Quick first look at Kango 2

Looks like G-collections shipped their games a few day later than usual since I normally get my copy on thursday but Kango2 didn’t arrive till saturday. Unfortunately they didn’t package any bookmarks or postcards I liked it when they stuffed my packages full of extra stuff But they did package a new newsletter that I assume was the collaboration project that Lamuness mentioned earlier. Called Bishoujo Gaming News. It has some brief intro to bishoujo gaming(Like we didn’t know what it was ) as well as ads for some of the games like X2. On the reverse side of this newsletter is a poster of the cover of Kango2. It’s pretty nice but I needed more bookmarks

Didn’t really get a chance to play it till last night and got Maria’s ending. Anyway on to my quick observations to the sequel to Kango. The game comes on 2 cds. One for the install the other to play.

This time instead of doctor you are a priest in the nurse school and you are horny priest too So far I haven’t seen anyone that was on the origional Kango in this one but since I only played through 1 scenario maybe someone from the first game will still show up

The graphics are a slightly different from the first Kango but still very pleasing to look at. I definately like this art style more than Sensei2 or Watashini. The art style kinda reminds me a little of Snow drops style with how some of the noses are drawn.

The gameplay is pretty much straight forward. It’s like tottemone and the origional Kango. You go through a fairly long introduction then you select which girl you want to go after then your choices decide if you get some good nookie or nothing :stuck_out_tongue: So it’s a lot less complicated than X2, where you have to find the women first then select the right answer. There’s also a harem mode on here as there’s a section in the extras that’s listed as harem

There are a few translations problems in the game though. They misspelled fork as folk which threw me for a loop for a second. The second thing I noticed is in the extras section where they switched the buttons. The scene recollection button goes to the CGs and the CG button goes to the scene recollections. Those were the ones that really stood out. I’ve only played I scenario so there are probably more errors like the fork and folk lying around.

There is one more problem that I’m not quite sure if it’s a bug or is it just my computer is plain weird. So when you guys get your copy let me know if it happens to you. After you install the game, when you insert the game disc and select play I get an error saying “please insert the game disc” which is already inserted and will not continue. I have to insert the orional install disc then have it prompt me to insert the game disc for the game to start. This is slightly annoying since you have to swap discs. Like I said I’m not sure if it’s a bug or just my machine acting wierd. Since I also have a wierd problem with X2 where it takes forever for my dvd-rom to finish scanning the X2 disc.

Overall if you like the origional Kango you can’t go wrong with Kango2. While not nearly as challenging as X2 it’s still fun to play. Plus I won’t have to wade through bunches of posts to figure out what I’m doing wrong to get a girl like another recent game Ok now I gotta get back to work. Can’t take too much company time posting here

considering that i’m on the east coast, and g-collections (and jlist and peachpri and just about every american company in this sort of biz) is on the west coast, I figured it would take a while for my kango2 order to arrive.

And based on what you posted in your heads up thread, I think I’m gonna have a lot of fun discussing the foul-ups in a future game review.

ah well. as long as the game doesnt crash as often as a morrowind, I don’t mind that much as a gamer.

If you read the back of the packaging it tells you that is the way to do it. Kango voice plus is the same way.

Yeah I had to do the disc swapping thing too which I found kind of annoying…

Wow, for once I got my copy just shortly after wanfu2k1-san!

I did like the Bishoujo Gaming News insert. Nicely done. Of course I’m always a little worried when someone or something mentions coming to this BBS for more information. Not that we can’t answer them, just that we might weird them out a little…

Egad! Boy was the gameplay complexity turned down. Makes it a good introductory game but to me it loses something overall when you do it that way. Art, music and voices was enjoyable. And I was amused by the reused backgrounds for some reason. And I only went through Maria’s path so far as well, but I thought her backstory was well written and composed nicely. (And she was less disturbing to me than Emi was in the original, even with the eating thing.)

But it’s definitely a humorous work. I found Eleana especially funny with her little “translation problems”. Which added to the realism in her characterization to me, since I can absolutely imagine my friends doing something like that. (heck, I’d probably do it to…)

I think I sort of understand what G-Collections was doing with the disc swap thing. I know for some of their titles, pirates were hacking them so you only needed one disc (just the play disc I think, I can’t remember for sure). Not that this will deter the determined ones, just that it might slow down the casual pirate. (then again, what do I know?)

So far, I feel it’s a nice “light” game, in terms of content and theme. Something good to introduce someone to the genre and get them interested. We’ll see how it goes once I get through all the paths though…

As others have said, its a rather easy game.

It is however longer than the first one… course ive only been through Yuna’s ending but from what i could tell it IS longer,
Its simple to get the ending you want though, so this one basically does what the first didnt… you get a char selection, so just pick the one you want and the ending will be yours…

Who reads the backs of packages anyways Well I can understand them trying to cut down on pirates but it’s pretty annoying having to swap discs just to start the game. Besides a good pirate would just hack the executable. Hopefully their next release won’t require you to keep swaping discs.

