The original pokemon theme song is classic this cannot be disputed.
How do you make it more epic? metallize it
I also found this
A fairly interesting grimdark what if scenario.
I might post some later ,but I will say this: If nintendo wanted to they could turn pokemon into a rival to any hardcore studio if they weren’t afraid of ero. :twisted:
I finished about half of the story and the awesome was still going,just not as strong.
I was talking about with a friend who browses /d/ and we both agreed pokemon would be downright malevolent if used on humans. Take venusaur for example: He has vined whip,razor leaf and leech seed. Everything needed to tear clothes,cut,restrain,tentacle rape ,and torture.
Also mewtwo and a lot of psychic pokemon could break someone’s mind and turn them into a minion without breaking a sweat.
As of D/P/P we know who wields the biggest breasts in the poke-verse :lol: