Princess Waltz: THE THREAD

Do you know how long it takes for a game (=> Princess Waltz :)) to be available on archonia after the official US release ?
Yes I know I could buy it on PP, … but I don’t want to pay for the vat and the ship fees so I prefer to buy it on archonia.

like it so far haven’t got to any card battles yet how long to the first card battle

hmm. I don’t remember exactly, but I t about 1-2 hours before the first card battle. I’m like around 4-5 hours(?) into the game, and not every element of the card battle has been introduced yet. However, it’s getting really funny now. Didn’t think it had this much humor.

I wanna play :cry: hopefully it comes in tommarow, glad to hear about the humor!


arata is dense as hell at the part i am at

post angela fight he still hasn’t figured out chris is a girl

lol you should put that in spoiler tags.

okay done

Man, I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m finding the battle with Angela to be a real bitch to beat. Of course, that’s partly due to me being too stubborn to go in to the battle on easy mode…

It gets even harder after her, it got to the point where I was on my 48th turn, and just started to lose on purpose because it was just becoming a stalemate all the time. On normal, a LOT of it becomes a game of chance.

and that is why i am playing the game on easy 1st maybe my next play through i will try on normal

I’m already past Angela and have been playing on normal the whole time. So far that Angela fight has been the hardest IMHO, but I think that has to do with not being able to increase your stats that much at that part of the game. I have increased my agility and strength and all my card power by 2, I haven’t been having problems in battles after that but haven’t battle another princess either. My guess its hard to show you how strong she is. I’ll keep playing on normal and see if I have anymore trouble.

leisel seems like she will be hard
i am right at her fight

We discovered after we began shipping Princess Waltz that a few copies of the first printing lot were packaged without manuals (we asked the printer to make 1,000 copies, sent them 1,000 manuals to put in the package, and they sent us … 1,019 shrink-wrapped games).

We were able to discover some of the manual-less packages as we shipped, but it seems a few of them eluded our search; if you have received one of these we apologize deeply for the inconvenience. As soon as we hear from you we will send you a code that will let you play your game right away. We will also send you a manual and permanent code by post.

A thread has been created in the support forum where you can post with your order information and we will send you a code ASAP. Please post in the following thread if this applies to you:


Whew. Finished the game, and wow. About my only complaint…

Would have been nice if there were more than 1 basic ending, as presumably you always end up with Chris, though it admittedly doesn’t come out and say so. Would have been nice if after the final “battle” you had to choose between whichever one of the 5 girls fought with you at the end and Chris, maybe got an H scene, and then some kind of “1 year later synopsis”. Though of course Peach Princess only did the translation, and pulltop probably isn’t reading these boards…

Oh, and for card game, really pretty simply if you look in the help. Card colors are rock paper scissors. Blue beats green beats red beats blue. Whichever of the suits you play adds to the greatest number is the color of your play for that round. ) i.e. 2 red 5’s and a blue 8. 5+5= 10 >7, so color for that round is red. If your color beats the opponents color, you get a bonus = to your skill with that type of card (as depicted in your status page) so basically it’s equivelent to adding an extra “average” card. (Since your cards vary from -2 to +2 of your skill level) Skill/spell cards in generaly are useless, anything dealing with defense is completely useless. If you win the initiative round, (and you ALWAYS should… since you get to pick last, you should almost always get the “extra card” bonus of beating the opponents attribute) then the 2nd round is attack. If you lost (and you never should) it’ll be defense. If you’re never on defense, then the armor stat, and all the defensive skills, are completely worthless. Other than for kicks, (seeing if I could actually kill the final boss in the card game, which I couldn’t, the fight ends when he gets below 100, so you’d need to inflict over 100 points of damage in the last round, I think the closest I ever came was getting him down to around 40, though maybe with more care to obtaining the right skill cards I could have done it) I found didn’t use skil cards at all. Fights were easy enough as is IIRC the fight against Angela was the only really difficult fight. Oh, There’s also some multipliers for playing multiple cards of the same type.

What to increase?
By and large, Agility is one of the most important stats. High agility means you’re always on the attack. As long as you’re constantly attacking, even with a low weapon score you eventually will win. Agility, should almost always be at least a couple points higher than the opponents. Color/skill stats (not skill cards) are also good, as 1 point to all of these will, on average, effectively add around 3 points to BOTH your attack and agility scores. (1 point increases each card’s average by 1, you’ll play 5 cards over each turn, so, on average, it’ll add 2.5 points worth of possible card value to each round, and, since you will almost always get the attribute advantage at least on the initiative turn, that’s an extra 1 attribute bonus in the initiative stage, and quite possible you’ll also get that extra 1 point in the attack stage as well.

You finished every princess too?

Yep. Finished all the princesses, though, as I said, there isn’t really any difference. You get a different H scene towards the end depending on which one you pick, some slightly different scenes, (i.e. in the scripted fight sequences you use different abilities) and some slightly different stats in the final battles, and that’s pretty much it, the “skip already read” will pretty much skip everything but the H scenes and combat sequences… though there ARE several extra scenes with one of the princesses, though it’s possible that just because I happened to do her last… none of the extra scenes really changed the plot any, just some more background info. Which is why I say there’s pretty much 1 ending but with a 5 way branch in the middle. (kept reading about 6 endings, even counting each branch as a separate ending doesn’t work out to 6, unless you count the “bad ending” to the first chapter as a real ending… that threw me for a second, I was like… bad ending? But I haven’t even made any actual choices yet???

