Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

well, here’s back to earlier randomness…i have an update on my boyfriend situation, in case anyone cares

i think we had a breakthrough last night…we spent the weekdn together and went to six flags with friends yesterday…on the two hour ride home, somehow we got talking about our pasts andi endedup sharing with him just about the entire hell that was my childhood…by the time we got home, i was crying and in ‘cold numb mode’ that i go into whenever bad memories overwhelm me…we continued talking when we got up to the apartment and i ended up taking a bath to cool my body, because i had gotten badly badly sunburned to the point of developing sun poisoning (i’m still recovering today) and only felt comfortable in a tub of cold water…somehow the conversation morphed into our own problems and such and with me already being weakened emotionally from the talk about the past, i broke down and told him everything i have been doing the past week concerning him, about how i’ve talked ot people and they tell me not ot pressure him, and i am going crazy because i don’t know where i stand and it hurts so much to hope everytime he does something sweet or nice that maybe he cares now, yet at the same time treating every day together as if it is our last, and how tired and sick of all this i am, but can he blame me, because he has put me in a situation where i can’t do anythig but wonder and go crazy and that i am at the point wherei f he tries to break up with me again, i will just let him go because i can’t take it anymore

and he just kind of listened to this all and then said something along the lines of ‘Mel, you really need to get some sleep and calm down…and think of this, if you were only my friend, i wouldn’t stay up until 2am next to a bathtub comforting you’ and then went into the bedroom and laid down…

and i got mad…called him back into the room, and said that i was sick of this obscure crap and him saying things that are so easily interpreted as that he cares, but it is like he wants to leave himself an out to back out later,and it pisses me off, and if he cares for me as a girlfriend and such, then he should just SAY it and stop bullshitting me and stop driving me crazy…then i turned away from him and started drying myself off, still crying some…

and suddenly he came up behind me, put his arms around me, and said, i QUOTE, “You are my girlfriend, and I care about you as my girlfriend”…un quote, then he hugged me real tight for a moment, went in the bedroom and went to bed and didn’t say anything else about it, though he did cuddle up with me to fall asleep

for the first time in a while, i fell asleep last night feeling at peace

there, my latest story, in case anyone cares

Don’t worry, we care very much. And it does sound like a breakthrough to me. (You do need to watch that sunburn though.) I’m happy for you that it sounds better and I hope for the best for you.

Oh my and I just realized you let slip a little about your human avatar. “Mel” eh? Okay, so I’m easily amused but considering for the most part we rarely, if ever, refer to our real names, I just thought it interesting.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
well, here's
feeling at peace [img][/img]

there, my latest story, in case anyone cares [img][/img]

I think, most of us care. I had to put some effort in restraining myself, not to give my comments to these posts, you made.

But my advices would have been based on my ideas, how human relationships should work and not on my own experiences with them. So, I thought, my comments would have been almost unreliable and thus, I simply left them out. Perhaps, this caused the impression, I did not care. In that case, I'd like to apologize.

I'm glad, you got straightened out things a bit.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 08-21-2002).]

Originally posted by ekylo:
Okay, so I'm easily amused but considering for the most part we rarely, if ever, refer to our real names, I just thought it interesting. [img][/img]

Look, who's talking!
I think, all others of us simply use pseudonyms, but "ekylo" is an acronym (no! this is not a kind of insult!) and thus a direct hint on the real name.
At least, the meanings of "e" and "lo" are obvious after the post at the "Help"-board. The "ky" baffles me a bit, but I suppopse, it is an abbreviation of a second given name.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Look, who's talking!
I think, all others of us simply use pseudonyms, but "ekylo" is an acronym (no! this is not a kind of insult!) and thus a direct hint on the real name.
At least, the meanings of "e" and "lo" are obvious after the post at the "Help"-board. The "ky" baffles me a bit, but I suppopse, it is an abbreviation of a second given name.

Heh, well I said "rarely" not never. [img][/img] Frankly, I've had the "ekylo" login for so many years and on so many sites, it's easier for me to just keep it instead of trying to switch to something else. Just plain lazy I guess. (Then again, in college I had something like 16 different login accounts across 7 systems so having just one login account to remember is much nicer.)

I actually don't mind people knowing my "real" identity, one of the reasons that most reviews I ever do are always under my real name. (Though I was very annoyed by suddenly seeing my name linked to something I didn't do, that's the reason for the "help" post.) Oh and "ky" are my middle initials. I have a Chinese two word middle name.

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 08-21-2002).]

you know, it actually wasn’t a slip that i used my real name in that story…i just figured that a few of you know my real name now since we’ve done LMM card trading and such, so it’s not a big deal anymore to let people know that my real name is Melanie

also, i have shared some pretty intimate details of my life with you guys, so it’s about time to let a few of those protective barriers down, right?

