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No objections. After all, Superman is hardly the guy to outwit Karkarot.
But if instead Bruce Wayne would enter, the match would look like this:

  • Batman draws a banana from one of his pockets
  • shows it to Goku, then throws it right over his opponents head into the audience
  • Referee: “Kakarot: Ring Out! The winner is…”

Moral: Never let a monkey do the job of a hero! :stuck_out_tongue:

HEHE yeah,
Enter Vegeta

It is a proven scientific fact, if were Superman’s powers given to Batman, this theoretical “Super Batman” could even defeat Vegito in Super Saiyan mode. He’d probably even kick God’s ass… which is why God wouldn’t let such a being exist in the first place.

The ONLY thing that might stand up to Super Batman is Batman with a Green Lantern ring. In that scenario, the universe implodes from the sheer awesome power it was never intended to withstand.

And for those wondering… Super Batman with a Green Lantern Ring is beyond mere words to describe. That’s like God having a God of his own. :twisted:

Cats and dogs, living together? That only happens if you cross the streams. Do you have a problem with Stay-Puft Marshmallow Men?

Batman with a Green Lantern ring? The horror … the horror. Because Batman isn’t foolish enough to get pwned by a banana peel merely by the fact that it’s yellow. He would actually have backup plans for dealing with yellow-colored objects.

Yeah but his power will run out pretty soon , not before total destruction though.

How About Wolvie fusing with spidey???


Kyle’s Green Lantern ring could overcome its weakness: Yellow.

Heh… no one answered your question, so I guess I’ll do it, because I recently had to buy some lingerie in a store. :stuck_out_tongue:

Measurements are given as a number and a letter. The number is the circumference of a woman’s chest. It doesn’t automatically mean she has massive boobs. Women professional bodybuilders typically have a large chest measurement, but not so impressive boobage. The letter is the actual size of the woman’s boobs, or rather, how many inches they stickout from the chest.

This is why a woman with 32C will have bigger boobs than a woman with a 32A. Both have the same chest size if you measure it with tape, but one would be ample tits (the 32C), while the other would be barrel chested or abnormally muscular (32A). This is why women measure their chest as band and bust. Men are mostly only concerned with bust size: the measurement of a woman’s boobs as the entire chest. Band is the measurement of a woman’s chest UNDER her boobs… basically what her chest size would be if she had no boobs. Knowing both the band and bust, is important if you wanna properly fit clothing and whatnot.

Because of all this, the shape of the boobs can influence the cup size. See American porn stars from the 90’s for some examples: natural versus fake. :wink:

The whole cup size confusion, about bras in other countires, is because they don’t use the same system. For example in the UK an E-Cup means a woman’s boobs stickout 6 inches… but in the US that would be an F-Cup – an American E-Cup is only 5 inches. And because a picture is worth a 1000 words…


Interesting picture Narg, where is it from?

On a unrelated note I just ordered my first pachinko machine , Galaxy Railway. :smiley:

Random Hinta fanart I found on a Naruto image board. I don’t recognize the artist at all… could be a Westerner too, making it that much harder to trace down.

It does make a lovely example, of why Naruto is a retard. Hinata will do anything for him, and the moron still chases around Sakura, who is more interested in Satsuke. Get with the program foxboy. While it’s pretty obvious the Hyuga clan is incest out the ying-yang, I’m sure they won’t mind adding Naruto to the gene pool… Hinata sure as hell would welcome it with open legs… err… I mean arms. Although given that she faints when he just breathes on her, it probably be like screwing a warm corpse. :stuck_out_tongue:

See! This is why Nintendo is famous for getting everything right in a game. 8)


Now if only Zelda’s dress used the same clothing physics…

Loving you doesn’t me I don’t hate you. Just means it’ll take a lot for me to hate you.

Mind what people do, not only what they say, for deeds will betray a lie. Wizard’s 5th Rule

However something that’s bothering me even more is that nobody seems to know how DANGEROUS bras are :evil: :

Take any non-controlled study with an ENORMOUS grain of salt. Go play Science Girls! and chant ‘Correlation is not Causation’ until it sinks in. :slight_smile:

All an epidemiological study can do is to suggest a connection which must then be TESTED in order to determine if there is an actual causal relationship. Frex, it’s entirely possible that the only people who choose to wear tight bras 24 hours a day are those who have large and painful breasts which are already more likely to develop cancer.

Huge database ‘studies’ that are just mashing up data and looking for relationships can turn up all KINDS of utter nonsense that’s plainly ridiculous if you take the time to think about it - like the laughable “Fat people have more fat friends! FAT IS CONTAGIOUS!!!” story that went around the news a while ago.

Sorry, but that “non-controlled study” is enough for me and, MOST importantly, for those women following my advice :slight_smile: (besides, removing the bra before going to sleep is pretty easy, even if we’ll have to await a few decades -at least- for the results :lol: ).
However I fully admit that my innate distrust of scientists and medics is a driving force in my life, and if we also add my paranoia toward cell phones, chemoterapy, bras, etc :shock: :lol: …

Nice try :wink: , but I play erogames only :smiley: .

I’ve never known anyone to sleep with a bra on anyway, although I certainly don’t go around asking people if they do, as it doesn’t seem to be any of my business! I assume for some people it’s comfortable, I dunno.

Well, if you help make me fabulously wealthy then I can afford to finance some erogames on the side. :slight_smile: As it is, I can’t possibly make them, because I can’t sell them, and I can’t really afford to throw that much money down the drain. :slight_smile:

Man, trying to piss out all these fires that keep popping up on the forum today can sure make you tired. This makes my 11th post of the day so far. :shock: Narg, where are you when I need you to defuse the situation with some twincest? :stuck_out_tongue:

The way things are at the moment, there’s more angry threads than there is twincest in the world. :frowning:

Five months and two or so weeks and another year is gone.

So anyone seen any movies or going to see any movies `sides transformers?

Never make mistakes and you’ll never learn.