Princess Waltz: THE THREAD

here is part 1 of the cd drama summery

allc redit goes to FragarachZ of hongfire

[spoiler]PART 1

Chapter 1: Everyday life

It is such a nice morning… Arata doesn’t know where he wakes up. Is this a castle or? Suddenly Chris yells at the fool… its already 8:10! Arata screams “I’M LATE!!”, and the morning rush begins… While eating the breakfast Suzushiro made, Chris scolds Arata how he oversleeps every day and what a lousy ass he is. Just as they begin chatting about living around “normally” like this, the bell rings and Nodoka screams at them they’re late. They grab their lunch boxes and dash towards the school. On the way Nodoka too, scolds Arata how lazy he is. Apperantly Chris fell behind them because she can’t really run in a sailor suit (!).
Nodoka comments on how short the skirt of Chris’ uniform is, and wonders if it’s like this in the school Chris came from. Chris admits she’s not used to a skirt… Nodoka thinks Chris is almost like a boy but the dash is soon resumed as they hear the school bell ring.

Riko makes a report to Nanae on radio. It turns out that 3 months passed since the waltz, and they are currently living in the world where Arata grew up. Thanks to the memory field no one except them remembers anything about the chaos that happened a while ago. They mention the Shichiseiseki the “stone of seven stars” that Riko is looking for. It looks like Nanae is covering for them while they are away from Eldhiland. Nanae comments that for now, Arata is just the schoolboy he used to be, and that Riko should be going so she isn’t late from school. She just tells Riko to enjoy their lives as ordinary students until they can, because they got one more week until the gate to Eldhiland opens again.

Riko arrives late at the classroom… but the teacher is still not there. The girls say that from today they have a new englsih teacher (uh-oh). They start off speculating right away, if the new teacher is a man or a woman. Suzuki wants a male teacher since they already got a girl exchange student (refferring to Chris). They ask Chris what she thinks, but before she could say a word the other girls decide she wants a male teacher as well since she’s a girl like them. Chris corrects them, embarrassed (the girls used “otome” on her and she corrects them to “onna no ko”). Of course the girls get suspicous and sillyness ensures… they wonder if Chris is actually a guy but Nodoka stops them saying she’s such a cute girl… and such things are only in manga after all (yeaaaaah we know!). Suddenly everyone starts wondering why they address her as Chris-kun (-kun is usually used for boys). They decide it’s because she uses “boku” to refer to herself. Everyone thinks it’s kind of cute and if she were a boy she would be just like a prince out of a fairy tale… They end up touching Chris in places they shouldn’t and before even more chaos would ensure, the lights go out and a mysterious voice calls out to the students from the dark, while dramatic music is playing from somewhere… The unparalelled and beautiful teacher makes her entrace: Liliana “Lun-Lun” Sasakama Totoko Gunther! Well, the entrace wasn’t that great it seems, but everyone regains their good mood once she announces the usual “question time”! The students ask why her name is so long and how they should call her, why she came here, etc. Almost the same as last time. Arata wonders about her dress and Lun-Lun goes off daydreaming about a forbidden student-teacher relationship…

By the end of the day, Arata praises heavens that school is over, she may not look like it, but Lun-Lun is actually good at being a teacher. Chris seems to be somewhere else in her thoughts, and Arata asks if it’s not getting used to living as a girl yet. Chris says it’s like that, and the short skirt is strange… Arata tells her that many girls don’t wear skirts nowdays, but Chris is committed to live as a girl. Arata pats her on the head and smiles at her. Chris mentions how much Arata has changed, but doesn’t finish the sentence. In return, Arata confesses something too… Chris’ panties are showing! They go around laughing for a while, then the girls take Chris shopping…

They make Chris try out a lot of clothes, then they decide they should look for underwear. No matter how much Chris protests, the girls take her sizes and Arata decides its safer to stay clear of them. The girls then shift their target to Riko and take her sizes… they are shocked at her sizes, joking about her needing a E or F cup… More girly silliness ensures for good, and Arata is left alone outside, waiting for the girls…

At night, Arata is just finishing his 1000 sword swings, as he is training like a madman. Suzushiro brings him a towel and some water. The panting Arata decides to do one more set, but Suzushiro is worried about him almost abusing his body and oversleeping every day. Arata laughs it off saying that’s just regular oversleeping, but Suzushiro knows how he is driving himself like crazy, not just with training. She reminds him that his body isn’t just his anymore as he is the prince. Arata gives in, then retorts that Suzushiro goes to bed after him and wakes before him… he makes a poor attemt at a joke and manages to embarrass poor Suzushiro. In the end he is thankful and tells Suzushiro that he will go to sleep half an hour earlier from today.

Once again, Arata is seeing a dream at night. A dream about THAT day…

Pigeon and Crow’s NazeNani (What and Why) Corner 1:

The two don’t have any direct role in the drama, but from time to time they explain about things between chapters. In the first interlude, they talk about the situation in Eldhiland, and it basically serves as a prologue to Arata’s dream (wich is the next chapter BTW, it happens earlier, so basically Arata’s dream is the link between the game’s and the drama’s story). People in Eldhiland are confused by rumors about the great hero Eldhin, and that another prince had shown up, not to mention the previous one turning out to be a girl. The truth is the truth though. The power balance between the 6 countries is all messed up thanks to the coup. Basically the situation is “not good” to say a least. Nanae is trying to hold things together from the capital. The princesses are in Seven Central and there are 3 months left until the crowning of the prince. Thus the second chapter of the drama begins…

(The following is all a loong memory in Arata’s dream)
Arata and Chris are sparring, with Riko observing them. Angela shows up. She was going to get here at noon for lunch, but the sounds of battle called her here early. Riko tells her the situation, but Angela soon gets bored with it and is more interested in the two princes duel. According to Riko they are sparring since morning and so far Arata is leading with 6 duels won, while Chris won only 3 times. Just as she starts to analyze them again, Angela comments that the duel is over. As Riko looks up, Chris’ sword is sent flying out of her hand. Arata won 7 out of 10. He laughs and and tells Chris that now that they got into it this much, they can go seriously now. Chris gets pissed and leaves. Since Arata got so into sparring, Angela is willing to take Chris’ place and duel with him to work up an apetite. Arata doesn’t understand - Angela used to watch them only, and she is willing to spar now… the dragon princess smiles and replies “I wonder why”. Arata freaks out and tells the girls he has to go after Chris. Before they have a chance to react, he dashes off. Riko sights, and Angela seems to be disappointed… well whatever. She tells Riko to pick up a weapon and spar with her. Riko freaks out as well…

Chapter 2: The King of Swords

Arata runs around screaming after Chris like an idiot. Shizuka observes him from the distance, staying out of his sight. Suddenly Lun-Lun appears, and Shizuka screams in surprise. Lun-Lun screams with her, perhaps because Shizuka’s reacion surprised her, perhaps just for the fun ^-^; Basically Shizuka explains that she’s watching over the prince now. Lun-Lun teases her about being a protective big sister, but the Princess of Wisley denies it and responds that in this world they are prince and princess and are not related. Lun-Lun teases her and calls her “Onee-san” as usual, then flips out when Shizuka tells her that older people shouldn’t call younger ones “big sister”. Liliana is left alone and somewhere in the distance a crow yells AHO (idiot) at her… or so she feels. Out of nowhere, Nanae appears, scaring poor Lun-Lun to death. She gets her own share of teasing and calls Nanae “Mother” but she scolds her, saying she’s not the mother of Prince Arata… ehh, Deja Vu. They talk about Arata a bit and Lun-Lun says something like “our prince isn’t a weakling he can take care of himself”. Nanae’s reply is “You don’t have to lecture me about my son”. We know how you feel, Lun-Lun… she’s confusing… first she denies him now she protects him. Nanae explains that she has nothing to do with the prince, but Fukamori Arata is still her son. Lun-Lun worries about Shizuka still being a child (because she of course is a responsible adult… sometimes I wonder about that). Nanae then starts whispering into Lun-Lun’s ear, and the scene shifts back to our wayward princes.

Arata ignores Chris’ yells to buzz off. He finally reaches Chris and tackles her the usual way. Chris is pretty pissed, and Arata doesn’t help by keeping her pinned. He doesn’t get why she’s so upset. Finally, Chris tells him the reason: while Arata was “warming up” and they sparred, she could only win 3 times out of ten against Arata. She blurts out that she was going all-out the whole time, and Arata didn’t even take her seriously. She finally admits that Arata’s potential is far greater than hers (considering how much Arata got into fighting during the game and he’s training like a madman after that as well it might be possible). Suddenly a deep voice interrupts them. Chris recognized the old man clad in armor immediatly. He is her grandfather, the King of Soldia.