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
also, i have shared some pretty intimate details of my life with you guys, so it's about time to let a few of those protective barriers down, right? [img][/img]

I showed you guys my wife, didn't I :P

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
you know, it actually wasn't a slip that i used my real name in that story...i just figured that a few of you know my real name now since we've done LMM card trading and such, so it's not a big deal anymore to let people know that my real name is Melanie [img][/img]

Of course it's a big deal. Now hymns shall be sung, songs shall be written, poems in all your glory shall be in your real name... (mainly because it's easier to rhyme "Melanie" than "Ladyphoenix"... [img][/img] ) Okay, I'm kidding. [img][/img]


also, i have shared some pretty intimate details of my life with you guys, so it's about time to let a few of those protective barriers down, right? [img][/img]

Still, it's real easy to hide behind the anonymity of our screen names even after sharing such things.. I know back in college, I've talked to people about quite a bit of their personal lives and to this day I'm still not sure who they really are. For all I know, they might have been the person sitting across the computer lab from me.

Well it's a personal choice anyways, how much one wants to share on a board like this. At least we seem to have a pretty good bunch of people here and I do hope that one of these days I can meet some of you in real life and actually talk without waiting around for a reply post. [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
Er that depends. What do you think it means? Nevermind, don't think. It's a less stressful way of living...

9 pages? 9?!? Are we insane? (Not to mention that that is an extremely rhetorical question.)

Next question, why are you questioning how insane we are? Do you want to discuss it? Would now be a good time?

Originally posted by ekylo:
Er that depends. What do you think it means? Nevermind, don't think. It's a less stressful way of living...

I thought it means "Yep. Yep. I'm not lying."

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
well, here's back to earlier randomness...i have an update on my boyfriend situation, in case anyone cares [img][/img]


Take a deep breath and repeat after me:

Stress is good for you! You know what you need? More stress! Here, have thirty cups of coffee or so and see me afterwards.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
you know, it actually wasn't a slip that i used my real name in that story...i just figured that a few of you know my real name now since we've done LMM card trading and such, so it's not a big deal anymore to let people know that my real name is Melanie [img][/img]

also, i have shared some pretty intimate details of my life with you guys, so it's about time to let a few of those protective barriers down, right? [img][/img]

You were keeping track of it to that much of a degree? We scare you that much, huh?

*rereads some of this thread*

...nevermind, I think I can see why...

Originally posted by ekylo:
At least we seem to have a pretty good bunch of people here and I do hope that one of these days I can meet some of you in real life and actually talk without waiting around for a reply post. [img][/img]


What? Are you sure? Do you actually read the messages that get posted here, or do you just have no sense of fear like the pigeons that hang around outside where I work and actually walk *towards* me occasionally?

And now, for something completely different…|oddlyenough|08-21-2002::08:40|reuters.html

An interesting new kind of denial-of-service attack.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:

What? Are you sure? Do you actually read the messages that get posted here, or do you just have no sense of fear like the pigeons that hang around outside where I work and actually walk *towards* me occasionally?

Well, fear usually requires some degree of self preservation instinct or common sense which according to the latest poll at work, both of which I severely lack. Besides, I didn't exactly name names. Maybe I'm refering to only the sane posters here. (Er, we do have one or two right? [img][/img] )

Hmm, I should ask my friend to read this thread. He has a doctorate in psychology and sociology. His opinion on this might be interesting... [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 08-21-2002).]

Originally posted by ekylo:

Hmm, I should ask my friend to read this thread. He has a doctorate in psychology and sociology. His opinion on this might be interesting... [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 08-21-2002).]

Assuming you can keep him from running madly
out of the computer room after the first 5 minutes and you can hide all the Bishoujo stuff. [img][/img]
BTW Insane people never read psychology books so what they do is totaly different.
Originally posted by ekylo:
Besides, I didn't exactly name names. Maybe I'm refering to only the sane posters here. (Er, we do have one or two right? [img][/img] )

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 08-21-2002).]

Mmmm...I don't think, no, wait. I'm pretty sure there have been people who only posted one question they wanted answered, and that was, uh, maybe them? Maybe? Or are we just that contagious?

Originally posted by ekylo:
Heh, well I said "rarely" not never. [img][/img]

Well, my point was: Especially you do it not rarely, but all the time!

Originally posted by ekylo:
I actually don't mind people knowing my "real" identity, one of the reasons that most reviews I ever do are always under my real name.

I don't either. If you lookinto my profile, you find my real name in my email-adress.
I simply don't really like my real name and took the pseudonym "Unicorn" about ten years ago for another purpose. So, "Unicorn" became a name, I gave myself and like much more being called with than by my real name "Juergen Sarunski". (Don't you agree, this name sounds awful? Even, if you pronounce the "ue" as an japanese sounded "u" as in "juu" (ten))

Originally posted by Unicorn:
So, "Unicorn" became a name, I gave myself and like much more being called with than by my real name "Juergen Sarunski". (Don't you agree, this name sounds awful? Even, if you pronounce the "ue" as an japanese sounded "u" as in "juu" (ten))

Hmm, that sounds like a finnish name, or perhaps a russian name [img][/img].

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Hmm, that sounds like a finnish name, or perhaps a russian name [img][/img].

Almost correct. I was told, one of my ancestors was in charge for the horses and carriages for the czar, but I myself am not sure about that.

At least I am positive, my gradfathers parents lived before WWII in the area around Königsberg (Ostpreussen). This is nowadays poland. They fled here at the end of WWII.

(Hey, that's right! Up to now, history-lessons were missing in this thread! [img][/img] )