Post your Bishoujo review website links

Originally posted by Unicorn:
It's the same problem as with Peter's request:
My reviews are written to be published on ladyphoenic-sama's website in the first place.
So, before I submit them anywhere else, I first want to have following points clear:
1.) All sites know about the others, having the same review as well
2.) All sites agreeing to share the right of using these reviews and none of them is able to claim exclusive rights on any of my reviews

As far as I don't know of such agreements, my reviews of english localized b-games remain exclusively available on ladyphoenix-sama's "Wonderful World of Bishoujo-Gaming".

Perhaps, you didn't even meant me with your encouraging post. I just realized, you wanted "competent and coherent English". I am not sure, if I am capable of this...

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 04-26-2003).]

Think of it this way, Unicorn: if your review is read on many websites, then that means it's being syndicated like comic strips, or "Dear Abby:" columns. Isn't that cool?

Editor's Note: The coolness of "Dear Abby:" columns is subject to individual's opinions and is not necessarily the opinion of this editor.

Originally posted by bokmeow:

Think of it this way, Unicorn: if your review is read on many websites, then that means it's being syndicated like comic strips, or "Dear Abby:" columns. Isn't that cool?

I don't mind my reviews being hosted on several websites.
But I fear legal implications, if any website decides to claim ownership of my review and coincidentally dicovers, that the same reviews are already hosted on another website. That's why I insist on a friendly agreement between the different hosting websites.

Perhaps, you should try first reading one or more of my reviews in order to check, if my works even qualify under your conditions (o.k., more than 250 words are no problem, but the other ones...)

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 04-26-2003).]

You know, I never really thought about my own reviews in that regards. But then again, I write a different review for each place I’ve submitted. Don’t ask me why, but that’s kind of how I do things for some reason. And where’d that whip come from?!?

i would be happy to share Unicorn’s reviews with an affiliate…if you want to use unicorn’s reviews, perhaps we can become affiliates and link to each other’s websites

Well, everyone is an affiliate to me, since I intend on linking to everyone’s review website and hope everyone can do the same, this way everyone can read all the reviews, and perhaps these can sway some people into trying these games, otherwise they would have just dismissed these games as perverse and never try them.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I don't mind my reviews being hosted on several websites.
But I fear legal implications, if any website decides to claim ownership of my review and coincidentally dicovers, that the same reviews are already hosted on another website. That's why I insist on a friendly agreement between the different hosting websites.

Perhaps, you should try first reading one or more of my reviews in order to check, if my works even qualify under your conditions (o.k., more than 250 words are no problem, but the other ones...)

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 04-26-2003).]

No problem Unicorn, I can give you advice and help you rewrite the review, with your permission I can help you edit, in that way you may improve your writing. Another thing I recommend that you do is go and buy a slim volume called 'Elements of Style' by Strunk and White. It's very little, but it packs very awesome writing advice. People use this little volume even today, and very little of it has changed over the years. You can find it in bargain bins for maybe only around 50 cents to a dollar, or you can buy the new updated version with a searchable index in the back of this volume.

Shameless plug nyo~~

Bishoujo Manga & Doujinshi Reviews:

Hey, H-Gurl! Haven’t seen you around for a while…

Originally posted by Jeffrey:
Hey, H-Gurl! [img][/img] Haven't seen you around for a while...

Yo! [img][/img]

I've been here and there. Nice 2 see ya.

Originally posted by H-Gurl:

Yo! [img][/img]

I've been here and there. Nice 2 see ya.

Cool, thanks for the link H-gurl. I add that to my list of links.

Heh, and I was sort of wondering what happened to some of the "old timer"s. Welcome back H-Gurl-san.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Heh, and I was sort of wondering what happened to some of the "old timer"s. Welcome back H-Gurl-san.

Thx [img][/img]

Ok, I added all the links to my website, now I hope each webmaster can supply a short 1 to 2 sentence description for their website, it can even be a welcome message or something, and I’ll tag it next to the assigned website. That way they don’t look so plain, and people can visit the ones they like.

Originally posted by H-Gurl:
Shameless plug nyo~~

Bishoujo Manga & Doujinshi Reviews:

Must be a popular site, can't get through for the past couple of days. (bandwidth blah blah blah) Or just Geocity suck again?

Originally posted by Hogi Bear:

Must be a popular site, can't get through for the past couple of days. (bandwidth blah blah blah) Or just Geocity suck again?

I have been able to connect, and rather quickly too, you must be loggin' onto that site at peak hours then.

What’s everyone’s opinion about posting links to where you can purchase Bishoujo games? The thought occurred to me, but it would probably seem too commercial and too suspect, like maybe the sponsors ‘persuaded’ you to write good reviews or something like that.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
What's everyone's opinion about posting links to where you can purchase Bishoujo games? The thought occurred to me, but it would probably seem too commercial and too suspect, like maybe the sponsors 'persuaded' you to write good reviews or something like that.

You maybe right. However, if you intergrate it within the review then there is no problem. Not only do you link to the respected company, but also show professional reference.


Snow Drop is produced by Peach Princess

You get the idea. Just makes sure you do it at each reference.

Or you can have the game "specs" before a review and have a company reference there.

Just some ideas for you.

Thanks, I already do that in my reviews, but I don’I find them distracting. What I meant by ‘retailers that sell Bishoujo games’ I am referring to places like Planet Anime, that link Kagami provided, Right Stuf, so on and so forth. What does everyone think?

Originally posted by bokmeow:
Thanks, I already do that in my reviews, but I don'I find them distracting. What I meant by 'retailers that sell Bishoujo games' I am referring to places like Planet Anime, that link Kagami provided, Right Stuf, so on and so forth. What does everyone think?

Oh, I see, sorry for the misunderstanding. Personal if you do link make sure you have a couple at least if you don't want to be seen as commercial. List them alphabetically as well, the name of the on-line retailer I mean. Given the size of the market I think is not a bad idea personally.

That reminds of a question long ago. Are people still have issues with Animenation? Or is that old news. Been "out off the loop" of late.

Originally posted by Hogi Bear:
That reminds of a question long ago. Are people still have issues with Animenation? Or is that old news. Been "out off the loop" of late.

Ah, do you mean that problem that was about that one or two of the people behind AN is actually pirates, who've been copying copyrighted material out of bishoujo games (among other things)?