Question on

See this post as well for the problems that would cause.

Thats probably part of the reason they only doing digital copies, They probably be shut down so fast if they actual sold physical copies in europe.

@loli term: Its all semantics, term lolita is slang in its use in japan. So there is no real definition, its like arguing either otaku is a positive or negative name…lolita is a common first name which was popularized by a book of the same name depicting a young girl named lolita that engaged in sexual relations. Term spread to vaginally describe young girls who partake in sex. So going by actual meaning of the term, no they aren’t considered lolita because they are not actually children. The term really has nothing to do with looks or personality. But the warped japanese slang of that is a different story.

They just changed the release date of almost all of their upcoming titles, without putting on any announcement. They really, really need to work on improving communication with their customers :?

Any delay is good by me, I want them to put as much time into D.C. as they can.

On the community side of it, its does look grim. If they dont put any effort into it by next year I might just start a unofficial site and see what I can do myself.

that would be cool but the manga gamer version has the uncensored cg set

I think he’s referring to the community rather than the game. With a licensed Da Capo about to be released, what basis is there for an unauthorized patch?

I was just talking about this on the animesuki thread of the patch. I would say that they should take it down just to be on the safe side for a few reasons.

  1. MG never announced exactly which version they are going to release so it might just be D.C.P.C . Even if its not, they would lose sales from people playing patch besides their product which would encourage them to take legal action

  2. Sense MG seem to be a extension of Circus to some extent its safe to say that they holds interest in any potential circus product that would make money. Its best to just assume that they have rights to any and all circus product.

  3. Simular to second point, Circus now has a company to represent their own product. They probably didnt care all that much about the patch when there was no medium for them to sell their products but now they will have motive to send DMCA against anyone who infringes on their property rights.

What the hell. They didn’t even tell me about the delays. Suika’s editing has been done for almost a month now, and I don’t see any reason why they delayed it. :? If they delayed it, they should have given me more time so I didn’t have to rush through it. :expressionless:

Perhaps issues came up in testing. They already had Edelweiss with some kind of obscure bug. Testing would require the updated script be completed before it can start.

Absolutely the patch should be shut down. I mean, what IS it lately with fansubbers? Clearly this is beyond even a mere announcement. The game has a release date. Sure, it’s a never-settling evershifting ship date, but every indication is that this isn’t vaporware and the company is merely having abnormally severe growing pains. That ought to mean end of project, full stop. It’s licensed, end of story.

Fansubbing’s always been about the grey areas: providing access to material that isn’t actively being sold to the market in question. But this isn’t a grey area at all, it’s black-and-white. Circus has announced the title for English translation, via an apparently-partially-owned subsidiary. At this point, there is no argument in favor of fansubbing the title other than the very weak “waiting sucks”, yet on the other hand, it’s pretty clear most of the people who downloaded the patch a) would also, uh, download Da Capo, and b) wouldn’t bother paying to download something they “already have” **

** - I have personally heard this argument used in exactly this context. I never said “all”, I said “most”.


Go to D.C and Suika Wikipedia page

Press the Edit button

Change the date


Sigh again

Why am i making myself doing this anyway? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, at least you are only having to edit a page, instead of trying to create one from scratch.

Well, in all fairness, the English fan patch was started long before Mangagamer was even around. What’s more, it doesn’t appear to be worked on at all anymore, and is more or less dead.(Again before Mangagamer was even around.) So I don’t see much of an issue, unless of course they’re still working on it and just aren’t saying anything.

And there doesn’t seem to be any group that put work on translating Suika (which is what i prefer). Yep, i definitely want that game :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi, all! I’m one of the proofreaders for Da Capo (in what I think is the same way as Reikon is for Suika).