Nanae basically explains to Lun-Lun about Soldia and its king being Chris’ grandfather. They go into the politics and how Soldia behaved during the coup. Honestly I didn’t get half the thing they said about it, and I won’t write it down. The most important part of it is how badass the old man is, and even despite his old age he’s like the greatest warrior in the land. Too bad he didn’t come to Seven Central to see the face of his granddaugther huh?

Arata is in the middle of the process of being beaten into a bloody pulp. Chris tries to stop her grandfather, but it’s no use. The old man replies that he doesn’t have much time left, and that Arata is a weak little boy. Even though he’s a prince, no one knows him. If he gets on the throne, Eldhiland will simply rot under his rule. Once the old man gets bored with Chris he showes her aside and sends Arata flying again. Arata has absolutely no chance against him, and runs. The old man taunts and attacks him one more time, and Arata manages to catch the strike with his sword… however, even though the King of Swords is only using his hands (in plate gauntlets), and Arata finds strength in the pride of his newfound princehood, the power difference is too big. Arata is knocked out and the old king is stopped by Chris before delivering the coup de grace. He suddenly starts caughing blood. Looks like he really doesn’t have much time left. He is surprised that Arata has enough strength left to move and breathe at all. He comments that with this, Arata earned his life for now, and asks Chris to tell the kid that Soldia will send a princess to Central as well. Chris is surprised - she’s here after all. The old man emphasizes that he said “princess” not a princess disguised as a man. He asks if Chris will let Arata become prince, and of course she replies that both of them will be princes. The old man says that there is only one prince. That’s it. He aks Chris who she is and why she came here. Who is she trying to become? Who does Chris Norfild wants to become?

At night Chris is training and (guess what) Suzushiro comes to worry about her. Chris wants to go on for a while and wants to be alone. Her grandfathers words weigh heavily on her soul. Just who is she trying to become?

Nanae pays a visit to Soldia’s king. He asks if she came for revenge because he tried to kill Arata, but she answers that she came to thank him. The king is amused at her words. Nanae explains that if the young prince can’t grasp the responsibility and the strength required for it, then it might be better if he falls. The beating Arata got will be a lesson for him. Nanae also tells the king that she believes in Arata and that he’ll be a good ruler for Eldhiland. The two royalities part on good terms.

Riko is busy testing a new dress with the Shichiseiseki, and manages to copy a full-power Alumage technique. Her thoughts are disturbed by a faint voice from the darkness, calling to someone… She finds that the Shichiseiseki is gone.

Arata is dreaming of the other world. About his mother, about going to the dojo with his sister. It’s really creepy but you can hear the same faint voice from a distance calling to him “come back”.

Pigeon’s voice comes in explaining how the two princes and princessess returned to the “real” world via Wisley’s gate and they have one week before the gate opens again. They have this time to wrap up any affairs and unfinished business they might have. Or so the people thought.

Pigeon and Crow’s NazeNani (What and Why) Corner 2:

The second installment of Pigeon and Crow’s NazeNani Corner. This time, they talk about the Shichiseiseki. They describe it and mention a legend that it would grant a wish for a person. There are supposed to be seven stars that represent wishes, but there is only 6 marked on the stone. The last one is hidden somehow, maybe it is an illusion. Basically the stone is a very powerful artifact, and its legend about the wishes is what drives the plot of the drama cds.

We come full circle back to where Chapter 1 ended, that is Arata is still sleeping soundly and dreaming about the time they spent in Eldhiland and when they came back. His dream self is surprised to see Chris in a girl’s sailor uniform and jokes about it. Chris gets irritated but in the end she’s okay with Arata staring at her like an idiot. She says that from today, she won’t live in a lie any longer. It’s no use to do so and it will only ruin her own and her country’s future. She will live as a girl for her country and for herself. Her days living as a boy are over, and she decides to become Soldia’s princess and stay by Arata’s side. Our hero asks her if she’s sure about it, but Chris reassures him that she already decided and she’s fine with it. Arata just smiles, and challanges her to see who will become a proper prince or princess sooner.

Chapter 3: Treasured Things

Suzushiro is making lunch boxes in the morning. How nice. However she lacks some ingridients for one of the lunch boxes and decides to give that one to Princess Liliana ^-^; She hears a noise and walks in on Chris who is in the middle of practicing how to put a girls dress on in front of a mirror. Pretty awkward… But Suzushiro wouldn’t be Suzushiro if she would let this bother her. She helps Chris with a smile on her face, but Chris gets embarassed, and embarasses Suzushiro in turn. The former prince apologizes, but Suzushiro tells her its allright because she felt like this was coming since the day she learned Chris is a girl, and that she’s happy that Chris come to terms with herself. Chris smiles and asks the Princess of Earth out to go and eat icecream together again later. Suzushiro accepts gladly.

School is over, and Arata confidently claims that they all studied well today. Nodoka notes how he was sleeping halfway trough class. Arata insists that she’s mistaken, it wasn’t like that at all. Riko agrees: he woke up around the two-thirds of the class. Suzushiro arrives dressed casually, ready to go out with Chris. Arata comments that this is the first time he saw Suzushiro dressed this way, that she’s super-cute and he wants to see her more often like this. Of course this embarasses our little earth princess, and the others start to call Arata a molester. Finally they shut him up with a blow on the head. It seems like Chris is on duty. Arata offers to take over so Chris can leave earlier, even though Suzushiro is ready to wait for Chris. As usual, no one can protest because Arata dashes off into the distance. Just as the others sigh, Lun-Lun sensei barges into the room loudly, ready to give a private lesson to her favorite student, Arata. She starts fantasizing about their forbidden teacher-student relationship, with a fitting music in the background. Her dreams are crushed when Riko interrupts only to tell her that Arata left a minute ago. She recovers quickly and her usual fight with Suzushiro starts along with a well-known, cryptic music from the game. After exchanging a couple of “friendly” words, the air seems to burn around them as they laugh it off. Nodoka of course is surprised that Suzushiro and her teacher know each other.

Arata is insisting on taking over, or at least helping Chris with her duties. He ends up showing her a shortcut since there is no place in the school he doesn’t know. Chris asks if Arata is sad about leaving this world behind, but Arata acts cool. Chris admires how strong he has become, embarassing the young prince, but Arata quickly gets his determination back and decides to get even stronger and stronger. He claims that even though he’s a bit ahead of Chris in swordsmanship, he always considered her to be better… and cuter. The last remark really embarasses Chris, she replies that being cute doesnt matter here. The teasing continues, frustrating Chris endlessly, until Nodoka walks in on them. In the end, Arata takes over her remaining duties and takes the teash out, while Chris dashes off to meet Suzushiro.

On the way back from the school, Nodoka speculates that Suzushiro must be some kind of wonder-child that she doesn’t have to attend school and finished her studies abroad, all this at her age. Isn’t that nice? Arata, when will you guys come up with a believable story!? Whatever, Nodoka comes to the conclusion that Arata is a one-of-a-kind idiot, since his sister is so smart, the only wrong thing must be with him. She stops for a moment and re-thinks that. Why did she say sister? Well, she probably confused Arata with someone else who has a sister. Arata tries to act as if he doesn’t know a thing. The two go on talking, Arata acting all cool. Nodoka aks if he would do something for her, and Arata replies “Sure, if it’s somethign I can do”. They both get uneasy and embarassed… finally Nodoka cries out that she wants Arata to carry her bag until home. Arata you silly guy… how could you think it was something else? They go on and Nodoka murmurs that she feels like a princess. She comments that Arata has really changed lately. He’s a lot kinder and everything…


My thoughts: I know things are a bit hard to understand at first, but everything will be revealed in time I’m not sure why they powered up Arata so much… I can only speculate that those life draining swords from the game drained Chris’s life force and her blessing into Arata, then Arata’s own life force was drained into Chris when he stabbed himself in the end.(The blessing is in Arata, where it was intended to be but they being born on the same day mixed things up). Just my thoughts. I’m done with the first draft for the second CD already, but I will edit it and probably only post once the first draft of the 3rd CD is complete. Until then, I’ll give you a preview of the happenings:

In the next part, we get a closer look at Suzushiro and her problems. Things get edgy between her and Chris, and Arata has no idea of what’s going on, as usual. Shizuka and Angela are re-introduced into the story, and we get more of Shizuka’s worries and problems, after Angela goes on a date with Arata. We learn the secret of the shichiseiseki and what the creators decided to be a “true” end to the game. Also, battle ensures as two giant monsters clash in the city. What is truth about them? Stay tuned for the second part of the Princess Waltz Audio Drama![/spoiler]

That happens to me in my first fight every time I start up the game. I’ve found that if I close the game and reopen it right away, it works fine after that. Make sure you always save when prompted before each battle and load that save when you reopen the game. I hope this helps!

