Rape games will be banned in Japan

Maybe it is because I am not fully immersed into the Japanese realm of bishoujo games like I am through JastUSA games…but, still. I’ve always felt that if I dont like a game’s subject, I just wont buy the game. Simple cause and effect. I don’t much care for the rape game, ergo I wont normally purchase a rape game…but that is generalizing of course…I would have to say that there are a lot of what could be considered rape in Bible Black. But what engages the gamer probably more toward the whole plot of the game. You could also say that violent sexuality plays a part in other titles to boot. Gibo has a strong sense of sexual domination and manipulation…as does Hitomi. (One might argue that Little My Maid has some flavored S&M…but would these people who arguing against what they call “rapeplay” say that this game also has rapeplay?) Yet again, the entire plot is what grabs me and not the psychological examination of the game and myself…but I digress.

Screen capture from Ouran High School Host Club :stuck_out_tongue:

I must say, that’s a rather clever use of kanji.

I wonder if the rape scene in Crescendo would automatically make this game a target? Especially since the game really does make the rape scene horrifying (which, in the real world, rape is horrifying), not at all attractive.

JAST has done a wonderful job at “staying off the radar” in terms of negative attention. Even when EN was in full swing against eroge, they never noticed JAST existed. So dead set on attacking Japan, they probably failed to realize or care eroge was being released in their own proverbial backyard. With all the current hoopla over politics and the economy, I don’t think anyone will care about labelling rape games/porn/novels/comics as obscene for the foreseeable future unless some rapist claims he got inspiration from a Japanese hentai game… which probably has as much chance of occuring as a rapist claiming aliens told him to do it. Well… except for poor Australia…

The present situation appears to be the new status quo. We’ll see how 2010 pans out, and how different (if at all) it is from 2008 and 2009. The last batch of games that were being developed before the “guideline changes of 2009” should be just about done now… so if we see vicious rape games released in the fall and winter, that likely means the new guidelines were just smoke and mirrors to keep EN and politcians away. If they seem a lot more tame (not mindless rape just to be mindless rape for the hell of it), then the changes were real.

Yeah, the biggest threat is Bored Journalists. Politicians (and activist groups) are generally too busy to go out searching for things to find offensive, they’re more likely to react to issues being thrown at them. So all they knew about was RapeLay, because that’s what was in the papers.

If someone in the media gets bored and writes an article about how eeeeeeevil jast’s games are, then lots of people will read that and start demanding that someone do something about it. At the moment the media has more than enough things to keep them occupied, probably.

I dare someone to email this link to Equality Now


…because it promotes violence against women.

It’s a politically incorrect satire. :stuck_out_tongue:

I laughed.

EDIT: Anyway, I emailed it to EN.

lol… I wonder what EN would think of this:

http://www.time.com/time/nation/article … l?hpt=Sbin

It is kinda funny though. I mean this is the military: people curse and insult all the time. But in her case, she made too many enemies and they all reported her to take her down. She thought she was untouchable because she was a Captain. :lol:

There’s actually a larger list. The ban uh bans anything but consensual sex pretty much. It’s 1/2 dissapointing and 1/2 understandable.

Dissapointing: NO TENTACLES!!!
Understandable: They’re probably trying to lessen rape or other similar things that may have been caused by the games.

I’m going to wait until I’ve seen some statistics showing tentacle rape to be a significant real-life problem before commending the banning of it, personally. As no countries release statistics for numbers of tentacle rape incidents, I think it will be hard to prove.

Poor cephalopods… they always suffer from racial persecution… :frowning:

But it is still forced rape so I don’t think it makes a difference.

Saying, “it is still forced rape” is a bit redundant, don’t you think? By definition rape is an act of force, whether through physical or other means.

Hey, don’t leave out the poor demons and other creatures of darkness! They have feelings too (even if some of them do talk a little funny)

I always leave my back door open for demons.

… Wait, that sounded wrong…

… I am 100% positive that does not meet Youtube’s Acceptable Terms standards.

It seems some people just won’t let this issue die:

http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2010/04/1 … -standing/

Not to worry. That always happens… on a monthly basis in fact.

Usually follows (or followed by) the speech that whaling is threatening their international standing… or something about the Japanese WW2 memorial shrine is threatening their international standing… or the way the country handles immigration is threatening their international standing.

Japanese still hunt whales, have politicians visit their war shrine, and questionably deport Filipino/Chinese/Korean blooded citizens with a passion. All of which, of course, threaten Japan’s international standing… at least until the Yen starts pouring in. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nothing to fear about this one. It probably just got attention, because of CNN’s recent necromancy… but it’s a common event.

Sorta like how the Native American Nations always complain to Congress, about their second citizen status (via their non-voting representatives in Congress) every session… but unless you actually watch CSPAN, will never know about it. Someone was watching Japan’s version of CSPAN. :stuck_out_tongue:


A fun article by an ultra conservative writer (note how he feels about Japanese gaming, plus refuses to acknowledge Obama as President). What’s interesting, is that he at least acknowledges that EN ain’t helping anything, and that Japan ignores foreign media probing (as they do with whaling and etc).

I would like to note though, that I am disgusted at the massive sexist nature of these complaints. Women this. Children that. What about the strapping, muscular, beef cake men? Huh? What about their rights?

Some tentacle rape beasts are female after all. :wink:

[attachment=2]lol.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1]lol2.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=0]lol3.jpg[/attachment]

What’s that? You want the sauce? What has been seen, cannot be unseen. :stuck_out_tongue: