Possibility for Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien Translation by GC?

I saw this quote on another message board (the post was dated 12/5/04). Unfortunately…it’s a discussion forum for a known pirating site, but the topic itself was innocuous enough.

Apparently, someone e-mailed G-collections and asked if they would translate Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien (which translates to “The Eternity You Desire”). Amazingly, here was their response:


We will sure consider translating “The Eternity You Desire” if we receive enough requests to produce it. Thank you very much for your interests in our games.



Think it’s time to bombard them with Kiminozo requests?

Edit: The quote was originally posted by TaronWarrior, a frequent H-game reviewer at GameFAQs.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 12-06-2004).]

I know this forum, and it’s famous for selling sea stories…

If you’re referring to the KGNE campaign started in the AS forum, the author has been trying to get another response from GC for the past six months. Apparently the first reply was one of those Yes, we’d love to please you, now please go away and stop bothering us emails.

Omegatek2’s latest crusade is to get PP involved in the project. We already received this answer to that suggestion, however.

I’ve posted a response to the thread asking him where and when he got that quote. We should get a reply soon, I expect.

The thread disappeared…what the hell? I don’t know what’s going on…maybe it was too legitimate or on-topic or something…

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 12-06-2004).]

Try ask Takeshi… he’s around this forum too, even if he uses another name, eh eh eh…

and no it’s not me.

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
The thread disappeared...what the hell? I don't know what's going on...maybe it was too legitimate or on-topic or something...
Perhaps we're not talking about the same forum after all. AG3, bishounen_blue, Benoit and perhaps other PP members have posted to the discussion I refer to, but I don't see your name. That AS topic opened on May 24, 2004 with the following quote.
We will sure consider translating "The Eternity You Desire" if we receive enough requests to produce it. Thank you very much for your interests in our games.


Note the choice of words, consider and enough - warm and fuzzy feelings but no commitment. GC has it down to an art.

Originally posted by perigee:
Note the choice of words, consider and enough - warm and fuzzy feelings but no commitment. GC has it down to an art.

Well, that's how it usually goes, isn't it? Of course a company isn't going to commit to releasing a game before they've even assessed the demand for it. What interests me is that they don't outright rebuke the idea, saying that they don't have contacts with Age. Instead, they imply that a flood of requests would probably result in them translating and releasing it.

If they don't actually have contacts with Age, and the possiblity that they ever will in the near future is slim to none, then my opinion of GC has just taken another nosedive.

However, I didn't realize the e-mail was 6 months old. If I had, I never would've posted it. Oh well, it appears my hopes have been dashed again...

Oh well have patience, DS… the world goes this way sometimes. To dream and to hope don’t cost a cent.

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
Well, that's how it usually goes, isn't it? Of course a company isn't going to commit to releasing a game before they've even assessed the demand for it.
I guess I've grown cynical, but my take on it is that they never had any real interest or intention of translating the game. They may have hoped it would generate some write-in requests. GC seems to be keen on surveys and such, but they have never - to the best of my knowledge - considered porting any game that's outside the cd-bros family.

At least Lamuness was direct and honest in his reply to my suggestion. Even though PeaPri does have a real connection to Age through Hobibox, as he explains it there's no point in getting our hopes up.

If they don't actually have contacts with Age, and the possiblity that they ever will in the near future is slim to none, then my opinion of GC has just taken another nosedive.
Welcome to the bungee-jumping club. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]
However, I didn't realize the e-mail was 6 months old. If I had, I never would've posted it. Oh well, it appears my hopes have been dashed again...
Not to dash them further, but the poster in question started the same kind of write-in campaign on at least two other b-game boards - also without results. I researched the prospects for a KGNE translation before deciding to buy the J-game. Perhaps GC will make the Japanese version available from their new download store - complete with the V-mate enhancement! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/rolleyes.gif[/img]

I found the thread on Animesuki that you were talking about. It was an interesting read.

Perhaps GC will make the Japanese version available from their new download store - complete with the V-mate enhancement!

Lol. It’s good to look on the bright side, isn’t it?

Originally posted by perigee:
At least Lamuness was direct and honest in his reply to my suggestion. Even though PeaPri does have a real connection to Age through Hobibox, as he explains it there's no point in getting our hopes up.

