Presentation of future peapri games

i wonder if i should start a new thread on what bonus stuff people would be willing to pay for in that more expensive LE version…

Soundtracks and artbooks would be great. Later (or now? ) you could add a special DVD of the series, or even manga of the series (hopefully if no one has taken them yet). If they need some information before installing it it could be put on the inside of the box. Yeah there should be an extra layer if you wanna put all that hentai stuff on the packaging, but for some games it’s pretty missleading anyway.

plushies, shirts, soundtracks, artbooks, fabric or bamboo wallscrolls… good stuff. All in special packaging.

  1. I don’t care about the manuals. Get rid of them, doesn’t matter to me at all.

    2) Sure, all for it. For the foreseeable future I’d be buying the LE versions because the market needs it and I can afford it.

Manual - I guess I’m in the minority hear as I like having a manual with the game. I would be seriously depressed if the manual was elimnated. If the tide goes with manual elimination I guess I have years of therapy ahead of me. Can anyone float me a loan or recommend a good doctor?

Manual replacement goodies - I vote for cards!

Limited editions - I would be interested in an art book/manual that gives you more about the game. This would be a special purchase for a game that I really liked.

Originally posted by Lamuness:

i agree with taking out HCGs but i think a clear text warning is still necessary to keep us out of legal trouble. personally, i dont like the way the dvd sleeve is designed anyways (from the asethetic point of view) but then i never really read closely how gc dvd sleeves are presented either....i dont work in the packaging department after all. but we will think about it

To add my $.02 to both initial questions - on printed manuals and limited editions: I'm with Baldo in that anything that minimizes cost (without detracting from the product itself) translates to more games being produced for the English-language market. Presumably this wouldn't be an issue with Limited Editions if the increased price makes up for it, but as for manuals: I can't even remember seeing a manual in any bishoujo game I've purchased, much less actually using one. There have been the game manufacturer product catalogs of course, and single-page character profiles as in "Critical Point," but the one is promotional and the other, if needed, could easily be placed within the game itself right after the title sequence. But I say keep costs as low as possible, let the games themselves do the talking, and produce more!

Dark_Shiki (hey, just what is a Shiki anyway? 8^D) has a great idea with placing the litigation-disclaimer labeling on the removable shrink wrap rather than on the packaging itself. I could deal with maybe a single remaining warning on the back of the box - in extremely fine print at the bottom... But with the current multitude of bright red warnings, oversize graphic logos and labels about "erotic game - beware!" and "sexually graphic" and "uncensored" plastered all over and fairly crowding out the text that actually describes the game, not to mention the HC images, I too have to keep the boxes stashed out of sight when I really wish I didn't have to.

If the erotic stills were eliminated from the packaging (the "Little My Maid" box is a great example,) and if the warning labels were removable once the product was purchased, the problem would be solved. Whether warnings just on the shrinkwrap would satisfy the litigation attorneys is a matter for legal experts, but if so it would be a big plus.

Lamuness' mention of DVD sleeves is another good point. I have no idea about costs associated with the actual packaging, but I've often wondered why DVDs have to come in boxes twice general size of regular CD cases. They offer more space for artwork and writeups, but shelf space gets to be an issue after awhile.

I hasten to add however that there are few modern inventions as rip-out-your-hair infuriating as those brittle, breakage-inevitable plastic jewel cases. Please don't switch to those! Some newer CDs have been released in those paper sleeve/plastic disc holder combination things, which are a great improvement, but with those the printing inevitably wears away like the old LP sleeves and start looking ratty.

The best packaging I've seen is something called a "Q Pack," which Eric Johnson used for his "Alien Love Child - Live and Beyond" disc (great blues jam too, now that I mention it.) It's a plastic/paperboard combo but the plastic is the same kind of non-brittle stuff used in DVD containers, and the paper is heavy gloss stock.

Again, I have no idea what the comparative costs of this stuff are - 'just thought I'd throw out the idea.

Originally posted by ZaphodB.Goode:

Dark_Shiki (hey, just what is a Shiki anyway? 8^D)

*completely and utterly off-topic*

Shiki Tohno is the main character of one of my favorite anime, Shingetsutan Tsukihime (Tsukihime translates to "Moon Princess"). Shiki Nanaya is sort of like his evil twin (well not really, but let's keep it simple--I don't even understand the full details). The "Dark" part is intended to be ambiguous, possibly referring to Shiki Nanaya, possibly supposed to reflect something about myself, and possibly just there to make the username unique. [img][/img]

My rarely-used sig is something Shiki Tohno cries as he collapses a hallway connecting two school buildings, slicing through stone with a keen eye and a simple pocket knife.

You can't...see the things...THAT I CAN!

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 01-11-2005).]

Originally posted by Lamuness:
>If the manual is in a pdf file, the player would have to log out of the game/program in order to look at the file on the disc; having the manual online would allow the player to refer to the manual w/o shutting down the program.

err, i personally dont see the difference between the 2, either way you have to switch to outside of the game application anyways

unless you meant a manual WITHIN the game, but if that's the case, you know very well that we are not the developers and do not have that much power to alter the game in that fashion, unless the original japanese version comes with that in the first place

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 01-11-2005).]

Many games do not respond well to being alt-tabbed. They like to misbehave. Especially if the game doesn't run at the same screen resolution - in that case if you alt-tab out of the game your screen resolution is all messed up; sometimes you can't even see the taskbar. And if the game takes a lot of processor cycles, it can take far longer for the PDF to open than it would to flip open the box.