Thanks! And thanks to FragarachZ, of cours. Is very much appreciated

Hmmm, I dunno much but try this:

  1. Maybe some of your files became corrupted or a virus something, try uninstalling and reinstalling the game. :slight_smile:
  2. Update ur drivers.

What operating system are you using? If it’s Vista, you may try running the game as Administrator or turn of UAC. You may also want to make sure windows is up to date and track now the newest drivers for your sound and video devices. I can’t remeber off the top of my head, but if PW uses Virtual Basic, an update to the C++ runtime files my help as well.

So, I just laid my hands on this game and I have to say, WoW. I have only got to the first hands on battle so far, but the way the story is narated and illustrated are just fantastic. The characters seem interesting and the effects they use all throughout the game (so far) are utterly fantastic. I notice the game doesn’t seem to have any real choices thus far, but it is steller to watch and easy to become engrossed in. I can see this will be in my list of top shelf games. (unless it somehow disappoints later on)

I have a friend with just a fraction of interest in these games, asking that I lend him a couple I feel are particularly good so he can try them out … right now I’m thinking Princess Waltze and Crescendo. (I doubt he could handle or appreciate Kana … which is too bad, as that game still haunts me to this day … two years since I last played it.)

here is part 2 of the drama
from FragarachZ of hongfire

[spoiler]PART 2

Suzushiro and Chris are walking around in the mall, chatting. Suzushiro sneezes - looks like her skirt is too short and she’s cold. Chris laughs and tells Suzushiro that she’s cute, and that she should dress more often like this. After hearing it from both Arata and Chris, Suzushiro accepts the compliment. Our former prince pulls the princess closer as a boy would, and Suzushiro smiles, saying that its really like they are on a date. Chris tells her that she doesn’t intend to go back living as a boy. The princess of earth answers with “You don’t need to. You’re cute as a girl, Arata sama said so as well.” Chris is shocked that Suzushiro saw the scene with Arata in the school trough a window. Suzushiro insists that she wants Chris to be happy and she confesses that she never joined the Waltz to become the wife of the prince, she did so to become Chris’ wife. As Chris would apologize, Suzushiro tells her it’s ok, and that she isn’t interested in else. Chris thanks her and tells her she will be always precious to her. The conversation inevitably leads to Chris telling Suzushiro, that they are the same… princesses fighting for the prince. Before she could finish the next sentence, Suzushiro screams and thinks to herself that she doesn’t want to hear those words.

When preparing dinner, Arata asks Suzushiro if she had a fight with Chris. Suzushiro just yells at him, that the reason she gave herself to Arata was just to save Chris and the country. Arata tries to calm her, and it takes some effort to do so. Suzushiro finally lets her tears out, and tells Arata she doesn’t want him to be this kind towards her because she is afraid of her emotions towards him. She remembers how earlier that day Chris said that she (Suzushiro) is in love with Arata, and she protested and tried to stay loyal to Chris.
Poor Suzushiro

Chris is taking a bath, and Suzushiro asks if she can join. She is her usual kind self, and offers to wash and comb Chris’ hair that she didn’t cut since the beginning of the waltz. Chris returns the favor and embarasses the princess by wondering out loud how pretty she is. She notices Suzushiro’s scars that remain from the wounds she took when fighting to get Chris back. She tells Suzushiro that she was her best friend, the one who was with her when she was lonely, the one who made her smile… her only friend. Because of this, she didn’t want to forgive Arata when she heared Suzushiro has given herself to him. But when she saw Suzushiro, she knew Arata treasured Suzushiro as she would have. Because of this, she’s allright with them being in love. By now, poor Suzushiro is almost crying, saying that even though they don’t want to, they will have to hurt one other if they love the same person. Even if it’s so, Chris wants to be with her forever. Suzushiro finally bursts into tears - tears of happiness, and confesses that it was always her dream to hear those words. To hear them from her Prince Chris. She promises to forget her impossible dream in the morning, but asks Chris to be her prince just for this one night. “Prince Chris” agrees, and fulfills the dreams of “his” princess after saying “thank you” and “I’m sorry”.

The next morning, both girls are totally embarassed. They promise to be the best friends, and rivals as well. They’ll stick together no matter what happens. Arata walks in, wondering how they made up already. Going out together, fighting, then making up the next morning? He asks them what happened between them, but the two respond giggling “it’s a girls secret”. Arata being Arata, doesn’t get anything.

Pigeon and Crow’s NazeNani (What and Why) Waltz 3:

In today’s edition, the Memory Field! We learn that this device is used to erease or change memories of people. When the people of Eldhiland come to this world and have conflicts with Guardeners, they use this to cover up their tracks. If they are found out, or someone sees the guardeners, there is no choice but to alter their memory directly. It affects even people outside the field if they come to contact with it later. This way it is possible to change memories of many people in a short time. Once altered, a person’s memory doesn’t come back easily, even if the person has a strong willpower. It was used by multiple people in Arata’s town: Chris to appear as a transfer student, Liliana to appear as a student then later as a teacher, and possibly others as well…

Chapter 4: Siblings

School starts in the morning. Girls chat about usual school stuff in the morning. They suddenly freak out as Angela senpai appears in all her majestic glory. They idolize her, and she enjoys being the center of attention. She leaves the girls after a couple of kind words (their reaction is as if a goddess appeared to them). While wondering what an interesting place the school is, Shizuka comes screaming at her. She questions Angela mercilessly, why she is wearing a sailor suit and has a slit on her skirt. Angela thinks it’s boring to wear the same thing as others (even though that’s the point of the uniform in the first place), so she modified the clothes according to her tastes. Finally Shizuka realizes Angela is wearing HER clothes! She gets angry to say the least, partly because Angela never asked to borrow them, not to mention customizing them… The girls arrive again and wonder what Shizuka onee-sama and Angela onee-sama are doing alone. Angela likes the sound of that, and jokingly calls Shizuka “Onee-sama” (older sister). Shizuka is annoyed and tells her there is only one day difference between them, so she should cut that out. Meanwhile, the schoolgirls fantasize about why the two idols are so close and whispering to each other. Shizuka suggests that they should go to the classroom because there are too many people here, but the dragon princess has other plans. She puts on a show for their audience who are now convinced the two seniors are in love ^^;.

The two are quarreling as they walk, and Angela expresses how much fun she is having by teasing Shizuka nonstop. Just then, Arata and Nodoka come by, and Shizuka pulls Angela to the nearby bushes to hide. Angela gets another good idea when she recognizes Arata, but Shizuka tells her to shut up less they find them. Arata stops and thinks he heard Angela’s voice. Shizuka’s poor but nontheless cute “nyaaa” attempts convince the pair that there is only a cat in the bushes. Angela takes offense and reveals herself. Nodoka is surprised to see Angela come out of the bushes, but the redhead tells them she was just seeing a “cute black kitty”. Arata wonders why the cat sounds so strage, though… Angela asks Arata to take her to a date, freaking both the kitty and Nodoka out as well. The later is just shocked that someone like Angela and someone like Arata could possibly… Before leaving, the dragon princess kisses Arata, yet again freaking out everyone around them. The prince asks in surprise what she is doing in front of everyone, but Angela’s responds by asking Arata why they should be shamed? “Considering how hard and nasty we did it last time…” Poor Nodoka is wordless from the shock Angela’s words caused, but manages to squeeze out the question “What’s between you two?” The redheaded princess smiles and tells her that it is their duty to love each other. CHAOS breaks out as Angela walks off giggling, and Nodoka questions Arata rather violently… Just as he is about to suffocate in her grip, Chris and Suzushiro show up with lunch boxes for everyone. So does the english teacher Lun-Lun, ready to have lunch alone with her favorite student. Suzushiro and Liliana get into their usual fight, while Nodoka is yet again speechless, seeing how much female attention Arata gets.

Shizuka confronts Angela who calls her “Kuro” (“black” referring to Shizuka’s cat act before). Shizuka wants to know why Angela asked Arata out, but the dragon princess teases her in response, how big sis wouldn’t let her brother go out with any person. Shizuka says that she is no longer Arata’s sister. Angela is happy to hear what she wanted, so she arrogantly sends Shizuka back home (it seems both are living in Angela’s apartment), telling her to clean up and not to be in her way. After that, the dragon princess leaves.

