Princess Waltz: THE THREAD

No worries with me Shingo, I’m extremely tactful when it comes to spoilers. Incidentally, I noticed an amusing translation error. A bunch of characters are eating, and Chris’s text reads “It’s a fired eel.”, but what he speaks is ??? (romaji: Ebifurai darou), which, for those who don’t already know, roughly means “It’s (a) fried shrimp/prawn(s)”.

USPS is the slowest mail delivery service ever =/. I ordered some stuff from the very same day this game was supposed to “ship”, and it (newegg stuff) was here 2 days later with standard shipping (UPS/fedex). It has gone from the 2nd ("your order will ship in the next 24 hours from the 1st) to the 8th and PW still hasn’t arrived. Newegg also ships from california. That’s pretty bad :(. Peach Princess needs to use UPS or fedex imo, USPS/mediamail is trash.

/rant (sorry this is annoying)

yeah leisel is a bitch to beat even on normal

eh? I thought she was easier than Angela. Just loaded my save before her and beat her (perfectly) twice in a row in 4 turns each.
Stats of
12 agi
11 weapon
6 armor
6 red/green/blue
100hp (not that it ever changes)
and a skill card.Feint, which I picked up in order to counter an opponents feint, but no opponent ever used feint. Complete waste. Can usually win inititative with 1 less card w/o it

her stats are

12 agi
15 weapon
10 armor
7 green
4 blue
4 red
Which means I pretty much have stat supremacy over her

Incidentally, on the skill cards, if you really want to play around with 'em (which I don’t recommend) their cost seems based on your stats, towards the end of the game the “basic” ones that cost 50 originally only cost 15.

Also, as a general rule, you want to keep your color skills equal. If you don’t, and come up against somebody whose strong suit is strong against YOUR strong suit, i.e. if your strong suit is red against liesel you’re pretty much toast. Only time you want one skill higher is if you’ve had a hard time against an opponent, (which by this time pretty much shouldn’t be happening) and know which color it’s weak against and thus make THAT color your strong one.

Just finished it myself, and I’d say the game was pretty hilariously easy in the card battles and such. Disappointing in that you don’t get a single storyline choice until the very, very end and that your choices there don’t affect the ending at all. For a game that’s been compared to Fate Stay/Night and Tsukihime it’s pretty sad that there’s only the one path to go down. At least the art in Princess Waltz is far better than those games! But yeah, once you’re in the second half of the game the card battles are a complete joke. I just went all blue element and weapon strength and I never came close to losing a fight. If you’re having trouble, I hope you keep multiple saves per day because I’d imagine the best way to win a fight you were having trouble with was to save your skills for the day for it. In particular, Overdrive and the various card power up skills (Flash, Crush, etc) make all the late-game fights easy.

Still, pretty good game. Way better than Raidy or Amorous Professor Cherry, but when it gets compared to Tsukihime I wanted the amount of paths to match!
(Edit) Though I’d definitely recommend buying this one. It does deserve the comparisons to Tsukihime and such when it comes to the sheer time it takes to get through it! It’s got a heck of a lot of playtime for an H-game. It’d be great if more like it came out over here.

OK, I’m a little confused right now. Without revealing any spoilers, this is what happened: It read “Princess Waltz.” followed by “…Bad end.”, and then the credits rolled. It was like the game just cut off, especially since Angela had gone off to fight someone and it wasn’t revealed who exactly. I realize that there is now a button at the title screen that reads “2nd Chapter”, and the game story seems to continue after you click it, but I’m still left scratching my head as to what exactly happened. Are these “series of decisions which determine which princess might carry Arata’s future children” Narg talks about in his review in this “2nd Chapter”, or have I already made them in the choices I’ve made regarding battle?

Shingo edit: sorry, I’m counting this as a pretty big spoiler. ^^

My take on it is that that is the end of Chris’s “route” because once you go back to the main screen, you see the emblem for Soldia, then when you play the next part, depending on what character you choose, her emblem will appear on main screen when her part is done. Eventually once you get all the emblems, I suppose something else gets unlocked, but I don’t know what that is since I haven’t completed them all yet. According to Shingo earlier in this thread, it’s suppose to be a postscript.

