s. Instead, it’s the sequel to another Pserona 2 (with a different subtitle) that we never got.

Haven’t played 3. But I hear it’s not really related.

The first one, I got close to the end buy abandoned when I noticed I cared more about beating the game so I could stop playing it, than the game itself. (After a certain point, the really awesome battle system got broken by a spell called Nuke … you cast it, everything takes MASSIVE DAMAGE and dies. Unless they absorb or nullify it. And God help you if they reflect it. I’d say that was their mistranslation of Megido, but that would mean enemies could reflect/absorb/etc Almighty, and that’s not how MegaTen works.)

Ah yes, the Satan Lucifer combo: Armageddon. I used that and a ring of 50% sp consumption. Blessed thing, made Megidolaon somewhat more reasonable to cast. You don’t need to play the other persona games, they’re almost completely unrelated. Only the velvet room carries over and some fan appeasing references to previous characters as non-important dialog. IE two characters talking about this amazing MMO “Innocent Sin Online” which is the name of the Persona 2 we never got stateside. The only thing that would drive me batty is that if your main dies then you lose. Apparently the revive items don’t work for you for reasons that no one explains properly. So what do they do? They give some enemies high-success rate instant kill spells. You can nullify the effect of these later, but good lord is that annoying.

Moral of the story: if you’ve done/obtained something cool leave Tartarus and save immediately. It doesn’t matter if it takes you 10 minutes to get back up to the floor you were on, just do it. Invariably when you don’t you wind up dead because of a well aimed Hamaeon or Mudoon. (Or, God forbid, Mahamaeon or Mamudoon).

I think that all of Persona 1-3 might be not relating. I admit that I did not finish Persona 1 because my Mega Memory Card killed its saved game data. ;_;

Wasn’t FES released seperately in Japan as an expansion pak apart from the original Persona 3. Not that I’m complaining. I’m just happy that it’s stateside and I preordered it as soon as I heard it was out!!!

It was released as both if I remember correctly.

This is true. It was released as both FES START (all caps -_-:wink: which was the Persona 3 with FES integrated and FES APPEND which was just Episode Aigis. But that also meant that if you got FES APPEND that you didn’t get any of the additional P3 content like the additional costumes, personas, etc. So, no Yukari maid for those people… how sad.

By any chance, will Yukari and Mitsuru have bathing suits available as part of their costumes. :oops: Also, is it just me or didn’t anybody appreciate the sound track to this game. :? :!:

They have screen shots of them in bathing suits, so yes. What I’m hoping for is the Social link endings that were rumored back before the JP version was released, I never did get around to looking up if it was true or not.

As for the sound track, I liked parts of it, but not all of it. The regular battle music was absolutely annoying in my opinion.