Pointless Rants

Three topics I wanted to talk about… or maybe just express my asinine opinions on. :stuck_out_tongue:

Unethical Military Weaponry
Now there’s an oxymoron: unethical weapons. Seriously. Since when is an instrument of death and destruction ethical? Gotta love human rational. Anyways, that’s not the topic of my rant. Rather, it’s about people who think being ethical about weapons is going to stop the inevitable unethical research and development about them. For example: weapons in space, genetically engineered soldiers, and physical enhancement drugs. All of this is either happening now, or it’s going to happen. The militaries who refuse (or are unable) to adapt or improve in “unethical” fields will quickly find themselves defeated by tactically and strategically superior weapon systems. So all those scientists who keep pleading for their nations to not develop… lets say, orbital artillery and weapons that can attack into space: what the hell do you think will happen when a nation who has developed orbital artillery - and the means to defend it - will drop a titanium telephone pole on your capital city and transform it into a crater? I suppose the answer would be, “nuke the SOB’s.”

But wait, that’s unethical!

Peaceful Aliens
You mean to tell me, that just because an alien race has the means to travel the cosmos, they won’t have any inclination to destroy other civilizations? What a load of crock. First off, if these “aliens” are so “alien” to us (i.e. in mindset, physiology, intentions, etc) – it’s pretty retarded to assume they’ll be peaceful in our definition of the word. Peaceful to ET might mean obliterating other species without them knowing it. Or perhaps being cosmic nihilists who think its their universal duty to put everything out their misery and destroy creation one star system at a time. Sure: there’s a chance Visitors will be friendly - but don’t ignore the possibilities that destructive Invaders are out there. Advanced civilization doesn¬Åft equate to peaceful intentions. It just means you have bigger and better “toys.”

First one to get to the other guy’s planet wins. Winner gets to decide how the spoils will be divided, and history be written.

Peaceful Coexistence with Earth
Gather round children, and let Uncle Narg tell you a story. It’s a story about creatures we call Dinosaurs. Now these Dino, lived peacefully with the Earth. They didn’t build ugly cities or exploit resources or destroy the ecosystem. No. These Dino lived millions of years, evolving without harming the world. So one day, Mother Earth repays their benevolent existence, with a giant space rock. BOOM! Dino died everywhere. The end.

Last time I checked, there have been dozens of mass extinctions throughout the Earth existence. The Earth, isn’t a peaceful world. Not to say I recommend turning the entire planet into a concrete parking lot, but “peaceful coexistence” with the planet, isn’t going to happen. Sooner or later, the slate gets wiped clean. Get this: the Earth NATURALLY eradicates the ecosystem. Wow. Who new? Sucks to be the lifeforms, eh? Oh wait! That’s us! Even if you ignore all that, in about 5 billions years, the Sun will clearly take care of everything. Permanently.

We need the Earth, but the Earth doesn’t need us. So what we need to do, is get to a point where we don’t need the Earth: not huddle around trees and throw our hard earned science and technology into forgotten. There’s a lot of space rocks out there boys and girls… and Mother Earth is always steering into them. She sure loves us, eh?

here’s my 2 canadian pennies

for peaceful aliens, well i am not sure if we should apply our human or earth organism logic towards species that we know nothing of and that are from another planet…hell why do lemmings jump of the cliff and commit suicide in batches?

and who said humans are peaceful :stuck_out_tongue:

regarding moving to other “space rocks”…unless they present ample amonuts of vital elements that we need to live (such as water and oxygen), we are stuck with earth for now

You posted a lot, but, at the moment, I can only disagree with one point (I’ll post about the other two later)

Umm… have you ever heard of the Gaia theory ?


Why would 10 billions years of geologic leading animal evolution, and finally to human evolution bring us to this stae for ? Of course, fi we took the purely nihilistic view, sure, it’s all pointless and meaningless, but that would be the precursor to every means of suicide, anarchy and destruction possible, and the dissolution of production, reproduction, happiness and free will.

Of course, some would say I may be too optimistic, or a believer, but, I believe the Earth does need us in a way. A sher children, going elsewhere would be the propagation of this Earth, before she dies.

Think of Earth as an asexual creature that breeds in her own unique way.