(In his dream) Arata is surprised to hear Shizuka won’t live with them. She tells him she is no longer his sister, and the memory field will change others memories. Being the Prince and the Princess of Wesley, they can’t be siblings. She yells at Arata when he calls her sis as he tries to protest…

Arata wakes up from his dream screaming “Sis!”. Angela comforts him, them teases him about confusing her with another girl on their date. What a guy. Arata actually came to the place where they agreed to meet, but fell asleep soon after… Being his usual self used to oversleeping, Angela decides she would forgive him this time… because he was funny to watch while he was asleep. Angela wants to stay together a bit more. Arata complains about having lots if problems. When Angela aks if it was because Soldia’s old man, Arata confesses that when he thinks about that fight he gets really scared, and his legs tremble. Even though he knew what his duties were, the old man’s words had shaken him. Angela tells him not to worry as it will affect his body as well. The prince is impressed how stong Angela is, and the redhead reminds him that he alone is the only one who ever defeated her. Arata looks stupid, saying he never won against Angela, but the dragon princess reminds him about their battle in bed… Arata gets embarassed of course. Angela’s words reassure our protagonist, and he tells her he needs time to sort out his feelings. Angela harasses and teases him in response, with the Shizuka issue among other things. After his initial response, Arata brings up the same “we can’t be siblings any longer” crap. Arata tells Angela how Shizuka taught him a lot of things as they grew up, and how he feels close to her. Angela tells him about his sister, but cuts it short with a “you shouldn’t bother yourself with it” and reminds him that he is to be the Emperor. Angela grows tired of talking about other girls, and wants some attention herself. Arata insists on knowing how Angela knows so much about Shizuka, and the princess replies she has some interest in her as well.

Shizuka is under the shower, pissed at herself, how she got herself worked up overhearing Angela comforting Arata. A mysterious voice appears, questioning her. She suddenly finds herself unable to move. The voice asks her if she has forgotten the days without Arata. Shizuka is helpless as she screams in pain and collapses.

(Memories of after the battle against Eldhin) Shizuka is worried, asking her mother where Arata is. Nanae explains calmly that Arata went to Eldhiland, and chose to embrace his fate being a prince out of his own will. She also tells her that it was she who stopped him from telling Shizuka. She won’t let her daugther follow Arata, no matter how desperately the princess insists. Just as Nanae appears to give in, she paralyzes Shizuka, and changes her memories, so that she believes Arata went to study abroad. The poor girl is helpless as Nanae seals her memories, reassuring her one last time, that there are plenty who pledged themselves to become Arata’s strength. Shizuka screams her brother’s name as the memory field wipes away her precious memories of Arata.

Shizuka wakes up suddenly to find Angela above her. The dragon princess comments that this is a strange day indeed (she was in the same situation with Arata a while ago). Shizuka doesn’t remember anything, just that she collapsed in the shower. It appears Angela carried her into her room. In fact, Shizuka is still naked and gets embarassed. Angela teases her about “seeing everything” and describing her beautiful, wet skin. She blocks the slap aimed at her and pins Shizuka down. She continues teasing her, this time about Arata, but Shizuka denies everything, saying they were never more than siblings. Angela doesn’t stop, saying how Shizuka was treasuring Arata before any other woman did, and hid it behind a brother-sister relationship. She shows no mercy in her words, she even goes as far as asking “Do you want to know where Arata’s hands were? Where my hands were? What they did?” Shizuka can’t take it anymore. She screams and breaks free of her tormentor’s hold. Her anger takes over her, as something snaps inside her… Angela is thrilled as she watches the transformation… The beast princess lets out a feral scream of frenzy and metal clashes with metal.

Nodoka is scolding Arata while hanging out, still not able to comprehend how an idiot like him could get together with a beautiful person like Angela. She is sure that there is something wrong with Arata. Just then, the prince has a strong, undescribable feeling. He tells Nodoka he forgot something and dashes off.

Running towards the direction where his bad feeling came from, Arata is sure something’s wrong with his sister. The other princesses and Chris soon join him. It looks like a great power showed up in the city… at Angela’s place!

Angela is thrilled, and laughs as her opponent’s halberd and Perpetuelle clash again and again, clangs of metal forming a deadly melody in their life-death battle. She has finally drawn out Shizuka’s real power. They clash again and the Beast Princess is sent flying away.

Inside Shizuka’s head, she can hear the same voice she heard in the shower… The voice asks is she wants to lose Arata again. Shizuka is confused because of her newly surfaced memory. She denies it, and she can remember clearly that she went to Eldhiland together with Arata and her mother. The voice tells her that those is indeed her memories, but what she saw recently was hers as well. A different possibility, a memory of a different world’s self. The voice says that just like there are seven stars of wishes, so are seven worlds, one of each wish. Where they exist now, is the world where these worlds have become one. The voice belittles her for her commitment of protecting Arata, yet not staying at his side.
It shows her a vision of Arata and Chris, who are real siblings. In the vision, they talk about who is older, even though they were born on the same day. Chris doesn’t want to call Arata “Aniue” (older brother), so Arata starts teasing her by calling her “Onee-san” and “Chris nee-chan”. Chris feels awkward and both laugh it off.
The voice tells Shizuka to wish strongly, wish for a world where prince and princess, brother and sister doesn’t matter. To wish to return to her world where they can be together. Wish for such strength, to make Arata hers. The voice commands her to make her wish if she cares for Arata. Shizuka refuses, and declares that she will be Arata’s sister no matter what. When she asks who the voice is, it slowly morphs into her own voice, saying that it was always there together with her, from the time she was born… Shizuka remembers when Nanae told her she would give her the key to unlock her powers, and that she kept them sealed because there was a chance she would lose herself. With the realization upon her, Shizuka can’t hold on any longer, and the true Beast Princess reclaims their body.

When Arata and the princesses arrive, they witness a battle between a giant dragon and a beast. They first think the beast is a guardener, but Arata recognizes the two monsters. It’s Angela and his sister! Liliana confirms it, saying that this is their alternate form, a shape where one’s essence manifests itself. They speculate how the pair could possibly possess such powers, when Arata remembers that Shizuka’s father is the King of Fangs, a god in Eldhiland. If that is so, then Angela too might be…
They avoid a blast that pulverizes nearly everything where they stood a moment ago. Lun-Lun explains the situation, knowing some info from Nanae: this power isn’t a thing that anyone can handle. Once they are awakened, the user loses her senses, and the power takes over. The longer the transformation lasts, the harder it is to bring the person back. Arata quickly tells Riko to create a barrier to shut the outside world out, and asks Lun-Lun of a way to turn the pair back. The plan is simple: the princesses hold the line whlie Arata tries to reach the two. Even if he loses his life between the two monsters, his determination cannot be broken. He can sense Angela and Shizuka fading inside the giants. The princesses don’t want him to go since he is their Emperor. Arata says that’s exactly the reason why he has to go. Before anyone could protest he dashes between the clashing titans.

Shizuka can sense herself fading away in the cold darkness. She hears Arata screaming for her, but she doesn’t bear it and shuts his voice out.

A blast sends Arata flying. He tries to speak to the giant beast, but it leaps to crush the life out of him. Then it stops moving. The dragon stopped it! Arata hears Angela’s voice from the dragon, saying that she will keep the beast busy while Arata gets “that idiot” out of there. Arata can barely belive the dragon is speaking to him, but Angela urges him to take action. Maintaining this form isn’t too safe after all and they don’t have much time.

Arata is calling for Shizuka violently, trying to reach her in ther mental prison. She can barely belive it’s the real Arata. When she hears he came to take his sister back, she yells at him not to call her “Sis”, for he has to become the Emperor. Arata keeps talking to her, and his strong words reach Shizuka’s heart. Her mental prison is shattered to pieces, and she awakens to be saved by his little brother. Exhausted, she just asks to stay a little longer in Arata’s arms.

Back home, tea and kind words await Shizuka. She apologizes for worrying everyone. Angela teases a bit more, then is questioned by Lun-Lun why she wanted to fight and use their other forms. After a bit of teasing, she answers to Liliana that she provoked Shizuka so she could regain her full strength and true self, after fighting a strong opponent with all her strength. Riko acts weird, and when asked by Arata she just answers she felt like being watched.