The scenarios are definately longer than the first game it took me a few hours to finish maria’s scenario(of course if you just skip all the reading you can finish the game in like 30 mins ) Hopefully it will last me till the next release.

My kango2 arrived in the mail today. YES!!!

high fives all readers of this post

heh i just put the install disc in my cd writer and the game disc in the dvd drive, and and thats how i boot it… heh

Hmm, time-wise it took me about two hours to work through Maria’s path, but that included a brief break when my computer froze up for some reason. Otherwise, I went through Yuna and Hibari’s paths last night, and they took about an hour each, skipping through the previously read dialogue. Did run into a generic scene that was in Yuna and Hibari’s paths but not in Maria’s. I wonder if there’s a few more like that as well or was a random element added in somewhere. Ah well, I should work through the other two endings tonight. Then I think I’ll spend the weekend running through Kango Voice plus. I love long weekends…

That freeze was probably due to your “Beasty” computer overloading .

Originally posted by ekylo:
Hmm, time-wise it took me about two hours to work through Maria's path, but that included a brief break when my computer froze up for some reason. Otherwise, I went through Yuna and Hibari's paths last night, and they took about an hour each, skipping through the previously read dialogue. Did run into a generic scene that was in Yuna and Hibari's paths but not in Maria's. I wonder if there's a few more like that as well or was a random element added in somewhere. Ah well, I should work through the other two endings tonight. Then I think I'll spend the weekend running through Kango Voice plus. I love long weekends... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Spent 2 1/2 hours on Kango2 this morning. Unfortunately I experienced a full computer crash (screen went black, and computer rebooted) after my 2nd hour. Even worse, the game saves were gone. *sobs*

The computer crashed a second time, but didn't erase my saves.

I highly recommend that you back up the sav file periodically just in case.

Hmm…I figured the game would check the same drive for the cd. Well if that’s the case I could probably just create and image of the cd and run a virtual drive off that image. Well I’ll see how annoyed I am with disc swaping before I try this.

Originally posted by Ecchifan:
Spent 2 1/2 hours on Kango2 this morning. Unfortunately I experienced a full computer crash (screen went black, and computer rebooted) after my 2nd hour. Even worse, the game saves were gone. *sobs*

The computer crashed a second time, but didn't erase my saves.

I highly recommend that you back up the sav file periodically just in case.

Greeeeat...mine will go nuts. Well. More accurately it will quiver in a corner and stop responding.

So how do I back up the save file, exactly?

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Hmm...I figured the game would check the same drive for the cd. Well if that's the case I could probably just create and image of the cd and run a virtual drive off that image. Well I'll see how annoyed I am with disc swaping before I try this.

I happen to have 2 drives-- a cdrom and dvdrom. and played w/ the game & install disks in both drives. had no trouble starting the game this way.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Greeeeat...mine will go nuts. Well. More accurately it will quiver in a corner and stop responding.

So how do I back up the save file, exactly?

in your Kango folder on your hard drive, there should be a .sav file. I just did a copy and paste (to another folder). and replaced the copy whenever I made significant progress.

Originally posted by Bigdog:
That freeze was probably due to your "Beasty" computer overloading [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img].

Hey, my computer plays all the bishoujo games I have, what more do I need? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Actually, I think it's a weird resource thing, something not getting released properly. The game didn't freeze up once during my play throughs for Yuna and Hibari, but it did last night while playing Eleana's path. The only thing I can think of I did differently was that before playing Maria's and Eleana's path, I had been watching a DVD. One of the fun things about having such a patched together computer is these little quirks that crop up... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
Hey, my computer plays all the bishoujo games I have, what more do I need? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Actually, I think it's a weird resource thing, something not getting released properly. The game didn't freeze up once during my play throughs for Yuna and Hibari, but it did last night while playing Eleana's path. The only thing I can think of I did differently was that before playing Maria's and Eleana's path, I had been watching a DVD. One of the fun things about having such a patched together computer is these little quirks that crop up... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

By "patched together" do you mean you built your own computer?

Mine was pre-built by HP, so that can't be the reason.

btw, does anyone know how long it usually takes for gamefaqs to process game data (list new game releases)?

I submitted updates for XC2 and KS2 a few days ago, but they still backlogged apparently.

I actually wrote up a review for kango 2, and I’d like to submit it for posting whenever gamefaqs recognize the kango 2 release.

Originally posted by Ecchifan:
By "patched together" do you mean you built your own computer?

Sort of. It's like the story about the axe that your family has had for awhile. It's the "family axe" but it's on it's third head and tenth handle. My computer started out as 486SX 66Mhz way back when. I've slowly upgraded parts as they either failed or I got a good deal on them. (Come to think of it, I belive the keyboard and floppy drives are still the originals I had from the start.) So throughout it's various incarnations, I've reused parts over and over and the system has picked up a few quirks because of it. I'm just too lazy to wipe the system clean and restart from scratch... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Not sure how long Gamefaqs takes. I mean, some games I don't see listed until a month or two after their release, others are listed prior to their release.