Poll: H-Game Girls--What's Your Age Range?

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
I think you're still losing sight of the fact that this is anime, as in fantasy we're talking about. Nonetheless, let me pose you this question: do you honestly think that a 50-year-old man will find someone (a real person) in his age group more attractive than, say, an 18-year-old girl? Or are old people not supposed to have sexual desires? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

BTW, the poll was created as a topic in an H-manga forum. Thus, at least theoretically, all respondents were 18 or over. The site is also fairly well moderated (considering it's a discussion board for a site that has set aside forums specifically for distributing pirated software).

Eh, it was more along the lines of my addressing others who'd already strayed from the fantasy portion of this topic.

As to the other part of your question: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In short, it depends on the attitude and viewpoint of the 50-year old man.

To quote Queen: "Crazy little thing called love."

A 50-year old man can easily find his 50-year old wife to the most beautiful woman alive, the sexiest woman alive.

Or he could ditch her and run off with an 18-year old gal.

I know a lot of women who are 40+ who are far sexier than a lot of 18-year old girls...of course I know a lot of 18-year old girls who are sexier and more attractive than 40+ year old women.

As to the fantasy aspect, I still prefer the more mature women. Women generally don't hit their sexual prime until their 30s. The seiyuu who portray older women in anime & H-Games seem to do so convincingly, (there are exceptions, of course).

To quote Van Halen: "I'm hot for teacher!"

Now, I was also hot for gals my own age back in my high school days, college days, and so on, and so I'm certainly not limited in my attraction.

When I said 18-50, I meant it, although there are 18-year olds and 50-year olds (and all ages in between)I wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole.

Let me put it this way: To me the sexiest of the gals in "Inuyasha" is Kikyo.

You dig dead chicks? Pervert.

Originally posted by papillon:

Not everybody knows or believes that. Plenty of Concerned Parents, etc, think otherwise. MANY people, including scientists, suspect there may be some link between watching/playing lots of violent stuff and a higher incidence of violence - nothing as clear-cut as "playing this game will make a normal child kill someone" but more along the lines of "playing this violent game could encourage a potentially-violent child to become ACTUALLY violent".

But the caveat there is child. Children are impressionable. They're more likely to be influenced by fantasy, and then manifest that fantasy in reality. I don't think an adult playing a large number of games centered on realistic violence is anything to worry about. The same situation, but with a child, would be a different story. A similar argument can be applied to H-games, and even lolicon.

(My brothers have a 13-year-old "friend" that, for whatever reason, has lost it. He actually held a hunting knife to my little brother's throat. He said it was a "joke." Yeah, right. I think he's been visited by the police multiple times for other reasons too. They seem to know him well. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/rolleyes.gif[/img] I'm pretty sure he's into violent games too. Not that that in itself really proves anything.)

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
This isn't a good counter to Dark_Shiki's argument. He is already well aware of the "default" (i.e. Victorian) morality that is the basis of western culture. Being objective and using reason to figure out what is right or wrong in a given situation is not an easy thing to do, but it's not impossible. A college level morality class is sure to offer you many alternative ways to look at any situation.

Indeed. And...

Originally posted by The Unholy Avenger:
Without going any more away from the topic, what i'm trying to say is that the idea you have is kind of utopic, if people can see things from different points of views, then stupid things like wars wouldn't even exist

I'm not trying to "change the world." The most I'm trying to do is to point out something to this community, those who frequent the PP board. Is it so unrealistic to think that some people here might look at this, think "well, I never thought about it that way," and maybe reconsider their automatic negative judgment about lolicon and its fan-base? Who knows...maybe they might even find something intriguing in the argument that a convenient, pre-formulated set of morals isn't always an adequate substitute for careful thought and reasoning. As bishounen_blue pointed out, it's not easy, but I don't think it's beyond the capability of the members who frequent these boards, most of whom are obviously college educated (or in the midst of it).

Me? I never took your likings as offensive to me, if i said something that made you angry or make you understand something like that, i'm sorry, i'm not that kind of person.
(I'm great! i rulz! let me be egocentric for a while)

Well, then I apologize I guess. This is a topic that easily catapaults one to the defensive.