Somewhere, a creepy voice wonders who’s wish will come next…

Pigeon and Crow’s NazeNani (What and Why) Waltz 4:

Once again, Pigeon and Crow discus the Shichiseiseki. The seven stars represent wishes also represent seven worlds. When loking closely, the 6 stars on the stone form a single, 7th big star. The meaning of this has given quite a headache to Liesel and Nanae, who are involved with research on the stone. Six stars forming a big, 7th…

Riko is doing research. She is shocked to find out, that as it actually appears, the the world they are living in is made up from multiple realities…

Chapter 5: Seven Worlds

Arata doesn’t really get it. The seven stars appeared in Shizuka’s mind as well. Chris mentions she had a similiar dream. Suzushiro and Angela as well… Lun-Lun and Riko didn’t have any dreams like that. Not yet anyway. They speculate that it might be an effect of the Shichiseiseki. They agree that Lun-Lun will keep looking for news from Seven Central, and Riko will observe their world for now.

Riko is doing research again. She believed that the legend of the Shichiseiseki was only a tale… but it really appears that their current reality was formed by everyone’s wishes. The faint, creepy voice appears again. She says that the 6 princesses get one wish each, naturally, and her plan is to take the last wish for herself. Riko demands that the unknown visitor shows herself, and so she does… But, she’s wearing a mask and a cape, hiding her identity. Riko pulls herself together and in a bright flash of light, she transforms into Liesel Hansel, the Princess of Steel. She fires Zevalche at the stranger who avoids the salvos, then demands answers. The caped figure won’t answer and starts fleeing. Liesel gives chase with Valfleche’s second drive, and attacks with a new technique of her Liesenfaust hammer. The stranger seems unaffected and surprised at the new finisher. She throws her tattered cape down and reveals the stolen dress. Liesel tells her she musn’t use that, for it’s not a regular dress. The stranger seems to be aware of this and shoots a full powered Alumage at Liesel. While she is stunned, the stranger disappears with the parting words “next time, tell me your wish, Ricchan”.


My thoughts about the second part: Woah, that was certainly something. I remember people wanting a scene with some action between Chris and Suzushiro… there you have it (nothing explicit though). I understand that some people will be confused how both Suzushiro and Angela state clearly to have slept with Arata. For the people who didn’t get it from the story above, our heroines and Arata are just discovering that their current reality is made up from the multiple worlds of each princess’ desire… the creators sure found a way to go with ALL the endings of the game - just put them into a mixing bowl and give them a good shake. Yes, fellow fans it is true. I’ll won’t go deeper into the matter, since it is explained in the next part. As for Angela, I’d totally love to see her in that modified school uniform of hers ^^. Also gotta love the hillarious situations she causes in the school. The thing I most disliked about the story was that stupid sister-brother crap that everyone kept coming up with. Sure, considering what happened after the game’s events it’s understandable, but hearing the same stupid excuse over and over again… sigh That said, I simply love how they brought back the original Beast Princess. I’m not sure if I like or dislike the fact that the Beast Princess and Angela can transform into gigantic titans, though I can imagine it was a pretty epic battle between them. Also the hints that Angela might have the Dragon god’s blood didn’t escape me either. The thing that makes her look even more badass in my eyes is that she can actually control her transformation, while Shizuka has troubles with her feral side. But enough of my ramblings, let’s give you guys a preview on the last episode’s plot.

In the third and final part of the audio drama, the truth is revealed: all princesses have memories of their own worlds, memories of fighting as Iris against the Elder Guardener and helping Arata save Chris. With Suzushiro’s, Angela’s and Shizuka’s wish fulfilled, the Shichiseiseki has yet to grant a wish for the remaining princesses. Arata and the girls go to the beach as part of a school trip. Nodoka feels more and more lonely as Arata spends some time alone with Lun-Lun sensei. The princesses are attacked by the masked girl wearing the stolen dress. Riko gets injured, and Nodoka and Chris get locked into a barrier. Arata heads to rescue them, but finds himself captured by their attacker. Will the past be undone by the Shichiseiseki’s last wish? Can the weakened princesses defeat this powerful foe? In the last part of the drama, a desperate vow brings a new princess into the battle, her blade and dress cutting trough twilight. Don’t miss it![/spoiler]

Thanks for that Michelous. And credit to FragarachZ too, of course.
I have no doubt that that “mysterious princess” is Nokada. And that multiple reality part is above me. :slight_smile: But fascinating stuff none the less.

I have this problem anytime I run Princess Waltz on my Vista box. What I have to do is run PW in window mode— and once I get to the BATTLE screen for the first time, I can then go full screen from that point on with no trouble.

Fanmar, the all white screen does sound like it is driver issue. I have a similar issue with Spore— and for both Spore and Princess Waltz, the solution is the same for me.

The only other thing I can think of is to make sure you have the most up to date drivers possible.

Does it really freeze? Is there background music and occasional junk passing across the screen? When I first got the white battle screen, I thought it had frozen, but it eventually ran some red garbage across the screen, and the music never stopped.

sound like you need a new computer Fanmar

here is part 3 of the drama

[spoiler]Lun-Lun is all hyped up because she’s at the beach. She quickly becomes absorbed in her daydream where she and Arata… ahem pursue their forbidden student-teacher relationship to new lengths. After returning to the present, she’s back in her cheery mood. The weather’s nice, it’s Sudnay, everything is perfect for a date at the sea! No one knows the seas better than she does . Everything seems to favor her on this beautiful day ^^. She’s more than happy when Arata arrives, dancing in place and doing her usual comical stuff. After exchanging some words, Arata complimets her and she overreacts as usual. Just as Lun-Lun is ready to head off and enjoy the day together, Arata tells her to wait for the others. Yes, he brought Riko and Nodoka with him, and they’re still changing to their swimsuits. Poor Lun-Lun’s dream date is gone and is replaced by a field trip with the three students =(… Finally Nodoka arrives and greets Lun-Lun, but she’s more than wordless. Oh yeah, Nodoka showed up in a new, two-piece swimsuit because her one-pice was too small. Arata wonders if she has gotten fat (duh). Riko is too embarrassed to show up, but after a long while and a lot of Nodoka’s bugging, she appears in a black micro bikini. Lun-Lun is freaked out at the sight, and Arata becomes a drooling idiot. Riko is so embarrassed she could die, but Nodoka encourages her. In the meantime, Arata is still drooling… way to go, Prince! Riko’s not too confortable in the situation to say the least, and asks that they dont look at her. Lun-Lun scolds her, saying that a swimsuit is made to show it off, and demands that Riko apologizes to the God of Swimsuits. They make Riko pose to better inspect the case, and find that the small pieces of cloth can barely contain her curves… I think you get the idea. The scene says: Riko’s sexy in a bikini ^^;
Oh, as for Arata, his lines mainly consist of “woooah”, “oooooh” and “o-hohohohooo”, at least until he’s knocked out by Nodoka.
Finally Lun-Lun makes up something along the lines “people bathe naked don’t they? well here you don’t have to be, you can wear a bikini!” to make Riko feel a bit better. I don’t know about that…^^; After that, Liliana finally desides that it’s time to enjoy themselves.

Later that day, the girls are still having fun. Nodoka wants to go to the water slide but Riko is worried that her bikini comes off. Nodoka insists that they go together, slowly if Riko’s only ok with that. Then she starts wondering where Arata and Lun-Lun sensei have gone. Looks like they slipped away some time ago.

On a more silent part of the beach, Princess Liliana and Arata are finally alone. Lun-Lun’s glad that they found a place like this, but Arata worries if the other girls are ok. Lun-Lun tells him to forget about that already, and Arata finally realizes what he’s supposed to do. He holds Lun-Lun close and wonders out loud if this is why they “accidentally” lost the other two girls in the first place. Lun-Lun just laughts innocently . It takes Arata a couple of clumsy attempts but finally he tells her that he wants to be with her. She tells him he passes this exam, and is pleased with how princely Arata can be. Still, she knows that he used to say these kind stuff to other princesses as well. Arata can’t help but admit it and apologize. He tells Lun-Lun that he still can’t choose anyone. She’s okay with it, and tells Arata that a Prince should just take whatever he wants. The ones to decide who’s going to be #1 are the princesses after all (remember a little something called the waltz, Prince?). Even though she thinks it’s kind of stupid, their fate cannot be seperated from that of the Prince. As for Lun-Lun herself, she says she wouldn’t let go of Arata even if he wasn’t the Prince. Looks like she said it out loud, and Arata heard. Oops. Time for a little embarrasment. Looking at the sea, she aks him to come with her sometime to Restanza’s sea as well. Of course that time they’ll have to be completely alone. Arata says he’d like that.