It's not entirely groundless. I'm not sure how much of a difference it would make, since most people have printers and could just as easily print a manual ... but it IS a potential issue.

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
*completely and utterly off-topic*

Shiki Tohno is the main character of one of my favorite anime, Shingetsutan Tsukihime (Tsukihime translates to "Moon Princess"). Shiki Nanaya is sort of like his evil twin (well not really, but let's keep it simple--I don't even understand the full details). The "Dark" part is intended to be ambiguous, possibly referring to Shiki Nanaya, possibly supposed to reflect something about myself, and possibly just there to make the username unique. [img][/img]

My rarely-used sig is something Shiki Tohno cries as he collapses a hallway connecting two school buildings, slicing through stone with a keen eye and a simple pocket knife.

Cool! I haven't even scratched the surface of Anime, so I have lots of research ahead of me, and am not even clear on terminology - by "favorite anime" you mean an animated film? If so it sounds like a good place to dive in!

Originally posted by Lamuness:
>added content ala kiminozo
that's something we cannot control unless it's being done on the japanese side already (stares at gc's vmate system)....unless you want me to make up bonus (and bogus) stories personally :P

Understood. That was just a sneaky way of putting in another plug for a great Jgame just waiting to be brought over. [img][/img]

as far as bringing costs down for ditching manuals, i have no idea how much it cost for peapri stuff, but from personal experience as a doujinshi artist in japan, i seriously doubt a few-page b/w manual would significantly affect the unit cost (and thus, unit price for retail) for each game. of course i can be wrong but personally i wouldn't count on a lower selling price if we ditch the manual
That's the other side of the of the ditch the manual question. It's not unreasonable for us to ask for something in return. Manuals aren't necessary for most of us, but they do add some value. Will eliminating manuals improve turnaround time on new games, translation quality or provide some other benefit to the consumer? I'm sure we all want to support PP financially and help ensure its longterm success, but it is after all, a business. If our goal is to stuff as much money into PP's pockets as possible, maybe we should encourage them to raise prices or start a donation program. Well, maybe not. [img][/img]

I order the LE editin from himeya and most of the LE includes sound tracks on the game and some of the art books. Sometimes they put the Celluar phone strap…Anyway, I wonder what kind of the LE will be…

Originally posted by ZaphodB.Goode:
Cool! I haven't even scratched the surface of Anime, so I have lots of research ahead of me, and am not even clear on terminology - by "favorite anime" you mean an animated film? If so it sounds like a good place to dive in!

*blink* Is that a rhetorical question? Maybe I should have said "anime series?"

Some suggestions for other series to look out for:
Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien (based on an H-game of the same name)
Elfen Lied (bishoujo meets violence and gore)
Genshiken (centers on the hilarious antics of a group of bishoujo otaku)

Good luck getting your hands on any of these series currently, though. Elfen Lied and Tsukihime have been licensed, but a release date has not been announced, AFAIK. Genshiken and Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien have not been licensed, but due to a recent legal matter concerning fan-subs from a certain compnay, the fansubs for these two series have been discontinued.

I better shut up now before Lamuness has a fit for spamming up his baby. [img][/img]

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
Elfen Lied and Tsukihime have been licensed, but a release date has not been announced, AFAIK.

Tsukihime is in stores already. is your friend :)

Whoops. I searched several sites and came up with nothing. Thanks for the info.

Ditching manuals? Don’t like that much. I like my bishoujo manuals, especially if they are in color. They often have some nice artwork, and background information about the game. Little My Maid’s Urashima Taro story is a good example.

Limited editions?
The collector in me cringes. Because this would mean that I would have to buy two copies, one standard, one limited, to have every packaging and extra that the game has to offer.
Plus, if I had to choose, I would buy the limited edition, and I already have trouble enough gathering money to buy regularly-priced bishoujo games. Want to know my monthly allowance? 12 EUR.
Little My Maid was bought with Christmas gift money.

The Urashima Taro story is a good example. However, you don’t need it on printed paper to read it. A “manual” that is more of an artbook would be fine. However, they don’t seem to be like that currently. If the choice is manuals as they are currently, or a .pdf and a some little extras like keychains or post cards, I’ll go for the extras.

I don’t understand your point about LE. The LE edition is the collector’s edition. And if it’s too much, you can always go for the regular edition. It’s just another choice. Unless you have a better suggestion than LE?

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 01-12-2005).]

1-I prefer to have a printed manual with my games. And if it’s just to keep me occupied during installation. Then, of course, I’m not going to jump out of the window if you decide to ditch printed manuals.

Now for Dark_Shiki’s idea of making a manual more like an artbook: I support this motion from the depths of my heart.

2-I’m all for LE. However, if I am going to purchase the LE will depend on the specific game. (And the goodies, of course)

Oh, and I think what Benoit really wanted to say is, he’s all hot for LE and wants to have a higher allowance

[This message has been edited by Akela (edited 01-12-2005).]

LE to include Chii-Mate system

and Lesbian Strippers and Vampire Lemons

[This message has been edited by ksarchet (edited 01-12-2005).]

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
I don't understand your point about LE. The LE edition is the collector's edition. And if it's too much, you can always go for the regular edition. It's just another choice. Unless you have a better suggestion than LE?

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 01-12-2005).]

That's not what I meant. If I buy the Limited Edition, which has a different cover than the standard box', I wouldn't have the cover from the standard box.
-> I would want to have both covers. Collecting all the material that the game has to offer.

If you eliminate the printed manual from a standard edition, how about including one of the LE items in its place? That way everyone benefits, and PP doesn’t have to produce any extra items.