And that's one of the many reasons why I'm a fan of PP and not-so-much a fan of GC. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] Now if they could just get those prices down and release games a little faster. I don't mind paying $50 for LMMD (extras! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]) or Shield Gun Warrior Sakigake (tactical combat!), but it'd be nice if I could find sites which regularly sell PP games cheap. Even before V-mate, multiple sites sold new-release GC games for as low as $35 (plus shipping). That's $15 less than PP games. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 12-06-2004).]

Sadly, if you want high quality, you must pay for high price. That’s how the world works, and even my business goes that way. They want cheap prices? What they receive are low quality lamb meat.

Do not take me wrong, Lamuness-sama.
True, if only they were a little more faster - a game every six months, i’m not pretending the impossible - it would be better.

[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 12-06-2004).]

Since G-Collections’ translations aren’t as high quality as Peach Princess’, it’s normal there’s a price difference. :stuck_out_tongue:

for those who want clarification, i never said it’s impossible to see kiminozo being brought over, but i just think it’s highly unprobable based on fairly realistic reasoning.

obviously i hope peapri would be the one to get kiminozo, but who knows? maybe gc has some kinda trick that can convince age to give in or something

but if gc has the luck to get licenses from age, then i must applaud them for their efforts. as for us, let’s just say we will (attempt to) do something to ahem, counter it…we cant really let gc be ahead of us too much, can we? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the follow-up, Lamuness. I guess I’ve already been thoroughly discouraged, though…

Originally posted by Benoit:
Since G-Collections’ translations aren’t as high quality as Peach Princess’, it’s normal there’s a price difference.

That argument would be valid…however, before V-mate, GC and PP both sold their newer games at the same price ($50) on their respective sites. The difference was that GC had contacts with distributors that sold their new games much more cheaply as well (around $35). PP seems to have no such cheap contacts, which is disappointing. Also, these same sites that sell GC games cheaply often don’t sell PP games at all. I wonder why?

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 12-06-2004).]

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
before V-mate, GC and PP both sold their newer games at the same price ($50) on their respective sites. The difference was that GC had contacts with distributors that sold their new games much more cheaply as well (around $35). PP seems to have no such cheap contacts, which is disappointing.

This reminds me of what I wrote on AnimeSuki a while ago:

AG3 (Topic: Surprised by Crescendo):
It's too bad, really. The average gamer has this mentality that a game should never cost more than a set price, say $50. Regardless of how much work went into the game, how good it is, and how long it lasts, it should never cross this line. This means that G-Collections can sell short, low-quality ero-games that people buy at $50 a piece, but if they translated a big, high-quality game that lasts 5 times longer, they couldn't charge even $150, because almost everyone would think "$150 for ONE game!? No ******* way!", instead of looking at the content you actually get for that money.

If customers didn't do that, and were willing to pay based on the actual work involved in translating each game (using current ero-games length/prices as a standard), the chance of seeing high-quality games would be much bigger. Longer doesn't necessarily have to equal better, but it's a starting point.

I only mention GC in that post, but of course it goes for PP as well. Now, I can understand that people are reluctant to pay like $150 for just one game, as it's a large one-time sum. But still, I'd rather pay 3 times as much for a game that gives far more value than 3 of GC's $50 games (or $68 with S+H for me). The difficulty is of course: how does he customer know he/she is getting their moneys worth on such a release? And if you don't like it, despite being such a high-quality title, it's 3 times the money out the window.

Originally posted by AG3:
AG3 (Topic: Surprised by Crescendo):
It's too bad, really. The average gamer has this mentality that a game should never cost more than a set price, say $50. Regardless of how much work went into the game, how good it is, and how long it lasts, it should never cross this line. This means that G-Collections can sell short, low-quality ero-games that people buy at $50 a piece, but if they translated a big, high-quality game that lasts 5 times longer, they couldn't charge even $150, because almost everyone would think "$150 for ONE game!? No ******* way!", instead of looking at the content you actually get for that money.

If customers didn't do that, and were willing to pay based on the actual work involved in translating each game (using current ero-games length/prices as a standard), the chance of seeing high-quality games would be much bigger. Longer doesn't necessarily have to equal better, but it's a starting point.

