Presentation of future peapri games

here are some thoughts while having some discussion with the heads of the company:

1. how would you feel if we ditch printed manuals? in return, we plan to provide cards/postcards or other freebies to give away. Obviously, we will still have a PDF manual electronically on the cd/dvd

2. how would you feel about we selling 2 versions of a game, one being limited edition and standard version? the standard version will be the same as what you get before. the limited edition will contain extra goodies and different packaging. of course, this limited edition will sell for a bit more expensive than the standard version.

i understand that some people will die for goodies, while others just care about paying for only the game itself and dont give a crap about goodies (this isn’t japan afterall). let us know what you think, thanks.

1- I like printed manuals… I like cards and stuff, too… gyar, me can’t decide. >>

2- Since I’m a LE whore, I’d love it. ^^
Of course, something like X-Change 3: Special Edition wouldn’t be much to be happy about, but for a worthwhile game… yes. :slight_smile:

between getting a pretty manual, vs getting the same postcards with every game(ive got like 3 of some g-coll postcards), id rather have the manual

depends on what kinds of extras go with the limited edition
if the extra is something substantial - made of plastic, not card paper
ex: shitijiki, keychain, figures
then id buy it
and hopefully the limited edition packing would be more aimed at dedicated fans, rather than the ‘porn game’ crowd?

Originally posted by Lamuness:
here are some thoughts while having some discussion with the heads of the company:

1. how would you feel if we ditch printed manuals? in return, we plan to provide cards/postcards or other freebies to give away. Obviously, we will still have a PDF manual electronically on the cd/dvd

Since the manuals so far are on the thin side, I don't mind. Also, if this stops questions like "how do I save in game XYZ"... As for freebies, postcards or trading cards would be nice, but not really necessary though (see below).

Originally posted by Lamuness:
2. how would you feel about we selling 2 versions of a game, one being limited edition and standard version? the standard version will be the same as what you get before. the limited edition will contain extra goodies and different packaging. of course, this limited edition will sell for a bit more expensive than the standard version.

I like this idea. Now, the big question is: what would the goodies would be? If it is just postcards or a badge (Critical Point), I will pass. However, if they are some really cool goodies (Soundtrack? Artbook? Body Pillow cover???*), and you really mean "limited edition", I am all for it (provided it is not a game from Guilty, that is....)

  • Reference to To Heart 2

    [This message has been edited by fxho (edited 01-10-2005).]

    1. Everyone should know by now what I’ll say to this. Paper manuals that just explain how to play a game are worthless. I can read a text file or a .pdf for that. There’s nothing complicated about playing these games anyway, though the character descriptions and background story are always interesting to read (but again, don’t need to be printed). The manual that came with Hourglass of Summer was great because it was more an art book than a guide on how to play an AVG (needed color though). I’d much prefer an art book to a manual. I don’t know about post cards, but things I could show off in general would be nice. The goodies with LMM were a step in the right direction (randomization is bad though–let people pick).

      2. Limited edition packages for games is a cool idea, but I’d only be interested in this option for games I’m really hyped about, or have really pretty art. As I’ve said before, cute packaging that is aesthetically pleasing but still just an empty shell that you throw away is worthless to me. I want stuff that I can show-off as stand-alone items (game packaging, done properly, could possibly serve as a stand-alone item for display). I’d love to see some posters. I’m not big on mousepads because that’s more of a utilitarian item than an aesthetic one (i.e. I have a really good mousepad specially-made for an optical mouse, and I would never replace it for an anime one just because). Keychains are decent, but not particularly impressive, and I’m not a big fan of chibi.

      Now for my biggest concern (also expressed by exoarchaeologist): I don’t want PORN written all over my packaging, especially if I’m going to put it on display! I don’t want H-CG’s all over the back of the box, regular or limited edition. I know there’s a need to make sure these games don’t get into the hands of minors, but I think better ways of handling it could be thought up that don’t despoil the packaging. That’s the #1 reason I throw away H-game packaging. Perhaps the box could be wrapped in a plastic sleeve, like they do with the DVD case (or some other throwaway shell), and the plastic sleeve/throwaway shell could have all the PORN warnings (or even the HCG–I don’t care as long as I can remove it). If the plastic sleeve/throwaway shell is removed, the game would then be considered opened, and could not be sold for retail price.

