Poll: Favorite Princess Waltz Heroine *major spoilers*

This poll is intended for people who have completed at least one path, or have at least made significant progress through the game. Feel free to change your vote if you have a change of heart.

My favorite was Angela. I tend to find myself strangely attracted to fiery types, often simply by appearance. i found Angela the prettiest, but I was also pleasantly surprised that she wasn’t the typical Naru-type character that’s always physically abusing the main character for comedy relief. Sadly Iris wasn’t a choice…ah well.

I liked the Princess of Steel as she was portrayed initially, but I was very disappointed in how she turned out in the second half of the game. It was a complete change of character–both physically and mentally.

Shouldn’t that be “The Princess of Wisley” instead of “The Princess of Wistia”? Also, following the format of the others, should it be followed by “The Beast Princess”? Lastly, in case you didn’t know, I started a very similar topic a few weeks ago.

I pretty much like Liliana the most, because of who she is and how she acts.

However, in the case of what princess I like the most in the end “route” part of the game, it’s obviously the Princess of Wisley since she actually had more of a real “route” than any of the other princesses.

Sadly I can’t edit the poll itself, as far as I can tell. I didn’t include “Beast Princess” because that could be considered a spoiler for those who have played through only once (Princess of Wisley is more abstract). Finally, your poll seems like a first impression–mine is intended to be more of a final decision for those who play it in English, and it’s a true poll (more likely to get a more representative response than if a written answer is required). I’m truly curious what character most people will go for.

I don’t know, I didn’t think the Princess of Wisley’s path was necessarily anything like a “true path”. It’s certainly more different than the others, which made it more worthwhile to see on a replaythrough, but it wasn’t anything particularly special considered side-by-side against one of the others.

I am however surprised that people are choosing Chris. I could never really get into Chris as a love interest–while entertaining, the romance there tasted too much of boys’ love for me to find it attractive.

What are you talking about? I loved Chris. What made her so interesting was her conviction and that she wasn’t a “tomboy” – she really WAS a prince. But like Arata said in the game he didn’t care about all that because whether a boy or a girl, Chris was still Chris. Although a bit clichÈ, this was probably one of the best lines in the game, and one of the best lines in all English translated Ero games. With Chris it wasn’t just that Arata was horny, that he was “in love with her”, it was deeper. They were friends and really close partners in combat.

What did strike me as a bit odd though (although I suppose it went well with the Chris is Chris and I like her no matter what theme)
Well what did sort of odd was that → Chris was really Arata’s half sister as well as cousin, but he never even gave this a single thought. People comment about the wincest he had with Suzuki but they forget that he actually had sex with his real sister and you can’t even avoid that “confrontation.”

Well, on the same note, the same 6 families had been inbreeding for a thousand years…they’re practically all genetic siblings by default. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not so, the royal families that didn’t win the waltz would have to produce heirs by marrying other people. But yes, the Soldia blood probably ran extra strong within the imperial families veins because they won so often. In fact the two previous generations had been won by Soldia consecutively.

I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one here who just couldn’t get enough of the annoying but is cute enough to get away with it Lilliana. I just could not believe how quickly I got into her battle with Angela. Loved it!

I’d have a hard time deciding between Liliana and Angela.
Chris is more of a best friend character to me somehow.

Then again I havent finished the game yet, and Angela is just starting to
develop her character in a positive non-bitchy way. :stuck_out_tongue:

Man, I love this game.

Before starting the game, I was totally for Liliana and Shizuka, and had no interest at all for Angela.

I have just finished the game once and, even though I still like Liliana and Shizuka a lot (Liliana in particular made me laugh really hard, and I sort of liked her story and her attachment to her dreams…great character), I have found out that the character I like the most is the Dragon Princess. Prideful, strong-willed and beatiful. Seriously, what could you want more?


The Princess of Steel was total awesomeness during the first part of the game-- cool, calculating, I-know-what-I-want-and-I’m-going-to-get-it type. I was looking forward to seeing how Arata was going to break through that cold exterior… I was looking for a great story coming from that very storyline.

Instead, when the second part of the story came along and she re-appeared, it was like, huh? Ummm… riiiiiight. She went from being a very interesting storyline to “not worth my time”. At the beginning of the game, I was torn between going for Angela or Liesel, by the end, that was the easiest choice. Just my opinion, but the devs really threw away a fantastic opportunity for a great story arc with Liesel. A real shame.