There are good reasons why this is the case. Games are valued not just with respect to other games, but with respect to other items as well, in general.

$150 approaches many people's utility bills per month. $150 is way more than I pay on my cell phone for a month. $150 approaches the price of a used video game system.

You also have to go by what you can reasonably expect people to pay. People have budgets, they budget their entertainment money, and they'll say "I can buy 3 other games for this one". Note that even Metal Gear Solid 2, and FFX, and other big names can't get away with charging more.

Comparatively one game might be worth more money than another, but that is just one factor. The market has decided that games as a whole are almost never worth more than $50.

As to "GC's selling short low-quality erogames at $50" ... well, yes, they are. As more and more titles come out - and better titles - they will be competing with themselves, so to speak, and will have far more difficulty continuing to charge $50 for the likes of Kango 2 and Tsukushite Agechau 4. The answer to this isn't necessarily "they should then be selling the better games for more" but "they should be selling the crappy games for less".

Why there isn't a real budget label kind of deal for gaming is an entire other kettle of fish.

Now, $150 seems a bit high; but if Crescendo were $55 or so, and other games were like $35 ... this would be along the lines of what you suggest. Unfortunately one of the immediate effects is that sales of Crescendo go way down! One of the reasons XChange was so popular, for example, is undoubtedly its being very cheap. While Crescendo would generate incredible buzz and win critical acclaim, it likely would never get the commercial success it needed. This pricing strategy seems doomed to failure.

[edit: lerns two spel]

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 12-06-2004).]

Originally posted by AG3:This means that G-Collections can sell short, low-quality ero-games that people buy at $50 a piece, but if they translated a big, high-quality game that lasts 5 times longer, they couldn't charge even $150, because almost everyone would think "$150 for ONE game!? No ******* way!", instead of looking at the content you actually get for that money.

Well, even in Japan, renai games rarely go over the 10000 yen mark. The average price is somewhere between 6000-8000 yen. I know I'd say "fuck it" if Peapri or G-coll decided to charge $150 for one game, no matter how good it was.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
You also have to go by what you can reasonably expect people to pay. People have budgets, they budget their entertainment money, and they'll say "I can buy 3 other games for this one". Note that even Metal Gear Solid 2, and FFX, and other big names can't get away with charging more.


Dragon Quest VIII is coming out in Japan at the price of 8000 yen. That's about 2000 yen more than other games, but Enix is betting that because of the obvious awesomeness, its sales won't be hurt. Since it's a DQ game, it'll naturally sell more than anything else...

And tomorrow, I'm getting the LE version of Growlanser Generations, and it's costing me $90. Given that Working Designs has sold out the LE before it was even released, I'd say that people are willing to pay more... to an extent.

$150 approaches the price of a used video game system.

Actually, it's the price of a new system. ^_^;; [/nitpick]

[This message has been edited by Dark Lord Zenigame (edited 12-06-2004).]

Originally posted by Zenigame:
And tomorrow, I'm getting the LE version of Growlanser Generations, and it's costing me $90. Given that Working Designs has sold out the LE before it was even released, I'd say that people are willing to pay more... to an extent.

I'm afraid you're a bit confused. Working Designs is offering two "versions" of the package: one costs $50 and includes the two games plus a manual (in other words, your standard game package), and the second costs $90 is a "deluxe" package that comes with a host of additional goodies (I'm not kidding here...we're talking a watch, playing cards, etc.) The games by itself are still $50, and notice that Working Designs made it a point to offer BOTH packages. Obviously, they're conforming to the $50 rule just like anyone else.

BTW, Working Designs has been having a rough time lately. This is their first release in about 2 years. I've read their board a little, and they've had to do some significant down-sizing just to survive. They hope to resume releasing 2-3 games a year starting next year.

Anyway, as AG3 and Nandemonai say, the market has indeed decided that $50 is the limit for the majority of games, though I've seen N64 games go for $60 new in their day.

The answer to this isn't necessarily "they should then be selling the better games for more" but "they should be selling the crappy games for less".

I couldn't agree more, though I'm obviously biased on multiple counts. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]