Rape games will be banned in Japan

Well, there’s always the doujin games and they won’t be able to touch those (Crimson’s games were mostly a time killer for me, but it seems they’re the only source I’ll have for dark themed ero from here on). BTW, wasn’t that planned company those people from Black Cyc were planning on forming a doujin company?

And seeing as how most doujin games don’t have voice acting, I guess it’s time to take out that Rosetta Stone and start seriously learning to read Japanese.

Could this be a prime time for jlist to acquire rights to titles? I mean if worst comes to worst for eroge companies, can jlist and friends grab big title rights cheap(er)?

Anyways… this has been a sad month for these eroge. How will these supposed changes affect online import stores like HimeyaShop, ErogeShop, and paletweb? And of course I still wonder how it will affect jlist…

I need to figure out what titles I need to buy before they disappear if that’s what will happen…

Did it - though I actually doubt that it will accomplish anything - besides that I already learnbed from it that there are already voters pro-ban among the first 30 (I was 25th)!

Farewell, erogeshop and dLSite - it was a very fun time with you! :cry:

Aren’t they actually already at least borderline illegal there - thanks to the demosaicing :?:

Maybe it’s quite the opposite!
Couldn’t be the localization of these games and sale of the localized versions oput of Japan be regarded as another kind of export of these games? A loophole, that has to be stuffed?

Consequently, the japanese eroge-companies will have to shut down all their cooperations and negotiations with JLIST! At least if the regulation is not just a self-restriction by EOCS, but actually being pushed into becoming laws by Seiko and her consorts!

I don’t think that would be wise. I mean Western feminists get rape eroge banned in Japan, then suddenly the US becomes a Mecca for rape eroge? The obscenity laws in the US are worst than those in Japan. They’d win here in a heartbeat.

THis IS self-regulation, not law. there is no export ban yet, and the possibility of one is only speculation.
Also, Only DLSite profesional will be affected by the retroactive thing, Maniax is doujin, which is unregulated. As for DLsite regulating its MANIAX content, I gather that they are adopting a “wait and see” stance, i.e. they aren’t going too place restrictions, but are watching to see if this thing will simply blow over before deciding if they need to restrict content.

Found another interesting post here:

http://2chan.us/wordpress/2009/07/01/ja … oreigners/

In short: We’re screwed. :frowning:

Dark products with a strong plot would at least have a chance of being able to stir up some interesting court battles in the West. Games with “Rape! Rape! Rape!” in the title, however, would probably be shot down flat, and loli is obviously right out.

Did you just make that title up, or did you know there really is a mindless rape eroge (and anime) called: Rape! Rape! Rape!

Rape your best friend, your class president, your mom, your sister, loli twincest, the hospitalized girl… errr… I don’t think I’m helping the cause here, am I? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve heard of it, yes. :slight_smile: I didn’t know there was an anime though!

I scour DLsite religiously, hoping to someday find something I actually like, and in the meantime being BOGGLED by some of the stuff I come across. It’s fascinatingly bizarre, especially with the occasionally slightly-odd translations.

With all that is happening, it sounds like I need to start a suggestion thread for untranslated titles so that I can obtain them before the retroactive ban takes effect. I started a list of titles to think about getting a few months ago, but it is pretty small since I don’t know much about the majority of untranslated titles. While I prefer to have physical copies of my games, the severity of this situation warrants major exceptions.

Some recent developments in America:

Judge Kozinski admonished for explicit items on Web site.

He’s been on the record, for being against censorship. It looks like things might simmer down, but if the ultra moralists try to kick him off the bench, think about supporting him (i.e. sending letters to politicians). We need more people like this in the court system.

Got a website for him?

His personal site is what got him in trouble, so he took it offline to stop the media and politicians from threatening his job. He’s the Chief Judge for the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (yea… the big dog in charge). What really sucks, is an upcoming case involves obscenity (beastality) and part of his “unofficial punishment” is to not head the trail because he’s too biased… as if other judges aren’t biased by their personal views. :roll:

However it appears he’ll hold his position without much more fanfare (unless someone tries to start a campaign against him), and the “willing removal” only applies to this single porn case.

Remember when you write a judge, [url=http://www.ehow.com/how_2301648_address-letter-judge.html]there are some rules you have to follow[/url] in order to be taken seriously. So the letter gets addressed as follows:

The Honorable Judge Alex Kozinski
Chief Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
P.O. Box 193939
San Francisco, CA 94119-3939

Also remember to use the “standard business format” for your letter. Here’s a sample letter of how to write a judge. Even when offering support, it helps to sound professional, that way he knows you’re a fellow intelligent and well mannered person - not some random crazy or a person teasing him for the recent embarrassment.