Have you noticed how twisted this topic got?
It started with a poll. I said i didn't like toddler...bla...bla...bla
Somewhere in the road, it became Loli... bla...bla...bla
and once again, somewhere in the road, it became a moralistic war....

Indeed, I've been observing it's progress the whole time. A good debater controls the flow of discussion, rather than let himself be swept away in it. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Let's see...you remarked that toddler-con was sick. I replied that it was an odd interest, but "to each his own." Later, you asked how ero-lolicon could appeal to me. I replied. We debated on the matter. I pointed out that you seemed to be making an automatic moral judgment. You replied that my denouncement of this automatic moralistic judgment was utopian. And now I'm replying again. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] (Others contributed as well, but since I was focused on replying to The Unholy Avenger, his points and mine stand out in my mind.)

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 01-13-2005).]

Compare ‘muerder’ and ‘sex’ in this topic is kind of stupid… We are not saying that seeing little girls in cg having sex will turn you into a pedophilic… I’m trying to understand what do u base on that a Little girl having sex is good completely good, and why i’m wrong saying that it’s disgusting… i also stated that it’s my point of wiew and that nobody has to share it…

If i cant tolerate things like murder or rape then i should be living in a Metal Box and never get out of it, because i cant be seeing tv (the movies have a lot of topics, where ‘rape’ and ‘murder’ is a common thing) i cant listen to music because many lirycs are aggresive) nor i could play pc-games because 90% of them are violent nor i could be living in this world, because ‘rape’ ‘murder’ and many other awful thing happen in real life (an old saying says ‘The best sci-fi is the real life’). So, now that u know that i’m not living in a box, that i can tolerate things that i dont agree with, now, you tell me, why should i accept things that i dont like?? Tolerate is not the same as accept. I accept killing in games because it’s part of it and i enjoy playing games, i see murders in tv because movies have it and some movies are great, tolerate girls having sex in games because they have them BUT that doesnt mean that i have to accept it… You tell me, why should i accept it and dont see it as an awful thing? as long as i dont hate you for liking it, you shouldn’t have a problemm should you?

Originally posted by general_hentai:
Eh, it was more along the lines of my addressing others who'd already strayed from the fantasy portion of this topic.

True enough. No disrespect meant.

As to the other part of your question: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In short, it depends on the attitude and viewpoint of the 50-year old man.

To quote Queen: "Crazy little thing called love."

A 50-year old man can easily find his 50-year old wife to the most beautiful woman alive, the sexiest woman alive.

Or he could ditch her and run off with an 18-year old gal.

I think you're mixing up love and physical attraction. I can't believe that the average 50-year-old male would find the majority of 50-year-old women as physically attractive as your average 18-year-old girl. It's just not natural. We are attracted to youth. Simple as that. I'd define youth, for purposes of this example, as the 15-30 age range.

I know a lot of women who are 40+ who are far sexier than a lot of 18-year old girls...of course I know a lot of 18-year old girls who are sexier and more attractive than 40+ year old women.

Yes, but you seem to be concerned with personality and experience here, rather than appearance (though these others contribute to sexual attraction as well). If you took your average 40-year-old and your average 18-year-old, and they dressed the same and acted the same, would you still say that?

As to the fantasy aspect, I still prefer the more mature women. Women generally don't hit their sexual prime until their 30s. The seiyuu who portray older women in anime & H-Games seem to do so convincingly, (there are exceptions, of course).

Again, you seem to be fixated on personality and experience. Comparisons of appearance are less relevant here, though, since their appearance is fabricated anyway.

Let me put it this way: To me the sexiest of the gals in "Inuyasha" is Kikyo.

None of the girls in Inuyasha stood out to me as particularly "hot." Though I did enjoy the antics of Miroku and that ninja girl. I thought Nana from Elfen Lied was cute. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 01-13-2005).]

