Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

My wife is male btw…“cut” too

btw, I am straight :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Lamuness:
hohoho...nobody's looking at my wife's video?

as in Nobody-san or nobody as in no one. I looked at it. Mango is cute. Didn't know you were into that whole interspecies marital relationship thing though.
I see my cat as more of a sister.

oh, I kiss my cat…

Originally posted by Lamuness:
oh, I kiss my cat...

actually very normal behavior. I would, but Samantha hates that.

ok, i forgive you SB, but no more shenanigans in the future ok? hehe, i finally got to use the word shenanigan in conversation! woohoo!

and i looked too…very adorable cat…i spent most of the time while watching going ‘oh how cuuuuuuuuute’ in a very high-pitched stereotypically female way

i wouldn’t classify any of my cats as cute, personally…Calypso is a big tortie girl with huge feet, Pandora is a tiny orange girl who hates everything feline and loves everything human, and Maya is a grey and white little girl who will claw your eyes out if you touch her tail i always adopt from shelters and try to adopt the hard-to-adoptables, so cute is not usually how you describe them since they have issues

Originally posted by Bigdog:
Okay lets see if I got all this after reading that. This is the off-topic path as I see it. *PREPARE FOR A MASSIVE RUN ON SENTENCE* We got Japanese Text box question, leading to "Why Lamuness doesn't like Kumiko", leading to who is not a Goddess anymore and who gets the now vacant spot, leading to if there even is a vacant spot debate, leading to a Misc. Kumiko found on yahoo who won a award in 1998, leading to Math proofs on convincing people that 2+2=5, leading to Scuddman,Fxho, and Nobody beginning a math debate, leading to Chickens running around with their head cut off and how long this usually lasts, leading to how proud Spectator will be with this topic, leading to Lesbian strippers (a staple of every good off-topic thread), leading to goat sacrifice, leading to fun with smiley faces, leading to consequences of recieving a kiss from ladyphoenix, leading to random poetry qoutes, leading to ladyphoenix boyfriend rants...

....leading to discussions about anxiety disorders and others, leading to more random poetry and languages, leading to longdistance relationships and whether or not they'd work, leading to how we feel about songs and whether we are shut in or not, leading to who's in line for a kiss from ladyphoenix, leading to discussions of cats, leading to stealing and defending ladyphoenix, leading to more cat discussion.....

let's keep it up! before long, we'll have a book of utter nonsense! [img][/img]

Hah, I got post 250 for this thread.

This thread has more posts than most people (including me).

[This message has been edited by ksarchet (edited 08-15-2002).]

My my, and the oddness goes on and on. Besides, Lamuness-san, I thought you didn’t want us eating up your bandwidth?

My thought was, what was Mango thinking? "I’m thirsty over here but does he help? No, he just sits there with the camera…"

And boy is this a really long thread…

Well I don’t want people keep reloading the movie (eg via the browser) and waste me bandwidth. Sure you can view it, but i’d say download it to your hard drive first.

Cute cat.

Did something outside catch his attention or did he just decide he was done filming? ^_-

Sheesh, I go away for two days and all this happens. You people need to learn to control yourselves.

Thanks to ladyphoneix-san and Nobdoy-san for their imput on the long distence relationship. Even though they were the only ones that said anything about it… and for that matter. Wasn’t really that positive at ALL…sigh Great…, now I wonder what will become of her and me… Oh well, you guys don’t want to hear about my long distance relationship problems anyway.

As for Ladyphoenix’s kiss and/or date delima. You guys should be ashame of yourselves. Have you no honor!? She’s already involve with someone and your trying to get a kiss and/or date from the Goddess, and I use the term loosely… If you guys want a girlfriend so much. Why don’t you go out and try to find one yourselves!? And if you already have one! Go to her, she’ll appricate it and so will you! Enough said!

As for the cat thing, to quote a cat from a certain movie, “Cats rule and dogs drool.”

[This message has been edited by Soul Dragon (edited 08-15-2002).]

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
if you want to tell everyone exactly what my disorders are, feel free...i'm not ashamed of's part of who i am and they make me a stronger person...

It's good that you feel that way, and I didn't think you would have minded. But it's not my place to say regardless.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
* glares around *

Who said, I would not want one? I know, I'm risking being torn apart by an angry crowd, but that's a penalty woth the crime of getting to close to a goddess (I mean, Icarus got to close to the sun and was burned too, but he never said, he regretted it...).

Well, no. He did not, seeing as how he was sort of dead.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
And of cause, I would never again try to get in line ahead of SB!
("Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...")

Gaaaaaah! No "Fly me to the Moon!" Not that song! noooooooo....

*has horrible flashbacks to Evangelion*

Originally posted by ekylo:
And okay, I'm still trying to absorb this thread. Trying to go through a 6 page thread the first time is really odd. Then again, doesn't "odd" pretty much describe us normally?

And that's supposing it's a NORMAL six-page thread; this thread is an explicit exercise in attention deficit disorder.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
but i am going to assume it was something i would prefer to choose ot give, so....BAD SB, BAD! no kiss for you! [img][/img]

So you're the Kiss Nazi now?

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
let's keep it up! before long, we'll have a book of utter nonsense! [img][/img]

If you insist. I quote now from Metamagical Themas:

A century and a half after Jopnson wrote his poem, an English actor named Charles Macklin became notorious for boasting that he could memorize any passage on one hearing. To challenge Macklin, his friend the dramatist Samuel Foote wrote the following odd passage:

So she went into the garden to cut a cabbage-leaf to make an apple-pie; and, at the same time, a great she-bear coming up the street pops its head into the shop--What! no soap? So he died; and she very imprudently married the barber: and there were present the Picninnies, and the Joblilies, and the Garyulies, and the great Panjandrum himself, with the little round button at top. And they all fell to playing the game of 'catch as catch can', till the gunpowder ran out at the heels of their boots.

Originally posted by Soul Dragon:
Sheesh, I go away for two days and all this happens. You people need to learn to control yourselves. [img][/img]

That be kinda like asking Scooby-Doo to not accept a Scooby Snack... [img][/img]


Thanks to ladyphoneix-san and Nobdoy-san for their imput on the long distence relationship. Even though they were the only ones that said anything about it... and for that matter. Wasn't really that positive at ALL...*sigh* Great..., now I wonder what will become of her and me... [img][/img] Oh well, you guys don't want to hear about my long distance relationship problems anyway. [img][/img]

Hmm, considering what I hash I usually make of short distance relationships, my opinions on a long distance one would be more than a little suspect. That and I can sometimes be insanely optomistic in the face of the complete lack of common sense, but I tend to be a closet romantic at times... (great, now I just gave myself a weird image... [img][/img] )

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
And that's supposing it's a NORMAL six-page thread; this thread is an explicit exercise in attention deficit disorder.

Boy you're not kidding! [img][/img]

Actually, I might save this thread down. It's always interesting how a normal conversation can bounce widely around and end up in a totally different place from where it started. This is a fun written example of that type of thing. (We did something like that in class once, talked for an hour than afterwards we had to review how we ended up switching from topic to topic throughout the conversation. Try it sometime... [img][/img] )

LOL, I love the Scooby Doo reference, so classic!

Btw long time no see Ekylo.