      The same goes for the LE goodies, of course. I don’t want something I can’t display; simple as that. The LMMD trading cards are a fine example of what I (and I think most everyone else) would consider tasteful.

      [This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 01-11-2005).]

    regarding ‘porn game’ type packaging

    how about considering a reversible dvd cover?
    one side is all marketing, but the other is nice and pretty for display

    adult dvds sometimes do this, where one side is hardcore porn for adult bookstores
    while the other is more tame for placement in a more general electronics shop

    of course, haveing pretty packaging period would be best… but the above is a nice compromise if that doesnt go thru…

    [This message has been edited by exoarchaeologist (edited 01-11-2005).]

    we are still at the stage of brainstorming so we have no real ideas as to what to offer for the limited edition, but of course we are open to ideas

    >There’s nothing complicated about playing these games anyway

    who knows maybe in the future we will release games that are more complicated than a avg and not as straight forward as a rpg (an example would be an action game where you need to explain the controls, im just throwing out an example here), but anyways point taken

    >I don’t want PORN written all over my packaging
    i agree with taking out HCGs but i think a clear text warning is still necessary to keep us out of legal trouble. personally, i dont like the way the dvd sleeve is designed anyways (from the asethetic point of view) but then i never really read closely how gc dvd sleeves are presented either…i dont work in the packaging department after all. but we will think about it

    Just to clear up any confusion, by “plastic sleeve” I meant the clear wrapping that you always have to tear away to get at the DVD case itself. This clear wrapping could have all the PORN warnings on it, and the same could be done for the outer case of an LE box. I don’t mind as much with regards to the CD itself, though it’d be nice if it also didn’t have all the PORN warnings on it. I don’t think my Kana CD has any PORN warnings on it (though it does have a starburst saying UNCENSORED, which isn’t really any better -_-).

    [This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 01-11-2005).]

    I’m with Dark_Shiki here…
    1.Don’t need the printed manual so go ahead and take it away.
    2.Limited Editions ?? Yes please!! Whould be very nice to have some realy cool items with them…

    Originally posted by Lamuness:
    1. how would you feel if we ditch printed manuals? in return, we plan to provide cards/postcards or other freebies to give away. Obviously, we will still have a PDF manual electronically on the cd/dvd

    2. how would you feel about we selling 2 versions of a game, one being limited edition and standard version? the standard version will be the same as what you get before. the limited edition will contain extra goodies and different packaging. of course, this limited edition will sell for a bit more expensive than the standard version.

    Hey, Lamuness, do you know that I'm a firm believer in this equation: [img][/img]NoPrintedManual+NoGadgets=LowerPrices [img][/img].?
    However, unlike most (Japanese and -maybe- gaijin) erogamers, I don't have use for gadgets and printed manuals. I would like to see MORE English games only, and I'm hoping for DOWNLOADABLE English b-games, too!!

    Yeah. Maybe if we forget the de-mosaic part too, that is, if Peapri start to release bgames with mosaics (like they did with Critical Point - Limited Edition), we can ditch one or two years of waiting for the release of new bgames.

    Personally, i don’t care about demosaiced HCGs.

    [This message has been edited by Peter Gilis (edited 01-11-2005).]

    Personally I like to have a manual with my game even if I don’t read it, I get annoyed when there isn’t a manual. I like the idea of the limited edition games provided the goodies are something descent.

    1. A printed manual isn’t necessary, but a one page installation guide/FAQ covering the basics for initial game play might be handy.

      2. A b-game SE would have to be different from an anime SE. If there’s only one volume, it doesn’t make sense to package it in an art box. Unlike anime, b-games tend to be single releases. I don’t think an elaborate wall scroll or poster type item would hold the same interest. On the other hand, a fan disc addition for a game like Kiminozo would be a great extra, worth perhaps double the price of the standard edition.

    I applaud Peach Princess’ efforts to improve its products.

    I agree that printed manuals could be ditched for an EASY game. if the game is more complicated, definitely having a manual on hand would make life simpler for gamers. If PP decides not to print the manual for a game, they should have it available on the disc itself, and also consider having the manual available online on PP’s website. If the manual is in a pdf file, the player would have to log out of the game/program in order to look at the file on the disc; having the manual online would allow the player to refer to the manual w/o shutting down the program.

