Question, question :)

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Mail it to me. It's easier that way [img][/img]. That chart will hopefully make things easier for me when I get Gloria... Or, maybe not ^^;.

I was about to send it except I realized I don't have your email address! I had thought it was in your profile but we all know what happens when I attempt to think. Anyways, bounce me an email and I'll get it to you.


Oi, so Dave is behind that chart? Interesting.. [img][/img]. Oh, that reminds me: Has anyone here talked to him since he left PP?

I was a bit surprised when I looked at it. Hmm, I havn't spoken to him but then again, I knew him only via the PeaPri context so there was probably no reason to bother him otherwise.

huh… well I’m still a newbie, but I guess I spent quite a bit of time with True love and Maid’s story

Originally posted by Slayer:
The most lengthy game and the most mutliple ending game hmmm, ok well I can put answer two both of those questions personally I found that length of play was deffinitely Words Worth with all that leveling up that was needed to do to progress further into the game. As for the most multiple endings I would have to say Glo-ri-a I managed to top around 20 to 24 endings or so in my first few attempts of playing it and when I found out there was something closer to 30 or so I was just dumbfounded with amazement...

As for Dave Endresak I posted him a few Email every so often back in the days of rampant posting over at the BBS but that was several years back and I haven't heard from him since, namely because I don't have a vaild Email of his anymore.


Sounds like there'll be many late hours for me when I get Gloria [img][/img]. Lots of endings are FUN!! [img][/img].

Hmm, so no one has talked to him since he left PP? Well, that's a pity... kind of.

Originally posted by ekylo:
I was about to send it except I realized I don't have your email address! I had thought it was in your profile but we all know what happens when I attempt to think. Anyways, bounce me an email and I'll get it to you.

I'll do that [img][/img]. Still, be careful. If Ladyphoenix weren't able to replay to the message I sent her before, that might mean that my e-mail's acting funny or something like that. Anyway, if things goes wrong, I'll send you another E-mail from my second e-mail.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
I'll do that [img][/img]. Still, be careful. If Ladyphoenix weren't able to replay to the message I sent her before, that might mean that my e-mail's acting funny or something like that. Anyway, if things goes wrong, I'll send you another E-mail from my second e-mail.

Hmm, well let me know when you email me. Or if you did, I still havn't gotten it yet. (Unless you're the clown sending me information on how to "naturally expand my cup size". [img][/img] )

Originally posted by ekylo:
"naturally expand my cup size". [img][/img]

Apples? Oranges? Tissues? [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Apples? Oranges? Tissues? [img][/img]

That is definitely a mental image I didn't expect.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Apples? Oranges? Tissues? [img][/img]

Helium? High explosives?

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
High explosives?

[img][/img] What? Why? Most importantly, HOW?

[This message has been edited by Jeffrey (edited 12-10-2002).]

Originally posted by Jeffrey:
[img][/img] What? Why? Most importantly, [b]HOW?

[This message has been edited by Jeffrey (edited 12-10-2002).][/b]

Very carefully.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Hmm, well let me know when you email me. Or if you did, I still havn't gotten it yet. (Unless you're the clown sending me information on how to "naturally expand my cup size". [img][/img] )

Still haven't had time to send you a mail, that's all ^^;. These last days have been busy!

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Apples? Oranges? Tissues? [img][/img]

How come that you left Lemons out of that? [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
How come that you left Lemons out of that? [img][/img]

Because the fangs hurt in the chest.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Because the fangs hurt in the chest.

Wellm mascoists would really love sometihing like that, I'm sure [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Wellm mascoists would really love sometihing like that, I'm sure [img][/img]

But the idea was "increasing the cupsize". After the lemons are done sucking, the cupsize is smaller even if the lemons stay in place... [img][/img]

EDT: However, the lemon-breastpiercing could really become a new trend. [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 12-11-2002).]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Helium? High explosives?

That's supposed to be "naturally"?

Originally posted by Unicorn:
But the idea was "increasing the cupsize". After the lemons are done sucking, the cupsize is smaller even if the lemons stay in place... [img][/img]

Ah, you've got a point there... Well, there might be a way to slove that, through [img][/img].

EDT: However, the lemon-breastpiercing could really become a new trend. [img][/img]

Now I got this funny image of seeing soemthig like this in the newpaper: "New kind of breastpiercing! It's done by letting a lemon sink it's fangs into the breast and stay there! The lemon won't let go, unless you tickle it in a special way that is taught to you as you do the piercing!
WARNING! Recommnended only to people with small-sized breasts!" [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
WARNING! Recommnended only to people with small-sized breasts!" [img][/img]

Definitely not recommended to people, who already are anaemic. [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Definitely not recommended to people, who already are anaemic. [img][/img]

[img][/img]. Or rather "We recommend that you keep yourself in a healthy state, or else ther'ea certain risk of a serious loss of blood :d.".

But, what if we gave them some lemons without theeths? And guess on just what part of the brest they'd be hanging on to... [img][/img]. might work well for mothers who've born a child and have far too much milk, through [img][/img].

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 12-11-2002).]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
But, what if we gave them some lemons without theeths? And guess on just what part of the brest they'd be hanging on to... [img][/img]. might work well for mothers who've born a child and have far too much milk, through [img][/img].

Ah, the next headline on the science-page:
"Spectator-Laboratories presents:
A new species of lemons: Toothless ovo-lacto-vegetarian lemons, who detest blood!"