Poll: H-Game Girls--What's Your Age Range?

Keep in mind that we’re talking about apparent age, not stated age (after all, all characters in H-games are 18 and over, right? )

I believe there’s some topics that have strayed into this area before, but I thought it might be nice to collect it all in one place and find out how many of us have a previously unknown grandma fetish.

That, and I discovered a poll of a similiar nature on another forum (unfortunately it’s a known pirate board, so I can’t link to it). The results were surprising (note that the poll allowed more than one choice to be selected):

View Poll Results: What age do you prefer your hentai character to have?
Toddler (0-4) 6 1.89%
Loli (5-12) 52 16.35%
Teen (13-17) 152 47.80%
Adult (18+) 105 33.02%
Obachan :stuck_out_tongue: 3 0.94%
Voters: 232.

Obachan here literally means “aunt,” and also refers to middle-aged older woman types (not to be confused with obaachan, which is what you call your grandmother ).

Notice how only 33% of voters cared for their characters to appear over 18. However, 67% of the voters had a preference for underaged characters. Amazingly, the loli category scored 1/6 of the votes, even though a loli was defined as any girl that appears to be between the ages of 5 and 12 (personally I’d define that range as 6-14 or 6-15). Also amusing was the fact that there were twice as many toddler-cons as oba-cons.

So…let’s hear everyone’s preferences! Personally, I’d choose teen as my favorite. More specifically, I prefer the 14-17 age range, and 11-20 is my general range of tolerance. I like my girls cute and innocent, yet not pre-pubescent. Small breasts…yet not flat-chested. Large breasts [H-cups anyone? ] are almost always a turn-off.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 01-08-2005).]

Bah, I don’t care much, it’s all fiction any way. Of course, if severe cases of wrinkles are showing, or the girl apparently hasn’t learned how to speak yet, I MIGHT shun the game in question.

I’m a person who is easily scared by any kind of extremes, except maybe extremely moe~ characters. Age of characters in bishoujo games doesn’t really matter to me, as long as they are pretty to look at. I leave my political correctness in a box on the floor when I play computer games; that way I can commit mass genocide or hit on Jr. High school girls without getting a guilty conscience.

I generally prefer slightly older looking characters, perhaps in their late teens/twenties. I find “mature” characters more attractive, as well as more engaging and complex but I do wish they wouldn’t endow them all with blimp-sized breasts. It’s almost as if the artists feel the need to inform us of her age by not-so subtlely enlarging her chest by about three times the size of the other characters (whose are usually already pretty huge, so you see the problem).

That said, Chain was heaven

Originally posted by AG3:
Bah, I don't care much, it's all fiction any way. Of course, if severe cases of wrinkles are showing, or the girl apparently hasn't learned how to speak yet, I MIGHT shun the game in question.

I take it you're not a fan of Chobits and Elfen Lied, then? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] Personally I'd go to great lengths to acquire an H-game version of these if such a thing were possible...not even the language barrier would be able to stop me. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

I dont really care for young teens. I am more into mature women.

I have a rather large range of age, depending more of the story/plot than anything else.

As for younger girls, for me 10 years or less is porno-child and a No-No. In renai or non-H games i can considerate very young (11-15) girls (kawaii!! ^^), but in no-plot-just-sex games it makes me sick. 16-17 years (the legal age for marriage in many countries) are okay to me.

As for older girls, i like very much young adults (18-24), but i have no problem with mature womans (25-34). Older womans (35-39) i can take depending the story/plot, but very older womans (40 or more) is strange ^^’.

All-in-all, my preference is 16-24 y.o. girls.

I prefer teens (14-18).
I disgust 0-13.
I can like characters up to below 30.

Any attractive character from probably 15-30 works for me… 14 year olds and below tend to end up cute in my eyes rather than sexy, so they just don’t do it for me… Older than 30 tend to depress me as I steadily get older…

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
I take it you're not a fan of Chobits and Elfen Lied, then? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] Personally I'd go to great lengths to acquire an H-game version of these if such a thing were possible...not even the language barrier would be able to stop me. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Well, Elfen Lied is a series I don't plan on seeing anytime soon, and Chobits was kind of an exception. If you want sex in the Chobits storyline you'd have to buy a doujin manga, as the original storyline says that Chii will loose her memories if she... you know.

Besides, by the time the relationship would have progressed that far, Chii would have learned how to speak already, so that problem is out of the way [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

I love the Chobits manga. The anime is good too, but I only have the first 3 DVDs of it. It's not that I wouldn't buy a Chobits ero-game if they could make it anything but a sex-fest, I just think the series was good the way it is.

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 01-06-2005).]

That’s odd. I thought a major plot point of Chobits was that Chi wasn’t anatomically correct.


Wasn’t there a conversation between Chi and Hideki in the closing scene on the rooftop where she explains her physical limitations? Hideki protests that it doesn’t make any difference. He still wants to spend the rest of his life with her, elevating their relationship to the realm of pure love. It might be the manga ending that I’m thinking of and not the anime, but I never read the manga.

Originally posted by perigee:
That's odd. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/confused.gif[/img] I thought a major plot point of [b]Chobits was that Chi wasn't anatomically correct.


Wasn't there a conversation between Chi and Hideki in the closing scene on the rooftop where she explains her physical limitations? Hideki protests that it doesn't make any difference. He still wants to spend the rest of his life with her, elevating their relationship to the realm of pure love. It might be the manga ending that I'm thinking of and not the anime, but I never read the manga. [/b]

From what I remember (according to the manga), it's not that she isn't anatomically correct, but that doing it would make her "reboot." That's where her power button is, after all. The anime skirts the issue entirely.