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
I thought Nana from Elfen Lied was cute. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

I thought so too, and i should say that it is not necessary to see a Doushinki or something to see nana naked (to many 'na's), if you know what i mean [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

It was a good serie, great history, nice animation and if i have to see some bad points on it the only ones i have are that it has really few eps and that the last ep could have lasted 15 secs more... i wanted to confirm who was behind that door!!
(some of my friends have some theories:
A) It could be Lucy
B) Some kind of alien
C) The Sr Ding Dong (from one ep from 'the simpsons) who has come to fix that damn clock... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img])

Originally posted by The Unholy Avenger:
Compare 'muerder' and 'sex' in this topic is kind of stupid... We are not saying that seeing little girls in cg having sex will turn you into a pedophilic... I'm trying to understand what do u base on that a Little girl having sex is good completely good, and why i'm wrong saying that it's disgusting.... i also stated that it's my point of wiew and that nobody has to share it...

If i cant tolerate things like murder or rape then i should be living in a Metal Box and never get out of it, because i cant be seeing tv (the movies have a lot of topics, where 'rape' and 'murder' is a common thing) i cant listen to music because many lirycs are aggresive) nor i could play pc-games because 90% of them are violent nor i could be living in this world, because 'rape' 'murder' and many other awful thing happen in real life (an old saying says 'The best sci-fi is the real life'). So, now that u know that i'm not living in a box, that i can tolerate things that i dont agree with, now, you tell me, why should i accept things that i dont like?? Tolerate is not the same as accept. I accept killing in games because it's part of it and i enjoy playing games, i see murders in tv because movies have it and some movies are great, tolerate girls having sex in games because they have them BUT that doesnt mean that i have to accept it... You tell me, why should i accept it and dont see it as an awful thing? as long as i dont hate you for liking it, you shouldn't have a problemm should you?

Lolicon may be disgusting to you (and that's fine), but why do you insist on calling it wrong (the real issue)? Why do you feel the need to lower it below other (in your opinion) distasteful, yet "morally neutral" fetishes? Why can't you see it as nothing more than harmless fiction? Why do you feel the need to "protect" imaginary beings that don't exist?

I'm not saying you have to "accept" lolicon, as you put it. Let me restate what I said earlier: by saying/thinking that lolicon is wrong, you imply that others that enjoy it are committing a sin. You may tolerate it; you may not even say anything about it. But, in your head, you're still looking down on them, because what they're doing is *wrong*.

Anyway, if you want to end this line of discussion, then so be it. It's becoming kind of personal, and there's no reason to continue it if you're not willing to budge on your position that lolicon is morally wrong, and doesn't deserve a place in today's (translated) b-games. At least you understand that holding this interest does not make one a pedophile, to any small or large extent. There's many who don't even understand that.

I thought so too, and i should say that it is not necessary to see a Doushinki or something to see nana naked (to many 'na's), if you know what i mean

It was a good serie, great history, nice animation and if i have to see some bad points on it the only ones i have are that it has really few eps and that the last ep could have lasted 15 secs more... i wanted to confirm who was behind that door!!
(some of my friends have some theories:
A) It could be Lucy
B) Some kind of alien
C) The Sr Ding Dong (from one ep from 'the simpsons) who has come to fix that damn clock... )

Lolicon. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

*Elfen Lied spoiler*

It had to be Lucy (who else could it meaningfully be?), though it's hard to believe she managed to escape. A theory of mine: each "horn" controls half the vectors. Having lost both horns, she lost her ability to project her vectors, making escape nearly impossible. As always, the manga might shed more light on the matter.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 01-14-2005).]

Ok well I got bored reading through parts of page 3, but I have to point one thing out to Unholy Avenger…

Which is that while you may think it’s ‘natural’ for 16 year olds to want sex the actual body changes that cause such desires do in fact happen much earlier… If you’d look up some research on first sexual acts most report they were 14 (for the US) in their first sexual encounter. Which really fits with the age most people used to be married by just a few centuries ago. For several millenia it was considered quite normal for a girl/woman to be a mother by 14 years old.

16 is just the age you believe is appropriate for such activities and has no effect at all on the actual age of such things… Now having said that I still hold to what I said earlier and personally 15-16 is my low end for attractiveness…

It's just not natural. We are attracted to youth.

Be careful with sweeping statements. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] While it may be so that the AVERAGE person will pick the youthful expression over the older one, there are plenty of older-women fetishists [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

But what the average 50-year-old thinks is attractive, I don't think most of us really know. How many of us are anywhere near that age?