Voted for Angela. Shizuka was a strong second-place.

My order of favorites:

1. Shizuka - Hers fit the ending best
2. Angela - Her story really got you into it, more than the other Princess’
3. Riko - I love the shy characters…
4. LunLun - To comedic for my taste, she started getting better near the end though but it was to late
5. Suzushiro - Evil young Underage bitch, need i say more?
6. Chris - Bad as a heroine, i liked the implied BL romance though

Who else wanted an ending with April? She was pure win.

The game was so well made and the characters so likeable that I wouldn’t mind it having an ending for every single female character that appeared on screen. I don’t think any other game could frustrate me so much just by having a single ending. I haven’t even reached the ending yet, since I can’t bear the thought that Arata is probably going to dump the Princess of Wisley for that other girl…

P.S. The only character I did not like was the one he gets in the end, probably for that very reason. Heck, if I was given a choice between the regular ending and some other ending, I would have picked the other ending, even if Arata ended up with a Guardener.

P.S.2 Since I’m at a standstill (I stopped playing when Arata told the Princess of Wisley that he loves her. That bastard is going to betray her later on, isn’t he?!That hypocrite!) I haven’t seen if Liesel turns back to being cool in her own path, but I didn’t like the extreme changes to her character in the later part of the game.

P.S.3 Oh oh I forgot! Nooodokaaaa-chaaaan! She’s the Princess of Wisley’s only, real competition as far as I’m concerned.

Liesel when she’s got her dress on is just about my favorite looking anime/game character ever. Just tremendously cool.

Personality wise it was Angela.

I just labored my way through all the endings today, and I have to say that none of the characters left a lasting impression on me.

If I had to rank them, it’d be: Angela > Lun Lun > Shizuka >> Chris > Liesel > Suzushiro.

I liked Liesel more before she turned into Kanada and became annoying and uninteresting.

I believe the The Princess of Wisley’s path is the “true path”. It is the path that you find out the most about Chris, Arata, Arata’s adopted family, more details on the events that brought Arata to his current life, and on top of that, it’s clear that princess of Wisley and her mother both accompany the others back into the world of Eldhin, while in the other paths, at their end, Chris asks Arata what about his mother and sister, since they are staying behind. That means they aren’t officially returning— requiring them to sneak back or requiring yet more reveals in the “happily ever after”..

My main complaint with Chris is that she whines so much. I was happy when she got kidnapped and was missing for the second half of the game. That vastly improved the game. I was very disappointed that she got rescued, but it was bound to happen.

Actually— it seems that there’s a bit of “lust” magic happening during the Waltz. Probably to help the prince secure the loyalty of his future empress,and get them started on the next generation. So it is quite likely that some of the participating princesses returned defeated and pregnant. It wouldn’t matter to the Waltz, until after the Waltz is done. It was after it was done that messing about caused the problems the current royal family of Eldhin find themselves in. If this hypothesis is true, then the royals would be highly related with imperial line. Otherwise, with the royal rings side effect, their would have been prior “splits” of the royal line — unless their would be mothers were always killed in the waltz.

I like the princess of Wistia A.K.A Beast Princess A.K.A Shizuka best. In second comes Lun Lun

Chris was my choice, and Aratas choice. Every other woman is on a completely lower level then Chris for him. (As he states to our favorite princess of storm who was my second favorite) Also as for the incest thing… At least there is SOME blood difference. As for many royal lines especial Sold. Sometimes there isn’t even a blood difference. I did not comment negatively on, his relations with his adoptive sister nor his half sister. To me happiness is happiness and love is love. That may be cliche to a disgustingly large extent- but I feel its true. And Many people in other places said “well She isn’t hot” Chris had her own beauty and her own pride. Also if you wold care to take a look at Iris…then chris… and compare quite hard. Give Chris several years and youll have another Iris in beauty. Even her mother was beautiful.

Suzushiro > Lun Lun > Shizuka > Liesel > Angela > Chris

Period. And please don’t ask me why; I can’t really answer you…


Lun Lun >>> Angela > Shizuka > Liesel >> Suzushiro >>> Chris ?

… but only after I finished the entire game. At the end of my first playthrough (which actually just was the first 60% of the story), Liesel would have been waaaaaay below Chris!

ducks and runs