More pointless rants from Narg. :stuck_out_tongue:

Free Internet
I am growing ever more sick and tired of people whining about how the Internet is getting privatized and where spending more $$$ will get you more than not spending more $$$. Modern society is based on money. Get over it people. It’s fucking inevitable that the Internet will be ran by $$$, because nothing on Earth is free. If Bob spends $$$ on the Internets and gets more than Mike, because Mike doesn’t spend $$$ on the Internet: well then tough shit. If someone gets more or better service from a paid account, than someone with a free account – then accept it. That’s how things have worked since the concept of trade and barter.

You are not entitled to free Internet. The damn thing was supposed to be a weapon system in the first place.

And on a somewhat similar note: Nor is the Internet supposed to be a land of anarchy that should be without rules and decency. Freedom of information is great, but not everyone should have the recipe to create homemade biological weapons. Do you know what you’re asking for? Is there no common sense!? There’s a reason why society needs police. I’m not saying we need to go NAZI on the damn system, but if you want less SPAM, you’re gonna need more rules… and more money…

Go fig.

Windows Suckage
Windows does not suck. Windows was meant to let the common man have access to information systems. That’s why Windows is so simple, basic, and easy. Yes it has security issues. Yes it has stability issues. But that’s all because it has to be used by the common man.

My 60 year old father can surf the Internet, write Word docs, and play DVD movies on his computer because it’s Windows. It took him MONTHS to get that “good” on Windows – and there were many things he hated about the learning curve. Now imagine if it was a highly secure command line UNIX system – yeah… right… he’d be using the VCR and a typewriter still.

Mac are not the shit. Mac don’t get as many hacks as Windows, because Mac is not number one. Windows is. If MAC was number one, people would be attacking that instead, and Windows would be the “overlooked” system. Mac also lost the damn consumer contest in the 80’s – I could really careless how and why, because all major businesses are shady. Why should MS be any different?

Windows allows minimal time be spent on learning, and maximum time on doing. It places the pressure on IT experts to figure out stuff, not the end user. The end user just wants it to turn on and do what it’s supposed to do. The experts are supposed to figure out why it fucks up… or rather, why other people cause it to fuck up. Making the demand, that every computer user should have intimate knowledge on PC repair and functionality, is like making the demand that every car driver should have intimate knowledge on combustion engine mechanics and auto repair. Yea… like that will happen… People turn the key to make car go vroom; people push the on button to make PC go beep. That’s the common man outlook.

A computer straight out the box and used like it’s supposed to be used, rarely breaks in my experience… it’s always something outside. Like viruses – which aren’t Microsoft’s damn fault… they don’t make em – idiot “Windows sucks” hackers do. Blame them, not Windows.

Pointing out security flaws my ass. If you wanted to do that, why not contact Microsoft and let them know, rather than taking down millions of people to “show off” your l337 skillz? :roll:

[ 07-05-2007, 11:59 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Windows sucks because it’s popular, and that’s all. As we IT people say, “a program doesn’t have any bug as long as you don’t use it.”
It’s not that other OSes have less bugs than Windows, it’s that they’re less used so less bugs are found.

[ 07-05-2007, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol ]

Well… maybe that explains why Windows is so popular, and why Bill Gates was so *@#$ing rich years ago. I guess the only people who’d go for other OSes are the techies who have the technical know-how to make their own OS, ie like with Linux, or who prefer other options, like what Mac provides, (I once ahd a Mac… a long time ago…) or who just think some companies should not be monopoly powers.

As for peaceful aliens … I mean, if the aliens DID decide to attack up – that means they got here. In order to cross the interestellar void, their technology would have to be so advanced they’d just annihilate us. Hell, if they have warp drive, they could probably deflect Earth from its orbit. Not much we could do about that (well, I mean, other than die).

If aliens exist and are advanced enough to spy on Earth, I think they’d be advanced enough to just smack their head in despair when doing so and decide to leave Earthlings alone rather than take the risk to be contaminated by their stupidity! :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 07-08-2007, 07:20 PM: Message edited by: OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol ]

Advanced or not, the alien mindset is still bounds to be worlds apart from our thinking. Or maybe not.

We’ll have no real if they think the same way we do, or not. They may even have a kind of thinking that is completely (dare I say it ?) alien to us. So, if they attack us, or declare peace, it depends on their thinking.

