Quickie Review of Cresendo

Am I alone in thinking that Miyu should have her own section in the CG Recollections? That is SO unfair.

Both Ayame endings seem good, but the sister version is considered bad by the game(when you look at the title when you save/load at the ending). Kinda weird…

In all, this game is very unlike the dark ones, Sensei 2 and Tsuki; instead of having the “good” endings still be bad, the bad endings in Crescendo, for the most part, still seem good.

—Potential Spoiler—

I love how Kaho sings “Scarborough Fair”. I saved at that scene just so I get easy access to it. She does indeed have a lovely voice. :slight_smile:

Originally posted by ekylo:
(yeah right, I'll have as much luck of that as I am trying to convince one to play the Xxxenophile CCG with me...)

Ooops! It seems we have another oddity in common.
By the way: Is your set of Xxxenophile-cards complete?

Originally posted by ekylo:
Now if I could find some cute little thing to play the game with...

Perhaps, she wouldn't glare that suspiciously after you've drawn some clothes onto those cards? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Perhaps, she wouldn't glare that suspiciously after you've drawn some clothes onto those cards? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Heh, considering my limited art skills, I doubt that would help. (Besides, you wouldn't want to know what kind of clothes I'd draw. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] )

Hmm, no my Xxxenophile cards aren't complete. I buy a box every now and then. I've always loved the Folgio's work, and the Xxxenophile series is so much fun. Even got an autographed copy of book 6 from GenCon a couple of years back... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

But back on topic. Played Crescendo myself last night. Got the first three Doug-san mentions. Boy am I liking this title...

Hmm, to me the third person narration seemed to work well with the theme and mood. Can't really say why though. Really liking the piano music, but that may be from watching Sugar too much. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] I think the story's well written and hit all the points just right. Definitely reminding me of the some of the little dramas I witnessed in high school. So far, the only thing that's really bothered me is that it seems too short (still works out though). It's definitely working it's way up my list and I can absolutely see myself using it to introduce people to the genre. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Yeah it does seem a little short doesn’t it. I only wish they could have had more CGs I really like this art style. Maybe because it does remind me a little of Fruits basket. The only other thing I wish they did was put something if you got the best endings. Or at least number the endings so you kinda know if you got a true good ending or not. Oh well only a minor gripe. Still a very good game

Yup, the art style is very nice. Heck, just the art from the bookmarks was enough to get me intrigued before I learned what the story was about. Not often will the art alone intrigue me about a game.

Looks like I’ll be finishing the game either tonight or tomorrow. Got Yuka and Kaori’s endings. Yuka’s storyline was particular difficult for me to sit through. I just hate it when something makes me sad and angry at the same time. Probably why I avoid RL as much as possible…

I have a question about the Miyu ending for those that have finished the game and finished the ending considered the best ending for her, the happy ending.




Perhaps I am overly confused, but was it a dream Miyu was having, or did all of many of those events really occur? I mean it seems like something is going on between her and Ryo and then suddenly, one the last day, he seems like he has not seen Miyu in a long time, but then again at the end he is crying for her and they show well show ‘her’ saying it is best if he forgets her, so was it her dream or was it real events?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-02-2003).]

The way I look at it, is that Miyu’s spirit was able to manifest itself at school those last couple of days. After her and Ryo get together she caused him to forget. So that’s why he doesn’t remember, and why she manifests herself at the end of her storyline.

“His last thought is wry, Not bad for a dead man.” Moon Knight vol.1, #1 (1980)

Originally posted by Doug:
The way I look at it, is that Miyu's spirit was able to manifest itself at school those last couple of days. After her and Ryo get together she caused him to forget. So that's why he doesn't remember, and why she manifests herself at the end of her storyline.

Possible Spoiler points below for those that have not played Miyu's endings yet.

When I think about it again, and the mention of her wishing she had wings strong enough to push away his memories, her continual thoughts of him continuing on, her want to be with him only and never leave the music room unless it is with him, I can see how this does make sense. Also her sudden disapperance that one night, her marble white almost waxen skin, but then at the very end he remembers anyway, it suddenly hits him as he hears her music?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-03-2003).]

Nice analysis guys. Like SCDawg-san, I was a little confused with the timing of her storyline. I’d have to double check, but with all the flashbacks in the game, it could be possible for her storyline to start earlier than the last 5 days for the other ones. But then I starting thinking along the lines you guys are talking about, decided I liked that better, so I’m not going to worry about it.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Nice analysis guys. Like SCDawg-san, I was a little confused with the timing of her storyline. I'd have to double check, but with all the flashbacks in the game, it could be possible for her storyline to start earlier than the last 5 days for the other ones. But then I starting thinking along the lines you guys are talking about, decided I liked that better, so I'm not going to worry about it.

I had actually thought the same as you at one time it was all one huge flashback and it happened longer ago before she went back, but if I remember correctly she specifically mentions or asks what is he doing there when seniors no longer have classes or something along those lines, which is when I was floored and could not figure out what was going on until this analysis which the more it is thought on makes the most sense.

I mean all the others know what he is doing there because their lives are all intertwined enough with his to begin with they know why he has to be there those last 5 days in classes, which is why that question of hers sticks out in my mind.

Originally posted by ekylo:

Looks like I'll be finishing the game either tonight or tomorrow. Got Yuka and Kaori's endings. Yuka's storyline was particular difficult for me to sit through. I just hate it when something makes me sad and angry at the same time. Probably why I avoid RL as much as possible... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Yeah Yuka's storyline was really sad [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img] but at least with the happy ending you can see she's going to be ok.

