
coughIjitte Princesscough

Away from milking - while related, I guess - and over to recommendations again. I saw one recommendation for Critical Point, which is a game I’m rather curious about, and IIRC it was available on download here. Any other recommendations on that one? Bit more detail? In advance, thank you!

I second the recommendation. It’s a pretty old game, and it shows, but it does have a pretty interesting story despite that. It’s also in an unusual (for b-games) setting, being set on a moonbase where things have gone awry and you (as a military intelligence officer) are sent in to get things back in working order.

One note: The ultimate story behind the game is different depending on which ending you get – that is, who the perp is, and some of the backstory behind that character, changes depending on which route you end up on. I’m not 100% sure this worked as a storytelling technique – but there IS clearly a main route (you’ll know when you find it) and while the story on some of the … less-than-main-routes is kind of abrupt, the main route is pretty solid.

Heh, any time someone asks for a story intensive game, the first suggestions you’ll get are YMK (which you already tried), Crescendo, and Kana - Little Sister. If you don’t mind the game not having “H”, then Ever 17 will also be recommended. I leave it to someone else to make the less obvious suggestions, as I’m about ready to crash finally. (I couldn’t get to sleep last night.)
On a side note, I keep seeing people comment about Antoinette not being an option, though even more often people talk about Aya. Makes me wonder if some player with too much time on his hands has written fanfic of a story for either character.

Aya has possibly more talk on her due to possibly the fanbase, but also the fact it looks as though she was originally designed to be a possibility during development, but got canned early on due to her having a seperate picture section like the 3 main girls. Also the narrative structure of the game gives rise to this possibility; at certain points you chose to either be with aya or another main character in the same way you have 2 choices between 2 main characters.

One route in that game I always longed was one with Misaki Sayama, I really don’t know why but something about her just made me wish she wasn’t just a supporting character probably becouse she seemed somewhat smarter then the rest. Some perhaps considered her extremly dull, but something just clicked when I saw her the first time.
Antoinette however, now thats a girl I could be without… the bullying aside, her voice and the attitude really got under my skin which definately felt like it was intended… hmm, well it just makes me wonder why anyone would wish for a route with her.

For the same reason people play Atlach Nacha. Bringing down absolute hell on characters you hate can be very cathartic. (assuming it’s going to be an insult/humiliation route, not a love-love route)

Thanks for explaining why Jinnai. I knew myself why Aya is talked about more, but was in no condition to explain it properly with how tired I was when I wrote that post.

Wow, this is the first I’ve seen someone talk about her. While I liked her as well, there were two reasons why a route wouldn’t make sense with her.First, it is stated early on (at least when going Aeka’s route) that she already has a boyfriend. In fact, it may just be me, but I got the distinct impression from that dialog where she asks you to get her something for lunch because she “has to do something for her boyfriend”, that she went off to some corner of the school with him and gave him a blowjob. Again, it might just be my imagination, but the combination of the way she is kind of smirking and how after she gets back she apologizes because her boyfriend said he would treat her to lunch gave me that impression. The second reason that she wouldn’t fit the story is that she is too stable for the overall theme of the game. As far as I could tell, she didn’t have any significant problems.

Yeah, I definately see why she didn’t have a leading route in the game, for me as I pointed out it was merely a little wish that she was more then she actually was… Her having some sort of problem however could still exist, just not as obvious as Aeka and Nekoko. But yeah… the boyfriend still exists, but if I should think about further maybe it’s there the issue could be… everything from him being abusive or threating her as a property rather then a girlfriend etc. could be a story… but again, I’m merely thinking about this becouse I’d actually like to see her having a bigger role, I guess thats the good part of an imagination… what you don’t get in a game, you get elswhere. :wink:

Very true; in fact, in eroges like this, the girls with the fewest outward symptoms are usually the ones that are the most screwed up, internally. Take Tsuyokiss for example - specifically, Yoshimi. She seems to be the least flawed girl of the lot, as the only non-tsundere, but you have no idea.

I never took it as her not caring for her “former” friend, but rather that she didn’t have the courage to stand up against Antoinette, and considering how much of a outcast Kouhei became after he did, I don’t really think anyone could blame her or Iogi to much. This was a severe form of bullying which I highly doubt goes to this lenght in real life, I might ofcouse be naive to think that way.

But hell… putting myself in Sayama and Iogi’s shoes and being around that age I could only imagin it being a rough choise, while it isn’t admirable atleast it’s quite human to follow the flow on matters like these.

What, you mean over 20? :lol:

Joking aside, I agree with Quinn about Sayama. I perfectly understand why she and Iogi take the easy way out of the situation, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.

I’m playing Brass Restoration now and I recommend it :wink:
For those who liked Snow Sakura.