
Just when you think things aren’t strange enough…

I work for the world’s largest retailer…yeah, them. Now, I manage everything that comes into the receiving area. Basically, if it comes into the store, I know about it.

Imagine my surprise when I am going through new modules and see, yes, Pocky. It is already on the shelf in the grocery section. Same stuff I enjoy ordering from Jlist, is now here in English. Just doesn’t seem right…

Next thing I know there will be a Bishoujo section over in electronics. Maybe the purchase of Seiyu did more than I originally thought. Watch out Mr. Payne, say not that I didn’t warn you…

I might be overlooking the obvious but, what’s the big deal with Pocky availability? If I want some I just go to the nearest store and buy it. Probably is the fact I am in Canada???

Oh…I forgot to point out my location.

This is nowhere, middle of nothing Oklahoma.

Not like some large metro area. Population base is less than that of the local livestock.

That’s the difference.

I have pocky in my local base commissary. That’s a military grocery store for those who don’t know. I was kind of surprised to see it, but I just figured it was because I’m on the west coast. Maybe pocky is going to become popular here?

My only worry is that I know how the world’s largest retailer works.

It won’t stop at Pocky if there is money to be made at it.

I am just curious to see what havoc they raise in the Japanese economy with their (larger) introduction into it. Secondly, what impact that has here as to the products and the availability of such. Thirdly, “what that can do to smaller companies” is very apparent including any that offer products between countries.

Like watching a train wreck.

On a lighter note…

Having programmed a little for RPG’s in the past and being a huge fan of the genre, I have found something funny and interesting between the two cultures thus far:

In most RPG’s from Western cultures:

A raging (insert monster here) is charging right at you! You have but a split second to act or surely die! What will you do?!?!

  • Fight! (using magic or weapons)
  • Run away! (hiding or just plain scooting)

Pretty logical; outright Darwinistic in my opinion. Now, let’s see what I have come across thus far here:

RPG’s from a few bishoujo visual novels and games

A raging (insert monster here) is charging right at you! You have but a split second to act or surely die! What will you do?!?!

  • Reason with it
  • Wait

Now…maybe it’s just me but…

It’s bad enough those are my only choices; the disturbing part is that…

One of them is the correct choice

Submitted respectfully for humor…Mike

LOL! Well, that depends on if you have enough love points (made the right previous choices). Otherwise, they are both the wrong choice.

Of course, you seem to have a basic expectation that a fantasy should be somewhat in reality. Apparently, that isn’t true for most of these B-game writers. I guess they gave up on having a “Dear Penthouse” moment.

[This message has been edited by Darkstar (edited 01-23-2006).]

Originally posted by Mirk:
On a lighter note...

[/bIn most RPG's from Western cultures:[b]

A raging (insert monster here) is charging right at you! You have but a split second to act or surely die! What will you do?!?!

  • Fight! (using magic or weapons)
  • Run away! (hiding or just plain scooting)

You've obviously never played any Megami Tensei games, have you? (Yes, those are styled after 'Western culture', and many other types of culture as well. I mean, they actually feature Lucifer ...)

Ohohohoho ...

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 01-24-2006).]

LOL! Actually I have seen those, but when I mean games from Western cultures I mean those made in that culture, not just “styled” after it. Different flavor.

I mean, I probably have the ability to make a decent manga story. It would still be a Western manga though, even though it would feature Japanese anime characters. I don’t think the content I would add could compare to someone living in Japan their entire life.

I still would love to see what cultural influence (mythology, legends, etc) that make the selection of “wait” or “reason with it” valid in their culture. I can see (through our history) where the “fight or flight” comes in easily enough.

Alright…normally I don’t like ranting, but perhaps someone here can tell me what is the deal with Jlist at times…

Sometimes I get their updates, other times it goes completely silent for weeks until wonder if it even is updating and visit the site. Of course it is, but they just aren’t making it for some reason.

Tried sending a few questions about items to them in the past and receive nothing in return. I would even take a “heck if I know” answer but no reply at all?

Either Jlist has one of the worst email problems in the history of the internet or someone is blocking/messing with them. Any suggestions or should I just ask for that “gmail invite” they have mentioned in the past?

I don’t know about you, but I always get swift replies from them and very frequent e-mails regarding updates. If I were you I’d take the gmail invite, just cause it’s a good e-mail service to have. Hope your luck is better with them in the future.

Yet another question, came across something…

I was wondering if there are legitimate sellers of PeaPri, JastUSA, etc, at online auction sites such as Ebay.