Hmm...so what's this Miyu girl you guys keep talking about? Haven't found her yet and I already have Kaho, Kyoko, Yuka, and the good ending for Kaori. Guess I need to dedicate myself to playing this game some more [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Hmm...so what's this Miyu girl you guys keep talking about? Haven't found her yet and I already have Kaho, Kyoko, Yuka, and the good ending for Kaori. Guess I need to dedicate myself to playing this game some more [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

I will not give away a spoiler, but I will say this much play the game and watch all your choices from the very very beginning very closely and you may find one you did not see or ignored your first time playing.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-03-2003).]

Originally posted by SCDawg:
I had actually thought the same as you at one time it was all one huge flashback and it happened longer ago before she went back, but if I remember correctly she specifically mentions or asks what is he doing there when seniors no longer have classes or something along those lines, which is when I was floored and could not figure out what was going on until this analysis which the more it is thought on makes the most sense.

I remember that part. But then again, I'm not familiar enough with the Japanese education system schedule to use that to help me place when the conversation would have taken place. Like for instance, I know my classes Senior year ended about two weeks before graduation, but I know one of my friends had classes up to the day before graduation. *sigh* Now I just know I'm going to end up going through the storyline again and analyze this. It's going to bug me too much otherwise...

Originally posted by ekylo:
I remember that part. But then again, I'm not familiar enough with the Japanese education system schedule to use that to help me place when the conversation would have taken place. Like for instance, I know my classes Senior year ended about two weeks before graduation, but I know one of my friends had classes up to the day before graduation. *sigh* Now I just know I'm going to end up going through the storyline again and analyze this. It's going to bug me too much otherwise...

I don't know a lot about the Japanese School System either, but I know a few things, one he had make up classes that lasted I think up until graduation, and two all the other characters when they first meet him seem to acknowledge that he is there for makeup classes or it is brought up soon after in the story line where it shows they know why he is there and each say something like only x days left until graduation.

So I think without knowing anything about the Japanese Educational System it can be concluded that if she asks why he is there when graduation is so close and he says make up classes there is something very different
going on there, at least that is my impression from what I remember.

Is there anyone else that remembers the things I mentioned?

However, on that note of the system each level seems to have a different tie color to identify who belongs where, but does that tie color stay with the level or go with the class, for anyone that might know?

blue haired girl?

ive seen a blue haired girl on some screenshots, but she doesnt appear in the character intros

the only time ive seen her is when i first started the game and she wakes me up from sleeping at desk, but now that im playing the second time around… the beggining is different, and she doesnt appear, i start off talking to kaho instead

is this a one time thing on the very first game or is my memory failing me? try not to give tooo much away … but how do i get her to re-appear?

Originally posted by exoarchaeologist:
blue haired girl?

ive seen a blue haired girl on some screenshots, but she doesnt appear in the character intros

the only time ive seen her is when i first started the game and she wakes me up from sleeping at desk, but now that im playing the second time around.... the beggining is different, and she doesnt appear, i start off talking to kaho instead

is this a one time thing on the very first game or is my memory failing me? try not to give tooo much away .... but how do i get her to re-appear?

I saved it the very first time as she woke me up and then had another option appear, and one time when I restarted, I think it was after I got a few of the endings suddenly she was waking me again, but I know what you mean, I think you have to get almost all if not all the endings to have her wake you again and perhaps then get that other option. No sadly she does not appear in the character list, but you can get CG from her. I hope that was vague enough but also helpful enough.

You don't happen to know the quesiton I asked about the ties with the school system do you? I have looked on line and have found nothing so far.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-04-2003).]

Well, went back through Miyu’s storyline last night. So in case anyone isn’t paying attention…


Ryo actually specifies what day it is. He comments about her comming back to school 4 days before graduation. It’s those little things I always miss. (You wouldn’t believe how long I missed the LMM reference in Snow Drop…) And people wonder why I go back and replay to fill in my story notes…

But it’s really interesting going back and catching all the little hints and foreshadowing they do. Miyu’s dialogue has most of them and some of Ryo’s comments and observations. Like when he says she doesn’t look real, like she’s in another dimension. And maybe I’m reading too much into it, but Ryo seems to spend quite a bit of time noting her hair, which would have been gone after the chemotherapy. (Which is sort of brought up by Miyu’s mother’s dialogue)

Hmm, if Brave Soul wasn’t coming out soon (well, hopefully they get my address straightened out) I’d probably spend quite a bit of time going over the storylines. Got a couple of theories going on. Oh well, it’ll give me something to do this winter…

At the end party and this is something I just noticed, did anyone else notice the KFC bucket on the table? I think it is funny because normally I have seen them change the names like Burger Kong instead of King (possible King Kong joke there) or the like, just thought it was funny.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Well, went back through Miyu's storyline last night. So in case anyone isn't paying attention...


Hmm, if Brave Soul wasn't coming out soon (well, hopefully they get my address straightened out) I'd probably spend quite a bit of time going over the storylines. Got a couple of theories going on. Oh well, it'll give me something to do this winter... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

When you have those theories done I would be interested in hearing them if you like to share them.


I notice him mentioning her hair, and how she seemed so frail and fragile, and also smaller, that her unifrom did not fit as well as it use too, I know someone that went through chemotherapy and saying they shrunk is one way to phrase it, and that is true too, her hair seemed to glow he said something like that?

Does one of your theories include why the tape was left where he could find it and was one of the songs she recorded despite it having been a long time since she was known to record anything on that piano? Part of the spirit/dream/ghost idea?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-04-2003).]