In the meantime, Riko and Nodoka are looking for the pair in vain. Saying that they’re probably ok together, Riko almost refers to their “teacher” as “Lun-Lun chan”, but she quickly corrects herself. Nodoka then finally gets it: Lun-Lun sensei must be in love with Arata too! Ever since she knows him, this is the first time he gets so much female attention. He never got more than 1 or 2 chocolates at Valentine’s, but now there’s Angela, Nodoka heard rumors about Shizuka as well, and of course there’s the fact that he’s living together with Chris and Suzushiro. Now that she thinks about it better, Lun-Lun sensei is always looking for him as well. Nodoka works herself up at this, and speculates if everyone’s out to trick Arata into something? Riko says that they can’t do anything about it, he’s a cool guy. Nodoka freaks out at that. That Arata, cool? She must have misheard, or Riko misspoke or something… But Riko confirms it to be true. Nodoka then freaks out again: Ricchan too!? Just before she could ask if Riko’s in love with him too, Riko shuts her up, telling her not to say it out loud, bacause it’s embarrasing for her. Poor Nodoka just can’t believe it. She admits her surprise, and that it looks like everyone changed so much in a short time except her, like time stood still for her. Nodoka pulls herself together and tells her friend that with the sea, the bikini and everything, this is a perfect chance at appealing to him, that Riko can’t let slip away! She grabs her hand and start dashing looking for Arata, with Riko weakly resisting her, saying that if they run, her bikini might come off…

At the end of the day, Nodoka and Arata are walking home. They reminsce how Lun-Lun won a swimsuit contest, Nodoka got her fill of the water slide at max speed, and Arata just loved Riko’s bikini. BANG. That was Nodoka’s fist in his face. Again. He lets out a sigh and says that he had tons of fun, and thanks Nodoka for coming along. The girl wonders what the hell he’s talking about, since he’s always fooling around and having fun. Realizing his mistake, Arata nervously laughs it off. Nodoka asks if something is wrong lately. She says that even though they’re together since they were little, there seem to be so many things that she doesn’t know about Arata. That it’s like she got left out of so many things. They arrive at Arata’s place, but Nodoka doesn’t want to say goodbye yet. She feels like Arata’s going to go somewhere far… He suggests that they walk around a little more.
They reminsce about old times and Nodoka wonders how tall Arata has become. He looks like a different person… but Arata stays Arata right? He won’t leave? Nodoka starts crying, and Arata conforts her. He walks her home, but before Arata leaves, Nodoka mumbles a confession, but the blockhead doesn’t hear her. Nodoka gets embarassed when he asks what she said, and quickly says goodbye and rushes into her house.

Elsewhere, Lun-Lun and Riko are talking. Riko thinks about working and investigating the matter of the Shichiseiseki, and Liliana calls her stubborn and reminds her that they only got 2 days to do whatever they want, until the door opens up again. Riko mentions how Angela and Shizuka heard the stone’s call so far, and Lun-Lun cuts into her sentence saying that even on today’s trip rather than having fun, Riko wanted to look for clues. Liliana then proceeds explaining how weird their memories are. For example, they know about stuff they shouldn’t know about. On the day they fought Eldhin, who was it who merged with Arata to defeat the Elder Guardener? Who slept with him to enchance the power of Iris? Every princess remembers of doing it. And they also remember not doing it. They all, including Arata, carry six memories of the same time. With all of Riko’s investigation, it still looks like Lun-Lun learned it at the same time if not sooner trough her “network”.
Their talk is interrupted by the mysterious girl wearing the new dress and a mask. Lun-Lun bravely steps up but their assailant tells her that she has nothing to do with her, since Liliana already got her wish today. The only ones remaining are Ricchan and the masked girl. Riko finally seems to realize the true motives of the mysterious figure.

Chapter 6: The Prince and the Princesses

Arata arrives home only to be greeted by a worrying Suzushiro. He apologizes for being late, saying that he was still wandering around, thinking about stuff. Suzushiro asks if Nodoka was with him, but Arata replies that he did walk her home, but he went on wandering around after that. Suzushiro tells him that Nodoka’s mother called, because Nodoka didn’t get home yet. Arata can hardly believe it since he parted ways with her an hour ago or so. Shizuka and Chris are already looking for her, and Suzushiro was about to head out herself. They don’t know anything about Riko and Lun-Lun so far. Arata -as usual- dashes off telling Suzushiro that he’s going to look too, and if anything comes up they should contact him. Running trough the streets in the evening, he has a really bad feeling.

The masked girl encourages Riko to make a wish, since they’re the only ones who didn’t take their turns yet. Lun-Lun tries to warn Riko, but with a simple “don’t get in my way” the assailant sends her flying away. Riko then musters the courage she can get and transforms into…Liesel Henzel, Princess of Steel. The unkown attacker tells her not to try anything useless, and urges her to make her wish. There is an order in wich the wishes must be made, and Riko is 6th, with the masked girl being the last one. Therefore, to make her wish, she needs Riko to do so first. Riko aks her who she is and what her true goal is, but the dress-thief refuses to answer, and blasts Riko away. She goes on attacking the Princess of Steel, while accusing her of creating the new dress only to get Arata for herself alone. Get her Arata. She goes on telling Riko that she finally remembered everything, and how good Riko is at crafting lies. She even bothered making new ones to preserve their “friendship”. She copies either Angela’s or Shizuka’s assault, the result being the same: Riko can barely defend against them. Riko fires her Zevalche at her assailant, but it has no effect. Instead, the masked girl pins her with a technique that Riko remembers all too well: Suzushiro’s gravity field. What must follow, follows - the attack that proved to be Liesel’s nemesis before - the masked girl blasts her away with a fully powered Shihou. The Princess of Steel is sent flying, and the assailant is amused what a genious Riko is to have been able to make the dress that powerful. Then again, she’s better at creating lies… Riko’s still moving, and admits that she hid behind lies, because she thinks she’s weak. She wanted to get strong. She didn’t want to lose to anyone, and wanted to fight to become #1 for Arata. She tries to go on but before she could speak the name she wants, her attacker interrupts her, saying that she’s going to be #1 so Riko’s efforts are in vain.
Princess Liliana shows up again, this time in her dress, with the repaired Twinkle Fortune in her hands. “Call, Shining Blitz!!” Her new super attack blasts away their assailant in a giant flash. Lun-Lun reminds her friend of what they are: she tells Riko to stand up with pride, for she’s a princess striving to be #1 as well. Their foe stands up, and her mask shatters from the damage it took from Liliana’s blast. The two princesses immediately recognize her: Nodoka cries out in anger and pain, and Lun-Lun has barely enough time to realize what is about to happen. The two are blasted away by Nodoka’s Shining Blitz copy mercilessly.

After a long time, Chris finally finds a lonely Nodoka on the streets. She’s happy that nothing’s wrong with the girl and tells her to hold on for a sec, while she calls the others. Nodoka tells her that right now, Chris looks like a prince from a fairy tale. Or rather she used to be a prince. Chris is shocked that Nodoka knows everything. Nodoka saw everything in her dreams… and there was another herself, one who told her that it was because Chris and friends came here that Arata changed. She also told her that if Chris never existed… then Arata would stay with her forever. Chris finally recognizes that Nodoka is wearing a dress. While she’s shocked with revelation, the girl continues her speech, that because of that reason, she made things as they are, so everyone would make their wish come true, and in the end, she could take the final wish for herself - to wish that Chris and the princesses never came to this world. Then, with a sudden explosion, she knocks Chris out. She’s pretty good at getting kidnapped.

Lun-Lun hurries to Riko’s aid. The Steel Princess is hurt badly, having endured multiple hits already. She says that the dress is too powerful, and they have to follow Nodoka to save her. Lun-Lun scolds her, telling her that she can barely move, and that she should rest a bit before trying anything. She asks if Riko suspected Nodoka to be the dress thief, but she explains that she didn’t until quite recently. They discuss what they know, and speculate that it’s because of Nodoka that the world and their memories are the way they are. The Shichiseiseki started changing things as a result of Arata’s birth to Eldhiland (same old story with the split/misplaced blessing), and when he was taken to a different world, reality itself forked into multiple paralells. When Arata (in all paralell worlds) decided he would go back to Eldhiland and embrace his destiny as the Prince, these split realities were joined together again. These paralell worlds were the ones where each princess lived her own life, and when these different realities merged, it resulted in everyone having their memories from every paralell relity at the same time. (I’ll explain in the postscript, for now let’s go on with the story.) As Nodoka said, there is an order in wich the princesses can make their wishes, and she is the last one. As such, she could do really bad things… Lun-Lun says that it looks like making a sudden wish was not a wise decision on her part. When Riko asks what it was, she quotes her wish: to walk with Arata alone at the sea. Riko is surprised to hear it was simple as that, but Lun-Lun says that everyone had similiar wishes. Besides, a wish is something that must be fulfilled by one’s own strength, or it’s not real at all. That’s the way they, the princesses live by. Riko agrees with her. Suddenly, they have that familiar feeling, as the Guarden is invoked somewhere.

