Princess Waltz: THE THREAD

Well, it doesn’t look like the DRM worked very well. :lol: It’s already been cracked (or at least claimed to be). And yet I’ve already used up 2 (and probably 3 soon) of my activations and will have to eventually ask for more. Joy. :roll:

Edit: I just tested their crack. It fixes my problem of the game freezing on the first launch, requiring me to kill the process and to restart it. There you go. Your first (?) official complaint that the DRM is causing problems. The cracked one runs the first time, every time.

Considering what Shingo said about subtleties, I’d say there is a good chance Family Project will have honorifics.

Getting back to talking about PW, I finally discovered a reason to put points in Armor: The Focus skill, which gives you access to six cards at a time for the battle instead of just five. I stumbled on to this when I had leftover XP to spend on the last battle of the game. I’m not sure of the specifics, but when I increased my Armor value to 10 with the leftover points, the skill showed up as available for purchase.

By the way, congratulations on making it to Intermediate Member status opticalsky.

Sigh…I knew it. Not going to play this game. Waiting for FP. (and maybe DC ?)

I’d suspect they might be making the honorific choice on a game-by-game basis. It would make sense to use them for very “Japanese” games with heavy Japanese cultural references, while omitting them from more exotic, foreign-seeming (to Japan :P) games like PW. Personally, I think the dialogue in PW flows well without them. The dialogue manages to catch a flavor of the honorifics by using last names vs first names. If you listen to the spoken dialogue you can then pick up whatever you’re missing (minus the main character of course).

Persona 3 is an example of honorific-use gone awry, imo. Honorifics + English dub = ridiculousness.

By the way, for the stat micromanagers: there’s several points in the game when your battle stats change temporarily, also affecting experience values to raise the stats. You can use these times as opportunities to raise stats for less XP. If the stat goes down, it costs less XP to raise, and when the penalty wears off it’ll rise to the original value + the points you added. If the stat goes up, sometimes skills based on that stat will cost less XP (or will be unlocked). There’s your chance to buy a skill you really want at a discounted price.

Weapon skill of 10 I believe unlocks Overdrive, which in combination with Feint is overpowering. Getting the 3 color stats to 7 seems to unlock Rage, which I haven’t tried yet. I’m going for Focus or Rage next to complement the Feint + Overdrive combo. The color-specific skills seem pretty worthless once you have Overdrive. In the scenario that you’re playing 4 cards of the same color on your attack round (the ideal scenario for the color-specific skills), the break-even point for Overdrive and a +10 skill/card is an attack roll of 27, and 40 for a +20 skill–after that Overdrive wins, before that the color skills win. Once you have access to Overdrive you should have high enough weapon power + color stats to achieve that easily once you take into account the element bonus for multiple cards of the same element. And then of course Overdrive doesn’t depend on element. The -50% penalty of Overdrive shouldn’t apply because your enemy should have gone from full HP to dead after your attack (this even worked through a Block :P).

Edit: Just tried Rage. Though the description is ambiguous, the actual effect seems to be that +2 is added to the level of all newly drawn cards each turn. Cards already in place are unaffected. Thus Focus seems better suited to a charge → all-out attack approach.

Not sure where to put this, but just something I noticed : … _Code=BGAL

The Peach Princess, Princess Waltz section of the website says :
<Princess Waltz, Official Site picture here>
“New! Click to visit the amazing Princess Waltz Official Site, filled with information and images of this great title.”

But there is no link…

Btw, PW just came in today :smiley: Looks great. :mrgreen:

Haha. Didn’t even realize that until you pointed that out. I don’t usually look over there.

@Dark - Normally I agree with statements on the use of japanese and english in sentences, but that’s usually when someone uses a word.

ex. “OMG that is so kawaii!” <<-- This type of statement by someone annoys the living hell out of me.

However, I let honorifics slide just because I think knowing how the relationships are between the characters are pretty important. I guess it is a bit out of place though. On a separate note, I got my copy of Persona 4 today! :smiley:

Anyways, where are these “optional training battles?” I haven’t come across any of these.

Waaah! @_@;;

Amazing how quickly this thread grew after release xD Anyhoo just on an aside note… what type of shipping does JAST/J-List actually use to ship the games? xD It’s just that it’s about to hit the 2 weeks mark fer me and still no sign of the preorder T_T

So odd I got “Bad End” without making any choices…not really sure what actually happened…

I’m still grinding through Persona 3 myself…mostly these b-games holding me back. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s a few optional training battles near the beginning. Remember those battles that ask if you want to continue? Of course, there’s no reason you’d want to pass them up unless you’re planning to play the whole time on easy mode.

@above: Check the title screen. I’m guessing it’s making a joke about how these seemingly impossible situations always arise mid to end game in fantasy games.