Oh, and one other thing I noticed. At certain points of the game certain stats will go up or down. This WILL effect the cost to upgrade that stat, as the upgrade prices are based on their current level, so you can bargain basement hunt if you’re anal enough to save up exp for when a stat is cheaper to upgrade (and happen to know that it’ll be cheaper to upgrade)… that being said, 10 points in the armor stat is 10 points completely wasted, even if it usually is 50 points to upgrade.

Shingo edit: moved your second spoiler tag.

How long did it take you? I don’t know what day you got yours, I got mine on saturday (yesterday). If you did as well, then the game must be short.

Hmm… arrived on the 5th, probably started playing around 8pm? went to sleep around midnight maybe.
Was busy most of Saturday, so started playing around 7pm maybe. Went to sleep around 5AM (Darn you Peach Princess!) Woke up and started playing around noon, finished first princess around 3pm? Then each additional princess took me maybe an additional hour? (I saved right at the first option point and None of the fights in the second chapter were even remotely difficult. Most of 'em only lasted 1 or 2 turns)

So, uhm…21 hours or so? I’ll admit I did spend some time experimenting with the card system, so maybe 18-19 or so hours would be more expected?

I’d like to ask that those who’ve completed the game be liberal with spoiler tag usage in this thread until a few weeks after the game has been released, to prevent other users’ accidentally stumbling onto info they’d rather not read in advance (even if it seems relatively innocent).

I’m leaving card game mechanics out of this for the most part, but if you want you can spoiler those too; I figure those who’d rather not have the card game spoiled will find it easier to realize that they’re reading a spoiler and look away before really being spoiled than they would be at the revelation of a major plot point (ZOMG SPIKE DIES vs. "if you play the red card against the green card and your agility is better by one point you will win more than half of the time, unless your opponent plays “block”).

Oh, just to pipe in one last time, since the bonus points = a characters skill with that color, you can fairly quickly determine what your opponents skills are. You can use this in normal strategy, i.e. if an opponent has 2 cards down, and when you place a card that’s weak against that color the + on it’s side is a +6, then you know 2 very useful things:

  1. it’s skill with that color is 6.
  2. The absolute highest both those cards together can be is 16. The average is probably 12.
    if your strength in the suit with an advantage is, say 7, and you happen to have a 8 card to play, and your agility is only 2 points higher, you will win. best possible for it (and it’s EXTREMELY unlikey) is both cards are 8’s, so 16. if they’re both the same color, that’s an additional 1 pt from the 10% bonus (IME it rounds down), so most it can get is 17. 7+8 gives you 15, plus the 2 agility point advantage gives you 17… and tie goes to you. Even easier if your opponent has only 1 card down (don’t have to figure in that bonus)… gotta be careful on 3 or more though.the attribute it’s showing isn’t neccesarily the attribute of it’s highest suit being used… i.e. it could have 2 red 5’s, and a blue 9… red would be the dominate attribute, and it’s red skill could be 3. expecting a max of 15 would be 4 less that it actually has.

Generally speaking, if your skill bonus is equal to your opponents, and your agility is at least 2-3 points higher, you can almost always get away with playing 1 less card than your opponent if you have the color advantage, and average value of the card(s) you’re playing is higher than your skill. If your agility (and skills) are significantly higher, you can frequently get away with playing 2 less cards than your opponent in the initiative round. You’ll still win most of the time, and even if you don’t, you’ll have 2 extra cards on defense.

Another thing to keep in mind: Quite often, you’ll actually do more damage in the attack round by NOT playing all your cards. Opponent has a green +6 attribute against you when attempt to use all your cards, looking at your cards, you have a red 8 card, a blue 7 card, and a green 6 card. If you go ahead and play all 3, your result will be 15. You’re losing 6 possible points to that +6. because your attribute is red, and red is weak to green. If you remove that red card, your attibute becomes blue, and blue is STRONG against green. Let’s say your blue skill is only 5… but now instead of losing 6 points to the bad field, you’re gaining 5 points from the good. So an 11 point swing. More than enough to make up for taking that 8pt card out of the mix… which, fun fun fun… will become a 10 point card next turn.

On enemy skills? assuming you’ve gotten good at always winning the initiative round, the only skill card you’ll ever see (or at least that I ever saw) the enemy use is parry. More likely than not this means that you won’t inflict any damage in that attack round, and that it’ll be getting a 1.5x bonus in the next initiative round. if it plays 1 or 2 cards in the initiatve round, and you can play with the advantage with the same number of cards, you probably want to go for it. Other wise, if it plays 3 or 4 cards and you aren’t significantly more powerful than him, you probably just want to ditch your weakest card, and put up a stiff defense. 4:1 or 4:2 odds are likely to overcome any weapon vs. armor advantage… and even if he does make contact with you, there’s no way he’ll be able to kill you in a single turn, he can only use the skill once, there aren’t all that many hostiles with the parry skill, and they’re generally the only ones you really have to worry about laying a finger on you.

Finally, an underhanded, cheating, tactic.
If you feel like doing “scouting missions”, try to keep all your characters color stats equal, but with enough exp to boost one of them. Then if you run into an opponent you’re having difficulty against, determine (using the field strengths) which color suit it’s strongest in. As near as I can tell, the different opponents always have the same stats, especially the harder opponents. Then, should you lose, on your next try bump up whichever color stat is strong to that color. Your opponent will tend to get a majority of the cards in whichever color its strong in… same with you… Therefor you have a significantly higher probability of always getting the attribute bonus against it… since, according to the help, the cards you get are weighted towards the suit you’re strong in. If Angela is mostly getting reds, (been awhile, so I don’t really remember if that’s her strong suit) and you’re mostly getting greens, you’re gonna be getting the attribute bonus most of the time.