Arata noticed the shift as well, and could hear Chris and Nodoka’s voice from afar. He soon meets up with Suzushiro, who thinks this barrier is even greater and more powerful than the one that appeared when Shizuka transformed. Arata figures that Chris and Nodoka must be trapped inside, so the two head towards the barrier.
As they reach it, they are surpried to find it is just like Seven Central. Guardeners appear, surprising Arata, but Suzushiro notices that they’re not ordinary ones. Arata decided to get inside the castle no matter what, and is ready to fight anyting in his way. He calls for Eldhi Arc, and with the command “Embody!”, the blade appears in his hand. Suzushiro stops him, saying that she’ll take care of the mooks while Arata proceeds into the castle. Arata asks if she’ll be okay alone, but Suzushiro says that it’s her line, and entrusts Arata with the search for Chris. As the he runs off, the small girl calls her dress, and transforms in a bright flash of light. Shikikaguya Suzushiro, the Princess of Earth is ready to open a path for her Prince with her mighty fists.

Arata is running trough the hallways, yelling the names of Chris and Nodoka. He can hear Nodoka calling him and beating on a door. As a prince should, he comes to the rescue, tearing the door down. Nodoka jumps in his arms, crying, telling him how she knew he would come for her. Our hero apologizes and says it might be his fault that these things happened and promises to take Nodoka home after finding Chris. Nodoka stops him, saying how she had a bad dream, where Arata would go somewhere, and everyone would say he’s studying abroad. Nodoka knew that was not true, and that Arata went somewhere even farther than that. She cries because of that dream, but is glad that it was just a dream, because Arata is here now… The Prince finds it hard to say anything so he apologizes and tells Nodoka that is wasn’t a dream. He tells her how he went to Eldhiland and that he has to return there. Nodoka cries more, calling Arata cruel, but he can only respond by saying it’s the truth, not a dream. Nodoka darkens suddenly, and tells Arata that if that’s the case, then she’ll make it all a dream, for she has a single wish that grants her that power. She tells him that it will be all a bad dream, and by the time he opens his eyes, he’ll forget about it all. Arata suddenly feels his body heavy, and hard to stay awake. As he has little as no strength left, Chris breaks into the room, yelling at Arata not to fall asleep. Nodoka is impressed that Chris could regain her conciousness so soon, but tells her she’s late. Chris tries to reason with Nodoka, but the girl yells at her and her will takes the form of a Guardener…

Back at the entrace, Suzushiro blasts some Guardeners apart with her Shihou, but more and more come at her. Just as she leaves an opening in her defense, Princess Liliana appears and zaps the Guardeners with a well-aimed Thunder Blitz. Riko’s here too, and is told to go ahead while Lun-Lun helps out Suzushiro. The Earth Princess objects, but her rivalry with Lun-Lun comes up again and there they go… she shows off her new move to impress Liliana. Her two fists move lightly as cherry blossoms as she unleashes utter devastation with her new Shihou variant: “Shihou Ouka!”. Lun-Lun’s impressed at the attack that Suzushiro dedicated for her Prince, even if it’s still the same stuff she always does with her fists. The two start their healthy rivalry again and… let’s just say I wouldn’t be in the remaining Guardener’s place.

Riko’s running trough the halls to reach Nodoka as fast as she can, but she’s ambushed by more Guardeners. She can barely conjure Zevalche as the Guardeners quickly attack her, and she has no strength to fight back… yet she refuses to give up because she’s a princess. She mutters to herself “I have to get to Nodoka…I can’t stop here…” and is surprised when Angela answers her “Then go on.” The Dragon Princess is more than happy to take over, and instantly reduces the Guardeners to ashes. Riko goes on and more Guardeners surround Angela. She decides that no matter how many of the small fry swarm over her, she - Angela Victoire Bledin, the Dragon Princess of Agnis - will incinerate them all.

Chris is fighting Guardeners on her own, after Nodoka ran away with a paralyzed Arata. She’s not faring as well as the other princesses, so she breaks out of the fight to call upon her dress… but nothing happens. Looks like just being a girl isn’t enough to earn her dress. As she is demoralized by her failure to transform, Shizuka jumps in the path of a leaping Guardener and tears it to shreds with her halberd. She apologizes for being late, and promises to clear up the smally fry while Chris saves Arata and Nodoka. Chris disagrees, saying that she can take care of a couple of Guardeners and Wisley’s princess should go. Shizuka asks if she’s afraid, or feels useless. She reminds Chris that she came so far by always standing with Arata. Chris responds by saying that Iris is no more, and she can’t even call her dress, but Shizuka understands this already. What Arata needs now is Chris, to lend him her strength as always. Shizuka tells her that she believes in Chris to take care of her own brother. Chris nods and dashes towards the next corridor, while Shizuka declares that she’ll open the path and fulfill her duty as an older sister. She dedicates her “dance” to her precious little brother… and her sister.

Nodoka talks to Arata… about a dream where she would call, yell Arata’s name, and even though he’s near, he wouldn’t hear. She wanted to call for him sooner, a lot sooner so he would have heard her. She confesses that she loved Arata since they were little. Arata wakes up and apologizes for making her cry. He tells her that he never forgot her. He didn’t know about her feelings, but he never forgot her, not even for a moment, and never will.
But. But, he can’t stay. Nodoka is begging that he stays with her, telling him that no matter what it is that calls him away, she can do anything so he doesn’t have to go. She’s very desperate and tries everything a girl could to make her love stay, but Arata responds only by saying how glad he is about Nodoka’s feelings, but he has to go anyway because he decided to live as a prince himself. Nodoka shifs to her darker self again, and no matter what Arata tries to say, she won’t revert anymore. Her dress transforms to an armor the same way the Guardeners shift their forms when adapting to fighters.
Nodoka is commited to “opening Arata’s eyes”. She drains some of Arata’s energy, then Chris interferes before she could do anything else. Nodoka goes nuts and starts accusing Chris of taking Arata aways from her. She sends Chris flying with a swipe, while Arata yells at Chris not to fight without a dress. Chris refuses to give him up, and the girls clash yet again, but the former prince has absolutely no chance. Nodoka is jealous that Arata worries about Chris. She’s tired of listening to Chris, saying that she was the one who was always together with Arata. The Prince tells her that they kept the truth from her because they didn’t want to get her into danger, but Nodoka just yells back at him. She says that she searched for him but couldn’t find him. She finally bursts out that she never got a chance to choose. (Or rather we players never got a chance to chose her, heh.) Meanwhile, Chris gets up to her feet again, and Arata yells at her not to fight or she’ll die. Chris of course doesn’t listen, and nothing that Arata says can convince her. She says that her place is not behind Arata. No, to lend her strength to him, she’ll be at his side. Nodoka doesn’t want to listen to her, as Chris declares that she - Soldia’s Princess of Swords, Chris Northfield will walk alongside the Prince. Nodoka screams in anger and and blasts her away, yet from the smoke no screams are heard. Instead there’s only the vow of a princess, as the main theme “Dissonant Chord” starts playing.

“A sword in my hand. A vow on my finger. I am clad in white. I shall become a contestant in the Waltz.”

A flash of light blinds everyone, and when it passes, Arata is shocked to see an all too familiar form… Nodoka beholds the blonde princess in a pure white dress, with sword in her hand. She yells at her that it’s all too late, but angered, Chris replies that she’s definitely not late, won’t lose, and won’t give Arata up, because she’s a princess. Her sword grows to an enormous size, and she swings it down at Nodoka who tries to hold it back with all her strength, unleashing Riko’s Liesenfaust Explosion at the blade. Chris calls for her sword to pierce the heavens, and puts all of her strength into it. Then, Nodoka is lost in the devastation caused by Chris’ gigantic Eldhi Arc.
When the smoke clears, Chris is totally exhausted after playing her trump card. Nodoka gets back on her feet, somehow escaping getting completely covered by the debries. Even though she’s weakened greatly, she refuses to give up. Riko finally appears and urges Nodoka not to give up, but fight. Everyone is surprised at her entrace, and she says that she came because there are many things she wants to tell Nodoka. She tells her that she’s amazed how strong Nodoka is. Even though she is afraid, wounded and alone, she still kept fighting for what she wished for. Because of this, Nodoka is a princess, perhaps more so than Riko is, according to her. They are princesses loving the same person, and neither is willing to give him up.
There is only one way to settle the matter… Riko calls out to the Shichiseiseki, to listen to her wish: Liesel Henzel/Kanada Riko wishes to engage Nonomiya Nodoka in a fight between princesses! Arata yells at them to stop, neither are in a condition to fight, but Chris stops him. This is a dance between two princesses, and he must not interfere. The Waltz is on, and both princesses raise their weapons. Riko tells Nodoka that there are so many things she wanted to say since they met, became friends, she lied to her, and both of them love the same man. She wanted to apologize, and thank her, but there is no time to say all this, therefore she will put all of herself in this last attack. With a single word of warning towards eachother, both charge forward and clash.

