Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Almost correct. I was told, one of my ancestors was in charge for the horses and carriages for the czar, but I myself am not sure about that.

At least I am positive, my gradfathers parents lived before WWII in the area around Königsberg (Ostpreussen). This is nowadays poland. They fled here at the end of WWII.

(Hey, that's right! Up to now, history-lessons were missing in this thread! [img][/img] )

Heh, History have always been my favourite subject, so it shoult be missing [img][/img].

Ah, and sorry for not beign able to writte a longer answer or answer on the other topic last time I as here, but I just had a 10-minutes-break then, and you can't writte much in 10 minutes.

Interesating to have a family who came from another country, anyway. accordignt o my family book, my family (on my father's side) have always lived in Sweden as far as they know (and most of my ancestors seems to have been either farmers, priests or "klockare" (don't know what the english translation for this is), and memebers of the Village Council. And most of my ancestors have always lived in the same place, except for a few, like my father, who choose to move to the "big city" [img][/img].

Yeah like someone would go and use their real first name for their user name…oh, nevermind.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
accordignt o my family book, my family (on my father's side) have always lived in Sweden as far as they know (and most of my ancestors seems to have been either farmers, priests or "klockare" (don't know what the english translation for this is), and memebers of the Village Council.

Eeeh? Would you mind to explain, what a "klockare" is? [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Eeeh? Would you mind to explain, what a "klockare" is? [img][/img]

Err, allow me first to read the family book again (just to be sure) and then ask my english teacher for advice and then I'll answer next week (should have the answer by then).

My username is my name. K Sarchet. My first name is Kevin. My friends call me Troll.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
well, here's back to earlier randomness...i have an update on my boyfriend situation, in case anyone cares [img][/img]

i think we had a breakthrough last night....we spent the weekdn together and went to six flags with friends yesterday....on the two hour ride home, somehow we got talking about our pasts andi endedup sharing with him just about the entire hell that was my the time we got home, i was crying and in 'cold numb mode' that i go into whenever bad memories overwhelm me...we continued talking when we got up to the apartment and i ended up taking a bath to cool my body, because i had gotten badly badly sunburned to the point of developing sun poisoning (i'm still recovering today) and only felt comfortable in a tub of cold water....somehow the conversation morphed into our own problems and such and with me already being weakened emotionally from the talk about the past, i broke down and told him everything i have been doing the past week concerning him, about how i've talked ot people and they tell me not ot pressure him, and i am going crazy because i don't know where i stand and it hurts so much to hope everytime he does something sweet or nice that maybe he cares now, yet at the same time treating every day together as if it is our last, and how tired and sick of all this i am, but can he blame me, because he has put me in a situation where i can't do anythig but wonder and go crazy and that i am at the point wherei f he tries to break up with me again, i will just let him go because i can't take it anymore

and he just kind of listened to this all and then said something along the lines of 'Mel, you really need to get some sleep and calm down...and think of this, if you were only my friend, i wouldn't stay up until 2am next to a bathtub comforting you' and then went into the bedroom and laid down....

and i got mad....called him back into the room, and said that i was sick of this obscure crap and him saying things that are so easily interpreted as that he cares, but it is like he wants to leave himself an out to back out later,and it pisses me off, and if he cares for me as a girlfriend and such, then he should just SAY it and stop bullshitting me and stop driving me crazy....then i turned away from him and started drying myself off, still crying some.....

and suddenly he came up behind me, put his arms around me, and said, i QUOTE, "You are my girlfriend, and I care about you as my girlfriend"....un quote, then he hugged me real tight for a moment, went in the bedroom and went to bed and didn't say anything else about it, though he did cuddle up with me to fall asleep

for the first time in a while, i fell asleep last night feeling at peace [img][/img]

there, my latest story, in case anyone cares [img][/img]

I think Brian was saying actions speak louder than words. He has been doing everything to get it accross to you that he loves you. He may see words as just that, words. Anyone can say they love you, he was willing to show you that he loves you. I think he said it, only because you needed to hear it said. From what you have said, I would say that Brian loves you very much.

Brian sounds like a good guy. From what I know about good guys, they generally won’t have sex with someone unless they feel they are in the whole Girlfriend/Boyfriend stage of a relationship.

So when do we get to meet the Goddess’s consort.

Originally posted by ksarchet:
So when do we get to meet the Goddess's consort.

Might be akward. How would you like to meet a bunch of people who worship your girlfriend via the net?

Hmm, and if your friends call you "Troll" what do your enemies call you? [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 08-22-2002).]

hey Lady Phoenix I am very glad to hear that things are going well.


Hard to tell with all the screaming as they run away.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Almost correct. I was told, one of my ancestors was in charge for the horses and carriages for the czar, but I myself am not sure about that.

At least I am positive, my gradfathers parents lived before WWII in the area around Königsberg (Ostpreussen). This is nowadays poland. They fled here at the end of WWII.

(Hey, that's right! Up to now, history-lessons were missing in this thread! [img][/img] )

That's right, I hadn't thought of that. History lessons were missing in this thread, weren't they?

In a totally unrelated history lesson, I am told that way back in my family tree there is some sort of illegitimate connection to the Danish royalty.

Originally posted by Doug:
Yeah like someone would go and use their real first name for their user name............oh, nevermind. [img][/img]

Well, I usually go by LrdDimwit, so watch yourself. (As to why I go by Nandemonai here...back when I registered for this BBS, I still didn't want people knowing who I really was or connecting the fact that I like hentai with my real online persona. I don't care about that anymore.)

Originally posted by ksarchet:
I think Brian was saying actions speak louder than words. He has been doing everything to get it accross to you that he loves you. He may see words as just that, words. Anyone can say they love you, he was willing to show you that he loves you. I think he said it, only because you needed to hear it said. From what you have said, I would say that Brian loves you very much.

I do not know anything about relationships, having never ever had one. But it seems to me that ksarchet is right on the money.

Just my two cents.

lol…well, brian is a good guy, but his view on sex is a little different…he spent the last ten years or so of his life being a male slut…so sex is not a super romantic, special thing to him…as a matter of fact, i usually want it more than him because he is sick of it and has better things to think about right now like getting a job

And now, for something completely different…well, okay…in this case, it’s just totally random, but that’s all we’re doing anyway…

Town bans residents from dying:|oddlyenough|08-22-2002::10:25|reuters.html

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
lol.....well, brian is a good guy, but his view on sex is a little different...he spent the last ten years or so of his life being a male sex is not a super romantic, special thing to a matter of fact, i usually want it more than him because he is sick of it and has better things to think about right now [img][/img] like getting a job

Must...restrain...urge...for sarcasm......Urge for sarcasm rising...

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
And now, for something completely different...well, this case, it's just totally random, but that's all we're doing anyway...

Town bans residents from dying:|oddlyenough|08-22-2002::10:25|reuters.html

You know if you ban something like this, it just then becomes trendy to go against the ban...soon everyone will be dying just to be part of the "it" crowd... [img][/img]

~And another one bites the dust~
~And another one’s gone. And another one’s gone. And another one bites the dust~

since thsi is the random topic to end all random topics, i can post this here…

I STILL CAN’T GET THE 5TH ENDING FOR KANA!!! ARGH!!! i am so frustrated…does anyone know the specific choices to get you ending 5 as opposed to ending 4…i have gotten snow so many times i don’t even like the ending anymore