Myabe they might not be so violent. Maybe they could end up being glorified versions of the Victorians, abduct a native of our planet, instruct him in their language, and slowly make Earth a colony for resources for their bourgeoisie (got the spelling wrong)

I totally agree… which is why I hate it when “experts” like Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking make the claim that advanced technology denotes peaceful intelligence. There’s zero precedence in human history make such a bold claim, and if aliens are as alien as they claim, then there’s just as much chance for them to be violent, as there is for them to be peaceful. How they think or view our civilization, is beyond our understanding - just as how we would view and think of their civilization, should be beyond our understanding: if they are truly alien without anything common.

Feh… whatever…

I just think we shouldn’t broadcast these “messages” into space with an attempt to find intelligent life, without first knowing what were looking for or some thought of what would answer back. It’s a Pandora’s Box.

Someone thinking with a rational mind, doesn’t scream at the top of their lungs for someone to answer back, while wandering in an utterly silent dark forest they suddenly find themselves in. It’s best to first determine your own situation and gear for what may come (beast or friend).

That’s what humans on Earth are like: alone in total silence. Perhaps its best we remain as such until we’re ready to deal with what could be out there - peaceful or otherwise. This dream that aliens will share their “advanced technology” simply because their nice is bullshit and utterly naive.

As a vicious and suspicious species, you’d think we’d know better. :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 07-08-2007, 09:59 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

You’re lacking a serious sense of humour, my friend~

You just never met some of my neighbours! :smiley:

I didn’t realise it was a joke :stuck_out_tongue:

And coming to think of it, if we can’t understand some people, how else can we understand far more advanced minds ? :confused:

Originally posted by Phineas Lucis:
[b]And coming to think of it, if we can’t understand some people, how else can we understand far more advanced minds ? :stuck_out_tongue:

Now if we crank it up a notch, Dolphins are believed to be sentient by some scientists. If this is proven true, we’ve failed miserably in opening communications with them. And considering that BOTH dogs and dolphins are from our own world, evolved with the same DNA standards and elemental compounds – how much harder would it be communicating with something if it’s not a carbon/water based creature from another planet?

That’s the challenge Sagan puts forth.

What if the aliens are naturally blind, deaf, and mute? I don’t mean their psychic (which is more fantasy than science), but rather they communicate via electromagnetic fields or chemical transfer. That makes the challenge even more insane.

So if using those two example above, are aliens who get those “radio blasts” we send into space…

The electromagnetic sensing alien might think we’re raping or attacking them (from a sensory point of view), while the chemical sensing alien might not have developed technology for picking up electromagnetic signals, because they never had a need for it.

[ 07-10-2007, 11:07 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Just returned… And would like to talk about the twist of life and death… But, I’ll settle with this…
Get this one!!!

Just some rantings: :smiley:

Guess where this one came from… :wink:

Until a giant rock in space, enters our orbit’s terminal zone, slips through the 2 or 3% of the sky we actually scan for giant space rocks - yea it’s really that small - and exterminate all life on the planet.

Or until a nearby exploding star, blackhole, or unknown stellar phenomena releases massive gamma radiation and floods our solar system with lethal levels of radiation and makes “minor” adjustments to our ecosystem and causing environmental extinction.

Or if scientists have miscalculated the age of our star, and it suddenly goes nova in a century or two.

Yeah… the Universe loves us…

:wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :eek:

Originally posted by Nargrakhan:
[b] Yeah… the Universe loves us…

:smiley: :roll:

One word: Lovecraft

Tis also understandable…for…

“There can never be new creation without first destroying the old…”

Killing the dinosairs with the land to make way for more humans and mammals and plants and in later times…human creations… All for the purpose of avoiding over-population…

All follows the concept of…

“Equivalent Exchange”

Just wanted to talk about this hypothetical scenario…

Natural vs. Unnatural

A mecha surveiling the horizon. Encountered a gorilla deep in the jungle… The gorilla beat its chest and threw great handfuls of leaves into the air. It howled challenge and showed its teeth. The mechanical soldier, not understanding, simply killed it.

Now what is the moral lesson of this story…?

That the gorilla should have been wearing a mimetic chameleon suit to blend in with is environment and mask his heat signature, maintained a low profile by not making a sound and minimal movement, carried an armor penetrating gauss rifle, and gloated with victory screams AFTER he destroyed the mechanical soldier.
