Princess Maker 4

Is anyone here a fan of the Princess Maker series?

I have question about the fourth title in the series: the one that used Tenhiro Naoto (Sister Princess) as the character designer.

Did they ever make a PC version that’s in Japanese? I know there are special editions for Korean and Chinese… but I can’t seem to locate a single shread of info on a Japanese Windows version. Is it a PS2 only in Japan?

[ 05-29-2006, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

I too have been on the lookout for a Japanese PC version ever since the game came out and have had zero luck. (I may not actually speak/read Japanese, but I know a lot more people and have a lot more resources to TRY it than I do in Chinese.)

Since earlier titles have been re-released in later editions, I’ve generally suspected that they will eventually release a japanese-PC edition… someday? maybe?

I hope so. But they might not. Non-Japanese (which in this case just means Chinese and Korean, but potentially also includes English if they really wanted to press the issue from what i read…but maybe not) are completely controlled by a 3rd-party company (can’t think of the name) who they sold the rights to, which probably includes the ability to decide what kind of platforms they want to distrubute it on if they have a PC version but the Japanese does not.

I still wish to see a working english version here in non-beta format.

BTW: Any chance of peapri picking up this title (or any of the other Princess Maker ones)? I remember something a while ago about looking into it…

You my friend, have won so much free Internet, I can’t begin to count them! :wink:

[ 06-15-2006, 08:39 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Hmmm, I can’t find the word “Sex” anywhere in the Linked article, and I’m not interested in platonic relations with my sla… err girls :wink: .

Your loss Baldo. You don’t know what you’re missing. But i guess ignorance is bliss then.

I just wish they’d release an English version.

It looks great!
Since I can’t read or speak any japanese I’m wondering where I can get the english version. ^^

If you happen to find out, let me know and I’ll join you. =P

Necromancy! Necromancy!

Oh look! Princess Maker 4 in English!!!

Okay… maybe not really… but it might help some owners of the game. :stuck_out_tongue:


Gods, I want this game… actually I want to own the entire series but this will do for now. I still love pulling out my copy of PM2 from time to time but this will be even better.

Well the patch only makes the “interface” into English. The actual game text is still in Japanese.

However PM4 is like a super version of PM2 - minus the “adventure mode” and all. The music in PM4, are melodies from PM2.

Of all the Princess Makers, #4 also has the most “drama” focused plot. And of course, Naoto “artwork god” Tenhiro did the CG illustrations. :slight_smile:

I’m not a big fan of PM5, despite it being newer. There’s a lot of evidence, that PM5 is actually the original plan for PM4 (the fourth title was delayed because it was remade from scratch).

Yes PM5 has more options and things to do… but the story isn’t as strong… and the artwork will never match the Lord of Sister Princess.

If you combine the interface patch with Anime Game Text Hooker and a translation tool, you can get through PM4 pretty well. Then you just face frustrations like “ARGH! Why didn’t Baroa marry me?”

Heh… my fustration was, “ARGH! Why didn’t my daughter marry me?” :o

They’re kinda redesigning the PM series with PM5. Not only are they changing the time period to be modern (first time in any PM game), they are having the parent be either gender and some kind of traveling to different locations.

Hmmm…sounds like a bit too much…especially the gender role choice could potentially increase the writer’s work load a whole lot or reduce the overall dialogue in the game…

What they could have done instead was add a twin sister…one raised by a father and the other a mother and interwove those stories…

[ 12-02-2007, 03:14 AM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

Aye. The game is also more micromanaging and less forgiving on mistakes made in the beginning quarter of the game, than previous titles in the series. I’m really disappointed they didn’t rehire Tenhiro again too: he’s one of the best things to happen to the series.

I honestly don’t like these alterations… and it will be interesting to see how PM6 turns out. If an earlier version of PM5 was supposed to be the original PM4 - I can see why they scrapped/delayed the project and hired a new group to make PM4… it probably sucked hardcore.

Actually, I thought of this one time. Twins would be a HUGE plus. My obsession aside, twin sisters would provide twice the fun. Have it where each sister would receive her own set of orders to follow. The game could also use the synergy (or lack of it) between the sisters to open new events. For example if the twins are really close, it would be the classic “twincest” thing… but if they weren’t, then a rivalry (twincide?) could pop up. Also endings would be interesting: twins together, twins apart, twins opposed (if one went evil and the other went good), etc. And romance has new dynamics: do they share the same lucky guy, fight over him, go out with different boys? The Yearly Fair would be double good too… one could go into the combat tournament, while the other might dance… or they might both enter the same contest: Work together? Be rivals? Depends on the relationship between the sisters.

And let’s not forget how each twin feels about her dad. Plus how you raise them, might influence the twin’s personality: so alike no one can tell them apart, polar opposites, etc.

Yea… twins would be awesome. :slight_smile:

[ 12-02-2007, 12:22 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Sorry, you’ll have to do that variant yourself. I take some requests, but twins are too complicated. :slight_smile:

… on the other hand …

‘The Parent Trap’, the game!

[ 12-02-2007, 01:32 PM: Message edited by: papillon ]

high five those are the two magic words that will always get a positive reaction from me. Love that series, just wish I read kanji so that I could read the mangas.

Heh… that’s probably why Gainax hasn’t tried it with twins. :smiley:

<img src="" alt=" - " />

[ 12-02-2007, 10:03 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Indeed it would be a massive undertaking and not sure if the amount of work would be worth it in the end, except for the pure ‘i did it’ feeling.

Might not be as bad if you tighten the age range, but then it wouldn’t feel the same… (not that it would anyway, but…)

Maybe you’d need 2 butlers? Clone Cube?