Princess Waltz

First of all, Princess Waltz is battle and simulations. Each of the princess will fight for it. The game will going by cards battle. This game is very easy and you don’t have any choices unless you get into the final chapter^^; Anyway, if you like know more about this game I will post. Thanks

How many endings are there for this game? Also how long is it?

The game is essentially a single story with one end; branching choices are minimal. I’ll get an estimate of game length to you shortly.

If you’d like more information on the card battle system, it was explained in this thread. There is an “easy mode” and a “normal mode” for the card battles, depending on whether you want to play through them without a challenge and proceed with the story or focus more on the strategy involved.

Edit: including code for visual effects, the game’s text totals 15 MB. It’s a long game; having not played through our English version yet I can’t give you a precise hour count though.

[ 10-16-2007, 09:06 PM: Message edited by: Shingo ]


Originally posted by DarkFusion:
How many endings are there for this game? Also how long is it?

Total of the endings are 6.
If I remember correctly length of this game is more then 10 hours.
Like he said you can choose the difficulity level…Easy, Normal,Hard.
When you playing the game their is no selection until end of the game. It is very easy game.

Without spoiling anything I should stress that while there are nominally six endings to the game, they are all part of a single story and the plot arcs for the individual heroines do not diverge significantly.

Regarding the card battles I am not aware of a hard mode; as this screenshot shows only “easy” and “normal” are available.

As you say, the actual game aspect of Princess Waltz is focused on the card battles, not an elaborate selection tree. It can be easy or difficult depending on which setting you choose.

I would estimate the play time at 20+ hours, though without having played the English version that is just a rough estimate. We will clarify this number as beta testing on the game proceeds.

OK… I just check the game and there is no hard selection. Only you can choose options are easy and normal.

Also, this game is single story like shingo-san said but, you will have each of the characters endings.(Total of Six) I can say the name but, I will not say because this game is not transalte to english. I will wait… I wounder when this will relaese.

Thanks for the extra information. I’m quite interested in this game. I have a long backlog to finish, so I hope to get some of those titles knocked out before too many of these newer titles are released!

I like to odd few more things about this game. Maybe it will be sales point. Anyone played Fate Stay/Night or wached DVD edition. If you like these anime you will be love Princess Walts because main character and other princess will fight each other. More like you watching anime.

Where exactly would we get these cards or are the cards built into the game? That part was confusing to me. Also so you don’t get an ending with any of the individual girls. Cause there’s a few girls I wouldn’t mind there being an ending with.

[ 12-04-2007, 03:02 AM: Message edited by: GogetaSS4 ]

The cards are built into the game; however which cards you are dealt (how powerful they are), and the spells you can use to effect the battles, are chosen by you or gathered as you gain experience and progress through the game.

The endings are a bit confusing in that there is one path that branches out to give you “endings” with each of the six characters before converging to the main ending. So you don’t get “true” endings, but you can choose which character you want to experience the end of the game with… if that makes sense (it probably doesn’t, sorry). Can’t say much more at this point for fear of spoilers. ^^;;

No it makes sense, thanks for the explanation. In that case I’ll go ahead preorder this when I can set aside the money for it, I already preordered Snow Sakura, Family Project. Oh and before I forget how far is the development on this game. I was just curious.

[ 12-04-2007, 05:16 AM: Message edited by: GogetaSS4 ]

Without spoiling anything I should stress that while there are nominally six endings to the game, they are all part of a single story and the plot arcs for the individual heroines do not diverge significantly.

Regarding the card battles I am not aware of a hard mode; as this screenshot shows only “easy” and “normal” are available.

As you say, the actual game aspect of Princess Waltz is focused on the card battles, not an elaborate selection tree. It can be easy or difficult depending on which setting you choose.

I would estimate the play time at 20+ hours, though without having played the English version that is just a rough estimate. We will clarify this number as beta testing on the game proceeds. [/QB][/QUOTE]

So are the endings structured kind of like Nocturnal Illusion or Phantom of Inferno where the choice that determines the ending is at the near end of the overall story?

There is one path that branches out to give you “endings” with each of the six characters before converging to the main ending. So you don’t get “true” endings, but you can choose which character you want to experience the end of the game with.

