Private Nurse and Other Bishoujo Tidbits

Well, i got Private Nurse today and played it through for the first time…I ended up with the Mio ending, which surprised me! I’m curious which ending you all got first time through PN and which of the three main female characters you like best…it’s a tough toss-up between Maria and Ayano for me, but Ayano edges out on top…she’s so strong

in other small tidbits, my page is updated finally…don’t get too excited, it’s not a big update, but there is a new poll to take

honestly… i ended up with the “get better, while not getting any” ending first… only because i didnt make up my mind between ayano and maria

I got Maria first. Then I got the one where you didn’t get anyone but you’re happy. Then I got Ayano after many atempts which really I should say I got Mio before Ayano.

I think Maria story arc is like a fairy tale and where as I found Ayano fairly powerful since she’s such a strong person. I say I must like Ayano the best.

I got Maria’s good (?, kinda sad) ending first. The one where Hiroki does get some… well, more than some. The game kinda overdid it in that field, methinks. I eventually found myself mindlessly clicking to hurry the scenes forward to get on with the game.

I like Maria the best. I think it’s the purple hair… seriously.

Uhh… I got Mio’s ending first. sweat I tried to get Ayano’s ending first.

ronxe, we did exactly the same thing…i was trying for ayano, but got mio instead…i just finished it for the second time and got the ‘you are happy but end up with no one’ ending…

how many endings are there??? i have only gotten 24% of the CG so far with 2 endings

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
how many endings are there??? i have only gotten 24% of the CG so far with 2 endings

I'm not positive but guessing by the two blanks in the sequence of endings I have, there's five endings. (I got one each of Ayano, Mio and Maria.) From what Gambit-san and Hogi Bear-san mentions, there's one without any of the girls and I have the feeling there's another one with Maria that I've probably missed. But between those three endings and the after diaries, I have 95% of the images. I've been working on Chain recently so I havn't gone back to Private Nurse to find that last 5% yet.

As for first ending, I got Ayano's ending. And I definitely was trying to get her and I think I figured out the basic role play idea for each girl's path and that's what I played up to. And I think I like Ayano the most except for some reason, her voice bugs me. I'm not entirely sure why.

I got Maria’s ending first.

Then I sort of stumbled into Mio / Miharu’s ending.

Then I got Ayano’s which I definitly liked the best.

I got really lucky cause I didn’t get the “Get better but get no one” ending.

I got the happy, but sad, Maria ending first. I have only managed 3 ending so far and have 86% of cg. I have gotten one ending each with Maria, Ayano, and Mio. I also think there are 5 endings. My favorite ending was Maria’s so far.

I got the Mio ending first and the Ayano ending second. I am only at 44% complete after getting 2 endings so there must be alot of new graphics with the Maria ending.

I’m at 97% graphics. Interestingly enough, the sex scenes are randomly generated from a character’s pool of scenes. This is especially true in Maria’s case.

Originally posted by Doug:
I'm at 97% graphics. Interestingly enough, the sex scenes are randomly generated from a character's pool of scenes. This is especially true in Maria's case.

Really? Not that I noticed. I sort of loss track after awhile. I mean, some of those images had such minor differences between them, that if it wasn't for the skip stopping during various points in the after diary entries, I doubt I would have realized I was running across new images.

Man I just got the Maria ending and it kinda took me by surprise. I must say that it was by FAR the most engrossing ending in the game for me. If you have not gotten it yet, you really should ;P.

Also in response to What the? Yes they do use repeat scenes quite a bit which I found kind of annoying too, if they didn’t want to bother making new scenes why even put them in. Some of those scenes coulda been removed and it would not have affected gameplay negatively.

i got maria’s ending first, although i wanted ayano’s. i have 81% of the CG, and yes, you can get hidden cg’s in the after diaries. i got ayano’s ending second, and i haven’t got mio’s yet. and there are only 4 endings in the game. i don’t think its 5.

I got about 97%. It seems there the ones I am missing are just various sex scene. Probably just different facial expressions etc… Not really want to go back and get everything.

I believe there are five enddings. I got four so far. The obvious two, Mio, one where you end up with no one but cured and one that you end up completely loser. I haven’t tried that last one. I probably go back and select all the “loser” choices.

PS: I tried to get Ayano but I got Maria instead. I just can’t be nasty to people when they are to me.

five endings… hmmm i only got 4 endings. the obvious 3, and the one when you end up cured but with no one. i don’t see how to get another ending. so far i have 91% and i haven’t even played through all the after diaries yet. well, if i don’t get 100% then that means there must be another ending or something i missed in the game.

ps. damn damn, i want tottemo pheromone… but i be broke

The fifth is only a theory I have. Until I try it and see it or someone else comfirms it, there is only four from a fact point of view.

Did you try some of the dairy entries. They have images that you won’t get during the course of the game. The ones I missing I think are the same sex scene, but slight alteration.

I think one of the pictures I am missing is the very last one. (This is from memory. I am not at home at the moment.)

Originally posted by Hogi Bear:

Did you try some of the dairy entries. They have images that you won't get during the course of the game. The ones I missing I think are the same sex scene, but slight alteration.

yes i'm doing the diary entries right now, but i don't think i'll reach 100%. from what i know, not many people were able to get 100% of the CG's in that game. i guess some of them are hidden, but i won't spend countless hours going back and forth through the game to get them all.

oh yeah, those repeated sex scenes are so annoying. i mean you see the same sex scenes like a million times in the game. most of the dialogues are the same also. i guess they got lazy on the game and decided to repeat half of it to hurry it. -_-

Well, the reason I was guessing about 5 endings myself was the page in memories that has the endings sequences. My page looks like: Maria’s ending, blank, Ayano’s ending, Mio’s ending, blank. I know at least one blank is the ending with none of the girls. So I was guessing that there’s one additional to the four, unless someone tells me a non-ending sequence is in that last slot or something. (Just don’t tell me what it is!)

And I was just guessing it was a Maria ending since I’m missing at least what looks like one non-sex scene sequence of images. Oh who knows? I’ll see if I can get around to finishing the game this week. (Plus, I really need to spend time writing up a few reviews.)

well, i just got the Maria ending, and all i have to say is…


now that my opinion on that is known, how do you go about getting the Ayano ending? a few little tips would be great, nothing too specific yet…