Pokemon... only 50% done...

Some crazy math someone threw on me at work.

There are 17 “types” which Pokemon can be categorized within (i.e. Fire, Water, Psychic, Dark, etc). Of these, up to two can be combined in a set: Fire/Dark or Water/Ice for example; however many are just one type (Normal being the largest group IIRC).

As of this moment, there are 493 Pokemon, all of which fall under 72 type combinations. There is a possible 136 combinations.

My god… what a beast Nintendo has created. This is assuming of course, they don’t introduce new types (Dark and Steel were invented during the “second generation” of the series). :shock:

And then, even deeper down, you have Pokemon natures, and EV levels. And you have whether you want to breed them for fights or for the contests. Pokemon has created new equations the likes of which mankind has never seen!

Now take those equations and you’ll find the answer almost everything. Or we’ll find out why the hell pokemon won’t die.
I believe it’s a virus that is mutating and is about to destroy us in three or five more years.

Pokemon was created by GAME FREAKS, not by Nintendo. :wink:
I used to play Pokemon Yellow on the GB, but nowadays I can’t even watch someone playing it. :smiley:

Its rather interesting, how complex the actual system is, when you consider that Pokemon is seen as a game for a ten year old in the US. I suppose its the kiddy anime that gives that perception. In any event: kinda scary only half of the “full potential” has been tapped after all this time… :shock:

Heh… Super Metroid isn’t Nintendo either. Shining Force series isn’t SEGA. :wink:

Twelve more years to go, at full power! :smiley:

Yea, SF is from Climax/Camelot, working as a 2d party for SEGA. hehehe
Even Streets of Rage is not “SEGA-made”, it was made by Magical!. And the list goes on and on when you start researching on this things. :smiley:

meh i did like Mewtwo he was awesome . then they made him a panzy in SSBM and I almost died . mewtwo is supposed to be a BAMF. Oh well Lucario in SSBB looks badass with his final smash.

Well, if most of the US gaming population wasn’t enamored by GTA, maybe games like pokemon wouldn’t go overlooked by more mature players. But there exists a stigma that if you play a game like GTA and like it, you can’t play anything less mature without criticizing it. However, as a fan of both game series, I find it is highly possible to like mature games with simple systems, and simple innocent games with more complex systems. But I suppose now I’m just going off on a tangent. The biggest hook about pokemon is it’s addictiveness. It flaunts the fact in your face that you haven’t caught all the pokemon, and that there’s better trainers than you, and it always gave me a drive to keep playing. Game Freaks did a hell of a job.

Well as far as I’m concerned, Nintendo should keep on making more Pokemon. Why?

Gotta - Catch 'em - All!!! :twisted:

Hot, wet boobies? Yeah, that’s a good enough reason for me.

Well it ain’t gonna be Ash… that’s for sure. Brock is trying, but is full of FAIL. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, at least Brock tries. Ash pretends they’re not even there, right in front of his face. Pure insanity, it is.

Seriously. It ought to be a crime in NOT hitting that.

Then again, it seems the girls don’t need boys to have fun. :wink:

Well…they should have the graphics like that in the games.

Don’t look now, but there’s a Pokemon Platinum in the works. Evidently there’s a new evolutionary system called Origin and Another in this version - basically an expansion of the Deoxys “multiple form” thing, only it applies to more Pokemon.

i’m still looking for that post where the graphics in-game are eqivalent to the pics you posted. :smiley:

So damn cute… [b]SO DAMN CUTE!!![/b]

I’ve got cavities now…

Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe Pokemon Platinum has the first and only “African heritage” character to appear in the Pokemon universe:

http://www.serebii.net/platinum/battleroulette.shtml (at bottom of the page)

Took 'em only 14 years. :stuck_out_tongue: :lol:

Careful Brock: once you go Black… :wink:

I urge Brock to do it. He’s but a man, after all.

I could only stand pokemon red…
It was funny… until every single kid in the world wanted to buy those games.

Is there an “ero” pokemon ?

Me : "Go eroge ! “Onii-chan rape attack” "
Eroge : “Ero-ero”