Princess Waltz 2?


i have played the first title of Princess Waltz i loved it rly the best Bishoujo game i have played since i like it
my question is there will be a sequel? i see that the story end on the begin of the real game so i think is bad waste a soo good story whit only a chapter

Doubtful. Or at least one hasn’t come out since the game was released 3 years ago. I have heard of other game-related content for the game being released–a fan disc, I think.

Here’s the maker’s site, in case you want to check out their other titles (in Japanese):

That would be great if a fandisc was released for Princess Waltz. While I’m not sure how a full-blown sequel would work out, I can definitely see a fandisc being made.

Sorry, it was drama CDs that were released, not fan discs (didn’t even know the difference til now).

For the uninitiated, a drama CD is purely an audio recording that tells a story, while a fan disc is generally a standalone “expansion” to the game, usually in visual novel format, along with other assorted gimmicks.

Wikipedia links:
Drama CD:
Fan disc:

I’m not really a fan of drama CDs, but it’s better than nothing, I guess. :?

well this fandisk are traslated? and if yes where i can find it?

edit wait but this drama cd what are? movies? or a game like the first?

It’s just an audio recording, and no, it wasn’t translated.

bad i want a sequel… i hate game when the story end whit only half of the story done i rly hope that there will be a sequel soon…

edit: some one know the japan and mabye send a email post on the forum or contact some of pulltop and ask if there will be a sequel on the future ?

another question what change whit the alternative ending? (of princess waltz 1)

Am I missing something here? Multiple personalities maybe?

what you mean?

edit : i think is better if we don’t change the subject of the topic replay me via pm thanks

To the best of my knowledge, Pulltop has never released a full blown sequel to any of their titles… at least none of the ones I’ve played. :expressionless:

It’s not unusual for a game company to have a “no sequel” policy: i.e. they’d rather make new stories and settings, than continue one they’ve already made. Anyone know if Pulltop is one of these?

Then you have some game companies - coughVitamincough - that are sequel hungry maniacs.

the game cant be end because there are too thing missing

the game need at last a sequel that bring you on the kingdom of the seven central and you are the prince you have to help to rebuild the empire and then when everything go back to normal you marry a princess and become the king this is a good end … start a story of this proportionn and leave it on half story …

quote from another customers:[/size]

edit: another thing this series is perfect for a anime …

Saying that it can’t be the end because too many things are missing is naive thinking. Sometimes stories just end and leave loose ends. The reasons for why it ends with loose ends varies, but the simple fact is that it happens.
As for thinking it would make a good anime, you aren’t the only one here who thinks this. I am one of many here who think the same.

Out of all the eroge I’ve ever played that doesn’t have an anime, Princess Waltz is the most surprising. I actually felt like I was watching an anime in some of the action scenes due to the high production values. It’s definitely something I would recommend to eroge newbies.

Princess Waltz sounds like it must be a really great game. Just wish I could get past Angela.

i rly hope that there will be a sequel because not many Bishoujo game got a rating of 9,5 on 10 …

for 1 time that there are a great story if pulltop waste this…

Er, just turn the difficulty to easy for that battle. It’s the hardest battle in the game by far. Either that, or follow the strategy I posted in the Princess Waltz thread.

It’s a good game, but you shouldn’t obsess over it too much. There’s a world of other great eroge out there that make Princess Waltz look mediocre by comparison. We see so few titles in English anyway that it’s kind of pointless to fret about games coming out or not on the Japanese side…unless you’re one of the few willing/able to play them in the original Japanese.

Pulltop is generally considered to be a top tier studio, so they’re always making 5-star titles.

Not to rain on your parade, but Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashino won multiple “best ero of the year” awards, and there’s no sign of a sequel or addition in sight.

Pulltop isn’t a sequel maker: which isn’t a bad thing. When they start over from scratch, the new titles are just as great as the old ones. :o

you say that there are better game or like princess waltz that got a great story? name of these game?

edit: if u can give me some nome of the best game like princess waltz i mean only the top i have buy recently some game that are rly trash hope you can help me for chose some one thanks

hmmm is there a translation for Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashino `?