Rape games will be banned in Japan

My particular branch of feminists will claim that most people protesting male rape are feminists as well. :stuck_out_tongue: (On the flip side, not all feminists protest male rape, there are people out there who think it’s “only fair” that horrible things happen to men to “make up for” bad things happening to women. Quite a lot of comments on threads about any male rapist have to be deleted because of idiots calling for similar things to happen to the culprit; moderators sigh and point out the hypocrisy.)

Those tentacle rape beasts don’t look very female, though! Hermaphroditic maybe, but…

And on a note of frustration:

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/engl … 630072.stm

Wait, “She was having sex with someone else and not screaming so clearly it was okay for me to have sex with her too!” is your defense??? To me, that sounds more like the prosecution! (Helpful hint: If someone is having sex with someone other than yourself, whether that sex is consensual or not, that does not constitute consent to you!) According to that story he’s not even deigning to pretend that she wanted sex with him…

I do hate to come to this man’s defense, because he’s pretty clearly a rapist (under the circumstances), but he is pretending she wanted to have sex with him.

He claims (towards the end of that article) that she did not reject him, during the period where he moved over and started having sex with her. Of course, that doesn’t mean she consented (she says she went into shock after the first man began raping her) - failing to be told “no” does not mean you can assume “yes”. So his defense isn’t “it was OK for her to sleep with him, so it’s OK for me too”, but rather “she never said no”. It’s still nonsense, and he’s probably the only one who believes this was acceptable (probably not even the guy’s defense attorney believes THAT).

It seems more accurate to me, that he’s the kind of creep who believes that as long as they don’t say no, you can do what you want (which is NOT how it works).

Ugh. I think I need to go rinse my brain out with bleach just for typing that up.

Heh… using his logic, it’s okay to have sex with a comatose or mute, cause of their inability to say, “no.” :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sure being his attorney sucks… but someone has to represent and be the Devil’s Advocate. He probably made him use such a lame defense, so he can get this case over with fast.

Maybe their female tops are just a lure then? :o

say the usual - don’t link to sankaku, as they don’t understand or intentionally misrepresent other people’s arguments, and are generally full of people aptly demonstrating exactly why some feminists think all hentai fans should be locked up for the welfare of society…

Well that’s cool… [url=http://www.cnn.com/2010/LIVING/04/20/census.women.advanced.degrees/index.html?hpt=T2]cause most therapist will be women anyways[/url]. :wink:

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/engl … 644486.stm - They were found not guilty.

I’ll be damned. :shock:

I’m moving to England: basement full of beautiful, enslaved mute twin sisters, here I come. :x

Anyone remember this?


It’s… it’s beautiful… :cry:

HOUND from Turumiku is a title done in the old school Assemblage/Touchy style. Those who know what I’m talking about, know what I’m talking about. Over 2200 CG’s of it. Seriously. Either this game has been in the works for over a year, or whatever restrictions the CSA and EOCS were testing out, just got thrown out the window (cause the rape to story ratio ain’t equal by a long shot: 99% to 1% in this baby).

the ‘old school Assemblage/Touchy style’ - is that the Eien to Natta Rusuban style?

2200 CGs of that?

think I was wise to give this a wide berth~ the very idea of that makes me a bit sick

2200 different CGs or does that include variation CGs?

Well… not of a pre-teen child: even back then, Touchy got a lot of flack for doing that.

However it does the whole shebang of everything else - minus the “getting the Devil’s power” kinda thing (you play as a normal human). Rape, humiliation, torture, Stockholm syndrome, having one woman betray her own best friend for you to repeat the process on. Basically the “irredeemable evil” kind of protagonist. The only happy end for these women, is if you die. The plot is that you rape, ruin lives, rape more, ruin more lives, and the protagonist is proud of rape and ruination. Oh… and there’s a horse. This is exactly the kind of game that the CSA and EOCS changes were supposed to be targeting and stopping: titles portraying women as nothing more than meat sex toys to abuse and humiliate.

In general, Tsurumiku appears to be a “violent rape” studio for HOBIBOX. One of their previous release, featured twincest (Yumekui). However this newest release, pretty much throws out any facade at trying to disguise the stuff with a coherent plot – not to say the earlier works were Shakespeare material.

This is only for hardcore Sith Lords with the blackest, darkest hearts. :stuck_out_tongue:


You’re looking at about 20 to 30 variants for the same image, so something around 100 to 130 “-ish” in different CG’s.

That’s a shame cause Yumekui had quite a decent plot. As you say, certainly not a masterpiece, but the simple fact that the plot was about an eroge-producing studio, and you actually got to play the game they were producing (and for an hour or so, too, with even ero scenes included), after having followed its creation throughout the game, was nice. To date, it’s probably the best dark sexfest I’ve played. So, I was interested in this HOUND, too, but the CGs I saw didn’t exactly impress me, and if the plot was thrown out of the window, too…I think I’ll pass.

Came across this:

http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interes … eimo-anime

So how likely is this writer’s worries?

If a television show is shown that contains, for example, a scene one character kills another character, should there be a message at the start saying that the show does not endorse this kind of behavior? Exactly when was it that media gained a responsibility to portray an idealised version of society where everyone abides by the law? OH, that’s right, I forgot- when people decided that they were corrupting our kids.

Absolutely fucking ridiculous. Doesn’t even deserve to be dignified with a response, really. It’s a non-issue; it’s a Jack Thompson; it’s nothing at all.

EDIT: also I was underaged when I first played eroge, but I didn’t watch a television show telling me to do it.

Sure, if a manufacturer of weapons who prides themselves on preventing their weapons from getting into the hands of killers decided to help the show out by contributing their time in making sure their product was prominently displayed in the show being used by someone to kill someone else, I’d think not putting up a disclaimer would make their prevention policy sound kind of hollow, to be honest.

But that kind of thing happens all the time already and with no such notices! FIREARMS MANUFACTURERS DO PRODUCT PLACEMENT.

Well, inevitably Sankaku picked this story up:

http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2010/10/0 … -industry/

And I am simply stunned. This so called eroge fan heroine doesn’t have anything from Type Moon, Key, Cyc, or Leaf. Outrageous!!

this ‘eroge industry insider’ thing is crap, absolute crap*; unless I see something more official I don’t see feng exactly crying themselves to sleep over this.

Mind, I haven’t watched it; although when it comes out on DVD or something I might have to buy a copy just to see. Anime is pretty expensive, though, compared to eroge for the value you get. This might be hilarious enough to be worth it though

EDIT: *er, to clarify, I’m not saying the person saying this stuff isn’t an ‘eroge industry insider’, just that I doubt their feelings are exactly replicated across the swathe of companies that allowed their products to be used for this.

Are gun manufacturers also proclaiming loudly that their own self-regulation would prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands? If so, then they would probably also look kind of silly.

There’s supposed to be an official stream available on Nico Nico Douga soon, as well as a subtitled stream on Anime News Network.