Question, question :)

Well, to make things a little mroe interesting here, I’ll ask two questions to all of you. It’s foremostly directed at players of japanese bishoujo games, not english ones, but since only about half of the people here have played some Japanese bishoujo games, players of english bishoujo games may answer as well . Ok, here’s the questions: Of all bishoujo games you’ve played, which one(s) had the most endings? and which ones(s) had the longest game lenght (time it took to play the game from beginning to end)?.

The game with the most endigs I’ve played through so far is Critical Point (that has about 25 endings), and the bishoujo game that took me longest to play through once is Kana (that took me 8-9 hours to play through)… and you?

I think, In my case, the game with the most different endings is “Blood Royal” with about 40 different endings (the endings in Blood Royal have numbers and one of my already reached endings in Blood Royal has number 39).

The game, that took me the most time playing through once was “Eve Burst Error” (can’t recall, how much hours, but it took me three weeks of playing some hours every day).

EDT: There is the rumor, GloRiA has 40 endings too. I can neither confirm it, nor prove that wrong. I only know 15 endings of GloRiA and am still missing 16% CGs.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 11-29-2002).]

The longest game I played was Phantom Knight by Software House Parsley. Game took so long due to a less then favorable Save Game System. I got about 85% of the graphics but gave up on it because of the save system and level up disadvantages.

-Game with the most endings would be CP. Although Gloria had a ton of endings as well.(I really wanted a Lisa ending in that game as well.)

Kakyuusei. Bought it, installed it, ran it a couple of times, and that’s it! Never managed to finish it! ^^;;;

Also, on the same lines, Tokimeki Memorial 2. Bought it, set it to run in Bleem! and never touched it again! ^^;;;;;

I read Princess Maker 2 has 50+ endings, so if somebody has a legal copy of it, there it goes.

Originally posted by fxho:
I read Princess Maker 2 has 50+ endings, so if somebody has a [b]legal copy of it, there it goes.[/b]

Well, PM 2 was never released in english, but the english beta remains. Makes it soemthing of a grey zone.. But if you want to play a Japanese version of it, I might suggest that you get PM3 or PM4 instead [img][/img]

Anyway, as far as I know, PM2 have over 50 endings, that's right. And Princess maker 3 has even mroe endings than that, from what I've heard...

Originally posted by joe_kun:
How was the game? I wanted to get it a while ago [img][/img].

It's difficult to tell:
I just played two times through it. It has some interesting ideas, but I think I don't really know this game by now good enough in order to make a final decision, how it is.

My first impression was: "Hate at first sight", but after the second try, it wasn't that bad. However, I don't think, it is going to enter my top ten.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
My first impression was: "Hate at first sight", but after the second try, it wasn't that bad. However, I don't think, it is going to enter my top ten.

Hmmm, that's still better than my first impression which was "huh?!?" followed by searching through various Japanese to English dictionaries. [img][/img]

Longest: don’t know. I’m a slow player (spending too much time on too many things simultaneously ) and don’t note how much time I spend on one specific game. Prolly a RPG though, since I’m levelling up (50+ hours for “Romance II” and it’s only the first playing; you need to play it 10 times, once for each girl).
…though… Perhaps “Yuna 3” I think, as I levelled up all of my characters to max level twice (because some characters are mutually exclusive). I spent more than 200hrs on it, I think (well, it’s a tactical game and when you reach a certain level [i.e. you’re waaaaay stronger than your enemies] your characters would only win about 5XPs each PER battle; you need 100XPs to gain a level and each battle is about 15minutes; do the math )
Most endings? Gloria has 45 endings, but it’s a little “cheating” since the endings have both who will lead the house and who you’re ending with. In comparaison, both PM2 and PM3 (yeah, I checked: PM3 actually have the same numbers of endings as PM2) have “only” 54 endings, but it’s only the job endings… meaning you have to combine them with whom your girl is marrying in the end. And you have variation in the job endings themselves (how good you are in your profession).

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, PM 2 was never released in english, but the english beta remains. Makes it soemthing of a grey zone.. But if you want to play a Japanese version of it, I might suggest that you get PM3 or PM4 instead [img][/img]

PM4 isn't released yet. PM1&2 differ a lot from PM3; PM1&2 have an adventuring part you don't have in PM3 which is a "pure" girl-raising. So I would recommend playing all of them, as the pleasure is different. PM1 is being redone (more info here on Win98/Me/XP, so you may take this opportunity to buy it!
Oh, BTW, for those who played the PM series, who played it with as objective to get your daughter ends as a princess? Because, it was never mine. (^^;;;;;

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 12-04-2002).]

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
PM4 isn't released yet. PM1&2 differ a lot from PM3; PM1&2 have an adventuring part you don't have in PM3 which is a "pure" girl-raising. So I would recommend playing all of them, as the pleasure is different. PM1 is being redone so you may take this opportunity to buy it!

Hmm, I did not really know whenever PM4 had been released yet or not, I had just heard various rumors [img][/img]. But I do know about the lack of adventuring in PM3, can't really say if I think that it's good or bad...

