Poll: H-Game Girls--What's Your Age Range?

Originally posted by woodelf:
Offhand other than B-Games I can't think of any synthetic females that are fully functional.

I can. Bladerunner, for one, but that's rather sinister. Then there's the new Battlestar Galactica. And I think even in Chobits there were sex-persocoms; it's just there weren't any in the show.

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 01-06-2005).]

@ Papillon: It’s easy to tell the teens - they’re the ones in the school uniforms.

That having been said… Hmmm… I think I have a thing for school uniforms…

Originally posted by papillon:
Female and married, at that. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

And you eye "real" girls with interest? Hmm...I've always supposed that females that played male-oriented b-games didn't play them for the girls, per se...

BTW, this is all just curiosity on my part. You can just ignore me if you feel I'm being instrusive. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 01-07-2005).]

I can only speak for me, I’m hardly a ‘normal’ girl. I’m a computer programmer who runs porny web businesses, and yeah, I like to look at girls. Girls are much prettier to look at! I have complained about the lack of good yuri romance games out there…

Men have their uses, but when it comes to pictures, I know what I’d rather see. However, I tend to find the actual written sex scenes in the games boring and silly. Moan, cry, gasp, spurt, BLEAH. Oh, and the endless BLUSHING and Oh No Don’t Look At Me Even Though We’ve Had Sex Before And I’m Giving You A Blow Job At The Moment It’s So Embarassing! rollseyes

Of course, hentai leading males are usually not too bad on the eyes (there are some REALLY UGLY men in the real porn world) but proper bishonen are hard to come by. Isn’t this the stereotypical reason girls like yaoi? Hearts and flowers and long luscious hair flying everywhere!

Originally posted by papillon:
Oh, and the endless BLUSHING and Oh No Don't Look At Me Even Though We've Had Sex Before And I'm Giving You A Blow Job At The Moment It's So Embarassing! *rollseyes*

But it's so cute! Then again, this is coming from a self-avowed lolicon. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

I prefer decent-looking male leads myself, but the preference is more aesthetic than anything else. Having the lead be an actual bishounen with the long flowing hair, hearts, etc...might be kind of creepy though. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 01-07-2005).]

The only thing that freaks me out about bishounens is that you sometimes can’t tell if it’s a girl or a guy until someone tells you. It sucks fawning over a hot girl that turns out to be a guy, if it had happened in real life I’d probably run away screaming.

As for the blushing and all, yeah it’s cute, which is probably the whole point. That’s not to say I don’t find it a bit clichË or a tad unrealistic when the girl in question is obviously used to doing all kinds of sexual stuff.

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 01-07-2005).]

see, that problem just isn’t a problem at all if you like both girls and pretty boys.

If you like both then does that mean you like futanari?

That’s actually a lot harder to answer.

Visually, I’ve seen it done really cutely and I’ve seen it done really ridiculously. Most of the time it just doesn’t look “right” and my poor brain is confused about how to react.

I like the idea, though, and have read and enjoyed fiction on the concept.

WTH language is ‘futanari’ part of? I ahve never seen the word ebfore…

Oh and btw on the lines of “sometimes can’t tell if it’s a girl or a guy until someone tells you”, watch Macross 7 the OAV sometime… The big bad enemy is a person who was possessed by a huge multi-mile long monster in the begining and for the love of god you’d swear it was a woman (even had what sure as heck sounds like a female VA), but much much later on you find out it’s a guy! I didn’t beleive it until a scene right before the end shows him without a shirt on…

Futanari is Japanese for hermaphrodite.

Upon further consideration, I’ve decided I’m not as much of a lolicon as my initial post suggested. 14-17 is my preference range, and 11-20 is my tolerance range. Outside of my tolerance range, I’m not likely to find the character attractive/worth pursuing.

Futanari is just wrong in so many ways… It’s like meeting a chick who used to be a guy, but didn’t have enough cash to pay for the entire procedure. Gah…

I’d run screaming into the shower, Ace Ventura-style.

Why the hell did I spell it “meating” first? … O_o;

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 01-08-2005).]

For a girl, the idea of being able to acquire and play with such equipment for the night can be… intriguing. Especially, again, in the girl/girl context - if only ONE of them has the extra equipment.

It just looks weird to me if the girl being penetrated has add-ons.

But I freely admit that I’d be all for the Ranma curse - especially the fanon version of it where your cursed form is automatically ridiculously attractive. Woohoo! Twice the fun!

What’s a hermaphrodite, exactly? I can only partly make it out.

The Ranma is something I would like for a while, but with better ‘activations’.

Originally posted by Benoit:
What's a hermaphrodite, exactly? I can only partly make it out.

The Ranma is something I would like for a while, but with better 'activations'. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

... remember, you asked.

... a hermaphrodite is kind of like Ranma, except both at the same time.

Aren’t those transsexuals?

A male-female transexual usually has the goal of replacing all male organs with female. Hermaphrodites are genetically gifted with both sets of ‘equipment’, and they like it that way. If you can relate to the standard male/female pairing, it’s a small step to replace the male with a hermaphrodite. I wouldn’t be turned off by such a story line.

[This message has been edited by perigee (edited 01-08-2005).]

A full transexual will not have both kinds of parts.

If you can afford all the surgery (it’s pretty pricey) you get your boy bits cut off, girl bits sculpted and stuck on, hormone pills/injections to make breasts grow, possibly some plastic surgery to make breasts bigger, and if you can manage it, your face peeled off and the bones rearranged. Which is horrible, but if you really want to be a successful, believable male-to-female, you need the face redo. Otherwise, the jawline tends to be a giveaway. I’ve seen people get the full treatment and come out as attractive, believable women.

That’s not what you usually see on porn sites advertised as trans, though. Full trans don’t want you to know they “used to be” the other way around. Porn actors are usually playing on the rarity/freak aspect to earn their keep. So they take the pills or get breasts implanted, but they still have working boybits, although sometimes a bit shriveled because of the girly hormones. Similarly, people who can’t afford all the surgery may just take the hormones. They have no girlbits, just badly-functioning boybits.

There’s an extra-special-bonus category of women who were born with too many male hormones and therefore the clit is enlarged into what looks like a miniature… Man, I really just can’t type penis without feeling silly, can I? … That’s pretty rare, though. There’s some pictures on Something Awful at the moment of some porn video featuring some wrestling chick who’s that way. It’s not really usable as a penis, though, and their girlbits are present and perfectly working.

Hentai futanari usually have both working girlbits and an ENORMOUS PEEN. Really ridiculously huge and veiny and spurting all over the place. Not always, but often. It’s often played for comic value. Some hentai movies have had much smaller and less grotesquely-detailed growths, too.

Then there’s cross-dressing… I think dressing a boy up like a girl is cute.

I wish people would just accept who they are… People really are screwed up psychically these days.