Pokemon... only 50% done...

According to the doujin, Pokemon #114 (aka Tangela) is the ero Pokemon. :stuck_out_tongue:

:lol: Now, that’s a game where I’d have to get them all. And keep buying all the silly new games and expansions. :mrgreen:

Relevant and NSFW. :lol:

The one time where it would be appropriate to use the “oni-chan” crack … and you didn’t go for it :wink:

“Why bitches love pikachu” :lol:

Mirror Universe Pokemon


I am not into Pokemon, my little sister is totally crazy about it.
BTW if there are 17 types of Pokemon, doesnt that make total combinations 272?? :shock: Are there some uncompatible combinations?
Anyway what a beast!!!.Really imaginative

DS remake for the old Pokemon Gold and Silver has been officially announced.

Games have been in development for awhile now. Looks like a Fall release in Japan. Maybe next year in the US.

This is gonna be great, since 18 year old me skipped over gold/silver when it was first released. I’ll finally get to experience them.

Yea… I’m pretty hyped about it too. Gold and Silver were my favorite Pokemon generation, because you actually got two games in one, with the whole second quest deal. The Battle Frontiers are cool and all… but they aren’t as HUGE as exploring another entire region, after completing the first. Plus the rival in Gold/Silver was EVIL (well… as evil as things get in Pokemon).

Evidently Nintendo approved the remakes, not just because of the extra $$$ they’d make, but also because the new iDS don’t play GBA carts. That means “old generation Pokemon” can’t be gotten with the iDS - and Nintendo can’t have the millions of Pokemon fans not get a iDS, because they can’t “catch 'em all” and what not. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :lol:

Other than the announcement, just pictures and movies of the first town have been revealed. Seems that you can pick a favorite Pokemon to follow you outside it’s ball (ala Ash and Pikachu).

I wonder if it will be limited to just your started pokemon, or if they’ll actually make sprites for most of, if not all, of them. I am guessing just the starters for now, but only time will tell.

And I suppose the iDS not having a GBA slot worked to our advantage in this situation! Though it still irks me, and I still mostly use my DS Lite.

On a recent episode of Pokemon, Brock hit on a nun (who seemed totally oblivious to his sexual advances), proving that nothing is sacred to him.

Go Brock! Go! :twisted:




More importantly, it goes to show that certain Pokemon are gods in that setting… and people don’t seem to think twice about putting their creators in a pokeball. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmmm… since Arceus is the Almighty Father in Pokemon, and He created everything on Earth, doesn’t that make humans Pokemon too?

Outside of gags, has anyone tried putting a human in a pokeball?

To my knowledge: No.

However given what a pokeball does (convert matter into energy and stores it), I don’t see why a human couldn’t be trapped in a pokeball. I mean the devices can trap creatures waaaay bigger and more powerful than a human… so it should work just fine.

You know when you think about it… Pokemon has a lot of scary things in the setting. There’s the obvious slavery thing with Pokemon.

Also there’s no “regular animals” in the Pokemon World… Pokemon take their place. That being the case: where does the meat you see on dinner tables come from? Seeing how Pokemon are sentient creatures…

The government system is a “rule by the strongest” format. The ruler of a local region, is the Pokemon Champion… who in turn is the most powerful Pokemon Trainer. Thus a dictatorship of sorts. No wonder there’s so many terrorist organizations (Team Rocket, Team Aqua, Team Galaxy, etc)

Of course the whole deal that preteen children can go on life threatening adventures throughout the world without parental supervision, says a lot too.

Official site for the upcoming Gold/Silver/Crystal generation remake is online:


The new playable girl character design is outright fugly to me… but maybe it’s just me… :expressionless:

Fear teh Shuckles!!!

its not just you.

Ah good… For a moment there, I thought something was wrong with me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Was looking up how to use the FEAR strategy on Pokemon, and I found this funny vid:


FEAR appears at 5:10… epic luz… :wink:

That particular 1HP trick is even worse than the “LOW HP = HIGH DMG” effects found in a few RPGs out there. I was able to crush the final boss of the first Xenosaga by using that accessory combined with a Hemlock (set HP=1) and just pounding the boss into the ground (it uses its action to spawn flunkies if all its flunkies are dead, and the flunkies died faster than it could spawn them, so it didn’t even get to act).

lol… yea… It’s a very cool move that exploits several game mechanics, and only works under a specific set of conditions (and only works for a certain number of Pokemon), but it’s incredibly cool to see pulled off.

I first got exposed to FEAR after seeing it in a recent Pokemon Championship (I didn’t participate… just watched). The guy won the Day 2 Finals with it. Naturally everyone went wild.

I’m told that the Swinub evolutionary chain makes the best FEAR user, since it’s immune to Sandstorm and Hail… Phanpy is so much cuter. :wink:

Not only does this video show exclusive footage for the upcoming remake, you get a sample of Japanese entertainment. :wink:


You get to enslave God of the Pokemon World. Having God follow you around on the world map is cool rawr-tastic (evidently there’s a sprite for all the Pokemon… 1st one in your rank, is visible as your “follower” - like Ash does with Pikachu).