Rape games will be banned in Japan

According to encubed the head of NEXTON is also the head of EOCS.

I think it’s a rotating position. Like being Secretary-General of the UN. NEXTON just happened to be the poor bastard on watch, when this all happened.

My point was that there’s no reason any of Peach Princess’s existing titles should be affected–other than Peter suddenly getting cold feet. Which to be blunt, doesn’t seem reasonable.

That said, might developers of past rape games think twice before putting their old games on the table for future localization? That sounds reasonable, perhaps even likely. They wouldn’t want to risk another overseas backlash that could hit them again where it really hurts–domestically.

Sorry, was it wasn’t the back, it was the instruction booklet. Seems they did not put anything too sensative on the back. Top of page 7 has the image. It also has a CERO18 rating on the bottom right front cover and I can tell you there is no extreme violence, gore, profanity, etc. in Popotan.

Which is why I said it wouldn’t be easy. Basically only if enough thought they would go out-of-business would it be even somewhat possible.

That seems to be the best case, although it may extend beyond just rape games to eroge games in general.

Not a red name, but I’ve managed to reach Peter for comments on the situation:
http://novelnews.net/2009/06/04/jast-us … ntroversy/
In short, he doesn’t believe there will be any bad effects.

But there probably arent EXPLICIT sex scenes, either. theres a difference between being fairly racy and being Pr0n…

It was the blog of the head writer of the MTV Movie Awards. Eminem himself admitted it in an interview with RapRadar. He said he laughed for three hours afterwards. Going off without the facts makes them look less over-protective and more interested in exercising power.

You’re not paying attention to what I wrote.

It was on someone’s blog - but the post was quickly deleted. And all news stories referred to it anyway, while MTV, etc, refused to make any official comment. This, to many people, NOT just feminists, looked suspicious… like MTV was trying to defuse the situation, but without saying anything concrete that they could be caught on in the off chance there actually was a legal dispute.

Are they right? Maybe, maybe not. But try to see things through someone else’s eyes and understand their thought processes.

Eminem has now ‘admitted it’ - As I said, there was a snowball’s chance in hell that he would actually come forward and say ‘I didn’t agree to this, this was wrong, I’m hurt.’ OF COURSE he ‘admitted’ it. It would be a career torpedo for him to cry over it now. Everyone expected him to say this eventually.

So, for those who think he was done wrong by, the admission is forced and meaningless. Of course, that also means they’re ignoring what he’s actually saying. They could be right, they could be wrong.

His admission, iirc, also goes along with the story that’s been told by people OTHER than that one blogger who were also present - that the stunt was done differently in rehearsal. He refers to how much ‘better’ they did it in the live show.

I am not saying that I personally swear he was assaulted, because I don’t know! I’m not taking a position on this. But if you look at it from another viewpoint, you can see how some people feel that way.

So, how on earth do you read people being genuinely concerned that a man has been mistreated and forced to lie about it in order to save his career as being more interested in exercising power? They may be completely 100% wrong about what actually happened, but they reacted to what they saw. And heck, even if he did agree, it looked upsetting, and people who feel that such a thing is not a funny joke still have something to complain about. :slight_smile:

The whole point of the story was that yes, to many feminists, sexual assault should not be a joke, even if it’s done to a man, even if it’s done to a homophobic misogynistic man.


Here are some details:

-The pressure came from shops after the Rapelay blowup.

-The CSA’s activities, where it asked directors to tone down play rape and fake loli AVs, imply that it will also eventually place restrictions.

the fake-loli AV is with live-action. As the pressure is coming from the shops I expect it to be limited to just that, ie only restricting rape games. It does seem however than the online segment for doujin will be at most only marginally regulated, possibly with naming and such as much of their sales come from that and they don’t have similar pressure.

I find that funny too. And I’m neither female, a feminist, nor a fan of yaoi.

Sure, there’s always extremes where it comes to politics. Sure, there’s feminists that just hate men. I imagine they represent a small fraction of self-proclaimed feminists, just as a small fraction of blacks mug/rape/murder whites as revenge for perceived wrongs. You can’t judge an entire group based on the voices and actions of a vocal / prominent minority. That’s the same twisted logic that leads to fans of lolicon manga being labeled as dangerous pedophiles because child rapists are often caught with lolicon manga in their possession. If you’re going to argue against feminism, either argue against their principles or criticize them as individuals (as you’ve done with Dworkin). Just don’t assume those individuals represent the majority or entirety of feminists.

But really, don’t you think you should just let the issue rest? Do you really want to be known around here merely as “that anti-feminist guy”? Find some other topics to post in and share some of your other interests. Although it may not seem like it at times, we do more than just whine and complain about our gripe of the moment. :stuck_out_tongue:

So… with all the news being confirmed and trickling through the cracks…

We’re looking at the total death of new “hardcore rape games” by EOCS members within 6 to 8 months… possibly followed by CSA if something of theirs catches “international media” attention.

Damn… there goes my Xmas… (and so much for the dream of an especially evil MinDeaD BlooD 2) :frowning:

Is that company some of the Cyc members went off to form on their own under EOCS? Because if it isn’t then maybe the people of Black Cyc can release their hardcore stuff under that company from here on (and sadly anything new from Black Cyc will get about as dark as Before Dawn Daybreak(sighs very deeply), and maybe MinDead 2 could be published by them. Kind of like how Tonarizuma was originally published by Caligula but its sequel somehow was published by Gash.

Kinda hard to make their own group right now because commercial stores won’t accept game that aren’t rated by either EOCS or CSA. Not only that, the stores didn’t want to carry rape games after the controversy, so they complained to the EOCS, and that’s the main reason they banned them.

Some Black Cyc writers left LONG before this, based on what I read on this board, and are making doujin games,and Cyc still owns the rights to MinDead, and I doubt they’d give it away.It looks like the CSA will eventually restrict rape as well, given that last summer, they discoureged play rape AVs (CSA also regulates some AVs as well as games). This, added to the stores not taking the rape games, pretty much means rape is dead for commercial games. :expressionless:

Well I’ll be damned… it seems a pro-software pirate group has won political elections in Europe. We should do that… although calling ourselves the Porno Party might not be a good idea. :wink:

Cyc was a combination of in-house talent and regularly hired individuals who seemed to have a very friendly relationship with Cyc. For example Denkare isn’t officially affiliated with Cyc, but regularly perform exclusive music for them. Also the key person who wrote the scenario for MinDeaD BlooD is a freelance author, although he contributes to Cyc titles (I see his name a lot as “special thanks” in other BCyc titles). However something happened in Cyc that caused [b]in-house talent, their Denkare connection, and several freelance commissioners to create a new brand[/b]. No official reasons were given; and for a good chunk it seemed Cyc was without their aid (the time after Gun-Katana). They suddenly came back though, and started working on Mugen Kairou 2 and all the exclusive goodies for Cyc Members. Again, no reason stated for the shift back.

However I agree with Shade… the IP rights for MinDeaD belong to Cyc. I’m sure the company would happily allow the original creators to return and make a sequel, but it would be under the rules Cyc has to follow… which are set by EOCS. Therefore the new anti-rape rules, pretty much ruin a lot of potential. Not saying they couldn’t make a MDB2 that was only 20% rape - totally possible - but that’s something MDB1 never had to face, and turned out great because of it.

A bit OT, but it looks like they’ve secured 2 seats (or will shortly). More than 1, but not enough on their own to make any difference. It will be interesting to see how they try to ally themselves to get parts of their agenda pushed forward.

As to the Porno Party…yea, although i’m sure it would get a lot of press, which when your small, you haveto consider that kind of free publicity.

The 20% HCG rule is utterly insane: Here’s why.

It targets story-heavy games MORE than rape games.

Rasen Kairou is >20% rape
Rasen Kairou 2 is >20% rape
Eien no Aselia: The Spirit of Eternity Sword is >20% rape

These games are not exactly ‘rape games’ - Eien no Aselia is most DEFINITELY not. But they are story-heavy games, and can’t build up a lot of HCG of non-rape scenes without harming the story, because when you add unnecessary sex scenes to a story it DOES harm it. This is because rape scenes are almost always part of the overall story of a game. Non-rape scenes, on the other hand, are almost always bolt-ons that don’t affect the plot either way.