And when it comes to REAL people, it can be hard to disassociate personality and appearance. If every girl you've met who's 10+ years younger than you bugs the hell out of you with their shallow, bubble-headed behavior, their obsession with boybands, makeup, and cellphones, etc... pretty soon you won't be able to see a picture of a cute schoolgirl without a certain amount of revulsion. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] Unless, of course, you're into S&M pictures and are just ITCHING to see those horrible girls get a spanking. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

(The 'average' person finds blondes hot, even horrible fake-tanned bleached eyebrow-plucked ones. I can't stand them!)

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
Lolicon. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

*Elfen Lied spoiler*

It had to be Lucy (who else could it meaningfully be?), though it's hard to believe she managed to escape. A theory of mine: each "horn" controls half the vectors. Having lost both horns, she lost her ability to project her vectors, making escape nearly impossible. As always, the manga might shed more light on the matter.

Well, with my theories, i was kidding...
i Do think that tha shadow behind that door is lucy, and i also (i dont remember how, but the anime make it pretty clear) that somehow the vectors are controlled by her horns... so, as you say, it's also pretty hard to make it out of that without anything to protect you... (except she has killed everything in one slap [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img])

Originally posted by Papillon:
(The 'average' person finds blondes hot, even horrible fake-tanned bleached eyebrow-plucked ones. I can't stand them!)

Hey! watch your mouth!(Just kidding [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]) My girlfriend is Blonde, she is tall (about 1.77 when i'm 1.80) and she has a nice body...
The only thing i dont like is that she likes to tanne her skin... (right now, we are on the beach, and, from early on the day till almost night we are on the beach (i cant understand how can anybody enjoy that so much, i'm not like that, so i get away and i go smewhere else and find somebody to play some beach-football)


And when it comes to REAL people, it can be hard to disassociate personality and appearance. If every girl you've met who's 10+ years younger than you bugs the hell out of you with their shallow, bubble-headed behavior, their obsession with boybands, makeup, and cellphones, etc... pretty soon you won't be able to see a picture of a cute schoolgirl without a certain amount of revulsion. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] Unless, of course, you're into S&M pictures and are just ITCHING to see those horrible girls get a spanking. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]
Or unless you're like me and just don't give a care period because I know the kinds of people i dislike and can just shove that off to the side when i play a game. Why? [i]Because its a game![/b] Its not real!

I could also go into long, and boring statistics about how these games, and games like GTA, Halo2, etc. can have positive effects on society as well, by having an outlet for people, but i won't cuz its a longer, dryer discussion that we have here.

But personally myself, it doesn't matter as long as the girl is cute what the age is...although i might get disturbed somewhat if it was reaching for the very extremes in age (but genrally then she's not cute anymore so the point is mute). Cuz to me, just like when i decide to go slay a city in Morrowind before i reload, its only a game and no one but myself is being affected by it (and maybe my friend if he's sitting over my shoulder watching it). So once i leave the game i can take my political correctness back out because and act in an approriate manner.

But, yea, I have been said to have a warped sense of logic.

Dark_Shiki: No offense taken.

Personality does indeed matter to me, and not just in real life. A good seiyuu makes all the difference for an H-Game character, and is the primary reason it’s been years since I’ve listened to the dub versions of any hentai anime.

The point I was trying to make is that although we can generalize sexual preferences (50-year olds are more likely to find an 18 year old more attractive than a person who is 50 years old), but while generalizations can be made, they must be made with the caveat that sexual preferences and choices are very personal.

I’m sure you’ve heard someone described as a breast man, a leg man, or an ass man, meaning that those are the most attractive portions of the female anatomy to that person.

Personality is the determining factor for sexiness in a woman.

You can have a woman who fits a universal standard of beauty, and yet if she has the wrong personality, she won’t be sexy.

This very thread shows the varied nature of our own personal likes and and attitudes as to what turns us on.

For example, I find that stockings and a garter belt (and nothing else) to be the sexiest outfit that a gal can wear. It just frames everything (front and back) sooooooooo perfectly, while leaving everything accessible.

Since the overwhelming majority of my sex life has not involved the gal wearing such an outfit, with that ever-popular outfit for her known as the “birthday suit” ahead by the vastest of margins, it’s easy to see that while I have a favorite, I’m not limited in my likes.

I don’t get scat. Not at all. Not in the slightest.

