Princess Waltz: THE THREAD

That is, however, for that PC, so that PC needs to have an internet connection on some point.

i.e. you can’t install Princess Waltz on your home machine, activate it, then copy it onto your laptop. You need to install it on your laptop, connect that to the internet and activate it.

Alright, battle system is cool, I like how you spend the experience, and the story is hilarious so far. :slight_smile: (chapter 7) Glad I bought it.

I like how there aren’t 5 million h-scenes too, even though i don’t mind them. It’s like they should be saved for a vital point in the story rather than thrown around all over the place. Makes for a better game, even though some games (XCA) it kinda works. So far this game doesn’t touch fate/stay night, but it’s definitely the 2nd best VN i’ve played so far)

The values for merging with each princess actually varies depending on your point in the story, or “affinity.” Thus the Princess of Wisley’s bonus is pretty comparable to the final bonus obtained with each of the other characters.

Haven’t completed it yet, but a few things i’v noticed:

[spoiler=]One of the songs is called ‘PM 3:00’ shouldn’t it be ‘3:00 PM’? or even just ‘3 PM’?

Theres no text in the scene choice menu, in the Japanese version theirs text

The chapter name is off center most of the time in the 2nd chapter

One of the buttons in the music menu isn’t translated[/spoiler]

So how many Figurines are there available for this?
I’v seen Iris and Angela for sale.
Are their figurines for the other girls also?

I have only seen Iris and Angela for sale. Of the two, the maker for Angela is the only one that has a maker that’s actually got somewhat of a reputation with quality figures. It’s a shame there isn’t a figure for Liliana.

i would like to see alternate dresses for the iris figure

Theres 2 versions of the Iris figure, although one may be fake as i’v only seen the second on ebay.

The first is White Iris along with her sword already made and painted.

The second is an unpainted Iris with her sword.
You could purchase the second one and paint the dress as you like it.

Found a new mistake

[spoiler]In Angela’s path, after her dress catches fire it goes:
The Dress…Caught Fire!?

Liliana sounds positively shocked.[/i]

Liliana isn’t even there…
It should say ‘Angela sounds positively shocked.’[/spoiler]

It’s a shame there isn’t one for Chris. :frowning:

I can confirm that the Family Project translation will retain the use of honorifics.

Would you mind clarifying this? If there’s an element of the Princess Waltz release that is problematic for you we’d be happy to hear and hopefully address any concerns you might have.

Thanks for pointing this out, the link has been fixed. ^^

Our standard international shipping method is First Class air mail. If your game takes much longer to reach you please let us know and we’ll be happy to provide a temporary download code so you can play the game while you wait for your package copy to arrive.

Nothing has currently been announced. However a year or so ago a set of drama CDs were released for the game that hint at the possibility of more related content to come (I’m really hoping for a TV anime, though that’s a slim chance and getting slimmer). Here’s hoping!

Por favor nooooooooooooo! Are we not serving you to the best of our ability, Liliana-sama? ;_;

Only the initial activation requires an internet connection; after that you’ll be able to play offline.

Since you have a laptop, one option would be to bring it somewhere with public internet service just for the activation (this can be done discretely if you’re concerned about people seeing the contents of your screen).

As stated above, two figures have been produced: Iris and Angela. There are a couple of alternate color versions of Iris, but those were limited editions not readily available through most standard retailers.

Just explored the extras on the disc.

Whats with all the Heart De Roommate advertisements…
There’s 3 of them…

Shouldn’t the advertisements be more focused on the upcoming releases? Or are sales on Heart De Roommate that bad…
On that note…is their a Cat Girl alliance trailer yet?

@Shingo:Cheers! =D My copy finally arrived on monday so all’s well and fun wif me =3 Props on you guys fer releasing a great ADV w/ gameplay! =3

One moot point tho… i was reading through the manual and i noticed a small typo on the first page. The bit where it says the system requirements the heading is - “Game Requirements of Pretty Solder Wars AD 2048” xD Oops! =P

So how about making a policy on this already? It varies too much between games, and it doesn’t really seem to have much to do with setting (PW takes place in Japan after all).