So if I understand correctly, when you beat the game and get the main ending, the girl you were active for the duration of the game will be in the main ending with you? In the case of the other endings, another girl will instead be present and the ending will, by and large, remain the same, right?

How much of the game consists of text/dating vs. card battling? Is it 50/50 or is it like Pretty Soldier Wars where it’s all battle and very little text/dating?

[ 12-12-2007, 01:31 AM: Message edited by: ReMeDy ]

You could put it that way, yes - though the situation in Princess Waltz isn’t identical to either game.

It’s not exactly like this, but I can’t say more without risk of spoilers, sorry. ^^;;

This game has a lot of story. A LOT. That said, it’s pretty linear; there are some multiple choice decision points but the primary mechanism that drives gameplay is the battle system.

You can think of it a bit like a Final Fantasy game in this regard - you’re playing along through the story, you fight a battle (and presumably win), and the story continues based on the outcome of the battle. Other than this basic conceptual mechanic Princess Waltz doesn’t resemble an RPG (it’s much more heavily weighted toward the story, with less emphasis on the battles). I can’t give you a precise percentile breakdown of story vs. battle content, but it’s nothing like Pretty Soldier Wars.

[ 12-12-2007, 07:52 PM: Message edited by: Shingo ]

Does this mean that the story will end if you lose? or will the story simply branch off in a different direction?

I’m looking forward to this game. Will this or Family Project get released first?

I’m looking forward to this game too.
Finally a h-game with a good story AND gameplay :slight_smile:
Way to go !

Awww shit yeah! I just finished this game last night.

If you can only afford one Peach Princess title this year, [color=#BF0000]THIS IS THE ONE YOU MUST GET!!![/color] Now I admit that I haven’t played all the titles PP has released, nor everything they have announced they are going to release, but my God I think this is the top tier title we’ve been waiting for them to unleash on the West.

I’m not claiming that Lightning Warrior Raidy or that Cosplay Fetish Academy won’t be good… or that Snow Sakura and Yume Miru Kusuri aren’t worthy of praise. But there’s a difference between a Lamborghini Diablo and a Ford Mustang. Princess Waltz is that difference.

When this title finally comes out, PP is seriously gonna have problems… because now people will expect titles just as good. 8)

I’ll save the rest for a formal review… which is certainly now on the top of my priority list.

Heh… is it just me, or did they have a MAJOR thing for meganeko? They steal the show. :stuck_out_tongue:

Two questions. One, have you played Kazoku Keikaku yet? Two, have you played Yu no Hana? (This is another game by Pulltop that back once upon a time, when a poll was taken, they had said they might be able to get. Peter has since said in an interview 'we were all ready to do a game by Pulltop, but then they said ‘sorry, we’ve had a hard drive failure … we don’t have that data anymore’. I still hold out some hope though.)

I’ve played both actually. :o

Yu no Hana bothers me because it’s so plain. Not a bad game per se… but it lacks anything to really make it standout from the crowd. No uber production values, no uber scenario, no uber character designs, no uber music… just average blah. Which is good for some I guess… but average doesn’t appeal to me. There has to be a reason WHY I’m liking it… and Yu no Hana doesn’t do that. I honestly could never “support” the title as a recommendation to friends. :expressionless:

Kazoku Keikaku - or better known as Family Project around here :wink: - has the major stumbling block on its artwork. The game is from 2001… and it really shows. Obviously so, the colorization and linework are NOT as crisp and colorful as other future PP releases - say Raidy or Waltz. However the story in Family Project REALLY gives you that “feel good” mood at the end. It’s about a dysfunctional group of people, who are trying so hard to make a working family - so you can empathize with the cast, because as humans we all can relate to how important family is - as well as the ups and downs of being part of one. So the realism of that, in combination with actually being able to put yourself in their shoes, provides great emotional moments. Especially when things occur that threaten to tear them apart, and how they pull together. So in a “side-by-side” comparison of just visual presentation, Family Projects does not measure up… however the plot within it easily blows away the ones in Lightning Warrior Raidy and Cosplay Fetish Academy . Of course those two eroge have their own advantages in other areas.

LOL… look at this thread getting highjacked. :stuck_out_tongue: