Question on

I came on forums today which I havent done in over a year and I stumble on a thread talking about a game that MangaGamer has translated and I have a few questions.

1.What kind of company are they ? Only see they released 3 games and all 3 being digital copies. They also said they have to wait till they have the cash to bring any more games leading me to think they are very very small corporation. Doesnt give me all that much confidence on their ability of localization and translation. Do they deliver good work ?

2.I notice prices are in euro (I asumme), does the website accept usd ? Is transaction/download system easy ?

  1. I always just stuck with peachprincess for english VN releases and Shii for any Fan patches, sense I notice this site not having any affiliation with PP it makes ask, Is there any other VN related companies that have no connection to PP ?

Offtopic : A bit off the subject quarry. This seems to be Europe based country but isnt lolicon pretty illegal in england from last I heard ? The games seem to be filled with loli (no complaints) but I just cant imagine that would fly in Britain unless some laws have changed that I am unaware of.

I don’t believe MangaGamer are localising, nor have any plans of localising, any games with loli characters. Sorry =P

Well doubt any sort of translation can get away with not localizing sense it goes hand in hand with translating. I know they left out honorifics with is localizing in a way. As well as it all depends your definition of loli, either way most all Jailbait material was illegal in britian which would include great number of MangaGamers game but this is rather off topic.

Honestly I am not sure what to think of the company. There BBS is nearly dead, cant imagine how a new VN company lacking such a community. Also from their website it says they have the licence for Da Capo and translated it. That alone should of earned it alot of buzz but it first time I am hearing from them. Just wondering if its actually legit translation or they just trying to scam. Anyone with personal experience with them would be most appreciated.

They’re legit. I think the lack of buzz stems from the company’s non-existent communication/marketing, although product quality (initial translations not very good, but they’ve hired editors to tackle future titles) also remains up in the air.

MangaGamer is primarily a CIRCUS (Da Capo creators) initiative, so it’s financed by popular Japanese publishers. They have money and good licenses, but so far, the business inexperience of their collaborators shows through.

Yeah, the BBS is technically official, but it doesn’t help when no one’s aware of its existence. In any case, the forum is hosted and maintained by a notable blogger (Evospace of Akibahara Channel - I think his company helps CIRCUS with promotion) rather than a direct company representative.

Oh I see, your post is most appretiated, sort of in shock about the all D.C. thing. Half of me couldnt careless if they only release Circus games sense I been wanting to play D.C. for over 3-4 years. Then other side wishes that a more community based VN company would rise like this. Or atleast a company that targets more of a niche that I am part of.

I wouldn’t expect much of them. They released Edelweiss and it had tons of grammar and spelling issues, not to mention touchy translation. Then they re-released it, while it fixed some stuff, but there were still glaring errors.

Plus digital download only sucks.

Aren’t all the characters in HinataBokko considered as loli? :lol:

There is a really big thread about MangaGamer that was started when we first found out about them, but I can’t remember the thread’s title. Maybe someone else would be kind enough to provide a link to the thread so that Renrinken has the opportunity to read all about them?


Sorry about that :3 look before hand for thread on MG but couldnt find any ^^; probably because the title is so misleading. Thanks for the link.

Ojou in Suika is pretty loli, though I guess she’s not completely flat for the extremists (purists?).

They use different editors and several translators for each project, so it’ll vary from each one. From the early preview of part of the Da Capo script I saw, there are no honorifics in it (but this could change without me knowing it). In Suika, there are honorifics and if you can understand everything in it without looking at the translation notes, I think you know Japanese.

Fixed the title so that it would be more search friendly for the future. I suppose I should have done that the moment the thread blew up with posts like it did.

Here’s the thing; we’ve already established that JAST/GC/PP doesn’t localise loli games, right?
Therefore, any girls that don’t firmly look and behave younger than KK’s Matsuri don’t count as loli =P

Yes, we’ve all talked about how all those characters really are over 18. :wink:

Dood, you guys are idiots. PP/GC/JASTUSA didn’t say that they don’t localize games with “loli” characters, they specifically say they do not localize games with characters under the age of 18 (and most eroge makers nowadays never say that any of their charcters are under 18 years anyways). How old a character is is completely irrelevant in defining a character as a “loli”. And “behavior” is not a factor either, as you can have a character who looks childlike but behaves like a mature person. It’s all about whether a character appears childlike or not. Nobody calls Zakuro Mitsukai from Dokuro-chan a loli, even though she’s only 9 years old, because she looks like an adult who poseeses big breasts…

And yeah, Hinatabokko (aka Which Girl Should I Choose?) has a loli in it: Koharu Hayami. She’s probably the most blatant loli character since YMK’s Nekoko and JKC’s Hisui. She’s the “little sister” type, too.

I’ll let what Jinnai said in response to me say it all.

I have to agree with you. I’ve always seen loli more as a style than anything. I never attached “age” or “behavior” to the definition of loli.

I’m not sure if I read it here or somewhere else, but someone brought up a good point. Japanese obviously are interested in large breasts, which is believed to be so because of the lack of large breasts in japan, where as women in western countries typically have much larger breasts, so seeing something flat or near flat isn’t as common, thus westerns tend to find attraction in that since it’s not exactly commonplace. That and the fact that it’s just instinct for males. Heck, back in Shakespere’s time, it was common for girls to get married and have children in early teens.

I always thought female breasts were taken to an extreme puritan stance these days anyways, honestly if laws were repealed where women could be topless just like a man, that eventually the sight of seeing female boobs all the time would most likely drastically decrease the attention they get, as it would become something commonplace.

As a side note, anyone who thinks Ojou is a loli might have to consider their opinion again because as a Grim Reaper, she’s much, much older than most of the girls in games that get translated, ever :smiley:

It’s the age that matters, it’s the body. :smiley: And she’s referred to as a shinigami in the translation.

I meant ‘loli’, as defined earlier in this thread:

Therefore, when I mentioned ‘loli’ in my post, I meant the fictional definition of ‘loli’ defined as characters that look young which would, for some reason, render their presence in a game illegal in Europe.