    As for limited edition versions, personally I would be very interested, depending on what’s included. For Region 1 anime dvds, LEs have sold fairly well. .hack vol. 1 is a classic example, now fetching a big premium over MSRP on ebay. Now in terms of items to throw into an LE, possibilities include music soundtrack, artbook, toy, mousepad, special outer/display box, calendar, mini alarm clock, mini poster, cards featuring characters/sex scenes.

    If you do decide to sell a LE version of a game, you have to make sure that the game itself is a highly anticipated/sought after title (something along the lines of an XChange 3). The last thing you’d want to have is a situation where PP is stuck w/ a stack of LEs b/c no one wants to shell extra $$$ for the premium version of a lackluster game.

    1. Unless the manual has some very nice special art and stuff, it’s much better to get the manual on the disk. The manuals for these games tend to be worthless from a gameplay point-of-view anyway (depends on genre of course, like RPG). If the manual is like the LMM one, it might as well be on the disc in PDF-format.

      2. I’m all for Limited Editions and extra stuff!!

      As long as the bonus is nice enough to warrant the extra cost, of course (I’m not paying $10 extra for just 4 laminated trading cards).

      [This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 01-11-2005).]

    added content ala kiminozo
    that’s something we cannot control unless it’s being done on the japanese side already (stares at gc’s vmate system)…unless you want me to make up bonus (and bogus) stories personally :stuck_out_tongue:

    and even if there is bonus storylines in the japanese version, chances are we will likely release the game with the bonus content implemented already

    >lowering costs by ditching manuals
    as far as bringing costs down for ditching manuals, i have no idea how much it cost for peapri stuff, but from personal experience as a doujinshi artist in japan, i seriously doubt a few-page b/w manual would significantly affect the unit cost (and thus, unit price for retail) for each game. of course i can be wrong but personally i wouldn’t count on a lower selling price if we ditch the manual

    >If the manual is in a pdf file, the player would have to log out of the game/program in order to look at the file on the disc; having the manual online would allow the player to refer to the manual w/o shutting down the program.

    err, i personally dont see the difference between the 2, either way you have to switch to outside of the game application anyways

    unless you meant a manual WITHIN the game, but if that’s the case, you know very well that we are not the developers and do not have that much power to alter the game in that fashion, unless the original japanese version comes with that in the first place

    [This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 01-11-2005).]

    I’m okay with ditching the physical manual and just putting necessary instructions (how to install) on a slip of paper. Manuals are a pain to keep track of, and unless one is required for copy protection reasons (not that this is common anymore) you will never look at the thing after the first read-through.

    Save manuals for really complicated games… Of course, NWN was complicated, but I still probably wouldn’t have needed the manual if I weren’t a mod-builder and therefore always needing to look things up and compare them against other things.

    Of course, once you lose the manual, then the question of selling downloadable games does arise…

    As for Limited Edition - Personally, I am highly unlikely to pay extra for goodies unless I know exactly what I’m getting. Somewhere around here, I have an adorable collection of Sister Princess figure/keychains. I love girly mini-doll keychains. (I bought them to sell and then couldn’t bear to part with them…) However, I have no interest at all in FLAT character keychains. So even if I were promised a keychain I’d want a good look at what’s in that package before I’d pay for it.

    Nahh just get rid of the manuals. Now if they were the nice manuals like in the japanese releases then I would like to keep them.

    As for the LE. Depending on what the LE is, I would have no problem shelling out more money. As long as the LE’s are tasteful. Heck I spent over $100 for the soul link LE just for a damn talking alarm clock I’m sure the game is great too if I could understand what the hell they are saying(but at least they do have some things in english)

    An LE soundtrack would be another good item. But yeah, obviously the goodies need to be well worth the extra money spent, and I would definitely like to see pictures of these goodies when I’m making my buying decision (one of the reasons I didn’t buy the Growlanser LE edition was because they didn’t have a picture of the available goodies).

    Ditching the manual shouldn’t be too big a deal because most h-games give you the option of either having the game in windows or full screen mode. You can have the pdf and the game on at the same time if the screen is in windows mode. When you don’t need it anymore, you can switch it back to full mode.

    I do this often with games. While playing a game, I read email, the news, look on ebay, or something like that.