Yea I figured that after talking to someone, but the bad end is actually pretty satisfying :3

If you’re in the US, first-class mail, which should take 2-3 days.

After having played through on normal once and having seen 3 endings, I can say this game is definitely my favorite H-game in the PP/GC lineup. Good story, addicting gameplay, pseudo-fantasy setting…my only disappointment was there’s no H-scene with Iris. :oops: Lack of any real choice is my main nitpick, however the main story is good enough to make up for this. A battle skip option would’ve been nice, maybe something you could unlock after beating the game entirely in normal mode or something.

This is really the kind of game that could attract mainstream appeal. It’s definitely a good game to introduce people to the genre with. Peach Princess really needs to focus their marketing on this game and set it apart from the rest of their lineup…because it really is different than the other games they’ve released until now. This is really the type of game you could recommend to anyone who likes anime and perhaps Japanese RPG’s (assuming they can handle the H element, of course).

For those abstaining on account of the DRM…you’re missing something special. I was against V-mate, but I find this DRM acceptable (my main issues with V-mate having been the requirement for an internet connection on every game start, and not being able to deregister PC’s)–they do however need to fix the crash on load that’s probably DRM-associated.

While I’m looking forward to Kazoku Keikaku, I hope PP continues to translate GOOD games like Princess Waltz with both good stories and engaging gameplay. An RPG would be nice, but the Raidy series doesn’t quite cut it :roll: (although who knows, the third game might bring something new to the table as the first non-remake).

I believe the DRM requires the online ONLY the first time you run it”. Yeah something that would give you back an install after uninstalling the game would be great. I do agree on that boot-up crashing, it’s tedious but nothing major i think, hopefully they do patch it so it’s not an issue in the long run.

PS: Just beat around 3 of the 5 different ending and I can also say this is one of the best releases PP has done.
PPS: MEIJI you where right I completely read that wrong lol. sorry Dark_Shiki.

Wow so many positive reviews. I was thinking of getting this one, then after the first 5 pages of reviews i was quite certain that I’ll get it with my next big order, but every single time I check these reviews it’s making me want it more and more.

   I won't even ask you guys if I should get it, because the answer is most likely a redundant sounding "yes" (At least from the majority)

    Now time to fight with myself and attempt to hold back until my next order :evil: 

    I didn't scan the entire thread but, is there a sequel in japan, or in the making, or being planned/talked about to this game?  

    From what i've read it seems like something I will really enjoy.  Keep up the good work everyone~

I believe Dark_Shiki was referring to V-Mate when he was talking about the requirement of an internet connection and such.

@Reikon: Oops i shoulda been more specific… actually I live in Australia xD Hence i’m wondering at which shipping type was used to ship (overseas, which i should’ve mentioned xD). As i found that normal package post from US/EU can take horribly long from 3 weeks to 1 1/2 months T_T.

Installed and played a few hours today.

The first thing I noticed is how amazing the music (and the OST is on the game disc in a folder called extra, like 30 mp3s) is.

The music is awesome.

The graphics/characters and voices are also all amazing. I haven’t gotten far enough to play the card game or see that story related stuff yet, but my first impression is that of a very high quality visual novel.

General impressions:

[spoiler]Good: Although the art and music aren’t the best out there, they are both of very high quality. The card battle system could have done with a bit of tweaking (increase the initiative stat as much as possible and never lose a round of combat), but that aside, it was a well-designed minigame.

Average: The quality of the writing. Although there were lots of good moments, the scenario was a little on the short side, and some sections just weren’t very well written.

Bad: The ero scenes - mostly because of the ‘raising your affinity’ etc. side of them. Although PW in my opinion draws heavily from Fate, the scenes here resemble the horrible mana transfer scenes from Fate. Also, the first scene was probably the most spectacularly awkward and ridiculous scene I’ve seen in any eroge to date. This kind of leads on to the next point which is the main problem I have with PW.
The 1 ending with the branching in the penultimate chapter. Either make the branches a lot more substantial, and have separate endings with each princess, or eliminate them altogether. The whole ‘hey princess I like you and all but you’re my second choice’ thing was one of the unfortunate consequences of this.
Arata - he’s less of a jerk than Shirou, but in the second half of the game especially, I didn’t particularly like him.[/spoiler]

I guess in conclusion, whilst I enjoyed Princess Waltz, there’s a fair bit of wasted potential, turning what could have been a very good game into an above-average game.

Endyear’s works done - Checked

All of the al|together 2008’s stuffs played - Checked

Kanon teaser patch - Checked

Wow, my hands are full with so many stuffs before i even got to play PW :shock: Now i just began playing it, and this quote made me loled so hard:

“Everyone in the PR department is getting a pay cut” - Liliana Guenther


You need to be connected to the internet during the first time you play the game, so your copy can be activated. After that you don’t need to be connected to the internet anymore to play.