For the record: it’s not that he posted the obscene material on his site for everyone to see. Evidently he made a mistake in not making the directory hidden (at least that’s the defense he’s sticking too :wink: ). Here’s some details about the whole affair:

Some of the material was inappropriate, he conceded, although he defended other sexually explicit content as funny.

Again it’s worth watching, to make sure it doesn’t get any worst for him.

Surprisingly he was appointed by Ronald Regan. He’s usually a conservative… just not on pornography, free speech, and the Internet. :slight_smile:

We have yet another eroge maker baning foreign IPs.


As this article said: THE WORST HAS COME. :cry:

Shit! What comes next?!


Actually, if i remember well, they released many Rape SIMULATORs before. Why RL caused all this comotion?

Because fucking Amazon listed it for UK! This is as much of Amazon’s fault as the importer that tried to sell it on Amazon. This game shouldn’t be available outside of Japan! Now we won’t see anymore good eroge made in the future. This is why I’m fucking boycotting Amazon. They are the ones that sparked this. :evil:

Wait. You’re being sarcastic, right? You’re not seriously blaming an eroge studio, for making rape eroge? That’s would be EXACTLY the kind of accusation, that justifies why eroge studio are blocking foreign access.

No. Amazon didn’t do anything wrong. It’s not their fault what so ever. That be like blaming the website host provider for Equality Now, since they host their site.

Jesus… no wonder we’re losing the censorship war. Erogers are making enemies out of groups who are either entirely neutral or should be on our side. :evil:

Here’s a quote from comedian Bill Hicks that I think we’d all like to say to the guys who started this whole ban thing:

“Here is my final point. About drugs, about alcohol, about pornography and smoking and everything else. What business is it of yours what I do, read, buy, see, say, think, who I fuck, what I take into my body - as long as I do not harm another human being on this planet?”

Amazon is the enemy, at least one of the enemies. This is not the same as Equality Now’s webhost. This is like if a drug dealer sold you morphine and you overdosed and died, would you not blame the drug dealer? Morphine is safe when used in it’s designed environment (hopital) by it’s target audience (patients). Amazon should have known selling Rapelay is not a good idea, they are not an adult online shop! But in the end, we lost the war because we are not rich, it doesn’t matter if you agree that Amazon is the enemy or not. In politics, money is the only thing that matters. I bet if we have enough money to blast anti-censorship TV ads all over Japan like they did election ads, then they probably would think twice about the ban.

Don’t be ridiculous - why should Amazon have to police everything that gets sold by its users - that’s right, SOLD BY ITS USERS. Amazon did not specifically choose to list it. They probably didn’t even know about it until this shit went down.

Equality Now is squarely at fault, but even then, that can be blamed on a disease deeply ingrained within the morals of society - they are a product of their environment, nothing more. Society is what needs fixing.

Amazon didn’t list it for the UK - Amazon failed to put checks into their system to prevent people from adding inappropriate new products. Just as ebay doesn’t check every item you put up for sale to be sure it’s a good idea, Amazon didn’t have anything in place to stop someone from adding the used copy of RapeLay to their listings.

The idiot journalist looking for a sensationalist story either failed to understand how the game got onto the system or didn’t care, because it made such a good headline to be able to whine about Amazon selling rape. (If the idiot journalist had actually cared at all, e would have just asked Amazon to remove the listing, AND THEY WOULD HAVE.) And from there it got to the UK politicians, then bigger articles, then the first wave of angry feminists (jezebel, not EN). Amazon quickly pulled the listing, but jezebel kept going on and on about how you could still find copies of rapelay for sale in the English world. (And believe me, I tried to shut them up at this point, especially since they were linking to sites selling pirate copies, but they wouldn’t listen to me.) Then kotaku picked up the jezebel article and went to town with insults, rape jokes, and buying tons of the pirate copies jezebel was foolishly promoting. This made the jezebel girls even angrier, and is probably how the issue ended up getting to EN. EN got into this pretty late in the game.

To the best of my knowledge, that’s how this shit went down. But cause and effect is generally a complex chain of events. Would this ban be going on if EN hadn’t got involved? Would EN have gotten involved if kotaku hadn’t bashed jezebel? Would EN have gotten involved if jezebel hadn’t? Would jezebel have ever noticed the existence of rape games if some journalist hadn’t been hunting for a story? Would the journalist have even bothered publishing the story if they hadn’t been able to find a Very Concerned UK Politician willing to make public statements about how terrible rapelay was? Would anyone give a damn about Japanese games if Amazon had stronger checks on adding new products? Would we all be fine if some guy somewhere hadn’t come up with the brilliant plan to sell a used h-game?

Actually, Amazon does sell a good deal of porn directly. And EN isn’t rich either, afaik.