I was confused at first too, I guess even after my take on it, it still doesn’t clear up much but things make more sense once you finish the game too.

On a separate note, I love the ending song at the end of the game. “Dawn Walker”.

My apologies Shingo. I had thought that since I didn’t really reveal any of the actual story, it would be alright.
Thanks for helping me clear up what’s going on opticalsky. I too noticed the emblem on the opening screen. I guess I’ll just click on the “2nd Chapter” button and see what happens from there.

I realize now I may have come off a bit harsh in that last post. Again I want to say I’m not saying to not buy the game, on the contrary, if you’re on the fence, please do. In my opinion this is one of the best h-games we’ve ever gotten in English. The only disappointing thing, in my opinion, is the lack of path splits. It has great music, I think, the card game is a lot of fun and it’s easy to learn, and the story is at the very least somewhat interesting. It’s also very long. Just wanted to clarify that I think the game is great, and really appreciate everyone’s hard work to get it translated.

I have to agree with you. It’s definitely one of the best games I’ve seen in terms of presentation (art, special effects, sound), and the story is solid. However, the lack of actual splitting paths is a bit of a LARGE con in my opinion, however even with that I think the game held it’s ground very well. I don’t regret getting it. The art is TOP-NOTCH. I really hope to see more stuff from Pulltop, they are excellent at presentation. I’m hoping we’ll see Harukani Aogi licensed, which was also a reason why I bought PW because I wanted the possibility of it to come that much.

which chooses in chapter 18 determine which girl you end up with

The one that you choose to “union” with the most.

The game arrived in the mail today, and I just made it through Chapter 1. The game reminds me quite a bit of Fate/Stay Nite in terms of presentation style and setting. I like it.

Any update lately on game information?

i am almost done playing through all the girls’ h-scenes and the end tomarrow
i hope

For those who have completed the game (as well as also completing Liliana’s route too)…

[spoiler]Has anyone else noticed that Arata and Chris are about as close as you can get to being full-blooded siblings? They both share the same father, even though their mothers aren’t the same, but their mothers are sisters. When that came across my mind, that kind of took me back in surprise, even more so when it didn’t faze the Arata/Chris at all when they found that out, not to mention that they never addressed the issue either.

Now I haven’t unlocked the Wisley princess, even though I already know who it is, so I don’t know much about her history yet. However from what I DO KNOW from the Liliana route, her relationship would appear just as screwy as Chris and Arata’s since Nanase is the Queen, and according to Glen, the king is the wisley princess’s Grandfather! So how does that relationship work? Aren’t the Queen and King usually married? I suppose I’ll find out more when I finally unlock the Wisley Princess route.

Royalty breeding at its best? lol[/spoiler]

Not really looking for a response to what I said above, but was just curious if anyone else realized it as well?

Finished for the first time, choosing Suzushiro since she was the one I was least interested in obtaining. Not sure who I’ll choose next since I grew to kind of enjoy Angela, and how I felt about Liesel drastically changed once I found out her secret. Liliana is an absolute riot, and I truly adore her. She will probably be second to last.

I had both of these problems during my first game session. I haven’t had the opportunity yet to see if they’re reoccuring.

yeah i am done with the main story and and just need to finish angela’s h-scene and suzushiro’s storyline

then i work on wanko again

I did find the story very enjoyable, however during random times the game would simply lock up on me, like people have been reporting… it only really bothered me once when i didnt have a recent save and was forced to rush back through an entire chapter (without spoiling anything) there is a point where no card battles happen for a while and those were mosts my save spots anyway.
The game in my opinion was worth the money paid as the story was very enjoyable and i can see my self going back for a few of the card battles i couldnt beat on normal, but after learning the card battle system a little better by the end of the game, i know i could do em alot better.