Yet it is abundant throughout Japanese hentai anime and games.

There seems to be a trend here in the US to treat H-Games as a single genre, all the while forgetting that when released in Japan, these games are specifically targeted at certain segments of the market, just like porn is produced in the USA.

There are plenty of H-Games which feature “older women types”. A lot of the games we get here in the USA are more general games, even the fetish games. That there’s a li’l sis type in most games, who is countered by a “Mrs. Robinson” type, girl-next door/childhood friend type, etc., shows that these games are more designed to please all the people all the time, and to give a variety in the game itself.

I’m sort of an “all of the above” type when it comes to women.

I find that most women who want to be sexy, are sexy…and that’s a sexy thing.

I prefer large breasts, yet there have been times when I’ve gone after women with A cups because the personality of that girl was better and sexier than her friend with the D-cups.

To me, a woman is not the sum of her parts. I pick the gal, not her bust, her ass, her legs or anything else.

And I apply this to what I like in fantasy.

I like a gal with nice boobs.

I like a gal with a nice ass, and I like a gal who has great legs. I also like it when they all come together in one peson, but ultimately it’s the person who you’re with.

With an H-Game, the pictures are just one part of the mental imagery involved: There’s the script, story and development of a character, and the seiyuu who voices her. All that blends into a personality.

Heh. For you or me, the sexiest seiyuu in the world might not mean a thing if she’s voicing a stick figure. But to a blind man, she’s as sexy as she would be if she was animated by the most award-winning character designer in Japan… which is how sexy she becomes if I close my eyes and listen to her. Of course, the script can impair that sexiness.

Go to the newstand. Check out the porno mags. There’s Playboy and Penthouse. There’s Hustler and Perfect 10. There’s Barely Legal and 40+ (30+, 50+, etc.).

All of which is known to casual internet surfers…meaning that individual sexual desires are directly catered to.

… bit strange to quote the part of my post where I was talking specifically about real, flesh-and-blood, human women that you can actually meet and talk to and then say “all this doesn’t matter because it’s just a game!”

Well, yeah, except not in the post you quoted.

This thread is really really long, and I wasn’t here for 2 weeks; so I haven’t had time to actually, like, READ it yet. So I’ll just randomly interject my thoughts on the matter.

Depictions of loli make me sick. BUT I do not define ‘loli’ in terms of the character’s age. The current laws are created based around a concrete age only as an approximation. People don’t go to sleep the day before their 18th birthday too immature to deal with sex, and wake up completely understanding it. Doesn’t work like that - the rules were set up to approximate what their REAL intent is: Mental maturity. Are both parties mature enough to be in this relationship?

People who look like they’re 20+ with bowling ball-sized implants, but act like ten year olds, bug me a LOT more than people who look, say, 14 but act much older (say, an immortal fairy or some such nonsense). While in most of those cases I disapprove of the choice of character design (as blatant pandering to the audience) it doesn’t bother me nearly as much as someone who isn’t mature enough to get it.

(I’m not even going to TALK about anything below puberty - that is BY DEFINITION unable to comprehend or enjoy sexual activity, that’s what puberty MEANS.)

I’m pretty much fine with anything except extremely old (is there actually any B-games out there that cater to that “fetish”?)loli, big breasts, dickgirls (ONLY in anime), ect don’t bother me at all. In fact I’m a pretty big fan of loli. I’ve been on the internet looking at porn since before I turned 18, so it takes alot to freak me out. I’m not a big fan of scat or beastiality, but I can stand it. Gore / Snuff sickens me. While crusing weird H artist websites I stumbled on some, and wanted to wash my eyes out with soap.

Originally posted by Laslow:
Gore / Snuff sickens me. While crusing weird H artist websites I stumbled on some, and wanted to wash my eyes out with soap.
Gore and stuff doesn't phase me at all. When I was young, like 4 or 5 i started watching some of the goriest movies. As well as horror, demonic, occult-ish and anything else you want.

Uoi really gotta try to even phase me in any way with that, which is probably why i don't really see divi dead as a horror genre because it never even came close for me. Not that i didn't like it, as its on my to 5 list of all h-games i've played.

I go for 16-24. I’m not big on super young girls, or the really older ladies either.