Actual rape games can throw as many love-love H scenes afterwards - where the girl is now your submissive slave, and you can take her for walks around the park and shit - and it wouldn’t matter. Both RUNE’s Musume Shimai and Tanuki Soft’s Mei Shoujo come under 20%, and if I was part of the moral front, I would definitely object to those a lot more than goddamn EIEN NO ASELIA.

Why is this a bad thing? Well, what do we want the eroge industry making more of? More high quality SRPG/VN hybrids, with deep, beautifully written plots, fully-constructed fictional languages and wonderful characters or more games where you play a pedophile whose entire aim is to have sex with his two daughters (or nieces)? Well, we’ll be seeing a lot more of the latter since the eroge company can actually make those now. Thank you, anti-rape prohibition!

Finally, even AYAKASHIBITO has 15% rape CG, and it’s so far from a rape game it’s ridiculous.

As explained by Canned Dogs: stores that carry CSA and EOCS titles technically don’t get held liable for the content of them. If someone has an issue with something in those products, the store owner can deflect the blame to CSA and EOCS, who have a special legal fund to fight such cases (I suppose). On the flip side, game makers are also given an easy escape from liability, because they can claim that CSA and EOCS approved a title they made. Basically it’s a free “get out of jail” card… one can easily understand why only CSA and EOCS approved products are desired. However since the whole RapeLay thing, the retailers themselves have become wary of carrying rape titles. They now feel the “insurance policy” of the CSA and EOCS label is no longer as safe as it was before. Thus EOCS and CSA have multiple reasons to impose limitations on rape.

According to DLSite however, hardcore rape titles make a huge chunk of their sales, and they aren’t too happy with how things are turning out. That being said: the whole “digital download” market, could be the future of hardcore rape titles, since it cuts out the middle man retailer. Digital downloads also cut out the costs for printing discs, shipping boxes, warehouse storage space. Thus if a company sells something for 9800 yen directly online, they get the whole 9800 yen profit.

However that introduces the problem of the Japanese government stepping in to impose national laws, since these titles would be released outside the jurisdiction of CSA and EOCS - which were created for the sole purpose of preventing national laws from being passed.

Why do I think you enjoyed EnA a lot, Lancer?
Not that I blame you, of course, I went “Holy shit” when playing it and religiously bought all of its sequel afterwards. :wink:

On topic, I’m sure that a great game such as Dai Akuji would be forbidden under the new regulations (probably more than 20% CGs) but reducing it to a “rape game” would be so completely wrong.

Well, you know, what some people want is high quality games with deep plots THAT DON’T INCLUDE ANY RAPE IN THEM.

For many people, the existence of a rape scene in a game - any rape scene - is a problem. Particularly if it’s an explicitly-detailed HCG rape scene that gives the impression the player is meant to get off on it. Creeps them out massively. Completely kills their enjoyment.

I’ve seen this complaint particularly with otome games - how hard it is to find a game that doesn’t include at least one instance of the player being raped, and possibly EVERY PATH involving the player being raped. Sure, some girls are into rape fantasies. Some aren’t!

It’s not like it’s impossible to tell a story that doesn’t include rape. If you find it impossible to write a good romance without rape in it, I think there’s something wrong with you. :slight_smile:

Now, of course, there are plenty of plots that do include rape-as-drama. If you have a story that involves a character being raped and all the terrible consequences that come from it only to eventually be redeemed by true love and blah blah blah, and you’re concerned about that rape scene overcoming the 20% cg threshold? TONE DOWN THE RAPE SCENE. I assume the regs don’t prevent you from having offscreen rape. (I could be wrong.) Even just having fewer CGs in the event, or a fade to black with a few haunting cries leaving you to imagine what’s happening there…

I’m not arguing in favor of the regulation here, obviously. But if it’s impossible for you to tell your story without >20% of HCGs being rape, your game is a rape-fetish game. Maybe not a super hard dark screaming rape-fetish game, but rape-fetish nonetheless. If you’re focusing on it strongly enough that you must have those images in it, you’re doing it intentionally. And your quote sort of proves it:

If the rape is part of the plot and the consensual sex is pointless, it sounds to me like the game’s about rape. Designed around it.