I’m partly responsible for the delayed release, so many apologies to you all. But I’ve been surprised and impressed by Mangagamer’s strong desire for quality. Basically, I was proofreading half of the script back in August, and then I got a look at the other half of the script which had been done by the other proofreader, and his proofreading skills seemed sadly lacking. So I went through the second half of the script as well. Most of it I went over a second time, giving it additional polish, because I found it’s quite hard to tidy up slightly unclear wordings when you’re also correcting massively bad Engrish.

The delay arose because of this double-double proofreading (as well as some slight technical hiccups with documents getting misplaced, primarily on my part, and with some emails not getting through on their part). But I was glad that they consistently kept choosing to push the release date further back rather than release a game with some glaring errors.

Some good news for you all: although the original translation that we proofreaders got didn’t have honorifics in, the full game will have full honorifics, as Reikon mentioned is the case in Suika as well.

By way of apology for the delay, I offer some choice bits of Engrish. You’ll be glad to hear that these are no longer in the script, but they all were originally :slight_smile:

[spoiler]Kotori’s voice was dry and horse.

Grabbing me by shoulder, Mako stopped me who took a step.

They are such bourgeoisies. I envy them not with the gap of wealth, but with their dietary habit.

Slowly but surly, her voice was turning into sweet sighs.

I kept staring at them, and I saw that Nemu had a wry smile and said something to him, and the guy smiled too, and he moved to other place.

This supposed be a happy talk, but I can’t stop to sigh.

And there was one more quote, which I don’t have to hand, but it was something to do with the (male) narrator “cleansing my mouth with a sip of Cock”. It was meant to be “Coke”…[/spoiler]


Well, thank you then :smiley:

Wonder why such proofreaders like the one doing the other half could even consider themselves applying to the work. If they lack skills, they should know their place and leave the work to more skilled proofreaders. Imagine MG translating more games with their current staff… not a bright future :stuck_out_tongue:

Well. I think the problem is that MangaGamer don’t have any native English-language staff in the actual company, so they can’t tell how bad the translations they get back from their “translators” are, and they also can’t tell whether a proofreader is any good. I exchanged a few emails with the other guy working on Da Capo: he openly told me he’s dyslexic (!), but just wanted to help out because even he could see that the original Edelweiss script was badly in need of proofreading. I think his thought processes were “some fixes are better than none”. We both offered to proofread Da Capo before MangaGamer sent out their public request for proofreaders.

Wait, they allowed you to push back the deadline? I had only two months to go through an Engrish script of the entire game by myself. :frowning: I wanted time to clear up some unclear wordings by going through the game a second time, but I really didn’t have the time to do that. I asked them to allow me to go over the script again once the game is compiled because there were numerous places where I had to guess the meaning because I couldn’t see the images or the order the events happened in. I also noticed some of the translators removed a lot of the emotions from the original script (trailing statements, stuttering, exclamations, etc.), and I was trying to add them back in, but I noticed it too late to do it to the majority of the script.

There really haven’t been any events that would delay the release of Suika, at least on my end. I did it by the deadline and the only technical problem was a few scripts I didn’t get the first time, but that only took 2-3 extra days to resolve. I did get my request to see the compiled game approved, so the game might be delayed again depending on how long I take or how long they give me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Chrono, I now have hopes that your edit will keep the Japanese culture intact like Suika. Suika keeps honorifics, has Japanese name order and has over 75 translation notes. :lol:

I’d post some choice Engrish from Suika, but I’m trying to cram for a test right now. :slight_smile: (I’m not doing a very good job obviously.)

I wish you guys good luck on your proofreading results.
Its really nice that Mangagamer moves another step ahead to ensure a better quality of their titles (and its about time).

To be honest, I would have bought Da Capo anyway - but hearing that they had people proofread the script now makes me feel so
much better about spending the money for that game.
I hope people will give them positive feedback for their attempts to improve their product quality,
because I think its nice how they listen to the community and I really wish Mangagamer will become successful,
so that we will see more great games translated into english.

Its awesome that we have both Peach Princess and Mangagamer now <3

Go, h-game industry ! ^_^/)