Princess Waltz: THE THREAD

The only thing I can think to suggest is possibly re-installing the game and seeing if it clears things up. Other than that, I’m at a loss as to what the exact problem is and how to fix it.

Done that but still not working but i checked the PW Setup and look for the version which is Ver 1.2 so how about you guys what ver. is your PW?

Setup version: 1.02
Product version: 1.0


Hmmm, that’s odd. I’m wondering, did you get PW as a download or on a DVD hard copy?

DVD hard copy

if you want you can check my savefiles…

has anyone listened to the drama cd yet from what here nono gets here own tiara
here are the pics of nodoka princess mode

There are actually two drama CDs aside from the one you just mentioned (which is the second one), and I just ordered them from Himeyashop (though the second one was pretty expenive because it was hard to find).

I’m not sure what all your interests might be, but if you are in to it, there is at least one figure (Angela) available. It is still shown as available for purchase as of this post here.

Their is an Angela and an Iris figurine.

Their is also an unpainted version of the Iris figurine, so you can make the alternate forms.

I’v heard rumours that as a Japanese pre-release bonus you could get already painted versions of the Alternate Iris forms, but I haven’t found images/proof.

The drama cds would be in Japanese. As for other Princess Waltz releated goods, the images in the fanbook might have been of the pre-order bonuses given out at certain stores (telephone cards and the like).

So I got this game an played it. I was impressed, a lot. Nice game. Lun Lun is win… :lol:
Nice story, good music. The card battle system was… intriguing.
Just that I didnt get the epilogue. I mean,I thought I would get to see EldinLand ateat once with Chris and all… But no :shock: :roll: So wat was that All About, maybe a teaser for a sequel??

I believe the drama CD’s pick up where it left off as a sort of ‘sequel’.

And what happens is this drama CD?

you get to see nodoka in princess mode as seen here

Argh! Moar proof of: isn’t it sad No-chan? :cry:

Is this a reference to something? Cause I’m afraid I don’t get it.

It comes from:

Isn’t is sad Sacchin?

See attached image. The upcoming Tsukihime remake however, will make Sacchin happy~! :o

Ah, gotcha. Thanks for the explanation. :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: :wink:

someone on the hongfire boards is working on a scene by scene summery of the drama cd’s