@AG3: Don't get me wrong; I love the series as it is. Chii's just so cute...

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 01-06-2005).]

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
@AG3: Don't get me wrong; I love the series as it is. Chii's just so cute...

Don't get me wrong either, I'm not opposed to the idea of playing a Chobits ero-game, if it was done properly. I just pointed out that they'd have to change the main (manga) storyline in order to do so, which has an endless number of pitfalls.

Mmmm... Chii ero-ero... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Other than my distaste for characters who don’t appear to be developed yet, I’m not really sure how to make sense of any presented age range, especially in an artistic form where the artist can choose to depict things any way they want.

Sure, I prefer the big-bright-eyes look more than the look which is often given to older women, with more masculine eyes and large breasts (often in a business suit at that). But that’s OFTEN, not ALWAYS. Miss Yagami in HdR doesn’t look like that. Neither does the gorgeous dark-haired girl (I forget her name, but not the maid, one of the guests) in Tokimeki Check-In, and isn’t she supposed to be over 18?

(Okay, all characters in English games have been presented as over 18, but some are more clearly not so than others. However, since SOME characters in that game are giggly schoolgirls and some aren’t, it stands to reason that some of the others actually are older.)

So other than the game text and the school uniform, how are you supposed to say whether a hentai girl is 16 or 20?

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
I take it you're not a fan of Chobits and Elfen Lied, then? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] Personally I'd go to great lengths to acquire an H-game version of these if such a thing were possible...not even the language barrier would be able to stop me. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

There is an adult Chobits doujinshi game, but it's probably hard to find being that Chobits is a few years old. You might be able to find it on Yahoo Japan Auctions if you're willing to pay 3rd party fees.

As for the topic, I generally like characters who appear to be between the ages of 16 and 24. (DoA [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img])

Originally posted by woodelf:
But remember, that is a SOFT restart of the system. I am sure that button could be re-assigned for other USES with the system.
Offhand other than B-Games I can't think of any synthetic females that are fully functional.

PS. I think Chii is nice, Sumomo is cute.

Where did you get this idea of a soft reset? Just curious. I'm not sure about your second question, but it was never mentioned in Saber Marionette J whether they were "fully-functional." Cherry sure fantasized enough though. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] Mahoro in Mahoromatic is another candidate, though I can't be sure since I've only seen half of the first series.

Originally posted by papillon:
So other than the game text and the school uniform, how are you supposed to say whether a hentai girl is 16 or 20?

There's usually indications. Appearance, personality, and interests/hobbies come to mind. Even the tone and mannerisms of the voice actor tell you something (assuming the voice is tailored to the character, which is a reasonable assumption in most cases). Of course it's all subjective, but I think that it's possible come to some sort of consensus for the majority of characters, especially for the 20 and below range.

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
There is an adult Chobits doujinshi game, but it's probably hard to find being that Chobits is a few years old. You might be able to find it on Yahoo Japan Auctions if you're willing to pay 3rd party fees.

Ah, you mean one of those auctions that go for ~$150? Heh, no thanks. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] I'm not a collector, and I don't feel like getting ripped off, especially for a game in a language I can't understand, and of questionable quality to boot. I do have some degree of restraint. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

That’s why I said ‘16 vs 20’ instead of ‘16 vs 30’. I was questioning the poll lumping everything over 18 into a generic adult category. (well, at least until it gets into Older Women). Depending on the social situation, it can be pretty hard to tell the exact age of someone who’s over physical maturity and doesn’t yet have a job/marriage.

So, to me, it seemed to make more sense to talk about either visual styles (I like big eyes) or personalities than strict ages.

Mannerisms… Well, that whole cutesy talking-in-third-person thing is not to my taste. It doesn’t really bother me, but any girl who does that is probably not going to be my first choice of girls to pursue. Running around holding a teddy bear and looking adorable is cute but not exactly sexually appealing, so it won’t be first on my list. So would that count as a vote for or against teens? I’ve seen teen characters act that way, but plenty of them don’t.

For the most part, I don’t think of hentai characters as having any specific age at all. In the real world, knowing someone’s age has a specific purpose. Not just beacuse you can figure out whether they’re legal to sleep with or not, but because you can tell things about their life experience based on what that age means in their country (17 for a Brit is different than 17 for an American, because the school systems are different) and you can tell things about what they know about the world, because they live in the same world as you. If they were born in X year, then they know about Y but maybe not about Z because it happened when they were only 2…

I’m sort of rambling, I know. Maybe I’m just saying that there should be a separate 18-25 category, which would be the category I tend to eye with interest when looking at REAL girls.

No problem. Nothing wrong with providing more detail. I provided some extra information relating to personality myself.

Maybe I’m just saying that there should be a separate 18-25 category, which would be the category I tend to eye with interest when looking at REAL girls.

Heh, maybe I’m mistaken…but you’re female, right? Sorry, I just didn’t expect that.

Female and married, at that.

Originally posted by AG3:
Well, Elfen Lied is a series I don't plan on seeing anytime soon, and Chobits was kind of an exception. If you want sex in the Chobits storyline you'd have to buy a doujin manga, as the original storyline says that Chii will loose her memories if she... you know.

That's nothing more than a lame cop-out. She's a robot; all you have to do is remodel her. It ought to be a trivial matter to jam-on or otherwise disable or relocate the on-off switch. There's absolutely no reason they can't do their best rabbit impression. They ARE an item.