Aye. The game is also more micromanaging and less forgiving on mistakes made in the beginning quarter of the game, than previous titles in the series. I’m really disappointed they didn’t rehire Tenhiro again too: he’s one of the best things to happen to the series.
I honestly don’t like these alterations… and it will be interesting to see how PM6 turns out. If an earlier version of PM5 was supposed to be the original PM4 - I can see why they scrapped/delayed the project and hired a new group to make PM4… it probably sucked hardcore.
Actually, I thought of this one time. Twins would be a HUGE plus. My obsession aside, twin sisters would provide twice the fun. Have it where each sister would receive her own set of orders to follow. The game could also use the synergy (or lack of it) between the sisters to open new events. For example if the twins are really close, it would be the classic “twincest” thing… but if they weren’t, then a rivalry (twincide?) could pop up. Also endings would be interesting: twins together, twins apart, twins opposed (if one went evil and the other went good), etc. And romance has new dynamics: do they share the same lucky guy, fight over him, go out with different boys? The Yearly Fair would be double good too… one could go into the combat tournament, while the other might dance… or they might both enter the same contest: Work together? Be rivals? Depends on the relationship between the sisters.
And let’s not forget how each twin feels about her dad. Plus how you raise them, might influence the twin’s personality: so alike no one can tell them apart, polar opposites, etc.
Yea… twins would be awesome.
[ 12-02-2007, 12:22 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]