Phantom of Inferno DVD is coming!

This is it people, Phantom of Inferno DVD distribution rights has been signed by Hobibox Europe, and it will retail for 35 Euro. What’s that translate to US Dollars? Anyways, I’m really excited. This game has that ‘Noir’ look and some excellent 3D CGs for various transportation vehicles and guns. Plus, it’s got big name voice actors and actresses doing the voices, (Kikuko Inoue of Oh My Goddess! fame does a voice), something the Windows version didn’t have. The Japanese DVD version did not have H-content, so expect the same of the US version, which many Japanese gamers have said didn’t detract from gameplay and story at all, some even said Nitro+ isn’t very good at doing H CG so it actually enhances the game without them :slight_smile:

Originally posted by bokmeow:
This is it people, Phantom of Inferno DVD distribution rights has been signed by Hobibox Europe, and it will retail for 35 Euro. What's that translate to US Dollars? Anyways, I'm really excited. This game has that 'Noir' look and some excellent 3D CGs for various transportation vehicles and guns. Plus, it's got big name voice actors and actresses doing the voices, (Kikuko Inoue of Oh My Goddess! fame does a voice), something the Windows version didn't have. The Japanese DVD version did not have H-content, so expect the same of the US version, which many Japanese gamers have said didn't detract from gameplay and story at all, some even said Nitro+ isn't very good at doing H CG so it actually enhances the game without them ^_^

Will Electronic Boutique carry this game? I might pick it up for my PS2. Also, this game can be played on any DVD player, right?

35 Euro is about $31USD
Yah, Nitro + is good at 3D rendered stuff… Gunz, Cars…but the girls aren’t that attractive IMO. Well, the art for those Particular games anyway(Phantom and Vampirdzhija Vjedogonia)
Hello World is alot cuter.

[This message has been edited by H-Gurl (edited 01-08-2002).]

According to Peter Payne, the japanese admire the europeans and that 's why the region code of japanese DVDs is the same as the one of europe. Maybe that’s a reason. I think PeaPri should move to europe as well

Anyways, that 's good news, haven 't check the HObibox page for 2 days and now I hear this LOL

Kumiko have you thought of talking to chain stores like Tower records or Fry’s electronics? I know they are a little more open and risque with the products that they carry in their stores… Both of these chains carry adult products anyway…

Originally posted by deathbyrd:
Kumiko have you thought of talking to chain stores like Tower records or Fry's electronics? I know they are a little more open and risque with the products that they carry in their stores.... Both of these chains carry adult products anyway....

In every record/video store I been in lately sells adult anime. I seen the La Blue Girl DVD in one.

Hmmm, there’s a new advertisement in the latest Animerica, on page 6 or so for Phantom of Inferno DVD on Communet’s Anime Play label. I shall assume that Hobibox Europe is handling the Europe distribution of the game, and Communet is handling the American distribution. I can’t wait, frankly. By any luck, it will be Best Buy next to some of the lamer attempts at DVD play games like ‘Curse of the Mummy’ and what not. Of course, totally blow those ihalf-hearted attempts away.

Originally posted by Kumiko Kamiyama:
Well, you don't see it in major chains like Best Buy, for example. Even chains that offer it now, though, you have to consider when La Blue Girl came out. The original OVAs were done in Japan in 1992... CPM released them here in about 1995 or so. Think of the time delay to get the show into a major chain store... literally, it has taken years of effort from companies who have a great deal of backing and resources. A lot of the leverage has come from consumer demand - it's the demand from consumers that convinces a store or distributor to offer a product, no matter how good (or bad) the product is. All they care about is whether it sells - that's business. We know we have good products - convincing any store or distributor or publisher of this when there is no large scale consumer demand is very difficult to impossible. That's why it's important for fans to promote the works to the adult industry and demonstrate a consumer demand to adult distributors, publications, and retailers. They are the people who are thrilled to handle any adult products... IF it sells. They have to feel that it will sell... and they get that feeling based on customer demand and feedback.

I think adult products need a new image. Every time someone hears the word erotic movie, they think of a sleazy dive populated by perverts in trenchcoats. Since adult movies are becoming more popular maybe this image will change.

Is there anywhere online where I can buy these DVDs, since I don’t live in America I can’t find them in shops here. Also, do you think the one done by Hobibox will keep the adult scenes?

Originally posted by Kumiko Kamiyama:
The reason the region code is the same is because it was thought that the different video formats (NTSC versus PAL) would be a prevention just as it has been for other video format technology (VHS, LD). That's about as silly as thinking that region encoding would stop anyone... [img][/img]

Japanese actually tend to look at America a great deal since WW II... when they think to look outside Japan, that is, which is not really too terribly often for the average Japanese person. [img][/img]

If a multi-millionaire in Europe would like to contact us...

[This message has been edited by Kumiko Kamiyama (edited 01-10-2002).]

Who should I believe now ??
Where do you live Y2J ?

I live in Australia, and I have a multi regional DVD player which I have tested so I can use American and Australian DVDs. I also emailed Hobibox asking them if they would keep the adult content in their version, they said that theirs would also be non-adult but they also said " we are planning a special edition with a bonus CD-Rom with the
original game or almost the hentai contents of the japanese Cd-Rom edition"

Oh, well I enjoyed EBE so it wouldn 't bother me if the game was non-adult. Do you buy your games straight from PeaPri ?

Well I have owned this game for about 4 months now. But it definitely doesn’t have any nudity in it whatsoever. Was a bit disappointing since it didn’t give much reason to replay this one even to try to get the other girls. But I will say this is a really long story tho.

i just have to say that i have this game and am still working through the endings, and it is an AMAZING story…no adult scenes, but it doesn’t detract at all from the story…it’s so amazing, and i still have so many plot questions I am hoping will be answered in the other womens’ endings…

A Lady Phoenix HIGHLY recommended title!

I’m not sure if people read the reply I posted this morning in the Update discussion, but just in case… Peach Princess has added Phantom of Inferno and Casual Romance Club to their online catalog. See the storefront announcement for details.

[This message has been edited by perigee (edited 10-28-2003).]

I made the ludicrous mistake of checking the ‘notify if someone replies to this thread’ so how do I turn it off for this thread? I don’t want any more spam!

Shameless plug

Originally posted by perigee:
I'm not sure if people read the reply I posted this morning in the Update discussion, but just in case... Peach Princess has added Phantom of Inferno and Casual Romance Club to their online catalog. See the storefront announcement for details.

Er, actually I was going to mention it in the other thread but if I recall the announcement changed last month. Don't you get the newsletter?

Sorry, I was just teasing you. Couldn't resist. I did enjoy Phantom of the Inferno, although you could really tell at times where the adult scenes were cut. That did bug me a bit. Hmm, I should go back and play it again except I managed to lose the paper I had written all the save codes on and Crescendo is still waiting. Might be awhile... [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
Er, actually I was going to mention it in the other thread but if I recall the announcement changed last month. Don't you get the newsletter?

Ach du lieber! You're right. I just found the announcement yesterday when I used a storefront bookmark instead of the bbs one. My PP profile had an address that expired last year, so I wasn't receiving email updates. I do read the J-list newsletters, but didn't see the new titles mentioned there.

btw, Peter [in case he happens to be reading this] - I really enjoy your Life in Japan anecdotes. I'm thinking of spending some time there next year for language study and your stories are partly to blame. [img][/img]

Originally posted by perigee:
Ach du lieber!

Du lieber.... was bitte? [img][/img]