Oh, BTW, for those who played the PM series, who played it with as objective to get your daughter ends as a princess? Because, it was never mine. (^^;;;;;

... Well, I did not play it with the goal to make her into a princess, really ^^;. At first I just played at random (kind of). Now, I have a list of various endings in PM2, and I've been aiming for a couple of them lately, but have so far been unsuccessful.. Two days ago, I attempted to get the "Warrior Hero" ending, but got the Bounty Hunter ending instead... And yesterday, I was aiming for the "Maid" ending, but got the "Domnestic Training" ending instead T_T. Guess that she have to get a really high "Housework reputation" if she's to become a maid... Just a guess, through.

Funny, that while the goal is to help your daughter to become a princess (and that is what the player is supposed to make her into), instead, most players seems more interested in finding endings that you're actually supposed to find "along the way", if you fail to make her into a hime-sama...

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 12-04-2002).]

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Most endings? Gloria has 45 endings, but it's a little "cheating" since the endings have both who will lead the house and who you're ending with.

Hmm, is there a list or soemthing like that of those endings? Since I think about getting Gloria, being able to keep track of all those endings would really help [img][/img].

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Hmm, is there a list or soemthing like that of those endings? Since I think about getting Gloria, being able to keep track of all those endings would really help [img][/img].

Hmm, I had a chart somewhere but I'd have to see if I can find it. If I do, I'll forward it to you. (Or maybe on of the others will beat me to it. I'm sorta sluggish lately... [img][/img] )

Originally posted by ekylo:
Hmm, I had a chart somewhere but I'd have to see if I can find it. If I do, I'll forward it to you. (Or maybe on of the others will beat me to it. I'm sorta sluggish lately... [img][/img] )

Well, I have a chart too, but since it doesn't have 45 rows, I think it's incomplete.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Hmm, I did not really know whenever PM4 had been released yet or not, I had just heard various rumors . But I do know about the lack of adventuring in PM3, can't really say if I think that it's good or bad...
Different. But neither better nor worse. I enjoyed the three of them equally I would say. Just differently.
Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
... Well, I did not play it with the goal to make her into a princess, really ^^;. At first I just played at random (kind of). Now, I have a list of various endings in PM2, and I've been aiming for a couple of them lately, but have so far been unsuccessful...

Well, thing is I never aim for a specific ending. I always raise my daughter as I would raise my actual daughter in that situation. How she ends as is just... the cherry on the cake. I'm more interested into raising her and seeing her growing up than reaching a specific ending. Of course, I hope for her best, but I don't have any preconception about what job she would do in her future.
And yes, I know that means there are some endings I would NEVER get, because I would never raise my daughter in a way she would have the prerequesite for those endings (all of my daughters [in the three games] had a good level in Morality, Knowledge and Self-esteem [img][/img])

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 12-04-2002).]

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Well, thing is I never aim for a specific ending. I always raise my daughter as I would raise my actual daughter in that situation. How she ends as is just... the cherry on the cake. I'm more interested into raising her and seeing her growing up than reaching a specific ending. Of course, I hope for her best, but I don't have any preconception about what job she would do in her future.
And yes, I know that means there are some endings I would NEVER get, because I would never raise my daughter in a way she would have the prerequesite for those endings (all of my daughters [in the three games] had a good level in Morality, Knowledge and Self-esteem [img][/img])

I see, if so I'm probably more corrupted than you are [img][/img]. I do try to do my best, but still, even if i aim for a certain ending, I have no real control over what ending I get...

Originally posted by ekylo:
Hmm, I had a chart somewhere but I'd have to see if I can find it. If I do, I'll forward it to you. (Or maybe on of the others will beat me to it. I'm sorta sluggish lately... [img][/img] )

Thanks [img][/img]. Perhaps you and Unicorn should compare your charts, to see if the one of you got soemthing the other didn't? [img][/img].

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
I see, if so I'm probably more corrupted than you are [img][/img]. I do try to do my best, but still, even if i aim for a certain ending, I have no real control over what ending I get...
Considering you like kichiku while I abhor it and almost exclusively enjoy ren'ai only, this was going without saying. [img][/img]
Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Considering you like kichiku while I abhor it and almost exclusively enjoy ren'ai only, this was going without saying. [img][/img]

Hehe [img][/img]. That doesn't, through, mean that I don't feel bad when things don't end all too well for my daughter [img][/img].

Ah ha! Found the stupid thing. The chart I have does have 45 rows although there looks to be some where the endings are the same. (“death” is listed twice.)

Oh duh! Okay, I’m looking at the source of the chart I have (it’s html) and it lists himeya soft as the originating point. I checked and at himeya soft, under Gloria’s listing, there’s a link for a walkthrough and that’s the chart I have. (Though the way it’s formatted, it’s easy to just use it as a checklist without using the step by step part of it.) So you can probably grab it yourself or do you still want me to email it to you Spec-san?

Oooh, interesting sidenote. A certain David Endresak is listed in the html code of the page. I really should go through the html source more often…

Mail it to me. It’s easier that way . That chart will hopefully make things easier for me when I get Gloria… Or, maybe not ^^;.

Oi, so Dave is behind that chart? Interesting… . Oh, that reminds me: Has anyone here talked to him since he left PP?