Princess Maker series

Double posts are bad, but there’s a reason for this one. :smiley:

Who here is a major PM nut, but doesn’t actually have PM4 yet?

other than me, still waiting for my retail launch?

There is now an empty Amazon preorder page for it though, so the publisher is doing SOMETHING behind the scenes…


[ 05-04-2007, 12:14 AM: Message edited by: RonXE ]

Heh, i know this part. SETO NO HANAYOME episode 2. I laughed so hard, specially after looking at her father’s face when he saw them doing that. :smiley:

Well, while Amazon still lists the item as not in stock, I have had reports from multiple sources that Cute Knight Deluxe is on the shelves in the US - Best Buy at least, don’t know where else. Unfortunately I’m not in the country so I can’t see it myself!

So now I guess I have to make my purchase decisions… :slight_smile:

Retail release? I shall have to look into this. You said Best Buy?

That’s where I was told someone spotted it. I don’t know. Of course, I shall look horribly embarassed about the whole thing. :slight_smile:

It depends upon what the title is and what the company wants to be associated with as well. EA makes plenty of games, but they are known for sports games. When most people just hear the name “EA” that’s the first genre of game that comes to mind (there may be other first things that come to mind, but i won’t get into that…) for most gamers. If you don’t want to be labeled as a certain type of gaming company, especially important for smaller ones than conglomerates, that is also a factor.

There there is the fact that many games are bombs when ported that are hyped and others sneak past and become major hits.

Which, if you’ll look, PM3 is the title i said would be the best option, both for content and (likely) licensing fee (and theoretically less likely to come into major contracting disputes).

Well…probably not my Best Buy…

BTW if it would be there it’d be in the cheap games rack. I’m not sure what the price is though.

$20 afaik. you’d be surprised how little information I as the developer have about the whole publishing process. :wink:

US stockholders didn’t have much say in the Emotion Engine process. In fact, the US stockholders didn’t get any significant say during the ENTIRE development cycle of the PS2. Hell… Sony of America itself didn’t get any say. The entire process was handled between Sony of Japan and Toshiba exclusively. Because of this, no third party software company (CAPCOM, Konami, etc) got to see - let alone provide feedback - on the hardware implementation.

The entire context and the time frame of what you’re talking about here, is different from the context and time frame I’m talking about. So the arguments don’t match… :slight_smile:

It’s my fault this thing spiraled into this, so I’ll just stop on my end. All I wanted to say, is that a Princess Maker port on a DS is VERY, VERY, VERY unlikely because the hardware issues are messy. That’s my opinion on the matter, and I think I’ve gone to far in trying to justify it, as well as going totally off topic.

So with that said, I’ll do to this thread, what I always do to threads that I think become counterproductive. :slight_smile:


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[ 06-22-2007, 03:47 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Anyway my point was never that it would be easy. If you got that idea, you were mistaken. Just that a port of PM3…maybe PM1/2R, maybe…would be doable. And with that said: