Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

I didn’t think the Wheel of time series started going downhill till around book 5, the last book winter’s heart was real disappointing I could have read the last 3 chapters and pretty much gotten the same info as reading the whole book, nothing really happened…

Although I have picked up the prologue to Crossroads (due out Nov. 2002) and it was a interesting read, and the interview with Jordan at the end Jordan says that there will only be TWO more books. Also the prologue tells me that alot of stuff is finally going to happen in crossroads (thank god).

Doug: I don’t think Rand was quite as bad as you portray him. He made many mistakes yes but he also suffered because of trusting Aes Sedai, and did not want to make that mistake again. As for the death of the series being no great loss, well everyone is entitled their opinion but I think WoT is still the 2nd best series I have read, and yes I do think books 6,7,8,9 were a slow read and not much got accomplished BUT every one of those books did have memorable chapters and the story is a good one. If Jordan can finish with a bang it will be one of the greats.

The only series I would rate better than WoT is Martin’s “Song of Fire and Ice” Series (now there is a amazing book series). If you have not read it, you definitely should give it a try. Currently 3 books and counting. =)

if you want an incredible read that is a beautiful blend of science fiction, fantasy, and drama, try the Otherland series by Tad Williams…one of my favorite series of all time…

Bag, I’d rather read Terry Goodkind than anything else, or so I think . But then, again, I read almost anything that fits into “fantasy” that I can find. Pity that I can’t afford to buy allt hat many books nowadays, but that’s what a libray’s for, right?

I actually prefer Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman. But like you SB I will read about any fantasy novel.

So Jordan’s finally gonna release the next book this november huh? Man it’s about time, he’s been taking 3 yrs to release 1 book, at that rate we’d all before he finishes the series :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Bigdog:
The only series I would rate better than WoT is Martin's "Song of Fire and Ice" Series (now there is a amazing book series). If you have not read it, you definitely should give it a try. Currently 3 books and counting. =)

Hehe, a Lannister always repays his debts! ^^
I have to agree, that series is excellent. I have to admit, at first I wasn't interested in it. Saw it a few times, skimmed the beginning a bit, but never picked it up. The one horribly boring vacation my friend lent me his copy of Game of Thrones. Poof, I was hooked. My favorite character is Tyrion. ^^

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Bag, I'd rather read Terry Goodkind than anything else, or so I think [img][/img]. But then, again, I read almost anything that fits into "fantasy" that I can find. Pity that I can't afford to buy allt hat many books nowadays, but that's what a libray's for, right? [img][/img]

Yup! Took me awhile to find my school libraries non-educational fiction section. (basement, far corner.) Then I lucked out and found the local public library which was much more fun. Too bad I never used the libraries for study material though... [img][/img]

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Actually I kind of thought that the story starts to pick up after the 3-4th book. But there is just too many things going on at the same time with the Wheel of Time. Jordan is trying too much to give everyone screen time.

Man this thread is really going all over the place we probably could have 10 separate threads here already [img][/img]

And one of the parts of this wonderful thread is the way, every few posts, someone comes along and comments on how whacked it is. Maybe we should just take all these posts and make a new thread just so that people can say it's an odd thread?

Zorian: Good to see a kindred spirit =). I would have to say my fav character list is:
Jon Snow
Daensys (however you spell it)
good old Belwas! (nothing like a scarred up, fat pit fighter to liven up a chapter =) )

One good thing about Song of Fire & Ice is you do NOT know what is going to happen next and whatever you thought was going to happen, you can be pretty sure that it is wrong.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Yup! Took me awhile to find my school libraries non-educational fiction section. (basement, far corner.) Then I lucked out and found the local public library which was much more fun. Too bad I never used the libraries for study material though... [img][/img]

[img][/img] That sounds like me. I use about three libraies (two public ones and the school libray) to statify my "book thirst", but I suspect I'd make better use of thme if i used them for studying... Which I don't do often [img][/img]

Originally posted by Bigdog:
Zorian: Good to see a kindred spirit =). I would have to say my fav character list is:
Jon Snow
Daensys (however you spell it)
good old Belwas! (nothing like a scarred up, fat pit fighter to liven up a chapter =) )

Ghost! Ghost~! ^_- Poor Ygritte. ;_;

I didn't really like Daenerys or Sansa, and Samwell for that matter. ^^;; Their parts of the story irked (in some cases, really irked the heck out of) me for some reason. (Though I did enjoy that certain event with Petyr and that annoying arse Lysa. ^_-)

My other favorites are Jaime, Ayra (to a smaller extent), and ... Clegane. For some reason, I really liked The Hound. @_@;;

Any idea when the next one's coming out? ^^

i was actually wondering if there was a way to rename the thread, to more appropriately title its wackiness

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Err, allow me first to read the family book again (just to be sure) and then ask my english teacher for advice and then I'll answer next week (should have the answer by then).

Any more news about, what a "klockare" is?

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Any more news about, what a "klockare" is?

No, not yet. Been too busy with my studies (great, this is jsut the second week in school, and the "studying hell has all began again), but I'll try to remember to check it.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Any more news about, what a "klockare" is?

Not sure if this is correct but here's the definition from an online site:

"Title for an employee of the church in a parish. Originally his duty was to ring the church bells, hence the name klockare (klocka = bell). In the 17th century (church law of 1786) the duty to teach children was added (mostly using "Lilla Katekesen" by M Luther as reader) and with the creation of folkskola (literally "people's school or school for the people" = compulsory school from the age of 7 (no later than 9) by a law of 1842 the klockare often became the school teacher as well. This law stated that every parish and town should have a school and all children should attend, as from 1878 a total of 6 years at school.
Other tasks that were often combined with the klockare position were those of organist (organ player) and kantor.
The post was disbanded in 1947. Today the bell ringing is electrical and the music is performed by a kantor. School teaching was taken over by specially trained teachers already in the middle-late 1800 as the teacher training caught up with the need for trained teachers."

Ekylo is right about it, but there is something else to think of too; I might have read wrong in the old book. But I think at least one or two of my ancestors was “klockare”.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i was actually wondering if there was a way to rename the thread, to more appropriately title its wackiness [img][/img]

Ooo! Another opportunity to bring up a random tangent! [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

This seems to be a database driven BBS, so I doubt it's possible to do this automatically if it doesn't support it. The reason is probably that topic names are more than likely special to the software, so it probably won't let you change them.

You *might* be able to make a mass copy from one thread to a new, identical thread with a new name and then delete the old one...but that might affect the total number of posts, which isn't a good thing either.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Ooo! Another opportunity to bring up a random tangent! [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

It's not like we usually wait for an opportunity to appear before we go charging off on a tangent anyways... [img][/img]


You *might* be able to make a mass copy from one thread to a new, identical thread with a new name and then delete the old one...but that might affect the total number of posts, which isn't a good thing either.

Or if we were really bored, have everyone post their messages again...ouch, stop throwing things! Actually, I think it's more fun without an appropriate topic. Some curious newbie comes poking around, interested in the very long thread with the non-threatening subject, and next thing they know, they have been insnared within the insanity!!!!! [img][/img]

Zorian: No idea when the next one is due out (please no Jordan like timeframe…). Yeah Sansa has had it pretty rough so far…

Due to an order of our master, IlPallazzo, this post of the thread belongs to ACROSS.

This is a further succesful step of our conquest to build an ideal world: Today the post, tomorrow the thread and next week the whole board!