Pokemon... only 50% done...

B&W Pokemon Sprite Sheets are now popping up everywhere. For those interested in seeing the entire species catalog. :wink:



Shiny (I’ve always hated the shiny colors… but that just might be me)

People are still ripping the full animation sprites… so you gotta wait awhile for that.

Holy crap.

The Hitomoshi (???) family is broken to hell and back. It’s third stage evolution Shanderaa (???) has a base SP attack value of 145. :shock:

Ghost and Fire type… can have Shadow Tag…


Many noobs will cry tears of blood when they see this thing.

lol… Nintendo sent C&D’s to the Serebii and PokeBeach sites, because they were blatantly using ROM’s. PokeBeach outright stated they were using ROM’s from the start. Serebii claimed to be using legit cards, but fucked up when he claimed “you don’t gain EXP in the first fights”… Nintendo put anti-piracy features that would do weird things like that. In the legit game, you do gain EXP in the first fights… so some of the stuff he’s been leaking, is in fact, totally wrong (because they only showed up in pirate ROM’s). :lol:

Only those two sites have gotten C&D’s - others like Bulbagarden have not.

It’s incredibly rare for Nintendo to go that far. They’re usually the most lenient of the big three.

I’m sorry, but going on record in public, openly admitting you reviewed the game based off of pirate sources is really really stupid. What did PokeBeach think was going to happen? It’s like how after that Wolverine film leaked before it’s official release date (an unfinished version, no less) some dumbass reviewed it in his official capacity as a paid reviewer. Inside of a week he’d been fired.

I agree with you 100%. However I do feel that Nintendo set themselves up for this. They released B&W in one region - Japan - and are forcing the rest of the world to just sit back and wait. In the Age of the Internet, that ain’t going to happen. People who can’t wait, aren’t going to wait, and will play the game now (be it import or ROM) and/or want spoilers (be it from legit import or illegal ROM). This is especially true of Pokemon - one of the greatest game franchises in the history of the world.

It would have been impossible for Nintendo to stop the piracy, but Nintendo could have seriously controlled the information revelation, had they released Pokemon at the same time around the world. If that meant withholding the Japanese version until the American and European versions were finished: so be it. Other game companies have done the same, for this very reason.

Niche titles like Harvest Moon and Rune Factory can get away with “months after the Japanese version” releases… but not something has massive as Pokemon. [u]ESPECIALLY[/u] when they release a version that completely revolutionizes game mechanics, adds a totally new region, over 100 new monsters, etc.

So once Japan got B&W - the whole world will learn it’s secrets, and not wait until Nintendo Power shows them off one at a time. :roll:

Hmmm… ran into a major near-future problem.

You can only store 720 Pokemon in the “storage box” of the game… but there are a grand total of 649 total Pokemon in the entire series.

This sucks… I have a combined 703 Pokemon in my Platinum and Soul Silver games: I do lots of move and IV breeding, plus collecting Pokemon from English, Japanese, and Korean versions. Because there’s so much new abilities and moves, I wanted to port over my entire collection to my copy of Black.

20 more spots is NOT going to be enough, for my entire collection, and the inevitable hundreds upon hundreds of egg hatching I’ll be doing.

I’ve already got 410 Pokemon in Plat and 293 Pokemon in Silver. Suckage. :frowning:

Clearly it’s because they want you to buy White too wwwww

Pokemon B&W sold 2.63 million copies in two days, outselling DQ9 (which did a few thousand over 2 million), making it the fastest selling game in Japan of all time.

Oh my god … I dunno whether this guy is dead serious or if it’s a joke, but this is too hilarious not to post:

http://comedy.videosift.com/video/I-LOV … l-gangstas

Holy shit that was hilarious. That guy’s crazy and I love it.

The original pokemon theme song is classic this cannot be disputed.
How do you make it more epic? metallize it


I also found this

A fairly interesting grimdark what if scenario.

I might post some later ,but I will say this: If nintendo wanted to they could turn pokemon into a rival to any hardcore studio if they weren’t afraid of ero. :twisted:

I finished about half of the story and the awesome was still going,just not as strong.

I was talking about with a friend who browses /d/ and we both agreed pokemon would be downright malevolent if used on humans. Take venusaur for example: He has vined whip,razor leaf and leech seed. Everything needed to tear clothes,cut,restrain,tentacle rape ,and torture.

Also mewtwo and a lot of psychic pokemon could break someone’s mind and turn them into a minion without breaking a sweat.

As of D/P/P we know who wields the biggest breasts in the poke-verse :lol:

Uh just read this thread from pg1 to pg5 and Now I have no choice but to consider buying the next pokemon white or black. I actually quit long time ago, maybe on crystal or sapphire? I forgot. I doubt I will actually buy the game tho, not really THAT interested but is interested at same time lol.

Moving battles is a huge plus, at last the game is going into the direction I want, I want to see pokemon running around and fighting or whatever instead of standing there still. It was fine but not really anymore xD I wonder how long before nintendo finally lets pokemon run up and hit there foe they’re battling with its physical attacks instead of magical physical attacks xD