Ding-dong. It’s lunch break at the school, and the girls are all excited as usual. The weather is nice and the girls can’t wait for spring vacation. They decide to eat outside today. As they leave, they yell back at Nodoka who’s wondering about the empty seats in the classroom. The others don’t give it a thought, saying that no one ever used those desks. Nodoka still feels suspicious. Just as she wonders if it was her imagination, she knocks a shirt button from the desks. The button is from a boy’s uniform. Thinking who it could belong to, memories come rushing back to her.

Arata asked the princesses to erease Nodoka’s memories of the 2 weeks like everyone else’s, to make it just a sad dream she would wake up from and live on. Half-concious, Nodoka mutters Arata’s name, who apologizes and tells her that he won’t return to this world again. Nodoka doesn’t want him to leave, but Arata tells her that should she ever remember her feelings towards him, he will accept them next time. He doesn’t say farewell, because he’s sure that they’ll see each other again, sometime.

Nodoka is crying in the classroom, and no one understand the reason.

The door opened finally. Riko looks back at the city one last time, promising that next time they’ll meet, she’ll apologize, say her thanks, and that they’ll settle their match with Nodoka. With the 2 weeks gone too quickly, the only thing before the group is Eldhiland now. 3 months remain util the crowning ceremony, and Arata is ready to give everything he’s got. The princesses agree to split the work among them, because Arata’s path isn’t just something he can walk alone. With a smile, Arata says “let’s all walk that path together”, and the Prince and princesses return home.


With that, the curtain falls, and the drama cd is over. It was a nice continuation of the story, I’m only hoping that there will be a sequel in one form or another. There are still a couple of things left to do, so I won’t accept the story closed with this:
-No one won the Princess Waltz, and the girls still have to decide who gets to be queen.
-Nodoka, being the strong willed individual she is, remembered her sealed memories two days later. No other human did that, except for Arata who came from Eldhiland to begin with and had a small portion of the prince’s blessing. Nodoka never got to make her wish (though it’s possible that her dark/shichiseiseki self was completely destroyed by Chris, Eldhi Arc is still friggin Eldhi Arc after all)
-There’s Soldia’s old man who is not too fond of Arata. Sure, the guy is pretty confident in his skills, but so am I that he would be still squashed like a bug by the old king.
-Don’t tell me no one will try to cross Arata’s path in Eldhiland. The people had a Prince for 18 years who turns out to be a girl - actually a princess of one ofthe countries, and some complete stranger takes her place and the crown. Surely, someone other than Chris’ grandpa will have something against him.
-I’m not alone who thinks that the some princesses coughLun-Luncough didn’t get an equal share out of the story here. C’mon!

(Should anyone involved in creating the game and/or drama cd read this, please note how loyal fans would love a game with seperate routes for each princess, and different character endings with them. How about an advenure revolving around the crowning, with the chosen princess to be the bride?)

OK, I know some of you guys didn’t get that split worlds/alternate realities part at first, this part had an explanation on them and I promised to give an example for easier undertanding:
Let’s see, for example, in Lun-Lun’s world, she was the one who slept with Arata and beat the Elder Guardener with an Absolute Zero Eldhi Arc (read it like this: you took her route), yet at the same time, she would remember being freed as the last princess from the cells by Crow in everyone else’s world (=when you chose another princess). This way she would have a different memory for each princess’ reality/route. Angela would have the same memory of fighting small fry in the dungeon (if you chose anyone else) and pulling off her Eldhi Arc Inferno against the giant as the red dressed Iris. Each princess would remember being Iris and escaping the dungeons and witnessing the final moments of the game’s last (card) battle whereafter Iris seperates to Arata and a princess. Arata on the other hand, would remember sleeping with every girl, and merging with each of them to fight the Elder Guardener seperately, with a variety of epic moves. To make a long story short: everyone remembers their memories from each route in the game.

As for Nodoka… well yeah, looks like her personalities were mixed as well. In the “default” ending she is left with all the other people to live a normal life with false memories, but in the unlockable scene we can see her going after Arata. My best guess is that it is this personality that got darkened/corrupted/maddened and resonated with the Shichiseiseki, and whenever she goes into creepy mode, this personality takes over her. There wasn’t much on how she obtained the knowledge of the stone/the stone itself so this is just a pure guess.

If you liked my summary or even if you hated it, or know something better than I do, maybe want to criticize my work, please let me know. It’s good to know that people liked my work, and it’s even better to know where I could improve. Hope you guys enjoyed it, I certainly had fun making the writeups.[/spoiler]

Thanx mate :slight_smile:
jeez, I thought they wrapped up things too suddenly. Anyways, I hope there is a sequel or something.

Thanks a lot for the CD drama summary.
I agree a sequel would be very good; I would also love to see an anime.

Wouldn’t we all like a sequel to PW ? :smiley:

First of all, welcome to the board. Glad to see we may potentially have another addict. :lol: In anycase, you can find the product page for Princess Waltz on Archonia here. Now that your question is out of the way, would you mind if I asked what you liked about Princess Waltz? That way, if you find you’d like to try another game in the future, it will be easier to give you recommendations.

Based on what you’ve said, I’d suggest you to try Yume Miru Kusuri. The art is pretty good (well, in my opinion at least), there is some ero (but not too much), and there’s a story where something happens.

Virgin Roster and Amorous Professor Cherry are, in fact, mindless sexromp. If you really want to try any of them, I would probably suggest Virgin Roster. At least you’ll find out if you’re a lightsider or a darksider. Even better would be playing Bible Black, though.

Lightning Warrior Raidy is not that bad - I mildly enjoyed it, mainly thanks to my feticism for yuri - but can be pretty boring, I’m not sure you want to lose many hours playing a bad copy (really, really bad copy) of Diablo.

As far as slice of life goes, Snow Sakura is pretty good in my opinion (at least, within the English offer). You won’t find any real plot in there, though - just daily school-life.

On a final note, keep an eye on the upcoming Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni from Mangagamer, and obviously on the Nitro+ games coming from JAST. They probably won’t disappoint you.

No trouble at all. I’m glad to help out a potential new forum regular.

Having not done business with either of them, I don’t know the answer to either of these questions.

Given what you have said, I too would recommend Yume Miru Kusuri. I would also highly discourage you from getting Cherry. They pack so many erotic scenes in to the game that you’ll probably get sick of them. (I know I did.) As for the Come See Me Tonight series, the stories are passable, but in general the games are fairly enjoyable short, light-hearted sex romps. Since they are fairly short, the fact that there is quite a bit slice of life stuff where nothing much happens should be tolerable. On the down side though, the games have a fairly crude interface because of how old they are (relatively). Lastly, in regards to Brave Soul, you may find the answer to why you find the art style familiar in this thread.

the upcoming family project is good

Princess Waltz is the first commercial VN (excluding Katawa Shoujo) I’ve ever played. At first I wasn’t too into it…playing for 2 hours and not getting to make any choices is a bit annoying to me. Are all VN’s so linear? It just gets a bit grating to click and click endlessly without getting to make any choices or input. I wonder if it’s some sort of difference among the general American and Japanese mindset. But by the 4th day (gametime) I’m starting to really get into the story and system. Can’t wait till I actually get to move off to other routes.

By the way, during the 4th day, when Arata has problems controlling Iris because he knows Chris is a girl now, when I went to the Battle Mode, all the upgrades I’d bought with EXP had vanished, and I was back to 6 AGI / 6 ATK / 4 DEF base stats, and 50 hp instead of 100. This is just because it has No Chris, right? I mean, I do get my stuff back later, right? Yes, I’m still unused to story-based games and cling to traditional gamist grinding bonuses ;_;