And after that, how about confirming the DRM status of Family Project? It’s already been shown it did nothing (in fact, it seems like PW was pirated faster than most of the other games) and it already has a problem that plagues legitimate users. It’s not from the same company, so I don’t see it being forced and D.O. games have already been released without it. PW was my test game for the DRM system, and I’m very disappointed so far.

A trailer/demo movie was never produced for the original Japanese release of Cat Girl Alliance and we likely won’t have the wherewithal to produce one in-house, sadly.

This is a bit of a facepalm moment for me, as through some mysterious process the draft of the manual I produced for printing went through an entropic shift after leaving my hands and BAM, Pretty Soldier Wars. This should be fixed for the next printing, so we hope you’ll think of it as a limited edition “feature”. <_<

I’ll ask for clarification on our honorific usage policy. I’m not perfectly clear on where it stands at present, as various factors are in play and I don’t always deal directly with our translators; in the case of Family Project we were able to get them included, but I’m not sure how far that will extend. I can promise to look into it though and try to bring back a more satisfactory answer than this.

We have nothing to announce at this point regarding DRM on Family Project. It’s safe to assume that the download version will be protected in some way; regarding the package version there is currently an active discussion on the topic that has not yet reached a conclusion. We’re aware of the drawbacks of implementing such a system, as you’ve expressed in this thread, and the decision will ultimately be made above my pay grade. I promise to try to act as a catalyst for speed in the decision making process and convey the results to you as promptly and thoroughly as possible once a decision is reached, and I’ll do my best to make sure the deciders are fully aware of the issues you’ve raised.

I haven’t received my copy yet so I am not sure about how the activation process works. Does it support offline activation? This method is/have been used by some games (and programs) and it works as well as online activation (more accurately, it is a manual activation instead of an automatic one). Basically you get a URL + some code that you can take to another computer (or your mobile browser) which in return will give you another code that you can paste into the game engine. This method is better then taking your notebook to a place with a public internet connection.

if the offline activation is not yet supported, you might wish to consider it for future releases.
Just my 2 cents

What is up with you continually changing the country’s name from Wisely to Wistia? :stuck_out_tongue:

I can clarify this. This comes from a difference between Japanese and English. In Japanese, when you state a time, you put what equates to AM or PM before the hours and minutes. Here is an example, with the AM/PM equivalent word in bold:
Romaji:gozen juuji juugofun desu.
Translation: (It) is 10:15 AM.
I could go in to details about why I say the word is an equivalent and what the meaning of the two kanji characters that make up the word mean individually, but it probably wouldn’t be interesting except to fellow learners of Japanese. In other words, it would be the ramblings of a Japanese language learning geek.

I didn’t notice the mistake when going that route, but I did notice a mistake at the same spot in Lun Lun’s.

No need to fear Shingo, she also has a line (on the next day I believe), where she says that everyone in the PR department will get a raise.

I noticed that as well, but completely spaced saying something about it here. :stuck_out_tongue:

I khew it before that it would be hacked, sooner or later. But i didn’t image it was that fast.
I’m not gonna play this game 'cause I like FP better. After seeing FP’s trailer( which was 1 year ago), I decided that i will get this game, no matter what. No offense, PW’s fans. Maybe i will buy PW after I have FP, if i have time to play both.

there is a epilogue at the end when you complete the game With all 5 girls

the epilogue takes place 3 months later
and has nodoka basically saying see loved arata
and arata coming back to get some stuff and meets nodoka
in the end nodoka goes to the other world

It doesn’t have offline activation. It’s a third-party DRM system, so they really can’t implement any extra features themselves. I’m not even sure they can fix the launching bug by themselves.

So, I got through the game a couple of days ago (shameless plugs: Review [no spoilers] & Blog Commentary [lotsa spoilers]) and for the most part I really enjoyed this game. Lilliana really won out as my favorite princess though Angela made a serious run for the money there. Great story, lots of great twists… just wish the card battling system had been a little bit more difficult. Though they were fun and it became fun to find out how fast I could defeat the enemies (one hit kills are always fun).

Favorite moments:

Lilliana’s battle again Angela: So well done and written!