Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

Originally posted by Lamuness:
Trio? ....trio? Who's the other two (one actually)?


0h yeah…damn I forgot

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:

ok, wait a minute, does that mean she ceases to be one of the trio of goddesses?

Does this mean there is a Goddess spot now open
for grabs?

Originally posted by woodelf:
Does this mean there is a Goddess spot now open
for grabs?

Does a goddess lose her powers if we stop worshipping her or does she merely become a minor goddess with limited power?

I think you people has been reading/watching too much Aa! Megamisama! too much this last couple of days…

Well in Dungeons and Dragons if a deity stops being worshipped they would probably lose all divne ranks above Zero, and somebody else would be in control of the no longer worsipped deity’s portfolio.

So who are we going to replace Kumiko with?

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 08-04-2002).]

[begin geek out]

You know, there’s always been a lot of very thorny philosophical issues with that whole “belief affects reality” thing. Suppose you managed to convince a lot of people that 2+2=5. (If you’re wondering how, go reread 1984.) Would that make reality lose all self-consistency (thereby destroying the universe)? Or suppose you convinced lots of people that what they believe has no effect on reality. What happens then?


Originally posted by Doug:
So who are we going to replace Kumiko with?

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 08-04-2002).]

...vampire lemons?

Originally posted by Lamuness:
Fxho, double-byte me personally (after giving it some thought) I don't think it matters a lot anyways. Bottom line, a english sentence will most likely take up more bytes/spaces than the same sentence in japanese.

Singlebyte vs. multibytes or ASCII vs. Unicode.
First, the coding of the characters doesn't influence in any way the displaying of those characters. It impacts the time for them to be displayed, as each OS are internally coded in either ASCII or Unicode. Typically Win31, Win95/98 and WinME are ASCII while WinNT, Win2K and WinXP are Unicode. Thus the 95/98 OS would convert Unicode into ASCII before displaying them while can display ASCII without conversion (thus faster); and the other way for NT OSes. Also, the text-portion of the source files are twice the size and the source code has to use the widechar functions, but, other than that, there's no consequence on the display.
Oh yeah, besides, you can write English text in Unicode as well...
Originally posted by ladyphoenix:

ok, wait a minute, does that mean she ceases to be one of the trio of goddesses?

How could that be? I mean, a goddes is a goddess, right? A virtual goddess even matches best the topic around here.

So, if Dave E made up a virtual person and even some people believed, she exists, she was at that time a trusted virtual person, and just before leaving even promoted goddess. Even after her true nature is now revealed, of cause, she remains as a part of our pantheon, although, she never physically existed (something, that no other not-bishoujo-god/-godess, I ever knew of, could claim him-/herself either).

By the way:
If we want to stay true to the cast of Aah! Megami-sama, we have to think of the post of the fourth godess (Peorth) as well as the post of the demon (Mara). (nah, I refuse to take the roles of Tamiya or Otaki! [img][/img] )

(Also, I am not sure, who would have been our "Belldandy" in the first place.)

And YES, I take full responsibility, that this kind of thinking made me suggest to ladyphoenix-sama the thing with the goddess-icon in order to have the opportunity to keep my imagination of a bishoujo-goddess in favor of the real image. So, I am the one to blame for you having to wait for the post of her image at her page.

(Ouch! Don't throw that hard! Has no-one ever heard of the word "patience" at all?) [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 08-05-2002).]

the strange thing is that there is an actual person with the name Kumiko Kamiyama. She is an award winning high school artist in North Carolina. Or at least she was in 1998.

[This message has been edited by ksarchet (edited 08-05-2002).]

Originally posted by ksarchet:
the strange thing is that there is an actual person with the name Kumiko Kamiyama. She is an award winning high school artist in North Carolina. Or at least she was in 1998.

oh man...please don't freak me out. I am already freaking out with my thesis and I don't think I can take another "freak-out"

“What’s the matter? Real or artificial, a person is a person!”
– Deunan, “Appleseed”.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
oh man...please don't freak me out. I am already freaking out with my thesis and I don't think I can take another "freak-out"

One of the first things I did when I didn't know if she was a real person was to do a Yahoo search on the name. I didn't mean to freak you out. sorry.

Originally posted by Nobody:
Oh boy, an existencial debate. The entire basis of the debate is whether reality is objective or subjective. If reality is objective, then personal beliefs do not affect it in the least, however, if reality is subjective, then it is shaped by the views of those who inhabit it. Now, the view that reality, if there was a radical shit in beliefs, under the subjective paradigm, would lose cohesion is only one possibility. There is also the possiblity that reality would warp fairly seemlessly to fit the new beliefs. Also, there is the possiblity of a defense mechanism built into reality. Any paradox created by introducing a new reality, from the new beliefs, would cause reality to "fight back." Also, if there was such a backlash, there are many different views on what causes it. Does reality have a sentience of its own that rebels against being altered? Are there higher beings tasked with maintaining reality? Would it be the collective subconsious of the masses defending their own worldview.

*looks around yet again*

I really need to learn when to shut up.

*grabs the flow of conversation*

*brandishes a sacrificial copy of Transfer Student menacingly*

Nobody moves or the Transfer Student disc gets it! I'll just be...borrowing the conversation here!

(switches back to the off-topic at hand)

In any event the big problem is that reality has to ultimately be self-consistent; literal impossibilities are, well, impossible. Which means that if what you believed DID literally affect reality, it would be impossible for you to believe that 2+2=5. (This has interesting consequences for first graders learning how to do arithmetic.)

Originally posted by ksarchet:
the strange thing is that there is an actual person with the name Kumiko Kamiyama. She is an award winning high school artist in North Carolina. Or at least she was in 1998.

[This message has been edited by ksarchet (edited 08-05-2002).]

I think I can see why Lamuness got freaked by that. If one reads that perversely, one could almost be convinced that you were alluding to the fact that she's dead now (which would indeed be a creepy thing to say).

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I think I can see why Lamuness got freaked by that. If one reads that perversely, one could almost be convinced that you were alluding to the fact that she's dead now (which would indeed be a creepy thing to say).

Nope, I just figure that was a pen name.
But the point is not who she is , but what she said. That still is true today. Your Support of B-Games is still needed.
If you want creepy watch Lain:The serial Experiments.

I was trying to say that in 1998 she won the award, and that at this current time I don’t know what she is doing. From what I read I got the impression that it was her real name, not a pen name. The girl in North Carolina that is.

Originally posted by ksarchet:
I was trying to say that in 1998 she won the award, and that at this current time I don't know what she is doing. From what I read I got the impression that it was her real name, not a pen name. The girl in North Carolina that is.

I ment the name used here. Sigh

sorry woodelf. Rereading the post, it is quite clear who you mean.