I have seen a few listing over and over so they are more than simple fans selling some of their games; noticed there are wholesale options through PCR Distributing so…

Are these folks legit or are they pirates? Anyone?

Just to be sure, I will ask once more:

Does anyone have knowledge of any legitimate resellers (PCR wholesale or something) of PeaPri, JastUSA, etc, games on Ebay?

I don’t want to buy pirated stuff; but I don’t want to falsely accuse or avoid someone that is rightfully trying to promote and sell these games either. This is what at least one individual is claiming there…

I will merely take it as “yes, they are legit” if no one can address this one.

Silence is golden, or deafening, depending on who’s ear you wish to hang.

I think you should notify PeaPri staff, and let them handle it.

BTW, are you looking to buy an out of print game? Or just a good bargain?

I know JList actually sells games on ebay occasionally - the non-H ones

For the most part, anyone selling adult games on ebay is technically breaking rules, unless they’re doing it in the secret Mature Audiences section that nonUS people are barred from entering even though the laws OUTSIDE the US are often less restrictive…

Usually, you can spot a pirate by:

1. A high number of copies at a low price.
2. Multiple games in one listing. (with older games, anyway. they often burn tons of games to one CD and try to sell it as a collection.)
3. No picture of the box, just screenshots of the game.
4. Reading their feedback - often someone will mention they received a CDR.

however, despite all the above, ebay will NOT pull an obviously pirated listing just because a normal person reports it. If you spot a listing that is clearly pirated, you’re better off reporting it to PeaPri and letting them tell ebay about it.

by Darkstar: BTW, are you looking to buy an out of print game? Or just a good bargain?

I was looking for any available copies of some of the Viper series, figuring Jlist is probably out of them by now (I never can get Jlist to reply to my emails, like I never sent them.) All I have is Love Love and Viper Paradise from Hobibox.

by Papillon: I know JList actually sells games on ebay occasionally - the non-H ones

Hmm...well, this is just about the entire library of games. Everything from Ever17, BraveSoul, Little My Maid, you name it--he has it and is advertising them as legit copies (case included, etc...access to website.)

I didn't notice any CDR notices on his feedback and it is fairly high. Several things had me kinda puzzled. Just to point it out, if you wish to look, do a search under "anime pc games" on Ebay and you will notice 'em pretty quickly.

Either way, wish someone would look into it. Now where is a moderator when ya need one??

I’ve done that search, and I see three sellers that are selling these games. Only one sells the games you mentioned, though. And I only looked until half page 2.

100% feedback makes me suspicious, and he has no eBay store along with it…

100% feedback is not unusual on ebay - people are very hesitant to give bad feedback, lower than 100% usually only happens if someone is a heavy volume seller (out of thousands of sales you’re likely to screw up a few) or a scumbag.

Poking around an ebay search I find one guy who is seems to be selling burned copies of Viper - if you read the auction listing it even says “you are buying a copy, no box” and has the telltales I mentioned of multiple copies listed on the auction and no photo.

Another guy is selling a huge range of Japanese games that are also almost certainly pirated - no box, very low price, and “fully tested” - that generally means CDR.

There’s a British fellow selling a used copy of a game that looks completely legit - there’s a picture of a box.

As for people selling the English games, one of them does have a few people in his feedback claiming he sells copies - but only on auctions where the auction itself clearly says copy. And the other seems to be totally clean.

Obviously none of us can know for sure because we do not make the licensing deals. But I would guess that those last two may well be legitimate wholesalers. If it looks clean, I’d say take the chance - if they ARE scumbags and you find out, then you can get them in trouble.

Most pirates just aren’t very good at hiding it - I see plenty of the really obvious kind like I’ve described all the time, but ebay refuses to listen to me.

[This message has been edited by papillon (edited 02-14-2006).]

That’s because Ebay is making money off them. Dropping/barring them takes money out of Ebay’s pocket. They make a lot of money on fraud. And they aren’t changing. I’ve seen ads placed by them on warez sites “Sell copies on Ebay!”. They know it, and their conscious does not twinge.

I suspect those ads are NOT placed by ebay itself but by people who have signed up for the ebay affiliate program and get a dollar if you sign up for an ebay account through them.

ebay is supposedly pretty good about taking down listings if the ‘proper authorities’ notify them - the people who actually own the copyright being infringed. but if you are just a person looking at the auction and thinking ‘Wait, that’s clearly wrong’ then they are more likely to ignore you - they don’t want to get too into trying to decide whether something is or isn’t fake from a distance.

it’s much easier to get listings taken down by reporting them for selling porn, because that’s easier to verify.