Princess Waltz 2?

For now, just get Yume Miru Kusuri, Kana Little Sister, and Ever17. Ever17 is the best commercially translated visual novel ever released.

JAST hasn’t announced a translation for Haruka yet, but they were considering it a while ago. I’m still REALLY hoping they announce something about it soon…

You forgot Crescendo in your list. On the other hand, could it possibly be that you don’t like Crescendo?

It’s not that I dislike Crescendo, but I just don’t see why it is so highly praised. I’ll admit that I played Crescendo after finishing Kana and YMK, so maybe I was just expecting something amazing. I found it to be fairly bland. The story seemed like a complete soap opera on some of the paths and I couldn’t stand the art. I do give it props for the music and Yuka, though. :slight_smile:
I guess it’s like how some people don’t appreciate Kana as much as others. (I for one find Kana to be amazing) Crescendo is still something asdu should consider playing.

Pultop reeased a dam cd, which was probably better than nothing. Somewhere on this bbs michaelous has posted a sort of “synopsis” of the story so check that out.
Well IMO a sequel will be good, as will be an anime adaptation. It could be similar to fate/stay night in the sense that both battles as well as fun-comedy are integral part of the story (More eroge in PW though).There are some loose ends definately, the problem is when a game sets such a high standard, it becomes extremely difficult to satisfy public expectations (Age Of Empires 1 & 2 comes to mind). Maybe the entire group can go back to the other world and face some new enemies. I remember Arata was being trained to ascend the throne, so maybe they could continue on that. I personally felt that Pulltop put in stuff so that they could make a sequelif they wanted to.
On a side note,Crescendo is one of the best eroges available. Although the story and the setting seems a bit to much like a soap opera and unrealistic.And I wish i never get a friend like Tomonomori,hes such a jerk.

emm u have see some review of kana it ist a good game place on a 5 duim screen when i got a 24

i mean only top line release please i dont want waste more money for trash game thanks for the suggrestion anyway

Are you talking about screen resolution???

Try Fate/Stay Night. It’s amazing, and there’s a very well done fan translation available for it. The look and even the premise share some similarity with Princess Waltz, although the game has a much darker feel. The two games are often compared, much to the chagrin of some people around here. It even has cards and stats for each of the “fighters”, though bizarrely there’s no card battling.

Other than that, I was mostly talking about Japanese games that aren’t available in English. I mean, there’s very good games available in English, but you know what they say–familiarity breeds contempt. I adore games like Eien no Aselia and Ikusa Megami Zero. There’s simply nothing even close to these available in English right now.

In any case, my point was that there’s plenty of top notch games already out in Japanese to obsess over. There’s no need to obsess over games that don’t exist (Princess Waltz 2), when we have great games that do exist available for translation.

These reviews good enough for you? Kana is generally regarded as one of the best translated eroge. It’s nothing like PW , though. It’s the kind of game that makes you CRY and ponder the meaning of life. (and cry again :lol: )

And no offense, but could you try to spend more time when writing your posts? I find it a little hard to understand what you mean…

.> yea sure just don’t go off topic or spam please any personal comment via pm thanks

ihmm like princess waltz i can play it on 19 duim but some game got a poor resolution so when the game is set to full screen there are only a small screen on the middler of screen and the rest is all black ery annoying with large screens like mine so i prefer to avoid game like this

thanks i will check fate stay night if u have more good title to suggrest me will be nice via pm thanks

Um, that was completely on-topic, asdu. I was asking you to write more carefully (which you apparently didn’t do) because I find it hard to read your posts. If I can’t read your posts, I can’t give you recommendations.

If you are asking which eroge will fit your screen, you are probably going to have trouble with most visual novels if Princess Waltz didn’t work correctly. PW is a fairly recent game and shouldn’t have problems with most monitors.

I think he’s saying he won’t play games that aren’t at least 800x600 resolution…which quite frankly, is an utterly bizarre fixation for a player of visual novels, which prohibitively limits your selection in an already tiny English market. Based on my own experience, most eroge titles before 2003 were limited to 640x480 resolution. Since we don’t generally see games until at least 2-3 years after they come out in Japan, that limits your game selection to a tiny window of games originally released between 2003-2006. Good luck finding games that meet your criteria. Fate/Stay Night does, and so will Demonbane, but most of the best titles available in English don’t.

By the way, if all you’re upset about is that the game doesn’t stretch the image when you set it to full-screen mode…that’s something you can adjust on your monitor. There’s a setting to stretch or not stretch images to fit your monitor. Personally I have my monitor set to not stretch images; I’d rather have a smaller, crisper image than a larger but blurred and faded image, and that’s ignoring any aspect ratio distortions that can occur going from normal to widescreen.

you mean to force the game to use a 800x600 ? hmmm yea better a stretch immage that a mini screen thanks for the tip

edit hmmm i know that there is a way for force the resolution but i don’t remember it do you know how to?

It’ll be a model-specific monitor or perhaps a video card setting. Since your computer isn’t in front of me, not much I can do to help. Just tinker with the options or take a look at the monitor or video card manuals.

i don’t think it will help much hmm i think there is a command line or a program nedded for force a resolution of a game i have look in the nvidia control pannel i can only for aa and other thing but no resolution i think i need a program anyone know how to force the resolution of a game?

Ok, I think I figured out your issue now that I’m at home. I have an ATI video card with the Catalyst Control Center utility. There’s an option called “Enable GPU scaling”. Under it, there’s 3 options: maintain aspect ratio (if you have a widescreen monitor, displays a non-widescreen resolution image with black bars), scale image to full panel size (stretches the image to fill the area where the black bars were), and use centered timings (centers the image at native resolution, surrounded by black on all sides; this is the same as playing the game in a window except it blacks out your desktop). Your monitor / video card is currently set to “use centered timings”. Thus you need to either disable GPU scaling in the Nvidia control panel, or select one of the other sub-options. Theoretically the Nvidia control panel settings should override your monitor settings. Of course, these settings only apply to games when you play in fullscreen mode; otherwise the games play as a window at their native resolution inside your desktop.

Enjoy your now fixed “trash games”.

I’m ever so thankful that I still use a CRT monitor for my desktop. None of the issue of having to deal with native resolutions and such.

Your monitor should have some settings available, letting you stop it from changing the aspect ratio. On mine it’s under "Display Mode’->“Aspect”

This really isn’t that complicated–not sure why his settings were bugged up in the first place, as the default should be either stretch or maintain aspect ratio. I don’t think my use of the term “native resolution” is how the term is commonly used though. That has something to do with what resolution it displays best at–not generally something I worry myself about. I’m rather fond of my LCD monitor. It’s easy to transport, takes up little space, the screen is flat, and it handles resolution changes automatically without me ever having to fuss with it (not something I could say about my old CRT).

And yes, the monitor itself has a setting to maintain aspect ratio or stretch. For me at least, the “centered timings” was a unique option only provided by the video card utility. Seems best to set the monitor rather than the video card, as the video card setting probably 1) requires the utility to be running in the background and 2) exerts a load on the CPU / GPU.

I’m not sure what kind of CRT you had, but I’ve never had any problem with changing resolution with a CRT. I don’t mind it taking up space and weighing quite a bit (since I don’t move it around very often). I’m more interested in picture quality, and I still hold to CRTs being better for this.

k thanks i have find that option there is a similiar option on the nvidia control pannel testing now…

edit sems to be a fail when i click on use nvidia scaling it wont work i think there is something whit my resolution that wont allow me to stretches the immage